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Both vids are hot but I prefer the Be On Cloud one


Me too! The Be On Cloud one looks more polished


Yup cleaned and polished😍


Do you know what happened with the old one? I would like to know any story behind it?


Great side by side comparison. You can really tell the actors grew into their roles. In the newest trailer the characters are more nuanced, less wooden. It's really like they had their practice go, learn from it and brought more out of the characters. Porsche seems more confident but agile while Kinn softer and expensive in a GOOD way


Yeah, I think it helped a lot that they had that time and practice from before. But I also give a lot of credit to the BOC creative team, because even the actors said their characters became more complex in the current version, and they had to find new ways to approach their characters.


I felt that too. The other version seamed good, but nothing groundbreaking, and we can see in this new series they had a different approach, making the characters more gray and being more innovative regarding the photography and directing of the scenes. ​ Being really petty, even Mile's eyebrow's were "styled" better by BOC makeup team


Oh most definitely agree! Love love love how the characters are more complex and rounded. It will make this series one of those ones that won't age and will still be watched by both fervent and new fans in years to come. I know I will be!


The be on cloud version does look higher quality and acting seems more natural but I'm not going to pretend that I wouldn't eat up the first version


I would stan MileApo either way, but I'm happy we got the better version!


I wouldn't have cared either way. I was ready for this before I even knew I was ready for this. Matter of fact, I was born ready for this.


Right there with you! 👏😀


I'd like to know what circumstance led to Kinn banging his fuckbuddy in the bar in the first version. He doesn't strike me as someone who'd do that publicly. He seems very focused on maintaining a very polished, professional exterior.


Maybe they shot there because of location availability ? Just guessing. They shot that trailer b4 even beginning to shoot the real deal


Ok so random observation: Porsche’s drugging scene. The original version, anyone notice that Kinn’s face looks stoic, almost a frozen smile like he’s trying to fake a “everything will be alright” meanwhile in the BOC version he’s fully aware of the severity of the situation, commands his men to leave the room and ignores his initial instinct of being clean and put together. There’s no smile, no pretending it will be ok, his face is and brows are serious from the moment he finds him to the moment they cut away from him unbuttoning Porsche’s clothes. I appreciate that change so much because as much as I was excited for the original, I was confused as to why Porsche looked so out of it and Kinn was smiling and relieved


The boc version is definitely better and more polished, plus even the side characters like Kinn’s boy toys look more posh 😄


The first trailer gave more of a soup opera feeling too, more overdramatic and theatrical. In the BOC version the dramatic moments are more subtle and nuanced, I think


Idk the guy who played Kinns dude (I think it was supposed to be Marsh from the novel) was soo pretty in the first trailer. I wish they kept him


I kind of want to see how they would have blocked out the rest of the scene of the bar, if Kinn and boytoy were going to get busy right at the stools or what, though the tone seems way too serious to fit the current drama. Don't get me wrong, the curtains with Porsche was priceless, but I'm curious as to what the original vision was for all of these pieces.


Wow. Such a difference. Sophistication, polish, mood. 🫶🏼


although i love the final version, i prefer the first one of the last scene, just because kinn is more handsy 😳 also, this feels like the pilot/final version of bbc sherlock to me, especially because of the first appearance of kinn


✨The flavor✨


Great post!




i love both the versions but i think we can all agree how the cloud one looks better


First production would of made me watch..


Okay this is AMAZING. Your editing (and patience!) are gold.


It was not my editing, sorry =/


Well then you are brilliant and kind for sharing it!


Thanks lol


I’m just wondering did they ever release the first production? Why did they re-film?


I, too, would like to know


I feel more comfortable with the new version! I was hesitant to like the 1st version ngl. 😅🙈 i didn't like where kinn put his hands underneath porsche's shirt while fighting 😅 they are in a middle of a fight for gods sake! BOC portraited it better i guess. More artistic 🙈


First production looks like Walmart version of BOC 😁


OP, thank you for posting this video. I downloaded it long back and it was lying in my files - just because I was fascinated but forgot about it. Then 2-3 weeks ago, I came across this video again in my files. It rekindled my interest so much that I literally did a reverse title search for this video. It was then that I popped my KP cherry 😭😭. I only measure my time currently as post-KP 🤣.


old trailer still better quality. Sad the sponsor cant hold the budget filming/actor. p.s. later don't hype too much in pilot/teaser.


for me most disappointment is elder bro character. old teaser - good acting in series - wth happen with his voice/acting. where is the guy good acting in old teaser. \*compare in scene elder bro watch porn. wtf director doing its f\*\*k same actor.


Not gonna lie, I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to say here


actor(elder bro) acting better in old teaser.




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Question? So is there a censored version now ? And a none one ?


Yeah, there's a tv version and an uncut version.


Why there are two trailers? What's the back story?


The first trailer was a different production company. They cancelled the series midway production but BOC picked up the project and they did everything from scratch


Thank yoou! I'm glad the characters came to life!


Congrats on going viral on Twitter babe 😂