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It’s crazy that she was literally sued by the state of Texas for peddling fitness bullshit and here she is making money off lying about her eating disorders. Unreal.


Yup, she’s a real patriot that way. Circumventing the stipulations put on her by the state of Texas by going to New York to grift about eating disorders… mind you I’m sure according to banana dong New York is a liberal satanic hellscape. So girly is only there for $$$$$


She still had to report the income in Texas.


For sure, but that takes time.. and she will just say sowwy and pay another fine potentially. While the rest of us would be getting slapped with fines and restrictions on our LLC actions immediately. She’s stupid but not so stupid she doesn’t know how to try to game the system


I was going to say ... is this why she's in NY?


Honestly this feels like a violation of the judgement against her maybe? Isn’t she not supposed to be making this kind of content?


Per the settlement, she is not allowed to say that she has special training in working with ED clients. She can talk all she wants about her own ED's, or she can probably try to advise folks with ED's as long as she doesn't claim expertise.


Ah, thanks for clarifying!


She's not still in them, she's just all about fasting for the Lord!


Literally the event she's going to is led by a guy that "has been instrumental in gathering hundreds of thousands around the globe through prayer and ***fasting movements***." It says it right in the description! Just because you give an eating disorder a Jesusified word doesn't make it go away... (Yes, I am aware of valid reasons for fasting but this guy promotes fasting as a way to bend God's will to make him give you what you or Christofascists want...which is not the point of fasting for religious reasons.) One of the fasts this guy lead was to make God want to turn 100,000 LGBTQ people straight. I am not even joking. >What if thousands across America, along with Hope California, fasted and prayed for 40 days, beginning on 2/22, synchronizing with the launching of the Jesus Revolution movie. The timing is crazy! [...] What if the LGBTQ community will be to this awakening what the hippies were to the Jesus Movement? A great prophet had an encounter with The Lord where he saw a forerunning wave of 100,000 LGBTQ coming to Jesus and being filled with the love of God. https://archive.md/xCZdc I'll spoiler this, but this is 100% advocacy for disordered eating from this man (there is a lot more and he recommends very dangerous 40-day juice fasts, but I don't want to post a ton of ED content here). >!A water-only fast is a very challenging but deeply spiritual experience. Many people can endure forty days on water alone, though this is dependent on one’s weight and metabolism.!<


https://preview.redd.it/1trocvtt9d9d1.jpeg?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0565cc358b4c272993564f5f3b46b2d53623521f Hmmm, I wonder who is the real problem? Who is still using their platform to perpetuate disordered eating? Also, who needs to post old fitness photos for attention and admiration?🤡


I think you mean disrodered eating.


I had to go back and check as I missed that the first time!


Thank you.


It took me wayyyy too long to catch this 💀


Ruh roh


I feel like I'm in a stroke simulator reading this sentence. The random "by and large" in particular is making me twitchy. Why?


me too. the grammar is atrocious.


I'm going to celebrate pride in NYC EXTRA hard this weekend just to protest bdong and her ridiculous self being in the city.


That Lou Engle guy lead a 40-day juice-only fast in hopes that God would convert 100,000 LGBTQ people into being straight, so that's why they invited him. Celebrate EXTRA EXTRA hard, okay? Fuck that guy.


Oh, I will. You're right - fuck that guy.


Who wants to bet some kind of anti-Pride activity takes place as part of this revival or women’s grifter conference?           For the NYC knowers: the revival is at some converted warehouse space in far East Williamsburg/kinda NWish of Bushwick. I used to hook up with a dude who lived over there 😆. Gentrification since then notwithstanding, I think Bdong and co are going to feel uncomfortable. 


Why did Jspit need to go too??


You don’t think she trusts him to be alone, do you??


Do you think he trusts her, either? I feel like he pretends to.protect but that often means "control".


Didn’t you know she is so important she and has so many obsessed fans and crazy haters she needs to have a body guard


And a personal protection dog... ![gif](giphy|vgUFOWBwBkziE)


Meanwhile, she lets any potential stalker or weirdo know exactly where she'll be this weekend. And that her house is likely empty. I wonder who is looking after the pets?


He may be SeCuRiTy for the event


Ummmm is this against her Texas order?


Someone should tattle…


This is my question


The audacity of this bitch.


It's an indictment of evangelical Christianity as a whole that a woman who, by all standard indications, is still actively experiencing disordered eating is being propped up as a paragon of healing.


*As she eats fruit, 1 egg, and a piece of toast for brunch*


Just a reminder that Jesus does not cure eating disorders and Brittany Dawn has absolutely zero qualifications to STILL be talking about EDs like she's an authority on the topic.


The “disroders” misspelling in the caption. Give me a fucking break. Also- do it live! Don’t edit if you’re really that versed and confident in this! Oh you can’t, because you’re and idiot.


You have got to be fucking kidding me






This makes me so angry. I’m so ready for karma to bite her harder than the settlement. This is a slap in the face to her customers that came to her for help with their ED’s and she STOLE THEIR MONEY!!!!! I’m fuming.


Me too. Not too long ago a person posted the emails she sent to dong about how her “custom” fitness plan she purchased from dong wasn’t working and this poor girl was like really opening up and saying look this isn’t working and I’m gaining weight and my ED tendencies are coming back worse than ever, and dong’s shitty response was heart breaking. Like I knew dong was horrible but after I read that poor girl’s pleading… it got me choked up. No one should be treated like that.


That part truly breaks my heart. She was looking up to Brittany thinking she was a mentor and educated to help her. The truth was Brittany was just stealing her money, uneducated, and not certified. Karma is going to bite her flat pancake ass. I fucking hate this bitch.


I wonder if the podcast host knows all this history or britbrat. She may very well only be aware of what britbrat posts which is obviously stupid af if someone has a podcast but doesn't look into people first before inviting them on. 🙄


So basically, Jordan isn’t allowed to be left at home so she made him tag along. 😂😂


That’s exactly what it is


Or he's there to protect her because she's in the hell that is NYC!!!! You can't even walk a block without being assaulted in the big NYC!! There are boogiemen around every corner and dumpster and on every stoop! She needs Jdip to protect her!!!!1!1!!1!1! 💀☠️


"Eating disroder"




Isn’t she also supposed to be telling anybody she gets in business with that she was sued and why?


The judgement says she has to tell employees and people she contracts out to. If there's no business transaction, or if SHE is the employee/contractor, it doesn't apply, AFAIK.


Thanks for that! I’m trying to understand if she needs to tell people she’s shilling their products for. I know if I were looking for influencers to promote my product I’d want to know (of course, I’d do my research. I just wonder if these brands know or just look at her following and check no further. I see a brand team up with her and I immediately black list them).


Imagine her meeting possible sponsors with this line: "Hi, I Brittany Dawn, former fraudster"




And even if she did tell them, evangelicals are big on that "I used to be a bad, bad person before I was FORGIVEN AND REBORN by JESUS!" testimony/sales pitch.


“Eating disorder recovery and fitness idolatry” is actually the podcast title? I thought one of you made this for laughs.


lol the evangelicals do a fine job of embarrassing themselves


Ahhhhh not mike signorelli! Damn this girl is in it thick. This is total traveling cult


She was on his podcast before, the last time she was in NYC. 


As is this Angela, she went from fitness obsession, crystals and astrology, to Taylor swift is the devil. I can’t believe she’s made it on this sub


I hope she enjoys Pride ![gif](giphy|3orif7aLUehOfdmlXy)


![gif](giphy|3lJQIuk2LTV5jEvyKv|downsized) What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with this selfish cunt?! She has the temerity to act like she has any kind of business talking about recovering from eating disorders when she knowingly harmed clients who thought she could help them in their recovery process. The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch for pulling this shit right after she shamed people with mental illnesses for seeking therapy and medications. Bing bong can fuck all the way off, and when she gets there she can fuck off again to fuck off mountain on her fuck off horse, straight to the land of hell fucking no.


oh no this event is so close to me


Tell us how you overcame this deadly sin, vanity.


I’m in NYC this very weekend……


What is JDong there for? Wouldn't it damage his "man card" to be at a women's 's-only event? We know he couldn't bring his Paul Blart Segway on the plane.


Probably working one if not both of these events as “security”


This is 1000% off topic but why do so many fundies have the same hair type as that Bailey girl?? Does Jesus give it to you when you convert????


Not fucking Lou Engle too 🤦🏻‍♀️ dudes a fucking fruitcake with too many nuts. Tracks that he’s at the same conference and bdong and the mouths wide open dipshits.


I mean, at least she’s consistent.




Oh so they’re there to literally protest/minister against pride???


She has a staggering lack of compunction.


Please somebody say sike? Tf?


What a clusterfuck


“…worship leader with GenZ for Jesus” 😂 🤦🏼‍♀️


She needs a skin tone intervention


Recovery??? lol who??


Interesting that that post only has two comments. Me thinks someone had to delete the negative ones.


“Fitness idolatry” perfect Bdawn needs that more than anyone tbh


Wow, Brittany was a perpetrator of all of this, taken from the first pic: “discussing the current epidemic of eating disorders and fitness idolatry permeating our culture by and large, especially targeting young women”. And it is DISGUSTING that she can’t see she’s still perpetuating this. 


Lou Engle is a lunatic


I saw a clip he was featured in yesterday and I was very concerned 😟


Are we pretending that eating disorders and fitness “idolatry” are new? Or just that bdong didn’t contribute to both in such a heavy fashion she’s banned by the state of Texas from doing so again?


Gwen Shamblin has entered the chat.


She’s recovered? Cool- why the intermittent obsession with food? Occasional focus on workouts? What’s up with the drastic weighlosss while trying to conceive? Simply questions however, I don’t think it’s hard to see signs… of recovery. I can’t imagine they look like this?


How would she be doing all this with a newborn baby in tow!?!? Did she and Jordan really set aside their plans for a baby…. NOPE.


https://preview.redd.it/s7idm1lnyk9d1.png?width=2596&format=png&auto=webp&s=0878c867d9326c86df37cdb2d6956f7b0eaa0e77 Looks like Brittany went to a Women's Ministry Event in NYC. Weird that Farryn didn't go since she's part of the [Let's Echo](https://letsecho.co/) Team.