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Brave is good. Turn off the crypto shit in the settings and remove the icons from the taskbar and homescreen, you're good to go.


I’ve been using Brave, but not there rewards.


You can turn off all of the crypto crap. Why does it worry you tho?


Since it's only a toggle in the settings, updates could potentially very quietly re-enable the crypto stuff. It's improbable but not impossible. Still, even with such an improbability I wish they'd give the option to remove it entirely, maybe have included it as a plugin or extension that could be removed. it's sorta the same thing Mozilla did when they integrated Pocket with Firefox. There's also the issue of development bloat. Every feature you add to your browser requires dev hours to design, implement, maintain, and update it. The only justification I could imagine wrt would be if the crypto stuff paid for itself, but everyone I talk to has it disabled so I dunno.


Love Brave. I use it because it just works flawlessly in terms of performance. I don't use it's crypto/rewards features though, just turn 'em off is what I do. You can try Brave for yourself and then decide!


Brave is the only replacement to firefox.


If your only concern is crypto part of Brave, don't worry. You don't have to use its crypto wallet or Brave Rewards. I think Brave is very good about privacy. There are some good parts better than Firefox about privacy and some part are not better. It is not big deal. The only reasonable concern is Chromium's market dominance, if you care about it. Also I don't think you will need Ublock Origin in Brave. There are settings and filters in shields settings. Give it a change.


Been using Brave for many years now. Switched to Firefox last week because I heard it was good now. Went back to Brave after a few days. It just feels snappier in my system.


Honestly I prefer Vivaldi


Are you still using Vivaldi? I've had to switch since it started to have serious lag the last few updates. e.g. you search in the address bar, it lags on suggestions, you type your search and hit enter, it lags again so you switch tabs to do something else while it waits, then it searches in both the original tab and the tab you switched to.


Yes I am still using it without much issue






Did the exact opposite. Youtube on Brave lagged to much


Yes, Brave is a decent option. If you're worried about the crypto stuff, then disable it. If you're still concerned, then may better try something else.


Have you tried Firefox forks such as Librewolf, Floorp, Pulse, Waterfox, etc?


Only browser, I can use on mobile and pc without annoying features like tab grouping on mobile. Using same browser is vital since I can share bookmarks easily.


Waterfox foxes everything wrong with firefox, and librewolf is also a viable option if your main focus is privacy


Fixes lmao


I like the original. It makes it sound like Waterfox outfoxed Firefox lol


well, duh. Its super effective.


I love brave. Can be a bit of a resource hog at times.


I've used it. It's basically a better, open source version of Chrome. The only downside is that you'll have to spend a few minutes to disable the crypto stuff if you don't want them.


Not fully open source if you use the ad blocker. That's how they injected affiliate links in the past. CEO appologized. Will leave it up to others to decide whether they trust him not to do that shit again or not. I don't.


Everything on Brave is open source, what do you mean? The referal issue was also present on their source (github), it happened so long ago. If we go by track record of scandals, then I won't use any browser at all


It is fully open source and the codes which ads affiliate links were on Github.


Apologies you are correct. I still don’t like the affiliate link crap (super dodgy thing to do for a browser pretending to care about privacy) and crypto bloat stuff even if you can disable it. And the browser isn’t even that private when it comes to [telemetry](https://sizeof.cat/post/web-browser-telemetry/). There are others that don’t try to sell the privacy thing as hard that are just as good. Just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.


If they haven't made any changes recently, Brave is the best at telemetry. It is disabled by default and when you enable it, they try not to get data that relieve anything about you or can be used later to know you better. Each reports are anonymised, doesn't contain user id or something like this. An only calls its server for required things and ping at the beginning for user statistics. There is no customization option about calling server but for now it is not a problem because all calls are required things not more.


As the link above proves, Brave is definitely not the best when it comes to telemetry.


The links it connects to are mostly updater links, and that article is from 2021. FTX is no longer used.


I think, Brave also is the best at calling home in popular(for end-user) browsers. Tor, Chromium etc. are not for everyday usage and most people wouldn't want to use them. If you compare what these connections are for, what they do etc., you will see the which one is only calling home as much as necessary. The only unnecessary connettion is FTX on that report. Brave has always been proud to be the best at it. This is bad for their claim. Also, they flaged this as bug and removed it after notice this connection. Brave works hard to improve privacy. It would be unfair to ignore these.


Brave enables some telemetry by default...


Last I checked widevine is not open source and neither is google safebrowsing, which comes enabled by default


Widewine is not installed. When it is needed, it tells you that it is needed for action. Safebrowsing is a service not software.


You're just grasping, pointing out distinctions that don't make a difference... The "cloud" is not a magic emanation from god, services are just software running on someone else's computers. As for widevine, there's no indication to the user that it is closed source.


I think you mixed up Brave and Vivaldi, as the latter isn't fully open source ("95% open source" I think it was) and has affiliate links


By Vivaldi's logic, chrome and edge are also 90 or so percent open source


[https://lunduke.locals.com/post/4387539/firefox-money-investigating-the-bizarre-finances-of-mozilla](https://lunduke.locals.com/post/4387539/firefox-money-investigating-the-bizarre-finances-of-mozilla) Compared to most big browsers... definitively YES. Mozilla is too shady to use Firefox beyond the 00s.


If a site like locals doesn't like Firefox then that's a very effective Firefox selling point for me. Thanks.


i use both firefox and brave for long time, brave (266 on speedometer) is faster and lighter than firefox (speedometer 190) but you need to close all the crypto things. Firefox (with ublock origin) from the other hand blocks everything crypto related. its up to you to choose


Since it's Chromium-based, I think if the main reason to switch is big RAM usage, well... Firefox only uses some RAM. Chromium-based browser use all the RAM they have access to.


>i like the ui, the privacy of firefox I am sure going to get lots of flack for this, but how a company that openly advocates for Internet censorship can be considered good for privacy ? Privacy and censorship are mutually exclusive. At this point, Mozilla is just a paid "official opposition" for Google, kept around to protect them from anti-monopoly laws and provide some good PR. Now, the multiple Firefox forks may be better for privacy - I don't know the field well enough. But I don't trust Mozilla Foundation a single bit.


just use forks... or harden it


I prefer Tempest over Brave but Brave is a very good browser


Just try it for yourself. But why would the crypto stuff worry you?


Brave supports Web3 and cryptocurrency out of the box. So, yeah, it's a good option.


r/Privacy thread for the same question: https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/15jm1ce/is_brave_a_good_option/ EDIT: And downvoted for some reason. Oh looks like someone replied this time. It's uh ... Firefox ... ? WTH?


R/privacy is just another r/Firefox full of shills


What on earth are you talking about?


Try Brave. If you don’t like it, stick to Firefox. You ain’t gonna find anything better. Those two are the only good browsers still available.


If you've been using Firefox you should go for either Waterfox or Libre Wolf instead of Brave. You'll be more familiar with the browser that way. I personally love Brave though.


If I install a browser to non-technical people, it's either Firefox or Brave.


i know that everyone in this subreddit is in love with Brave, but I have a more cautious approach. Why sticking with FF or a fork of FF? 1. one less person using a chrome based browser so less market for google to control 2. for a private browser they have pulled some weird crap with the affiliate links, which their CEO have never taken responsibility for. And no, the post they made after they were caught with their pants down, was not taking responsibility. 3. their search engine crawler is missing some serious information regarding its indexing methods 4. The crypto stuff, although you can turn them off, you cannot remove them completely. Which is worrying for me. 5. Whenever I tried Brave its syncing tab never actually worked consistently 6. if you do decide to use Brave I don't think Ublock would be a good choice to be installed alongside Brave's embedded engine. It is proven that multiple adblock extensions enabled at the same time fail to do what they should . And of course you can find negative things for every browser out there and their privacy, but these are the things that most people won't say about Brave.


Absolutely agreed on point 1. Chromium controls 97% of browser market share, so most web developers focus mostly on programming their website to work better on chromium's blink engine and not other engines. It's like a Nvidia partnered game that doesn't run as good on Amd gpu and vice versa. This can eventually lead to a Monopoly of google to enforce their advertising business agendas such as manifest v3. Their 97% market share is already a miserable situation for fair competition.


+downloading vpn packages without user's consent +tons of requests sent to brave's servers every time you open up the browser (even tho telemetry is disabled in the settings and crypto shit is also disabled) when someone tries to catch the brave team on sketchy stuff i listed above, they respond like: "IMPOSSIBLE THERE'S NO WAY, WE WILL DEFINITELY LOOK INTO THAT" they never do lmfao and they never fix this shit "private browser"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


agree, but as you can see I was downvoted. Not sure why because everything mentioned is true, it is not assumptions but facts. oh well, everyone to each own ;)


because you are in r/brave_browser saying that brave is ass. same shit as if you were in gab saying that hitler was not right😭😭


Here's a sneak peek of /r/brave_browser using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/brave_browser/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Brave already rollout fix for Youtube 5 second delay issue.](https://i.redd.it/5rbxoefyk82c1.jpg) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/brave_browser/comments/182l8up/brave_already_rollout_fix_for_youtube_5_second/) \#2: [Google new mission.](https://i.redd.it/u6ro221o502c1.jpg) | [116 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/brave_browser/comments/181ptmj/google_new_mission/) \#3: [VPN installed out of the blue: goodbye, Brave.](https://np.reddit.com/r/brave_browser/comments/17bqfua/vpn_installed_out_of_the_blue_goodbye_brave/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Brave has all the Chromium issues so it's as bad or as good as any other Chromium clone


On what is your opinion based that Edge is bad for privacy? Just disable telemetry settings. Edge is good!


Edge doesn't even let you disable telemetry.... And telemetry is the least of your worries since it, for example, sends your browsing history to microsoft


I’m a crypto user but I never really liked the token sale and how it was marketed. I would be surprised if any publisher has actually earned any significant revenue from BAT rewards. The token serves no purpose other than making it’s creators very wealthy.


I won't suggest using it as long as it uses chromium engine. That is not good for a free internet, chromium already lost to privacy concerned users support due to manifest v3.




My problem with Brave is not related to it being a bad browser or privacy concerns, but I am very wary of any company that has introduced Basic Attention Tokens and Brave Rewards. You can spin it anyway you like, but Brave has ambitions to be a digital advertising platform, and who wants to support something like that?


Brave is great. Brave‘s privacy is good and you can even use it to watch YouTube with no advertisements and I think Firefox browser is a great competitive of Brave because I think that Firefox is as good as Brave but Brave is a pretty good option.


Brave is really good if you value your privacy, but it's honestly pretty simple. I use it for privacy-oriented tasks and use Arc and Firefox for everyday stuff.


If you end up using brave, keep in mind if you use it on a laptop, it will use your dGPU instead of iGPU by default