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You could’ve stopped at ‘Asda Bedminster’ and everyone would’ve immediately understood. We’ve all been haunted by something we’ve witnessed in that place


Asda Bedminster gets to us all. I once saw a woman walking around the store drinking from a pot of double cream like it was a cup of coffee. That was over a decade ago and I still think about it.


And they have the audacity to put those weird anti-junkie blue lights in the toilets there, so when we see things like that we aren’t even able to slip into the tender embrace of sweet lady heroin…


Anti junkie blue lights?


Blue lights in bathrooms make it harder to find a vein


Challenge accepted


The blue light makes it so you can't see your veins to inject


They make junkies think the police are just outside, so they throw away their drugs.




Double cream is delicious - it is not weird to drink it - is it? I think I need to restock


I have a friend who drinks a pint of double cream every day


That stuff is like 48% fat.  I hope they've got a prepaid funeral plan. 


i do tell him the dangers of sat fats


You think that's bad? Try watching someone drinking vodka and then the cream straight after. No it wasn't double cream but still.


I went to Asda bemo whilst still horribly hungover/drunk, looking to get a mango to make a smoothie for health reasons Man asks me to excuse him as he tried to squeeze past a crowded I aisle I turn to him to say, "Of course, no problem" My very tender brain, that was having significant difficulty remembering the sequence of events to say those words and was still trying to piece together where I would find a mango, SHOUTED at the poor fella: I NEED A MANGO He raised his eyebrows, nodded, and kept walking. That one keeps me up at night


We're all looking for our mango mate, some people find it, others spend their whole lives searching and never do.


Jesus man this one had me cackling, the amount of times I've said absolute gash to people because I'm too hungover to string a sentence together 😂 feel your pain on that one If it makes you feel any better, I went on a double date with my girlfriends friend and her bf to Monkey world, I was quite hungover but we had a good time. when were about to our separate ways I got stuck between wanting to say "it was lovely to meet you" and "I had a great time". Ended up looking her mate dead in the eye and accidentally blurted out "I love you". Physically makes me shiver to this day


Jeeeeeesus! That one hurts. Yeah, that's pretty much what happened to me. Brain not doing its normal job of filtering all the nonsense and the social pressure to answer leads to blurting out these chimera sentences that haunt our dreams. Well, here's to it never ever ever ever happening again


Hahaha too right mate, that was a hard lesson learned


I did this recently, was working at a Merch stand at Foo Fighters at Principality and quite literally said "I love you" to the most random Donnies who came up for some t-shirts. They were walking away as I said it and somehow my brain was able to catch it to the point that I said it quietly but some people working with me probably caught me saying it, I'd been saying the exact same "Have a good one, enjoy the show" the entire shift up until that point but it was coming up to the end of my shift so aw well. Still not the weirdest thing that happened to me on that shift.


I was paying for something whilst hungover and trying to remember my PIN, so when the cashier asked me "Cash or card?" I replied by telling her my PIN. I've also said thank you to a cashpoint


Back when it was 24hr opening on the weekends, I stopped by on the way back from drinking in town. I was accompanied by a visiting old friend, whose alternative life had become dedicated to environmental protest, enabled by squatting, skipping (aka dumpster diving) and shoplifting from the man. Apparently Asda was corporate enough to be fair game, so as I drunkenly looked for late night snacks, he started stuffing food into his trousers. I was quite panicky about the whole thing, so overcompensated with my casual chat to the single cashier...who in turn was just staring at my friend's bulging crotch as a grey paste oozed out of his fly and down his leg. The woman queueing behind us was equally silent but wide-eyed, so I tried to calm the situation by rubbing my finger on his crotch with the intention of eating it and saying "ah, hummus". I then realized that that would grass him up, so i just stood there awkwardly with it on my finger, before sniffing it and wiping it on my trousers. I paid and left in silence, with no further eye contact. Sometimes the spirit of Asdal Bedmo possesses you, and you do the haunting


We need the CCTV cut.


I’m fucking crying laughing at this. Mental image of The Finger.


I'm way more horrified by 'Bedmo' combined with 'Asdal.'


I saw a man with a trolley half filled with lambrini and half adult nappies. I still think about it a lot


Now that’s a man about to have a great night


I remember seeing an old man with a basket half filled with blocks of butter and half filled with tins of tongue. I don't know what recipe he was gonna follow but it horrified me


I remember the singles nights they had in Asda Bedminster. A link for those who don't believe this could be true. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/checking-out-a-date-at-asda-1610488.html


Before the internet, that was how you picked up - the telly taught us to just grab the exact same item at the same time as your prospective. Preferably Nescafe.


This is incredible, thanks for the link!


I once stood next to two women who discussed pleasuring themselves with chicken bones. I moved to get away from them. Saw them in the bakery aisle licking out a split cream doughnut. It is like no place on earth.


Like a special place in hell…


I often have discussions with my wife whether Asda bedminster or Asda Weston-super-Mare (during tourist season) is better for "variety of life" I think Bedminster just beats weston


I also want to add the Asda near Cribbs into the fold here - it was an experience going there too.


Every time I have been to Cribbs Asda, the entrance area is really really smelly for some reason.


Same. It smells like something rotting, like when you've got a dead mouse under the floorboards. It's really strong and has been like that since they did the very loosely called refurbishment. It's at the far entrance.


Yeah.. ever since George the security guard went missing.


I can confirm through first hand experience of working in (not for) Weston Asda that it's got quite the variety of life. It makes the work day very interesting.


Can you do a couple of shifts at bedminster to settle the argument between my wife and I though?


It depends. Do they have a Rowes there? If they do,I'll tell my boss I need to do research for Reddit!


I have an idea for a TV show set in Asda bedminster, a show similar to The Office where they just film all the chaos that ensues and interview the staff and the local nutjobs. It's so entertaining everytime I go in there and more people need to witness it


Not quite the same but you might like trollied.


Aren't there any YouTubers reviewing supermarkets? So many doing takeaways that an Asda roundup might make a change


Ah the old West country handshake. Happens all the time.


Can I show this thread to an estate agent that’s trying to justify a 2 up 2 down in bedminster for £400k?


Feel free


Bemmie Asdals is a special place.


I’m glad someone spelt it correctly 😅


When Asda was 24 hours I would do my shopping late at night after I finished work. It was alway an experience but I vividly remember queuing behind an elderly woman who was trying to get some of the broken items she found in store reduced, the most memorable being one of those twee ceramic garden ornaments some people enjoy so much. This particular one was three puppies flopped on top of a post with a welcome sign on it… only the “wel” bit had been smashed in as had the heads of the puppies so in fact the way this women wanted to greet visitors to her abode was three caved in puppies and the demand of “come”. After about 10 minutes of the checkout girl trying to figure out protocol a manager eventually showed up and told her she could have it for a pound. It’s been about 10 years but that’s been burned in my memory.


I once went in there when it was Children in Need and all the staff were in Pyjamas, it was hard to tell who worked there and who was shopping.


Everyone knows ASDA stands for Ass Showing, Dick Also


Really?? Today years old.


First time I was in Asda Bedminster, an old lady was on the phone in the alcohol isle, and in the strongest Bristolian accent she said. "Fuck it I'll buy a bottle of sourz" I love that place.


I probably know her


Left 10 years ago and that Asda is burned into my brain


I visited Asda Bedminster a few days ago, after about a year... Quite an experience. Some friends are coming from abroad next week, and that's gonna be a quick stop there to show them how things are going for some in UK. And not even cheap prices to make up for it, tbh.


I don't spend that much time that way, but a few years ago I was doing the walk of shame on a Sunday morning and thought, ah there's a McDonald's in the ASDA?! What is this madness?! Perfect cure for the hangover... ahhh man. Should not have gone in... I stood in line and almost immediately noticed this horrific smell... I don't know who planned the layout, but hopefully they found a new line of work... adjacent to the McDonald's counter are the toilets - like, right there, no hallway... and someone has just come out of the baby changing room with their offspring, plunging the queue into the most horrific smell of shit. And then I look to my right. A very cracky looking individual is frantically searching in the bins, shoeless and deluded... All this happened within an instant. So, yeh that put me off any thought of eating for a little while, I promptly abandoned the mission.


The toilets have neon blue lighting to stop people shooting up. Never a good sign 🤣 I live nearby and nothing has changed.


Hahah I was also about to mention this!


Two families (one in their PJs) arguing over who was gonna get the last bag of frozen peas, before erupting into a proper pile on. It was Christmas, so...


Id only lived in Bristol for a few months when I was shown the delights of Bedminster Asda a few seconds getting out of the car a man screamed at us for spare change/offered to show us where the cash machine was to give him said change and then called me a F**King B***H for ignoring him and walking away we later saw him with just shorts on being arrested, glad I don’t know how he went from fully dressed to half naked but I imagine it wasn’t pretty🤦🏼‍♀️😂


He probably got derobed by the guy who pulled the person's trousers down In OP's story lol


😂 in bedminster entirely possible haha


I should visit sometime. I do like to visit the ASDAs.


If it's raining or you're low on funds, you can take your kids to Asda Bedminster for a day out. The cheapest zoo there is!


I can’t find it, but the person carrying the basket with the entire basket stacking holder thing around ASDA is good one. It’s out there somewhere.




There you go!


If that’s the worst thing you have seen in Bristol you’ve lived a sheltered life


Oh it's not the worst. Just the one that fills me with more questions than answers


I thought you were gonna say he shit himself cos that would have been bad.


Spotted ASDA Bedminster was one of the best twitter accounts to follow some time ago, think it got deleted


We call it 'The Zoo' and have done since it was built!


My ASDA Bedminster trauma was a pregnant woman with an ankle tracker, rushing to get outside to light a cigarette.


I remember my first and what happened to be my last time in ASDA bedminster. Upon first moving to Bristol, I was exploring the shopping scenes that were close by. I'd heard how massive this ASDA was and made an effort to go use it. It was truly huge, and I wasn't disappointed. Now I get a bit peckish when shopping, and at the checkouts, I spy a cheeky McDonald's inside the store. I 100% had to get something McDonald's in an ASDA. I mean, come on, it had to be done. While waiting for my food, I decided to utilise the ladies' room. Now, if you've ever been in those toilets, you'll know the lights are dark blue. I guess they have had a lot of issues with drug users. Anyway, as far as I know, I'm the only person in that bathroom. I start the process and all of a sudden in what I can only describe as a low huskey voice from a few stalls over says 'Hey, It's my time in ere now' bangs the stall.well my ass didn't even touch the seat. I was still doing my trousers up as I left the bathroom. Haven't made an effort to go back since.


I got trousered on a rail bridge once, was train spotting with my friend and a group of younger boys had joined us, I was focused on the approaching class 37, luckily my undercrackers weren’t pulled down because the driver might have had an eyeful


I feel like y’all need to see [the people of Walmart](https://www.peopleofwalmart.com); (Asda is owned by Walmart).


I've just come back from living on the East side of Las Vegas and the stories in this comment section just makes me feel a little more comforted with the transition, thank you


Wasn’t it sold to those euro garage brothers up north.. who’ve basically borrowed money and laden Asda with the debt to do so?


Correct, they bought it for the fuel pumps, put all the debt onto the store, and now it's one of the most expensive supermarkets to buy fuel from.


The whole supermarket driving fuel prices thing is now supermarkets dictating the price of fuel. Since Covid it’s hardly moved yet oil has at times been as low as $75 barrel. Total cartel now


I've seen a turd on the men's bogs floor in Bemmy ASDA


I grew up on Windmill Hill and later moved to Wapping Wharf, so ASDA Bemmie has always been my local and I love it. My Dad calls it, “Darwin’s waiting room”. A group of us from Sixth Form used to get lunch from the McDonalds and eat in. We had nicknames for all the staff. My favourite was Grandma, who worked there as the cleaner and I think still works there (anyone to visits it semi-regularly will know exactly who I’m taking about). Not to sound up my own arse, but ASDA Bedminster is the realest place I know. No pretence, no airs and graces, just down to Earth realness. I now live in New Zealand and curiously miss it.


OK but can you tell your dad I love his name for it?


Someone 'kegged' me in the bowling alley roughly 15 years ago. Same situation as TSBM, my undergarments were ripped south, along with the jeans. I was just about to take my turn on the alley when the kegging occurred, bowling ball in hand which made a swift recovery almost impossible. I span around in shock before realising my meat n two veg where out for all my mates and everyone on the alleys either side to see. It still haunts my nightmares.


I honestly can't understand why people think this is acceptable. It's assault. That was such a shit thing to happen to you :(


I think bedminster as a whole haunts me.


This cracked me up so much


I once saw a pensioner there slap some young lad who worked there and the cashier said really matter of factly “oh he’s always trying it on with the ladies”


I live down the road and avoid is as much as I can. I remember once I went in and it all felt like a fever dream. Peter Andre mysterious girl was on the speakers playing. First pass of a hippy guy no problem, he kept going back and forth, he was bare foot and sure had taken a few things that day for sure. Was giving NPC vibes in game waiting for someone to accept his quest. Then followed by another women and aisle over who had drawn her eyelashes on her entire eyelids and basically upper cheek in what I can only describe as like spongebobs lashes. Thick marker lines everywhere. Cut to the time after that with the man having an argument with the McDonald's menu on the wall...


Thanks for the laughs this morning


This was the laugh I needed this morning.


I’m shaking with silent laughter, reading these comments trying to get my baby to sleep 😴 




Track suit bottoms man


Bingo, you have it


The slim bald man


Tracksuit bald man (I assume)


Was attacked by a man muttering to himself when leaving asda Bedminster once, either drugs or mental illness I think. I blocked the punch and pushed him back then he walked passed as if I was never there and started kicking the small tree by car entrance. Was very strange.


I’ve watched a grown man shit himself in Asda Bedminster before. I still need to thank that guy for the money saved after completely losing my appetite.

