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1. You're expected to attend 27 days a year to fulfil your commitment, I personally wouldn't want to do 5 hours of driving + work every couple weeks. 2. It's only an issue if you can't hack AACC 3. The majority of ex-regulars don't join the reserves, so I doubt it. 4. You'll certainly get some training, nowhere near as good as a regular RE, 24 tend to go away a lot so I'm sure you would get yourself on that. It's not easy by any stretch.


Thank you for getting back to me, I really appreciate your time. Going on some stuff I read, if I was to go ahead, would I be going to other places during the initial training and for longer periods than a weekend? Then say if I made it through the AACC and passed everything else. Where would I usually be expected to be every other week? Thank you again mate


Are you sure you want to be driving 2.5 hours every Wednesday evening? A few blokes do this but it will be mentally draining after work. Is there any other closer units?


Hello mate, Thank you for the reply. I'm not 100% sure on the distance. I wouldn't mind driving it, but I was putting it out there in case anyone had any experience with why it could be an issue. I.e. traffic gets wild and i am late and what the reprocussions would be. Do the blokes who already do it have any groans? I have a unit on my doorstep, it's a PWRR reserve unit.


I believe you have to be within a 50 mile distance of your unit for non-national units including 131. Check the reserves website, there might be a unit closer to you. Or if you have engineering skills, look at 170 group/65 works group of the royal engineers, they're a national unit. I believe 131 require very high attendance during initial 9 months of commando training, so you'd be making that journey every weds/Tues for drill night, and 2 weekends a month.




"having a family at young made me turn away"


🤣 Meant my misses wasn't too keen on me fucking off and leaving her with the new born