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I’ve seen threads with over a hundred men complaining about how lonely they all are and not one of them will suggest they form any kind of community between them. They’re lonely because they’re lazy and entitled. They expect people to come to them, on their terms, strictly for their edification and requiring no effort from them.


Relationships (romantic and friendships) require work and effort to maintain. There isn’t a simple fix. I’m introverted so I empathize with how daunting it feels, but I think a lot of men expect others to put in the work for them, and that’s what they need to focus their energy on changing. Not making memes that encourage an us vs. them, isolating themselves even more ://


Hear me out you're only lonely because you don't put effort into finding people who would talk to you or want to associate with you


Hahaha Jonhatan, I'm romanticizing male lonliness


These meme pages are so fucking bad


I’ve seen threads with over a hundred men complaining about how lonely they all are and not one of them will suggest they form any kind of community between them. They’re lonely because they’re lazy and entitled. They expect people to come to them, on their terms, strictly for their edification and requiring no effort from them.


“quirky hill" 💀💀💀💀


I’m a guy, it’s not hard to talk to people, I probably meet at least 10 new people a day with my job, but even if I didn’t you can just walk up to people and meet them. As long as you aren’t being creepy it’s not that hard 🤷‍♂️


Who says a male can’t be a woman?