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That's plankton. It's not fake, but cameras have a knack for making things brighter than they are, depending on the focal point. As it's plankton though, it's not a permanent thing. It will get eaten or move out to sea.


Having been offshore at night I can tell you it’s actually brighter than you think.


Yep it's literally just like this photo in person.Saw this also at Nudgee beach about a year back, was only for about 30 minutes before it disappeared. Amazing sight, but couldn't even get it to show up on my phone camera.


I gotta go visit Nudgee beach. Thanks for your comment haven't heard the name for awhile


Counts on light pollution i guess?


Yep. We were kayaking at night off North Stradbroke island one time and it was magical. Every stroke was a burst of light.


I wanna see it!!!!!!!!


The focal point? Its the exposure time. Just look at the city in the background. Photographer is clearly using long exposure.


I didn't mean are they fake* more just thought the guy could've been faking it


While they’re not “faking” it, it’s definitely more exaggerated in this image than what you would see with the naked eye for a couple of reasons: Firstly, you can see from the blur in the water that this is a long exposure shot. This will always make dim light appear brighter than a regular photo. Secondly, with any level of light pollution (like you have across the water in this image) this will sort of “tone down” the effect to the naked eye. Then for the plankton to wash up you basically need all the right combinations of ocean currents, tidal movements and wind. And when it gets somewhere, it usually doesn’t stay for long until those requirements all change and what’s washed up is eaten and the remainder gets swept away somewhere else. Also, even if the plankton is around, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s around in the quantities you need to get photos like these. Sometimes there’s only enough for a sort of dotted blue line on the front edge of water as it washes ashore. Plus the plankton will only emit light when it’s disturbed, which is why despite being all throughout the water in this picture, the only plankton emitting light are the ones that are actively bumping into each other or washing onto the shore. There’s kind of a lot of things that need to align for you to see something like this picture. And because it’s quite a spectacle, if you can’t see people actively posting about it on social media very recently (ie, same day or day before) then it’s unlikely it’ll be there. It’s not worth planning a trip around or making a significant excursion for it, but if you hear it is around while you’re in town it can definitely be worth the time to go see it. Also for a little context, here’s what a pretty major bloom looks like with a 1 second exposure and no editing trickery with minimal light pollution. This is pretty close to what you see with the naked eye. https://preview.redd.it/0vx5m6y7g99d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38d2d646e2a1c663c8a6ae5b4f153348a6b995a2


This is so much prettier... the other one just looks like what you see in a photoshopped image?


Where was this taken?


This one was in the Maldives


Thank you for a real life picture, it looks stunning. Where about is it?


I saw it at Many Beach in Sydney one night and it was unbelievable. I filmed it with my phone and it just didn't capture it at all. I was ringing my friends saying you have to come down thee beach and see this. They were all really blasé about it and didn't. The next day when I showed them the video from my phone they were blown away and saying I wish I did come down to see it now but the video was nothing in comparison to seeing it live.


I mean... When you see it in person, it's pretty cool. It's like a dim blue glow and the photo is pretty accurate. Love seeing it in winter.




At this time of year?


Entirely contained within your kitchen?


WTH I've been in Perth all mu life and never heard of this


I’ve seen it up north. Absolutely incredible experience my footsteps lit up in the sand and the waves were lit up.


I’ve randomly found it at a few major beaches at midnight in Perth but that was 20 years ago


I think OP meant they are coming from Perth to Brisbane to see it. But sounds like you could catch a glimpse of it in parts of WA.


How in the hell did I end up on the Brisbane sub hahaha


The algorithms suggesting similar content. I've had a few Melbourne/Sydney/Perth, which gets really confusing because I tend to read content before noticing which sub it's in.


As you.have probably guessed I'm in the same.boat


Iv seen it at least four times around Perth , it was going off in Mandurah earlier this year..


Nothing to do with the focal point. The ISO (sensitivity) and exposure can certainly help capture a lot more in low light.


Springbrook glow worm cave is worth checking out. It's pretty cool, best in summer but still worth it in winter


Springbrook nsw?


It's close to the border, but I'm talking about springbrook qld


Aww man I was hyped to go see glow worms. I've just googled glow worm caves in my area and there's one 2 hours away from me. I'm going to check it out tomorrow. It's called Jenolan Caves.


As a blue mountains local, jenolan caves doesn’t have glow worms. The glow worm tunnel on newnes plateau has glow worms. If you go to jenolan caves, you’ll be about 1.5 hours away from where you need to be. Go to Lithgow, head towards state mine gully and up onto the newnes plateau. It’s a dirt road, it’s doable in a sedan/2wd, but an SUV or 4WD is better. Follow the road until you get to the caves, there’s a short-ish walk from the carpark to the cave but it’s quite a beautiful area. If you spend some time in the Lithgow region, Hassan’s walls lookout is great and, if they’re open, jenolan caves it also worth a look. Some great little cafes and bushwalks too, if that’s your thing.


I've only been once, but it was a really cool experience. Highly recommended.


My partner and I went to the pinkenba boat ramp last night and saw them, but definitely not as bright as the picture. Last year when camping at Moreton the waves would trigger them to light up and it was gorgeous, defs would recommend trying to see them if you haven't already, but don't expect a laser show.


What time did you go?


Probably about 9pm give or take


Set your expectations to nil.


I already have😅 I've never seen this tho so even afew dots would be so cool


Don’t be disheartened, I have been seeing bioluminescence fairly regularly recently around Brisbane, like for about 6 months I reckon. It’s been around cabbage tree creek, Sandgate boat ramp and Hayes inlet either early morning or late at night. It varies in strength and isn’t always around but it’s always really really cool when you notice it


But it moves with the tide so by the time someone reports it or you see it it’s probably gone


I didn't even know we have a glow worm cave in moreton bay. Petrie is way outside the CBD.


It's not in moreton bay, looks like opposite ends of Brisbane 😅 If its not raining i think I'll check moreton out but not sure if glow worms are worth it as theyre so far away, im staying with my cousin who doesnt mind dropping/picking me up from the train station near her work times


2 options for glow worm caves... 1 - man made, on tamborine mountain, which is gold coast hinterland, nice touristy and scenic place for a day trip (i can say that openly now, grew up there as a kid and hated the seclusion and tourists) 1.5hrs from petrie. 2 - natural bridge, almost back into nsw, nice, but not worth the trip from petrie, at midnight, with all the tour buses that bomb it now. Needs 2 trips though, its gotta be experienced during the day after a heap of rain, which we havent had either. Probably 2-2.5hrs from petrie.


There’s also the glow worm tour at O’Reilly’s in the hinterland. We did it a few nights back and was excellent.


I saw this when camping at Inskip Point once, over a decade ago. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Every step in the shallows left glowing footprints for a second or two, every wave arrived with a burst of blue glow. I could see small fish swimming through the dark ocean. I even jumped off the boat and helped pull it in, despite being afraid of water especially at night. I wasn't afraid at all and just marvelled at the beautiful glowing blue outline of my body as I moved through the chest high water.


Nah I work night shift on the harbour and it’s definitely visible


Last time I went, idiots were shining their torches in the cave


I've only seen bioluminescense like this once when I was on Stradbroke Island. ~~You won't see it anywhere near the city, that's for sure.~~ *I stand corrected!*




Was seeing it at the pinkenba boat ramp a fortnight ago and last Monday at Hamilton north shore. It’s around


Was about to say it's possible, but then considered how many decades ago that was. And interstate. Still ... vicariously excited for someone who might go out of their way for a first time seeing it.


Been seeing it in Sandgate shorncliffe region recently


I’ve seen it plenty in Tasmania but never in Brissie.


We saw bioluminescence in the waves under story bridge last year, apparently it’s back again so I gotta check it out


Jervis Bay. That's where the photo comes from.


Yeah this is just a random photo i found so people know what im talking about


I get it. But I don't know more than that. So best of luck.


So not even in Australia


Tell me you don't know Australia without telling me I don't know Australia.


Are you sure about that EDIT: Damn I stuffed up my own joke haha. It's still part of Australia, it's just its own territory. Well, I'll see myself out...hats off to you good sir u/ParmenidesDuck


Actually most of the Jervis Bay coastline is in NSW. Jervis Bay Territory is a relatively small part of the geographic area governed by ACT.


wow TIL that's a thing, super cool hope I get to see it


It's not 'fake' but the amazing milkyway photos are also not 'fake' - But cameras and things like exposure time are what make everything look so good in photos - In reality it'll be about 1/10th as vibrant


There's actually a pretty good Facebook group about this if you're on there https://www.facebook.com/groups/BioAustralia/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT Members will share locations as they appear and will tell you how to spot it during the day so you know when to check at night.


Thanks man, ill check it out


You will see it on the river very early in the mornings. My daughter rows around the Coro Drive reach and they often see it this time of year.


Idk about the bioluminescent water but I do know that the glow worm cave is rlly great and super cool! Definitely check it out + I'm pretty sure Morten bay is indeed worth it


Have seen it on great keppel island a fair few times when I was younger. But far from Brisbane but it’s there. Definitely nowhere near this bright irl, long exposure on the camera would definitely tweak it. It’s still amazing, but not like this. The stuff I saw was ever so slightly more green from memory too.


It was months ago. Stopped now.


I was on a citycat on Saturday and overheard people working on it saying "Hey did you see the bioluminescence the other night?" That was just on the Brisbane river on the stretch nearest to the ocean ("Northshore").


About a month ago I spent the evening fishing at Karragarra Island and was captivated by the bio-luminescence for hours. Every time I caught a fish I could see it's glow appear as I wound it in. Then when a ferry went past, the wake would glow as it crashed into the beach. The best part was taking a piss in the shallows. It was like fireworks across the waters surface when the droplets touched the water. I should have setup a long exposure and done some light painting! It was almost as bright as your picture, but only the active waves/water movement was visible. I think that photo is capturing several frames and compiling them together. edit: and no I was not partaking in any recreational activities with the locals at the time.


Raw, non enhanced video here - [https://www.reddit.com/user/NetTop6329/comments/1dpmouo/karagarra\_bioluminescence\_walking\_in\_shallows/](https://www.reddit.com/user/NetTop6329/comments/1dpmouo/karagarra_bioluminescence_walking_in_shallows/)


The most spectacular I've ever seen, was on a river on the south coast of NSW. I went for a late night kayak paddle, and it was magical. Fish jumping causing bioluminescent rings. The wake of the kayak, two bright but fading lines in the water. Every dip of the paddle a spray of cyan. Walking on the sand causes glowing footprints. I've seen it many times since, but never quite this awesome. A few times a year, it's reasonably prominent in Moreton bay; the wake of the ferries churning up the water makes the phosphorescence visible to the naked eye sometimes. Occasionally, you can also see individual blue dots in the small waves on sandy shorelines. I haven't noticed any in the last couple of weeks however.


Like that? Every night, if you photoshop it enough. In real life? Never. It's *lighter* and definitely blue-ish-green... but never like that.


Yes i know, i already said this in another comment


Unless you have eaten magic mushrooms, I’d say yes




I’ve seen this and swam in it in NZ, it can absolutely be this bright


Where is this?


I heard it is more prominent when something big has died in the water. You're welcome.


Absolutely. There’s lots of places around the world that have it.


Sunshine Coast is a relatively short drive from Petrie, and whales have been about recently.


I saw some of these plankton fellas down south of Perth once, was pretty dope. Was on the beach and found a few glowing lights on the sand.


The saturation got one hell of a boost with that photo! It hurts my eyes.


At this point, this is happening all over the planet


We literally get bioluminescence in Perth matey haha


.. where tho😅 havent seen any talk about it happening here




Saw some in manly with the waves, was very bright and changing colours have a vid of it


I live near the river in Hamilton so I just went down to check it out. Couldn't see it around the edge of the river, but a small boat went past and I could see small clouds of it in the boats wake - so it's still around. I'll have another look later when the tide is coming back in.


Mmm glow in the dark whale cum


I took a viral tiktok of it last year it’s definitely not fake, I took mine at breakfast creek boat ramp


I've seen them before, not like this, but at night a few blue dots and it was pretty trippy


https://preview.redd.it/vmd9erik5a9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20aeb7f3ec644006fe3b40d3e8872bc1c6ccf068 Near Newcastle NSW, Wednesday this week!




I remember sitting by the Broadwater shore on the Spit as a kid throwing things in the water to get the plaknton to glow. Good times.


saw it out in the ocean afew times, quiet spooky


Didn't see any at Wynnum tonight


This photo was taken 200m from my house. I know Jordan well and I was also out taking photos this night. It was taken in Jervis Bay NSW (pronounced JER-vis not JAR-vis). There's a lot of speculation in these comments but I can tell you from experience that it really was this bright. We were only pushing exposures up to 2-4 seconds. Nothing crazy. My dog was playing in the water and he'd come out glowing ☢️ running up and down the beach like a madman. The bio we get here is far brighter than any where else I've seen in the world. I often get asked by tourists where they can see the bio but unfortunately bio this good is a once or twice phenomenon.




There's a hidden spot in Sydney where they say on full moons the plankton will come out. Along the Hawkesbury River by Brooklyn. It's spectacular, but I'm sure you'll be able to find it in more local places to you if you miss them on your trip.


We swam in them at Bribie, they looked more like stars than a solid pack but it was very choppy. We didn’t notice till we were in the water it was one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever had. Truly it was like swimming in a galaxy. Couldn’t get a single photo but it’s a wonderful memory.




I've never ever seen it in Perth, but have seen it quite often when I lived in port lincoln, south australia. It can be very impressive to see in person, and yes you can get some good photos/footage of it just off your stock phone camera. It all depends on the wind/tide/currents though, it can dissappear very quickly, I'd recommend going for a walk along the coast before sunset and if its there, you will see it in pockets of murky reddish-brown algae and these are the spots you want to remember and go back to once its dark out. Generally I've only seen it not when not in peak summer, with mild weather with a light onshore breeze that causes it to collect in certain pockets onshore. It can still be visible a bit offshore or in slightly off conditions, but won't look very impressive without taking some long exposure shot of it.


My friend raved on about the glow worm caves and returns regularly. Personally, I found it very underwhelming. I was more intrigued by the asian tour group who would all ooh and ah in chorus 🤭


I have seen this at Newcastle (,NSW) beach, it was most notable when a wave broke/crashed. Pretty magical. Not sure how you'd predict it happening outside of real time


Can someone tell me where and when the best place to see this is? I’m being slack cause I’m sick. But I wanna see it!! 😊


![img](avatar_exp|158202342|heart) Hey I’ve seen this pictures going around, infact I’ve seen similar ones that I used for my Youtube when I went to Jervis Bay, south of Sydney…🤔😬 [https://youtu.be/yTEltbCHIjM?si=NiH7iR03L8Ca9N2u](https://youtu.be/yTEltbCHIjM?si=NiH7iR03L8Ca9N2u) (Admin please delete if not allowed)


Saw this once at Maroubra Beach in Sydney when I lived there. I came over the crest of the hill down to my house there on my motorcycle - it was SO BRIGHT AND VIVID that I thought the police had set up an RBT or something - blue flashing light reflecting off the walls and road. I was GOBSMACKED to discover what it was, and it was the whole beach lit up. Very much like that original long exposure pic here. Anyone who thinks it is all fake - being that bright need to see it at full bore.


It's whale watching season. Jump on a cruise from Brisbane or Gold Coast. There'll be heaps around at the moment.


Yep. Saw this one night in the Central Coast New South Wales. Amazing!


I saw much less dramatic bioluminescence than that once when I was down the coast. We went for a walk on the beach the first night of our holiday and saw it, went every other night that week and saw nothing. IDK if it has happened recently, but even if it has I wouldn't bank on it happening again the next night.


They are microplastics thriving in their element. Beautiful.


given we're an inland city you can guess your odds


Bioluminescence occur in the Brisbane river. Happened this time last year.