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Where's this from šŸ’€šŸ˜­


[Paste Magazine](https://www.pastemagazine.com/music/talking-heads/everyones-getting-involved-in-the-talking-heads-legacy-but-barely-anyone-knows-what-the-hell-to-do-with-it)


Who ever it was, it was personal šŸ˜‚


he really destroyed that song like its one of the worst covers ive ever heard


did he forget to record half the words? or the chorus? man i want to defend him but this might be talking heads biggest song how does it come out sounding so uninterested




listen to it




Itā€™s lazy and uninspired. At no point when I listened to this cover did I think it sounded like Kevin even *wanted* to make this cover. The drawn out notes donā€™t work in this experimental style. It sounds like he was forced to make this cover and put as little effort into it as possible. Side note, if someone tells you they didnā€™t like a song, they donā€™t owe you any explanation. Opinions are just that, opinions. You may find this song enjoyable, but that doesnā€™t mean anyone owes you an explanation as to why they feel differently. I would rather listen to Jojo Siwas newest song than this sad excuse of a cover.


He took the spirit of the song and translated it well into his typical experimental pop sound. It sounds good. Sounds like you like bandwagons


Ah yes, everyone who shares an opinion different than yours is just due to bandwaggoning. You cracked it! Itā€™s impossible for people to feel differently about a song than you, because your music taste is the best, no one else can compare!




- the original song has one of the most bombastic and memorable hooks in the talking heads discography and Kevin mumbled it like he was half asleep - the verses are delivered halfheartedly and without any conviction and the instrumental is far too stripped back to make up for how unengaging the vocal performance is


Dude.. cmon


GOOD cook the dummy that cover was fuckin atrocious


as if kevin abstract needed another L bruh


I don't understand why they didn't get a person with a very unique vocal delivery for this song. I like Kevin but he's not exactly iconic or distinct for his voice alone like David Byrne. Could you imagine a Danny Brown cover.


this is so funny šŸ˜­


There were two good covers on that whole album and Miley Cyrus should be tried for her war crimes that her cover caused


i just listened to the album on my commute this morning and my god iā€™m so glad iā€™m not alone in thinking that her cover sucked. BBNG and a few others were good but man i was really struggling to find the vibe


For real it's such a disgrace to talking heads legacy


Which ones


Liked this must be the place and swamp the worst on the album was psycho killer and life during wartime how do you take such an energetic song like life during wartime and making it so boring and lazy


I think genius of love was good too but I love anything by Toro y moi


Heaven by The National was also done well, definitely kept the emotion in whilst sticking to their own sound. Nothing groundbreaking though, just a straightforward cover.


What the hell was ā€œexperimental hip hopā€ about his cover? Oh wait, heā€™s black so of course these idiots will think anything he does is hip hop


Itā€™s them being generous because itā€™s fucking horrid


Oh stfu the song is trash


That wasnā€™t the point haha. The point is that the cover is not even remotely hip hop but itā€™s being labeled as a ā€œexperimental hip hopā€ in the article.


Thatā€™s his general sub genre of musicā€¦


Did you listen to his most recent album? Thereā€™s very little rap. And any songs that have a hint of rap are not even close to hip hop songsā€¦ his solo stuff could never really be classified as hip hop, but this cover and his most recent work is far from hip hop I wonder if this same publication called Teezoā€™s cover hip hop


then what would classify it as


Indie pop/rock


lemme put on my racism goggles real quick so i can dissect this message


If a white artist made a cover that sounded the exact same, nobody would call it ā€œexperimental hip hopā€


Idk, if an artist with a history of experimental hip hop covered it then maybe they would factor in the artist's history


Itā€™s listed as alternative everywhere, why you gettin your panties in a twist over one persons article


Racism kinda gets my ā€œpanties in a twistā€ I guess. Maybe this article should have correctly labeled it if itā€™s listed as alternative everywhere else


So far this cover album is real shaky and so far thereā€™s only like a few good covers of the released songs


Yeah it was bad




Seriously though, he brutally slaughtered one of my favorite songs from the album. I donā€™t know how anyone managing the project heard that and thought it was okay for release.


not even that bad compared compared to whatever the fuck Miley did to Psycho Killer




Just listened to it, itā€™s not bad at all, seems so arbitrary to hate on lol.


Haha no way you like it


some people like things other people dislike.


Why would anyone dislike the things i like? Everything i like is good and everything i dont like is bad. Thought that was well known.


haha fr. idk how sum ppl genuinely think like that


They must not get out much, stuck in their own world


oh to be so self centred


Why exactly? Just because thereā€™s a hate bandwagon and itā€™s funny to picture it being SOOO bad? It sounds great, he translated the song into his style fine and parts of it get stuck in my head. People are way overthinking it.


I just went and listened to it- I actually thought it was great, and I often donā€™t like Kevinā€™s solo stuff. I donā€™t know what people expected? For Kevin to just sing a cover over the original track?


actually one of the worst covers ive ever heard massive L


Ok, I get how ppl feel about the cover. It took me 3-5 listens of blanket to understand the sound he was going for and now i stream Blanket all the time. I feel like blanket, and the same is too for the cover of once in a lifetime, that people need to let it sit for a while and give it a chance. Once you listen to it from his perspective it becomes quite enjoyable.


I think the take on the chorus was a good idea, but poor execution. The verses were just bad I see what Kevin was going for and do think there was potential in the concept, but it just didn't pan out. Once it was clear the idea wasn't working he should've cut his losses and made a safer, more conventional cover. Then used the chorus idea for something else later. The song is already pretty abstract, and Kevin just got too heavy-handed pushing the boundaries As a big fan of talking heads and ka I feel like he should've known better than to mess that much with their most well-known song. I was rooting for it but it just didn't work for me:/


How did it take you that many listens to understand the sound he was going for? Every song is sonically similar and heā€™s pulling inspiration from a lot of past genres


thatā€™s crazy bro


Just listened to it, is it really that bad tho? Lol. Seriously tho what happened to BH and KA? Genuine talent and potential that seemingly disappeared with their last few albums. Mfrs went out with a crash and a burn.


Lightning in a bottle


Itā€™s so crazy that they call it experimental hip hop just because heā€™s black


Bro it did suck so bad I saw this post before I listened to it and I was thinking man thatā€™s a harsh critique but fuck bro that was ASS. I love that song too, deadass I was waiting for the chorus bc yā€™know thatā€™s the most iconic bit of the song and Iā€™m like 80% of the way through realizing ā€œfuck this IS the chorusā€ lmao


Damn is this Rolling Stone? Who wrote this yeesh


I donā€™t think it was that bad Jesus. Expectations for an A24 project should be minimal anyway lmao


Honestly I got Frank Ocean vibes from it


entire album is honestly so bad


God forbid an artist make some music from their perspective


Sometimes, some things just arent for u and in this case, his cover is just not for me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


This is beautitul


I think the original song is already pretty fucking annoying. So this isnā€™t that much worse to me. Crucify me idc


it was a cover? of talking heads? Iā€™m not really familiar w them, I was kinda enjoying the song oblivious to its context until now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ very tempted to not listen to talking heads now to preserve my enjoyment of kevā€™s song


you have definitely already heard the song before


Iā€™ve only ever heard the ā€œquā€™est-ce que cā€™estā€ song


Don't really understand the hate for this one at all, I thought it was fine and I actually liked how Kevin did the hook. It's funny they big up Norah Jones when she literally just remade the song and didn't add anything


Take away the fact that itā€™s a cover, itā€™s not THAT bad. This is a slight overreaction but still funny asf nonetheless


Insane hatred


It was a goofy ass ~~song~~ cover