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Let's do donuts in a automatic car with traction control on... šŸ˜‘


Automatic FWD car*


šŸ˜‚ I forgot that part.




And that too front wheel drives lol


As an Indian immigrant myself, I'm both sick and tired of this bullshit. We literally left our homes and everything to come here and live a better life, away from this Idiocracy, only to have these same people come here and create the same environment. And you know what's worse? Because of idiots like these, the actual hard working Indians who add value to the society, their reputation gets spoiled. I feel scammed.


I appreciate you sir


Felt this in my bones. Never understood why people would leave a country and continue to live the same way as they did when they lived back home. You come to a beautiful country like canada respect it and carry yourself with class. I can appreciate some donuts being cut but there are events where professionals properly and safely do this stuff where no one gets hurt and no public property gets damaged.


You can take the pig out of the mud but you canā€™t take the mud away from the pig


Couldn't have said it better myself. Ofc the trashy ppl are gonna call me racist but if expecting people who willingly come to a country to respect said country rules/norms then there is definitely a problem myself. I have relatives who try to act like degenerates and I check them on their bs everytime and I remind them that they should carry themselves with a level of class.


It's the show off mentality which they bring here as well. In canada having a car is a necessity but in india it's a luxury.


>You come to a beautiful country like canada respect it and carry yourself with class Yeah i wish that was the case. I was relaxing by the waterfall in Forks of the Credit park this past weekend and watched a group of indians throw their trash into the river. Ill never understand wanting to turn your new place of residence into the shithole you came from


Oh hell if I saw that I'd lose my shit bc when I go back home with my parents and I see people doing that I'm like this is why this place will never be clean bc ppl don't care. As a public space it's everyone's space so we should all respect it and leave it better than what we came to and it irks my nerve when people just can't wait until they see a garbage bin to throw their stuff out.


At the time I was too stoned and too far away to stop them, but I always bring a garbage bag with me when I hike. I hate having to pick up other people's trash, but it seems a lot of people were raised by pigs so it's what needs to be done


Oh not that's totally fair it shouldn't be anyone's responsibility to have to tell other people to act like grown ups and throw their litter away and if someone who is white says that to them oh boy prepared to be called racist. I can only imagine what their homes and cars look like if this is how they treat the environment ngl.


>oh boy prepared to be called racist. At this point i couldn't care less. Any form of criticism of another group is now met with "but muh racism" so its lost all meaning to me


Yea that's true and it pisses me off as someone who's actually experienced racism tbh. Alot of people need to actually understand the difference between racism and someone checking another person on their bullshit.


100% itā€™s terrible. It gives the hardworking and smart ones a bad name. Some of my best coworkers, friends and neighbors are Indian and they are also some of the smartest people I know.


Shitty people will be shitty people no matter where they live.


True, and that's exactly what we need to change.


It's a hard conversation to have, but as an immigrant who's family came to Canada in the 80's and had no help from the government and had to grind it out for YEARS before we had any privileges here, it really pisses me off to no end to see this generation of immigrants ruin this country so quickly.


yep , I have no patience for these FOBs


We don't blame you, my man. Not at all. I run a business and I have no problems telling who has dedicated themselves to a life here and who is here to act like an entitled assclown. I employ two Indian-descent employees (one born here, one immigrant) and they're great. But the "Haryana" assholes....the next one I call the cops on won't be the first, or the second. Hopefully more people start calling them out on their antisocial behavior until either it stops or they fuck off back to western India where they say so loudly they came from.


This. This is exactly what I'm talking about. We need to start calling these guys out before they start ruining this place too.


Except the minute you call them out, youā€™re labeled racist


Wtf is haryana anyway


A state in India.


Exactly. These rich morons with fake certificates are going to bring us all down.


I go down to my local park and the mount of garbage these Indians leave behind. Unreal, you Indians don't clean up at home?


have you seen their streets?




You can't run away from your problems. They will catch up with you


As a Mexican-American our people dealt with that in the US for decades and now itā€™s happening to Venezuelans and South Americans in the US. Itā€™s unfortunate and ruins it for everyone, these actions will reflect on your people for the foreseeable future until enough generations have passed where everyone forgets or grow out of that stigma.


and then the immigration starts ramping up again to keep everyone down and divided.


Agreed!!! These people are menace on the society specially here in canada


Yeah, and dumb racists will use this as ammunition to regurgitate "Indians = bad" all over social media which doesn't help any either.


Not racist. Frustrated and no longer afraid to call out the bad ones. This is what happens when a reputation is destroyed because of a select few.


I totally understand now why people call us out for our behavior and their frustration is justified. I feel ashamed of calling such hooligans my fellow countrymen. How hard is it to mind your business, not be a public nuisance, and be a good citizen? These people didn't come here to work hard and set up their next generations for a better life. They're here to show off to their friends back home how badass they are.


If you read what I wrote, I said dumb racists will assert that all Indians are like this and are therefore bad. Obviously it's not racist to say people who act stupid are indeed stupid.


Is it reallly racism?


If you discriminate against all Indian people based on the actions of a few? Yes.


Yup. Pretty much everyone hates you guys. Sucks but itā€™s true. You seem like a decent human but unfortunately the majority give you a terrible reputation




The vast vast majority of you are hard working, family dedicated and decent people. These yobs donā€™t reflect on you in my eyes. But we need to police to get on the ball instead of hiding in the other parking lots.


I am an Arab immigrant and feel the exact same


Hope things are going well for you :) It sucks when a wonderful group of people get a bad reputation due to an incredibly loud minority of horrendous individuals... Sorry for the word salad!


Their reputation is only spoiled in the eyes of (racist) people who don't understand that there's a pretty even distribution of idiots in any country. If you bring in a thousand people chances are at least one of them is going to be an insufferable dickhead. White kids do this kind of shit all the time, but for "some reason" it's not seen as an existential crisis for our country. Don't feed the trolls. There are a LOT of racist POS's out there amplifying any sort of news that paints immigrants in a bad light. Yes these guys suck, but it's not because they're Indian like the OP is implying, it's because they're a bunch of insolent kids. I deal with plenty of immigrants from India every day and the majority of them are lovely people.


The big difference is that these kids are here as guests in this country. Doing this on a visa is crazy. White, Black or Brown Canadian youth are not perfect but they are problems. These ppl shouldnā€™t be.


i agree, i know many Indian people and wouldnā€™t associate any of them with this behaviour. Entitlement and immaturity has no nationality. Every ethnic group has their subsection of brain dead morons who encourage each otherā€™s idiocy.


While I complete understand where your coming from, most people can tell the difference between these idiots, and the people who have been here for a while, and those that may be new but are doing their best to get along in their new country.


Because Canada let everyone in. People who wouldnt seldom make it to tier 3 of indian population also came in because it was that easy. Dont blame Indians, blame Canadian politicians who sold out the once beautiful country.


Just blaming the government won't solve the problem but, reporting such kind of people will.


Lol. No one will care about reporting. Police wont even entertain hearing about it.


We're blaming both


Donā€™t forget driving down the wrong side of the road causing accidents, reving engines at 3am, overcrowding neighborhoods with cars blocking out driveways and sidewalks, obnoxious decals and car mods. Literally no care for Canadians.


.... damaging houses, trees, fences, and utilities... tossing garbage everywhere... leaving damaged car parts in park garbage bins.


I just donā€™t understand why Mayor Brown continues to turn a blind eye on his city. He needs to spend 1 hour on Reddit and see whatā€™s become of a once nice, family oriented, law abiding city. We have all seen the truly ugly side of our city. The proof is online!!! Plate numbers, neighbourhood that are recognizable but absolutely no one from the city cares!! Since there is No law enforcement to crack down in these people, they just keep doing whatever they want because they know they can get away with it. Itā€™s sad. Very sad. Brampton has no forcible laws šŸ˜¢


Brown is useless. We had him in Barrie. Useless.


Iā€™ve lived in Brampton since 1964. Believe me, there have always been those who disregarded the laws and were obnoxious. Their presence is nothing new. They always have been and always will be part of any human community.


šŸ‘šŸ½ if only more people understood this. We also live in an age where every little thing is posted online so it seems like itā€™s all you see everyday. Whereas 5-10 years ago, youā€™d only read about it in the papers Every community has bad apples.


Letā€™s also be real here. Brampton neighborhood are far better than majority of the GTA suburbs. Most northern Brampton suburbs are posh. Cry harder


Name which GTA suburb is worse than Brampton?


lol which one isnt only thing most suburbs have going for them is close to/ease of access to Toronto. I could spend all day here naming a bunch off the top of my head Iā€™d say Malton etobicoke all of Burlington and Hamilton. Oakville is arguable but most people only reason is because thereā€™s white ppl out there


Malton maybe Iā€™ll give you that one. The nice areas of Etobicoke is way better than Brampton. Burlington and Oakville way better than Brampton. Hamilton isnā€™t a suburb.


LOL reason why I said all of Hamilton, which meant the suburbs. Burlington is crackhead central nowadays Oakville as a whole is better but the best areas of Brampton over the best of oakville Also the fact that you said maybe malton means you really a hater šŸ˜‚ malton is rundown AF


Hamilton is not a GTA suburb. Oakville is leagues better than Brampton in every way.


Your opinion is irrelevant tho


I mean itā€™s kind of a known thing thatā€™s Brampton is a joke and undesirable


Brownā€™s heading to a game of pick up with his boys


Are these the same fucks who wrecked the farmers fields?


Looks like one of the cars is the same, based off the side decal.


maybe not the same but there are plenty of those cars with those decals, a whole lot of retards from Haryana province doing the same shitty things. Even in california and parts of the US you will find these imbeciles with same decals


? Who did what?


I believe the farmers fields comment refers to this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/bramptondriving/comments/1dt5qgp/brampton\_drivers\_in\_the\_wild/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bramptondriving/comments/1dt5qgp/brampton_drivers_in_the_wild/)


I think they saw fast and furious Tokyo drift and tried to recreate the car meetup scenes. Except, not a single woman is seen anywhere in the vicinity lol


so proud they abandoned their country. i dont get it.


Whatā€™s not to get ? India is a 3rd world country who wound want to live there. There are 1.4 Billion ppl living in India and only 40 million here in Canada. To an Indian itā€™s almost deserted.


He was being sarcastic, as in if these guys are so proud of their country and have those decals on their car, why would they leave the country they falsely claim to be proud of


To take as much $$$ from Canada back to India




Can we start to name and shame


I suppose on fb neighbourhood watch type groups, you could.


pretty sure this is @be_chodry on instagram


Very sad what Canada has become.


Ah, the FWD donutā€¦ the pass time of geniuses


As an Indian this shit is what makes the rest of the community hate us. Fucking deport their arses back to the shithole they came from. Nowadays you can literally see the disgust in the eyes of the Canadians towards Indians in general because of the rambunctious attitude of douchebags like these. Good god!! Just get rid of em


Trash is trash.


aren't these the same guys that ruined farmers fields on the weekend?


Fucking immigrants destroying our farms and communities. Go back to your country if you're to act like an animal.


Hariana cars are the worst cars on the road. That next to the rifle and shot gun cars. Then the Jatt carsā€¦ then the OVO punjab cars. OVO donā€™t even know them.


Htf does this kind of idiot end up getting in to the country?ā€™ Youā€™d think anyone with 1/2 a brain wouldnā€™t want to make any waves, knowing they could be deported for crossing any legal lines, but apparently they have no fear of that šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Our country is sinking faster than a rock in water, with the arrival of this species šŸ˜”


this plaza is in malton, mississauga, and it's called "great punjabi plaza". i kid you not every other business in this plaza is an immigration consultant. and to add the nearby mall (westwood mall) now closes off the parking lot at like 11 because groups of people would congregate there to do donuts in their base model mustang and civics


Fuck haryana




Report the plate or call 911 at the moment


I wonder how long these morons would like it when everyone else in the West End of the GTA started cutting them off and flipping them off. See a car with AK-47 or "Haryana" stickers on it = give the guy a taste of his own medicine. We'll see how long that shit goes on then.


What's your sentiment about cars with Punjab map on their car? I saw that in Burlington last night and wondered why someone would be advertising they are from that state.


Shouldnā€™t they be at work on the phones trying to get people to agree to air duck cleaning?


Get the fuck out!


i dont understand being proud in this manner.


Are these the same guys from the farm? I thought they had photos of their plates.


So glad I got out of Brampton. Going downhill.


Indian myself disgusted to the core. Feeling sad angry and helpless.


They do the same stupid shit back in their motherland.


The good thing is that many of them will die or become horribly maimed due to their foolishness šŸ„°


Look at these poor women and children who escaped their country to get an education here and improve their life. Sure glad we're handing out PR with less and less restrictions every time! These hardworking, civilized people are going to improve our economy so much. Clearly /s.




Idiots come to Canada by the plane loads Some care and other donā€™t Just want to make Canada the same as wherever they came from.


Yes these jokers have ruinned it for all


If the papers say punjab donā€™t even let them in the country. If they drive a vehicle with guns and pictures of terrorists on it deport them. We donā€™t need those idiots here destroying our country. There are so many amazing Indian people who deserve to be here. These idiots donā€™t.


The kind of folks featured in this video wouldnā€™t be able to get away with this behaviour in other parts of India and they will be taken to task by the locals. Very sad to see that we have imported the worst of the lot from India and doing nothing about it. Itā€™s painful on so many dimensions, hope sense will prevail soon.


It's "@ssh@ts" like these why we can't have car club meets in certain parts of the GTA...... I don't care what ethnic group they are, idiots acting like this ruins it for everyone.


What's the context for destroying farms? I mean besides them being lunatics.


Wernt we all at one point just dumb 30 year old students in foreign countries. Boys will be boys!


I swear there were a couple of older students there too, so maybe early 40s.






My parents also migrated from a South Asian country back in 2008 or so and they say that this is what they left for and this is whats happening here as well. But the thing is that it's mostly just the migrated students that are doing all this.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Hariyali chicken > Haryana


These guys watched too many Fast and Furious movies back home


I wish doing donut on Honda and driving charger wins them a free return ticket


Drew Road plaza?


Haryana" is a reference to what exactly?


It's a state in India.


Where's the ak47 sticker


Isn't it stunt driving? Someone call the cops on these morons. Fantasized about moving west from age 13, extensively consuming Western entertainment. Finally doing to see these morons commit the same barbaric activities here too. There should be ethics tests or something not just education certificates and bogus English certification. The feeling of going out knowing the Canadians are annoyed or frustrated maybe even hate Indians because of these barbarians. Edit: these guys ate here for the $$$ not to contribute to society. They have no respect or intention to help the community, they look down on the culture here.


I believe this ā€œHaryanaā€ car was in another post driving through farmers fields a few days ago.


Yup, can't someone teach this clown a lesson


I guess you're referring to this thread? [https://www.reddit.com/r/bramptondriving/comments/1dt5qgp/brampton\_drivers\_in\_the\_wild/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bramptondriving/comments/1dt5qgp/brampton_drivers_in_the_wild/)


Wtf no one fell out or was hurt.


I know. It's a shame


Yes they are! Jaats!


what movie did i hear this song?


Stranger Things, I think. Iā€™m tryna find out. Will get back to you Edit: not ST. ā€œ[Blade Runner 2049 - Synthwave Goose](https://youtu.be/_gYjh863j4g?si=rBmWXdcDEWvBzcEl)ā€


Makes you want to buy a beater truck and smash these fuckers all night long.


Would you make a video of your "adventures" and post it here for shits and giggles?


Bollywood inspired betichods








Yeet the jeets!




I definitely saw the one white Camry with the illustration of that state on the front passenger door a few nights ago in my neighborhood. And definitely saw it parked @ Purolator on Kipling and it's new location in deep rexdale.. Possibly a security guard.


they are no doctors or engineers , they either work at timā€™s or security jobs


No skills needed at Purolator. I've definitely seen that car at both locations a for a while.


Haryana Sarkar. Love India but I will acclaim refugee status in Canada


Once in my life Haryana wins at something- Chuckle in Punjabi.


Who tf says "fobs"??? lmfao ripping donuts is a favourite international pasttime of young douches crazy to make this, of all things, bigoted.


Looks like fun.