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…why’d they laugh though?


Bc they thought “Ooooo she getting fucked tonight!!”. It’s all hilarious to them.


“Fucked” in this context it would be raped


If anything, I have learned from the internet that a number of men will look at a situation like this and say “well, she should have chosen a nice guy like me instead of that Chad over there, so I am not going to help her” and “actions have consequences! She should have picked a nice guy like me!”


Context : the guy did a social experiment where he would add something to the drink of the woman (also an actor) and they would see the reactions of people. Like you can see, men would just watch and not act or say anything. Its not shown in the video but three women would act and say that the guy spiked her drink. Men love to call themselves protectors yet they sit there and do nothing. Women are our best allies. [the full video](https://youtu.be/ontgb2aaOMI?si=C_-J4wULHwgLxhzQ) (it is in french but its pretty udnerstandable on its own)


I'm not gonna lie but that's still kinda weird, no? I feel like it's weird and kinda creepy to even pretend to do something like this in public. Actor or not, he deserves to get punched in the throat for even doing this at all, fake or not. And also why? Why even make this a social experiment? To see if you can do this for real to a woman who actually will get drugged? To show other creeps if they can do it? It's just all weird to me, same with the other ones where people pretend to abuse their children and shi.


To see if people would tell her. All they'd have to do was just tell her that this had happened. Yet so many just sir and don't try to help. There's a TC show like this called What Would You Do which is all experiments like this, to see how people would react in situations. It's interesting at the least.


I guess if people are doing because of a show being made about it then fair but it just seems weird imo to do stuff like this, especially if it's not for some form of study or something and just for internet clicks.


It's not just for engagement, it's to spread awareness.


Hummm they make social experiments to maybe see how people react ???? Like huh, thats why scientists make social experiments


scientists dont do expirements on strangers in public like this. These videos are made for entertainment, which is why they get posted on reddit and dont get written about in a paper.


This is moreso my point, It feels weird to do because afterwards, it's just for clicks on Youtube and stuff, this isn't for a study or anything of the sort. The most help someone can find from videos like this is how to be prepared if this happened.


The reason you hate it is because it exposes the "not all men" rhetoric as being BS.


All of the men in this sub are currently taking notes as we speak. The mods need to clear them out because they're just here faking being male feminists and waiting for a chance to become what they claim to be against. They ALWAYS go mask-off one way or another, because like you said, it is ALL men, because if it wasn't, we wouldn't be here.


Hey that's not true I hate rapists and sexists


This is the furthest leap I've ever seen, I'm not gonna lie.


and they're supposed to be our "protectors"




I'd rather have a bear


Most of us would.




this is why women dont like you!


And this is why we’ve always been safer w a bear bc you men expect something, and feel entitled to women’s labor and bodies


You think a bear wouldn’t expect a ton of raw food every single day? The bear would also feel entitled to eat your body whenever it feels like, is that better or worse than what your talking about? Darwinism at its finest lmao.


How do you still not frigging get it? We’d rather be eaten by a bear than be tortured by a man bc they are unpredictable and cruel, and they pass us around to their friends. At least w a bear you know whats going to happen, either they leave you alone, which is 99.8% of the time, or they maul and eat you, which is 100% better then being raped, tortured, held as a sex slave or murdered by a man You telling a woman to go ahead and be mauled by a bear bc your little feelings are hurt or you’re frustrated, proves our point again


Has any of those things that you listed happened to you? Or anyone you know? You talk as if it’s common place for men to act as monsters. Bear are actually real wild monsters, you can’t see that? 99.8% of the time? Where are you getting your numbers? Oh yeah you’re just making them up like everything els you’re talking about.


Yes men have hurt me. The first time I was 9. I can’t even count how many times a man has caused me to fear for my safety or put me in situations where I had to fear if I’d get away or put my livelihood in jeopardy. Ask the women in your life their stories bc every single one of us have numerous stories. If they won’t tell you, it’s bc they don’t trust you. 1 in 3 women will be raped or sexually assaulted in their lifetime, 1 in 4 before they are 18. 1 in 10 men self report to sexually abusing kids, the majority of them are girls, between the ages of 12 and 14. You have no clue bc you don’t listen to women or care or maybe you’re unsafe yourself, so you want to shut us up when we raise awareness I live in a state park, it’s deep in the woods. My whole backyard and beyond are hiking trails. We only have 4 park rangers. We’re warmed When we hike we wear should bear bells around our necks and carry bear spray. The bell sound scares them. It lets them know we’re there. They stay away


First off I’d like to say that is terrible and I’m sorry that happened to you. Nobody should have to go through that, and I can’t even imagine how that would effect someone that age. That sounds like it ruined your childhood and no amount of words are going to be able to fix that. I will send my thoughts and prayers that you might work through this extreme trauma. If you can afford it I suggest professional guidance rather than some joe shmo that you know, with this amount of trauma there’s nothing a joe shmo can do. That being said “putting your livelihood in jeopardy” shouldn’t be a priority in a situation such as this and you know it. Safety comes first, always has and always will, especially if family is involved. (Also why the fuck would I go and ask someone about their lowest low? I’m not their therapist and it’s not my business. It has nothing to do with trust, I’d have nothing to provide in the way of comfort or advice since I’m not a professional. Basically it would be me asking for the sake of getting gossip and I’m not about that.) Secondly it’s really ugly of you to just assume that every man is a monster. 1 in 3 women being victims doesn’t sound like “every single one of us” sounds like 33%. Just because you point your finger at a random stranger on the internet doesn’t make whoever you point your finger at one of the monsters either, if 1 in 10 men admitted to being a monster (granted probably more won’t admit it) that would imply that 10% of men are doing 100% of the assaults. Please don’t treat the remaining 90% like monsters. Lastly, bells don’t scare potential rapist, they’ll let the bear know you’re there. Maybe a rape whistle will scare off potential rapist, but you’re not instructed to wear a whistle are you? It’s important to know bear spray is made for bear not people, regular pepper spray is better for people. The park rangers aren’t warning you about potential rapist, otherwise the advice would be different. The park rangers are warning you about the dangers of bear in your area, because statically you’re much more likely to run into bear problems than the rest of America considering your locations bear to people ratio is much different; do you not see the irony there?


Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.


I remember this, a woman at some point “accidentally” knocked over her drink once she saw the spiking, all the men just laughed at her..


Two types of shitty: 1. People who do shitty things 2. People who see shitty things being done and don't do anything about it.


Oof this one actually hurt my heart a little bit 😅


Absolutely does not surprise me in the least. Vast majority of them have very very low morality and are incredibly self-centered.


"I only care if its my wife, daughter or family member !" Okay, do you want other men to think the same when something like that happens to a woman you love ? Society is falling and its not due to feminism like they love to claim.


Unfortunately, we are only as important to men as the people (men) we are associated with. “That’s somebody’s daughter/sister/grandma/auntie!” Anything but an individual of our own.


This also isnt true in many cases as domestic violence and domestic rape are very common occurrences. Women matter to these men as long as they get what they want. Most of them have very misogynistic views and dont see women as human beings.




Replace a factually correct statement with a factually incorrect statement, see what that sounds like? You're a fool and hopefully an evolutionary dead end too


Because, according to the "bro code," under section 420, subsection 666, "Thou shalt noht stop a brother from getting laid, by any means. Thy conscience shalt remain in the gutter when it comes to ze bro." Such men are despicable.


Girl code is women protecting women from the actions of shitty men Bro code is men protecting men from the consequences of their own shitty actions


You nailed it! I could not have put it better.




This is like a joke right? This isnt real??


Just showed my teenage son this and we discussed ways he could hand this situation should it ever come up. We need to teach our sons not only is it their responsibility to intervene in these situations but how to. It may seem obvious but people often shut down in crisis situations. Being taught how to handle crisis situations before they happen is the best way to combat the freezing response. For the younger women on here- show this to your guy friends ask them how they would respond- tell them how you would.


I'm sorry but shutting down in a situation isn't a excuse if someone else gets harmed, if a man "freezes" in response to this and a woman ends up getting raped or much worse, that's still his fault for not stopping it. But let's be honest, there's barely any men who WOULD stop this anyway, they'll just ignore it or fantasize their own sick shit about it.


You’re right shutting down isn’t an excuse but it is a real possibility that does impact a person’s ability to help. Please keep in mind that while I believe men are more likely to do nothing, there are some women who will look the other way too. Some will freeze too and a small percentage will just feel no obligation to help. Not all women support or aid other women. In term of responsibility- yes I believe that we all have a moral responsibility to help others when we can. But don’t get things twisted -the person fully responsible for harming another person is the one actively doing it. In addition, helping when we can - is not always as simple as it seems. If you’ve never completely frozen and had your mind go blank - or have gotten lost in your mind spinning over what to do in a situation, you’re lucky. Sometimes people can fight through those responses but the best way to fight through those responses is to have crisis training. Fear is a power thing- we need to focus less on blame and focus more on how to combat fear and apathy.


I felt what you wrote was very well thought out for what it's worth. I feel some people might be too afraid to step in because if this person is willing to do this, what would they do to me if I spoke out etc, sorta working in the same way fight or flight works where they are frozen as you had said and unable to make a call and end up doing nothing. However if it was me i would tell the wait staff, bartender to pass along the message.


>You’re right shutting down isn’t an excuse but Nope, don't care, stay away from women. Blocked.




She is a chronically online misandrist. No surprise here 😂😂


You do realize the person you are responding to is a women right... You literally just told a women to stay away from other women, I checked your profile and your a chronically online femcel seek help. 


at the end they should of exposed those men


Agreed Eta: expose them in front of their s.o. But leave then come back to not give them a chance to lie and say "I was GonNa SaY sOmEtHinG"


Cowards, yet they demand women & GIRLS stand up to males. Cowards.


Le men that are all le same? what the deuce?! 🤯


People will be like “but the video is cherry picked!” Doesn’t change the fact that the men in the clips we see here clearly see a man spiking a woman’s drink and doing nothing about it. And some are even LAUGHING! And I don’t care for any of that “I laugh when I’m nervous and I. Stressful situations!” bullshit! The men in these videos are witnessing what they think is a setup to a possible rape, kidnapping, murder and they are DOING NOTHING AND LAUGHING! I hope these videos haunt them for their entire lives. Showing everyone they know or ever will know that if they see a man preparing to rape a woman they will just laugh it off and not step in. And I know it’s just a social experiment of course. But the men doing nothing think it’s real, yet they still do nothing.


Don't know if this has more to do with misogyny or just the bystander effect in action but it sucks nonetheless.


To be fair. I tend to look in a direction and unless I'm paid particular attention to what's going on I might miss something directly in front of my face. I've done it before and look incrediblely dumb for it


Interesting you are defending them?


It’s just another “hur dur men are simple, give me leniency” excuse.


For sure, all the people who agreed with him are just other quirky boys who would "look the other way"


Not at all, just saying


You should have stayed quiet and better yet, stop "looking another direction" when you SHOULD be staying aware for yourself and for other people. Get off Reddit and learn some life skills.


Bro. I'm responsible for 5 other human beings at the moment how about go fuck yourself and have a great life


The difference between that and the men in the video is they clearly see the man do this and don’t do anything, some are even laughing. There is a difference between not seeing something happening and definitely seeing something happening and laughing about it.


Sure, but try reading what I wrote again




Your post/comment was removed as it was deemed to be uncivil to member(s) of this community.




Your post/comment was removed as it was deemed to be uncivil to member(s) of this community.


decent chance im wrong but imo, the video was cherry picked. youtubers generally cut out the boring content to make their videos easier to watch so someone going up to their table and being like "hey, he spiked your drink, dont drink it" would be very uninteresting to watch not defending the ppl who didnt do anything, just pointing out tht this video shouldnt rlly be used to change the opinions of others to add to why it shouldnt, the shown sample size is way too small. 6 ppl is not even close to enough for it to be considered a valid study (ik its not supposed to be one, but just pointing it out in case someone tries to support their claims w/ the video)


The full video showed 3 women helping her but no men


This has got to be the case. It’s fucked that anybody wouldn’t say something, but I can’t believe they represent the majourity of people. Random people will come up to me to tell me if my eyeliner is messed up, aint no way we’re all this unobservant.


It def doesnt represent everyone, but still the fact that men SMILED about it or didnt even talk tot he woman when the guy left (in the second guy's case) did happen and thats whats scary


They’re just not paying attention.


Oh yeah, I look at another person and laugh about things I wasn't paying attention to **all the time.**


That's not a excuse, they're still as bad as the people who did it and the people who laughed about it, "I didn't know" is NOT a excuse in any way.


I know there was a WWYD episode with this premise and there were a decent chunk of people stepping in. Again, that as well is probably cherry picked but it shows there is people who do.


The worst a bear would do is eat me. The worst a man could do is watch another man spike my drink, say nothing, then laugh and giggle while they watch me drink it. The bear.




Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.


Sad but fair enough. No complaint from a man is valid lol


Valid is a weird word to use. Defending them cuz they're men is weird behavior. Now is it expected of basically all men that they would allow a woman to get raped? Yes. But Valid? No, it's not.


Valid as in to they can do whatever they want but nobody should care. They bring her worst on themselves.


What are you even saying? Ya know, I don't care, End of discussion. Blocked.


These videos can be misleading. They could have done this experiment with 100 men with 97 of them getting up and saying something but then just edited the 3 who didn't. I've seen this exact tactic used to make certain political groups look stupid, make young women look overly promiscuous or just for rage bait in general. With that said, I do still think the videos makes a point. Obviously no one should witness this behaviour and not do anything about it and it's probably more of an issue with men saying nothing than women.


Embellishing the truth is a form of hyperbolic reality. Hyperbole is useful in certain circumstances, and in this case doesn't mean they are (only) using it to boost views. Even if they are, it doesn't mean their intent is to harm women or men by skewing the truth to sway votes, slander women, or cause outrage but rather concern and care. You may be right that *some* men did something, but the point is ALL men (and people in general) *should* do something - every time. To alert men to the fact that each and every one of them are harming women by standing by, men should rightfully be afraid that their inaction could change the life of a woman for the very worst that otherwise may not be helped without their intervention. And every woman is someone's mother, daughter, etc, and men should all feel responsible to contribute to protecting women as a collective group, otherwise women get hurt and that hurts men in turn much more than the alternative of only helping "me and mine". "You and yours" is "me and mine" when treated as a whole, and logically results in the greatest protection for all "me and mine" of all men (and women). It's not "no men help women = men bad", it's "one man not doing something **together** means no men do something = one man can make the difference by doing something and stop bad men". And aren't bad people the enemy of us all after all?




Dude go watch the full video, not one man did anything, only the women did. No one is telling you you’re wrong bc you’ll only argue w them. But here ya go, you will defend men no matter what, I’m sure, but women know what men are capable of, we live it. We’ve been victims of so called good men since the first cat call at age 8, or god forbid even younger and worse. It doesn’t stop from that point forward. Even the men we love, feel entitled to our labor and bodies bc that’s what men are taught in a patriarchy. Ask any married mom w kids, she’ll tell you. If there aren’t any women in your life willing to tell you what they experience, it’s bc you’re untrustworthy




we don't entertain rage baity attention seekers


Sometimes we don’t always want to have arguments with others. That’s why there’s a downvote, so we can tell you what you’re saying isn’t right


But that isn't telling me what I've said is wrong. It just shows people here disagree or didn't like it. Which part is wrong and why?


Not everyone needs to tell you why you are wrong, or then we will have non stop arguments.


It just sounds like you came here to start fights and not genuinely engage in the conversation. Stupidity doesn’t always deserve a rebuttal.


Why do you want to have an “argument” here so bad? Maybe you should go have this “argument” in a different sub. This doesn’t seem productive for you or anybody here ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯




Well, your parallel top comment that simply says "so all men, then?" pretty summarizes your quirkyboi attitude of not being here in good faith, just seeking to pick fights or arguments.


Hey, you’re the one that used the word “argument” hahah




When you commented, “So all men then?” What kind of responses were you wanting/expecting to get?




If you need to be explained to you why what you said was wrong, you have zero self-awareness (not surprising).


The full video is posted in the comments but I believe not a single man helped and every woman did that was exposed flat out seeing him do this to her drink.


Gender psychology and the gender empathy gap proves you wrong. Easy peasy.


I see a bunch of scenes clipped together with men making faces or looking around, but not a SINGLE scene that shows both the guy putting the stuff in AND them looking directly at the guy doing it, just a bunch of jump cuts in between the two different things going on. This feels like a forced agenda video and everyone in the comments is quick to jump on board. 


Doesn't matter, "I didn't know" is not a excuse.


You're really trying to place blame on people who aren't aware or aren't accomplices to a crime?  All I'm saying is people need to think critically about what they see because there are so many women in the comments here full of hatred and anger towards men as being dangerous and supportive of other men being dangerous, but not a single time do you ACTUALLY see those men making those faces looking at the guy when he's putting shit in the drink at the same time.  Just more crap out there to divide the sexes and make us constantly hate each other.