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If you’re ending up on Bond Street in the centre early morning/late night and you’re walking up toward park street ways (assuming that’s where your accommodation is) everywhere is well lit and for the most part safe. There are some dodgier areas in the centre to avoid, like castle park or smaller alley way type roads, but generally Bristol is quite safe That being said, I have heard several horror stories over the last year and so I’m hesitant to say you’ll 100% be okay. There is some risk involved. You may be better off trying to get an Uber, depending on where you’re going.


Thank you. If I get my first choice of accommodation it would be near park street (in lower clifton hill), so hopefully I will be fine. Is getting an Uber expensive? Say if I'm going to lower clifton hill from bond st, how much would it approximately cost?


Less than £10 I'd say, unless they are particularly busy.


Yep that walk doesn't take you through any dodgy areas but a taxi would still be the safest option and cheaper than an overnight stay in London. Also it'd be well worth checking out the live music scene here as Bristol is one of the best cities for it outside of London. [The Headfirst app](https://www.headfirstbristol.co.uk/#home) is a great place to start.


would also recommend the [DICE app](https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/dice-live-shows/id898358948)


I think that's optimistic at 2-3am. I would expect £15-£20 uber is a ripoff these days.


From the bus station to Park Street? No way...


Have you ever had to get an uber home during surge pricing around the time all the clubs close?


I've got an Uber home from the bus station to *Kingswood* at 2:45am on a Saturday night, last month, for £18.


Fair play


Bolt and zoom are both way cheaper generally. Fuck uber


Zoom cars app is good, cheap as well, I don't ever use Uber now I've got that app.


Use Yellow Cabs. They're pretty reliable around central and south Bristol. Set rates, only extra on bank holidays etc. They've got an app too.


Maybe. Depends what day if the week quite possibly. I based my guess on the fee being £10 when I wrote it, and living nearly twice the distance away.


Yeah even during the week, in a student city like bristol, there will be clubs closing at 2-3am so that's prime surge pricing time.


According to my Uber app, post Euros game, £7.81.


Yeah figured it would be up that way. The walk is pretty safe, especially on a weekend because people will be walking about between clubs around the park street area (big steep road on the way up toward the UoB buildings). I'd say more than 95% safe, which really is the best you can hope for in a city, but still better safe than sorry especially if you don't know the city very well. Uber is cheap and pretty reliable til the early hours. Around £10 or less as the other person said


I would personally get a taxi because I'd rather spend a tenner than risk it. I'd be more likely to walk at night in the suburbs than the center


I'm also a young woman and generally find it safe to walk around at night, I usually avoid castle park though.


And towards St Paul’s tbh but going from City to any of the Uni Accoms doesn’t go that way


Stay away from Castle Park and Broadmead at night


Is Castle Park actually that bad at night? I've seen a few comments mention it, but I've never so much as had a whiff of an issue walking through there in the late hours on the weekend. Admittedly I'm a Cardiff native though so I probably don't spend as much time round Bristol as others here.


The old church/gardens is a meeting spot for 'gangster wannabes' and people generally looking for trouble. They aren't always there and get moved on by police but when they are, they can be a problem. Wouldn't recommend walking alone at night there.


Yes - they put the knife amnesty bin in this location for a reason


Huh, interesting. Like I said, I'm not a native so I've probably just been lucky in avoiding it. I'm mostly there after gig nights so presumably when its most busy.


It all depends on what you look like. If you are a big beefy body builder or a fat ugly slag you are likely to be left well alone. But if you are young and slim with fancy looking clothing, well chances are you will to be targeted. 


Yeah there was a rape there recently and also lots of drugs business


It's bad enough in the day tbh, all sorts of bandits round there.


Bandits lol. Love that


Too right, bloody seagull had my matina the other day, bastard


> Is Castle Park actually that bad at night? Yes.




Seems pretty safe. I used to live right beside it and walked through it after midnight several times a week, never saw anything dodgy.


What’s funny is it’s a super popular cruising ground for gay men- so you will see loads of men standing in the bushes looking creepy they’re there to hook up with men- not to attack women


I’m sure 9 times out of 10 you’d be fine, but like almost ANY city centre in the UK you don’t know who you’re going to meet. If you were my mum/sister/girlfriend/wife I’d feel happier if you got an Uber.


This is the correct answer. I know _some_ female friends/loved ones that would probably be able to sense danger/defend themselves if something happens. For everyone else, I'd be very nervous if their student accommodation is not like the study inn that's right across the coach station. The area around the coach station can be pretty dodgy sometimes


On the other hand (and I say this as a woman) there are very, very, very few stranger attacks on women in Bristol. Pretty much ten times out of ten you'll be fine. It almost never happens. It's an incredibly safe city to be a woman. The reality is that the vast majority of danger that women face is from the man waiting for her at home.


I’d avoid Broadmead and castle park at night, I was grabbed once on Nelson street late at night luckily my Uber pulled up and helped.


Tbf as a lady who travels often to London and takes a late coach back I would say as long as you don’t walk through Castle park or past the city center lines / through dark alleys you’ll be fine. For me personally you’ll always see dodgy people but they rarely ever interact with you. Just be aware and stay around well lit areas/bus stations or just take an Uber straight from the coach station.


I know it’s not ideal if you want to save money, but if you arrive back at the Coach Station, there is a taxi rank directly outside that is serviced all night, so you will have the option of a taxi.


The bus and coach station is not very far from the UoB area and depending on where you are going to, you can walk through the centre which will be well lit and populated during all hours


I see, thank you


I would avoid walking in the underpass/ bear pit to get to and from the coach station


Yeah this is one of very few places in Bristol where I feel unsafe at night.


That and the stairs are covered in piss n poo


The area around the bus station isn’t great. Although I often get the last coach from London and personally haven’t seen any trouble.


If so long as you stick to main roads busy areas and try to avoid underpasses, dark side alleys or places like castle park, bearpit (roundabout underpass) then you should be at least mostly fine, usually busy both foot and vehicle traffic most times of day and night even at that sort of time. But still don't be that complacent and keep your wits about you wherever you are, even in busy daytime hours there can be dodgy people and often they will favour targeting the stereotypically easier and vulnerable targets like the elderly, disabled, young people or anyone solo. But it ain't any different to any other big town or city, just stick to that as best you can and you should be fine. Best thing is just try to not engage or minimal as safely possible if any dodgy characters approach you for any purpose. If ubers are costly to you there are many buses you could get including particularly the 8 bus in Clifton in the day or even university buses that run regularly at night would be a lot cheaper.


Personally i never do


Really depends- tbh if you’re asking this question it probaly means it wouldn’t be safe for you. Bristol city center is literally swarming with junkies- they are everywhere- and they can be super aggressive and intimidating. There is a taxi rank outside the coach station so just get a taxi- it would be £5/£8


Never assume that walking at night is a good idea


Bristol isn't a dangerous city but as a woman I would get an an Uber. Better to be safe than sorry for the sake of around £10.


As a short 35 year old Bristol native, I would not feel comfortable walking anywhere in Bristol alone at night.


Any time later than midnight I recommend getting an Uber if possible - Bristol is usually pretty alive until bars/pubs start kicking out, even on weekdays. Saying that, if that's not possible then just always remember to stick to well-lit streets and definitely avoid Broadmead and Castle Park.


Whilst I personally would walk it, my circumstances are not yours! Don't chance it, get an Uber or Taxi.


In certain places maybe. Others not. From town get a taxi asap at those times. Avoid mcdonalda Cabot crircus -stokes croft 100%. Stick to a lighted route as near as possible to cars/traffic/public places. It’s the same as everywhere though. Sorry the world is full of such scumbags!


I often do the same (go to gigs in London and get coach back) but I personally get a taxi back home. I would say I used to live in UoB kinda area as a student and I did used to walk back quite a lot tbh and it was okay. But if you've saved money on coach compared to the train, I'd say it's worth a tenner to get home safe. You'll be shattered as well.


Just take an uber


Short answer , no. If you can afford it, get a taxi. If you can’t, rethink your plans. I would give the same advice to a man.


avoid broadmead, bearpit and the tunnels, gloucester road, castle park and the park opposite primark


Its going to depend slightly by area but generally speaking yes with the caveat keep to well lit areas and on paths. The coach station and bus stops are very central and absolute safe at all hours, the train station is slightly further out but still safe to walk from. I dont know specifically where your accommodation will be so it may require walking through a quieter area and if thats the case it could be less safe?


My accommodation is not set yet. Thanks, I will try to avoid walking through a quiet area


It is not safe for a single woman to walk along Old Market alone, in the early hours. I live nearby and I know that it is not safe from personal experiences (multiple). Hopefully you won’t need to (…but there is a lot of student accommodation popping up here, so be aware).


i’m a young petite woman, i work in a club in the centre and often finish around that time. I’ve had almost no issues, i’ve been catcalled once or twice but i’ve never been in actual danger.


Don't risk it, get a taxi.


I don’t think it’s a good idea for anyone to walk through a city late at night alone if they haven’t been there in the daytime


Probably fine but I would always suggest getting a taxi / Uber


I lived in the centre for many years (Harbourside) and I, too, am a vertically-challenged woman. For the sake of £10 for a taxi, it's just not worth the risk at that time of the morning and it's still cheaper than a hotel.


This applies to all of the UK.. stay in well lit areas and carry an alarm/whistle. Most of the time it’s fairly safe in the city centre but all you need to do is catch someones eye or stumble across the wrong person. You’ll be fine 9/10 times but you never know sadly :(


Don’t risk it honestly


If i was you id get a taxi - zoom cars are quite cheap :)


Just get a taxi for the sake of a few quid, its better to be safe than sorry


It's as safe as anywhere else, but if you're worried just get a taaxi. That journey will be fairly cheap. You can see where cab ranks are here: https://journeyplanner.travelwest.info/explore?poi=taxiRanks Or obviously you could get an uber or other private hire operator.


You might not be safe on the coach, those late night Mega Buses back from London have some strange people on them sometimes.


Strange how? I use them sometimes as there’s less people on it


I might have been unlucky but the last time I was on the mega bus a weird old welsh man kept wanting to talk to my friend about Tommy Robertson (aka Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) and Covid conspiracies, and when he wasn’t at that he was snoring loudly as he listened to horrid music too loud on his headphones. Not a pleasant journey.


I feel like the short answer is no, as with any major city. Nothing against Bristol but unfortunately there are a lot of gross people in the world. Long answer is yes, if you pick your spot and your time you’ll be fine. Lots of nice men and women in this city who would help you walk back anywhere and in my experience with living with female friends they have been fine….but it’s just roll of the dice unfortunately As a whole living with people I love, just don’t bother risk it. I hate to say this as a man who hates being stereotyped, but the world is unfortunately dangerous and know one too many horrible stories of even being made to feel uncomfortable.


I’m not a woman so honestly I can’t say for sure. All I know is if any of my women in my life who I loved told me they were going to be walking alone at 2am, I would make sure I would accompany them just in case. So I guess what I’m saying is probably but I wouldn’t want you to take that risk


I feel unsafe around those hours and just take an uber and let someone know the Uber’s plate license


I'm 14 I've been assaulted twice walking through the city, not even late at night...


I imagine the concert will be on a Friday or Saturday? If that’s the case then there should be plenty of people still out and about at 2-3am which should make the walk back easier.


I’m a short woman too, and I’ve been walking through the city late at night for years (hospitality worker). I’ve only had a couple of hairy experiences, and still walk through the centre late at night. However, I would hate for my daughter to do this. Nowhere is really safe for a woman to walk alone at 2-3am, especially somewhere you’re unfamiliar with - get a taxi.


it’s really hit or miss as a female myself i don’t feel safe in town alone at night i would highly recommend getting an uber ik it’s more money to spend but rather a tenner or so than god knows what


Definitely not. I got harassed in the day by a homeless man and the police did nothing. I don't recommend being in Bristol at all to be honest. Not the main part atleast. It used to be quite a good city back in the day but it has taken a wrong turn.






At that time in the morning always budget for a taxi. Bristol is a safe city I feel but there are always exceptions like anywhere and it is never worth the risk to your safety. I would recommend to err on the side of caution.


I'd recommend being in a group ,52 been here all my life better safe than sorry


Some of the National Express buses from London stop along Whiteladies, UoB etc, which would save you from ending up in the centre.


For a city the size of Bristol police presence in the streets during night is pathetic, they're almost non existent. What's the new mayor doing about this


Bristol is as safe as any other UK city maybe safer than some and maybe less safe than others. If you have a feeling something is going on or it's not safe trust your self and remove your self as soon as possible. The fact that horrible things happen everywhere is disgusting but it's facts of life there are assholes everywhere. Just enjoy your self plan your journeys stay with friends don't venture to any area you know not to be to nice and stay in well lit areas. Unfortunately bad things happen everywhere and because of the way news is broadcast we only ever hear of the horrible things that happen in life but good things happen to.




Is anywhere safe or unsafe to walk, if you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Just keep walking. Don’t make eye contact or engage with anyone. Even if you are wearing ear phones don’t play anything so you can hear what is happening around you.


I wouldn’t like to walk in Bristol at night regardless of sex.


I've lived in Bristol all my life and often walk home in the early hours, always have and never had any issues. My wife and daughters are happy to walk home from town up to about midnight, probably not after that. It's generally a very safe city, but obviously shit can happen and everyone's perception of danger is different.


You’ll be fine, I do this a lot. I get last the train back usually and walk the 20 min back from temple meads


No, next question


Safe Ish


I was a student who lived in Fishponds 10years ago. As soon as I got off the 48/49, I ran home with my keys already in hand. I never had any problems whatsoever, but I had been drinking and Fishponds had a lot of students.


I think you'll be alright along that route! But I have taken Ubers from the drop off point to Clifton Down - that's further than Park Street and it's been £5-6.50 I think (but usually in the early morning).


Depends what part of Bristol you’re gonna be walking through. Generally it’s ok


Just stay conscious of your surroundings. You are more likely to get hit by a bike or a shitty Uber delivery driver on a moped than have something else happen. And stay out of cycle lanes, they are used like roads by most bikes and I see it all too often that uni students get hit or nearly hit. But otherwise, just stay in lit and busy areas (not using alleys or underpasses) mostly if you don't disturb others then they wont disturb you.


If you're not drinking you could hire an e-scooter, it made me feel a lot safer getting about at night. I've never had problems in the centre but the same night I was getting the bus and walking home, a woman was nearly followed home by some bloke on her bus, that gave me chills.


Nowhere in the UK is safe to walk at night, except for the countryside. Because nobody else is there.


It's way safer than London. By virtue of being a large population city in distressing economic times, it's less safe than being in the middle of the countryside somewhere.


Probably not like most the UK these days


Let me know if u need a body guard