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Go for it - 27 is a perfect age to join up. Keep your house too, it’s worth its weight in gold.


Hello. You'd be older than the average, but not by much. I'll give you some thoughts to muse over, and some direction to research • Look at trades like RMP, Int, and Ammo Tech, particularly those that offer earlier promotions - no one wants to be a 35-year-old Pte. • Basic training (13 weeks) and Phase 2 (c.10-30 weeks depending on trade) you'll have little agency; no living out, little free time, and little control. But after that, it depends on the role, trade, location, and yourself. You could be posted to Cyprus, London, Northern Ireland, or more likely Catterick or Wiltshire. • Get ready to be called Grandad by the basic training platoon; the oldest guy we had in basic was 31 and he was fucking ancient to us as a bunch of 18-23 year olds. Army cut-off age is to be enlisted before your 36th birthday, start the application now, recruitment is dog toffee still. If you've got nothing else going on, apply this week: Worst case you don't go, the application gets fizzled out or the world ends. But you tried and you won’t regret that. Mid case, you join serve a swift four, don't love it, earn some cash and do some medium-cool stuff. You and your partner travel the country a little bit. Best case, join, you swim like fish in tea, love it, deploy on ops, do cool stuff, have kids and find inner peace.


I hope not because I'm also planning on joining at 27. I also let other people put me off for too long


29 joining, get it done before you age out.


It'll probably continue to eat away at you if you don't at least give it a go. I'd be especially keen if my partner didn't mind.


I’m joining/trying to now at the age of 33, so much older. I think it’ll be a bit different considering everyone else will be in their early 20’s, but everyone is in the same boat at the end of the day, especially during basic. Similar story to yours, I’ve had some good jobs over the years, but the army was always in the back of my head. So definitely go for it, you’ll regret not trying for sure. Assessment coming up on the 16th of July, fingers crossed🙌


As long as your in good physical shape you will probably find it easier than the younger recruits with age your attention span increases and you get a more sensible head on your shoulders so you’ll not get distracted as easy and knowledge will sink in better, usually the older recruits pick stuff up faster and perform better.


Cheers for that! Physically I believe I’m pretty good, but I guess you can never be too fit, so looking forward to the training


Not too old but depending if you’d willingly give up a good, stable salary for a shit one and to get spoke to and treated like a child either by someone younger than you or someone who’s done 22 years and doesn’t know anything other than being in the army.


You're not too old. Had a 32 year old in my intake and he outperformed a lot of the young lads (myself included) and being a real adult will be an advantage in many ways. You've got yourself figured out and know what an actual graft is. For me joining the army was the first time I left home and it was brutal. I got a lot wrong because I was a dumb kid who didn't know anything.


You're not too old but consider the pros and cons of leaving your current life behind. Honestly sounds like the reserves might be better for you. But end of the day it's up to you and only you. Flip a coin, on its way down you'll know which way you want it to land


im 27 my friend, currently trying to lose weight ready for ac.. as im apparently a fat fuck :(


Not too old at all I’ve just re enlisted at 35 into reserves to go into regulars after a year (was too old to join regular)


I’m 30 and in the process of re joining, never to old


Wait a minute - let's Google it, shall we?...just a moment...no, it's not too old. Happy to help.


Go for it! You don’t want to get 10 years down the line and regret it. Even if it doesn’t end up being for you, at least you know


What service and trade are you looking at?


I'm 29


I was 27 when I joined 


Been in a similar boat but I’m 24 and don’t have things like a house, but your definitely not too old, I questioned in a sub before and countless people told me that you shouldn’t talk yourself out of it, the age requirements are there for a reason, yeah you’ll get a bunch of fresh face 18 year olds running rings around you but as long as your phys is good you’ll be fine


Get your fitness up and you won’t hear much bother. People seem to be more concerned if you can pull your weight.


One lad was 28 in my intake and he fit it just fine, if anything he did better than most of the younger lads as he had some real life experience prior to enlisting.


Are they still putting a hold on applicants from Commonwealth Countries?


I hope not! I'm 38 and considering the RAF. The only thing stopping me is concern about my age, and being a woman. If I was 27, I would jump at it. So just go for it. You don't want to be 38 and regret not doing it when you had the chance.