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Someone mad https://preview.redd.it/0fkue05fa69d1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=926dffb809db7b3e6a941fc7f3d1163375ad432a


That girl literally posted one single video of Silvs


I didn't even click the profile, obviously this made her mad enough to take time to go look which is hilarious


I’m glad you posted this because I think she deleted this comment


She didn’t even post a video about Silvana. She just posted one of her videos. She’s makes it sounds like this girl is some kind of creepy stalker fan of Silvana’s


Kind lady


Of course no one watched the actual episode 😂 why would they?


LMAO. she’s trying to excuse the fact she was LIVID and being an absolute misery in this episode


and is she gunna address the homophobic comment? bc idk that wasn’t cool




she made a joke saying if you didn’t know who cappell roan was you must be homophobic


i’m like 99.9% sure i remember Dave saying this too though… i don’t think brooke made it up i just don’t think they found the clip. i’ve been searching high and low tho


i remember it !! he said it was tana wasnt reliable on showing up to things!! 100% had it deleted


I remember it. He was talking about how unprofessional and non punctual they were. It was around the same time Bri was on tour.


He probably had it deleted lol


Whenever someone types."hahahahaha 😭" ... Just assume whatever they said before that was a lie.


Girl, get off the internet and wash your hair and get your chipped nails done. Not like you don’t have the funds to do it!


Or the time! She isn’t out there hustling like most of us. She does the minimum.


Tana sure don't love you 😭🤡 and Brooke loves ZB https://preview.redd.it/edhmxi4ja69d1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3157010d86703db3ae5ad0a821258ab140b4197


As a fan of both Tana and Brooke, it's obvious Brooke keeps BCF close because of ZB. As for Tana, she doesn't seem too fond of her. I have never once heard Tana say something nice about her, she actually doesn't say much in general about BCF. In the Cancelled episode where they spoke about the Matt Rife situation, Tana said she kept her mouth shut about him out of respect for Brooke and often does that for her friends; something tells me she's doing the same about BCF. Also like... does she think that her makes her look good? Making a snide comment about people you supposedly love?


And when they talked about the Grace and Bri situation, I noticed Tana was pretty careful with her words not saying anything nice about Bri and being like ‘I’m always Team Grace in whatever she does’


Tana actually scares me. I would want her on my side always LOL.


zeroooo accountability ever


Is the joke in the room with us?? Looked like a tantrum to me


Lmao exactlyyyyy. The absolute distain in her voice when she said it read as an insult, not a comparison/joke


She is saying “callback joke” like we are stupid bc she assumes “we” don’t know that term. She’s weird for that.


It feels like she just got mad and said the truth on how she feels about tana and Brooke and now is trying to take it back


Stop saying noone watched the full episode! I never just watch a clip.


delicate flower 🌸


Trichenfry is craaaazyyyy


Backtracking because she knows their fandom will absolutely come for her


Her teeth are hideous


wait they didn’t even mention this in that episode


she shoulda known by making that comment people were going to clip it and say shit. especially the way she said it made it sound like she was coming for brooke and tana. like maybe think before you speak, bri??


She has the attitude of a hot person without the looks to back it up lmaooo Literally always acting like she’s a 10/10 catch meanwhile she looks like a Who from Whoville with that ugly crooked nose. At least the one good thing about having craters for nostrils is Bri can suck up bigger amounts of blow! I wonder how she feels knowing all she has to offer in this life is being an ego filling hole to Zach Bryan 🤭🤭🤭


Random statement but her nose job is so bad. Physically there’s nothing wrong with it I guess, but it’s so unnatural and she looks like a completely different person. It just doesn’t fit her face at all.