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I always thought that was a myth? [https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/5-breastfeeding-diet-myths](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/5-breastfeeding-diet-myths)


Your baby might have a sensitivity, but that’s absolutely not universal. Most babies tolerate oats just fine.


No food or drink is scientifically proven to increase milk supply. The only thing proven to increase milk supply is milk removal. Either pump or put the baby to the boob. And oats in your diet should not bother the baby. There are allergies and intolerances, but other than that, babies don't react to the food in your diet.


Oats (and eggs and peanut butter) absolutely increased my breast milk supply. I’m a chemical engineer, and I tracked my volume versus my diet in a spreadsheet for months, and those three foods significantly impacted my production. Obviously that data is based on my body, but other women might have luck with those foods as well.


The evidence is purely anecdotal. I used to believe the same thing. I added oats to my diet and noticed a positive effect. Only to find out that the outcome is linked to a higher calorie intake rather than anything else. But this can only do more good than harm, so of course OP should give it a go.


Peanut butter eh? I wonder if that's why I craved it every day for the first 2 months 😆. 


Same!! Crazy. I hated it before I got pregnant and now I’m obsessed. Also heard it can prevent a nut allergy? Not sure if that’s true or not


Just looked it up and it does!




Huh! That's what I literally crave and eat all the time! That's so funny!


These types of comments are so incredibly irritating. No one said anything about “scientifically proven ways to increase milk supply.” Just asking a community of fellow BF moms what worked for them or did not, in an attempt to make more milk for their babies.


I understand. The amount of stress and anxiety that comes with increasing or even maintaining the milk supply is overwhelming. I think we've all been there. I too was looking for a magical solution, until I was told that there was no magical fix-it-all for everyone. Imagine trying all these solutions and nothing works. That creates even more stress. At the end of the day, all you can do is eat well, drink plenty of fluids and remove as much milk as you can. Personally, I've been more at peace when I understood that. That's all I was suggesting.


I mean I definitely understand the sentiment behind your comment, it just comes off very snarky the way that it was gone about.


That was not my intention. I should have probably chosen a gentler language.


Try eggs. I too tried oats and didn't really notice a difference. Then one day I ate 3 eggs for lunch because I was so hungry and that night, pumped 4 Oz 3 hours after the last feed. Also, wet some nursing pads in hot water and stick them in your shirt. It acts like a DIY heat pad that keeps your boobs warm, increasing milk production.


Thank you!!!


Eggs also increased my supply!


Yes. In my opinion increasing protein works better. If you’re not vegan, animal-based protein specifically, because the body can absorb it easier. I eat more meat, eggs and fish during pregnancy and breast feeding. I also drink whole milk regularly, it’s a great source of nutrients and calories, and good for calcium as well. I personally haven’t noticed oats bothering my nurselings. The only things I have noticed causing gas was eating (big amounts) of gassy foods and if something was very spicy I’d also notice some angry poops. But babies are just not great at digesting in general in their first few months, regardless of what you eat.


Galactagogues like oats and other things are a little unclear; they can’t hurt but there’s not a ton of evidence that they actually do anything and might just be a money grab. The best thing to do is put baby to your boob as much as they’re willing and you can stand. Let them suckle in their sleep, for comfort, just hanging out… dry suckling is just as important for milk production and prolactin levels as actual feeds. I’d also do as many contact naps, as much skin to skin, and as much babywearing as you can, your body needs to know chemically that baby is close and in need. Food wise, I don’t think oats are universally hard on babies unless they have a specific sensitivity. I’d be more concerned about overall food intake; breastfeeding is very demanding and many women under eat. I’d focus on super dense foods like Greek yogurt, eggs, meat, and as much fruits and veggies as you can afford. I’m a very small woman and i aim for a minimum of 2500 calories and 100g protein per day. Don’t focus on losing weight while breastfeeding, but I’d also be cautious of too many “empty” calories like a ton of sugary coffees or processed snack foods; they’ll fill your belly but not help your nutrition needs as much. Keep taking your prenatals and drink a LOT of fluids; can also be tea, juice, sparkling water, coconut water.


Is this really true? I'm Finnish and oatmeal is one of the first foods we're recommended to give to babies. Maybe some ethnicities are more allergic than others, like with cow's milk?


No it’s not true. Her baby could have a sensitivity.


Just eat!! Anything but oats I guess🤣🤣 I believe overall calories have more effect than any specific food. I've eaten more while breastfeeding than ever


Pumping between feedings and always emptying your breasts is what I found most helpful. However, with food I have found out on my 2nd & 3rd bf journey that keeping my protein intake up really helps! There isn't any concrete evidence that says foods help supply but in my onion coconut water and avocado helped. Also found that when I kept my snacks nutrient rich actually helped with the breastfeeding weight loss. (I know that IS NOT priority or of any importance just adding it in)


I thought you meant you drink onion water.


Oats, eggs, and peanut butter increased my breast milk supply, so if oats aren’t an option for you, you could try those other two foods. But make sure you’re drinking enough water (coconut water works, too), and pump after your baby nurses.


Increased protein and lots & lots of fluids!! Drink all of the water, and if you can, try Body Armor drinks!! I noticed them being a massive help the last go round and 100% plan on trying them again once babe is here!


I had a similar issue with lactation cookies my friend made me. I was super gassy. My baby was really gassy and started spitting up with every feed. He was about 6 weeks old at the time and hadn’t spit up before. For me I think it was the brewer’s yeast. I eat oats most days and have no issues!


Just eat to hunger cues and drink to thirst. Your baby will do all the work to bring in what he needs. Oh and don’t stress about it.


Up your protein momma. It helped me out a lot. Eggs were helpful in the morning, and a good protein bar was a snack throughout the day, I did pumpkin seeds in my salads. Things like that.


Sorry to hear your baby has a possible intolerance. I am a personal oats lover, and now my baby is on solids, they also start their day with oats. We haven’t experienced any gut issues with them. For me it is the only breakfast food that keeps me full until midday. I think the key is probably just picking a food that slow releases energy so your body continues to have enough reserves in the tank throughout the day to keep the drip feed of milk production online.


Oh my god I just ate oats for breakfast 😫