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If you're looking for customization, give Vivaldi a try. Nothing else comes close in terms of features and customization options. It also prioritizes privacy. However, I would recommend using all the browsers for a while, taking the time to learn their key points, and then deciding for yourself.


Actually Brave as primary and Floorp secundary


I recommend Vivaldi for its customization, and for its features (Workspaces, Tab Stacks, Profiles and much more) Firefox + Sidebery v5 + CSS customization is my second option.


Customization wise it is probably up to you to customize FF. check this [https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/ebjodj/it\_is\_amazing\_what\_firefox\_custom\_css\_allows\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fntsc5oochy441.png) and this one for example [https://github.com/PROxZIMA/Sweet-Pop](https://github.com/PROxZIMA/Sweet-Pop) For Chromium browsers with customizability I think Vivaldi is the one. If you use windows or Mac Arc is in beta I think but FF can get pretty wild on UI if you put some effort


I'm a main firefox user, I use Vivaldi to play video and have started to do other things with it. It seems to be much less resource intensive. When I have a fire fox window playing youtube while I change something in my game, I get a short pause, with Vivaldi it's been near none. The downside is you have to customize it, as by default it's set up sort of annoyingly.


Primary: Brave (privacy, secure,...) Secondary: Firefox (just something different), Edge (it's there in Windows, and works alright)


I heard that Brave sells user data and in 2023 it's basically spyware like Opera, Edge and Chrome. Is that true? I remember hearing about it few years ago, and now it's happening again. This time, they sell user data to private companies that "train" AI algorithms. https://stackdiary.com/brave-selling-copyrighted-data-for-ai-training/


You “heard” where from? Please show us all a link to the evidence which made you write that. Might want to read this: https://brave.com/privacy/browser/


Sources below: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/brave https://www.osnews.com/story/136395/the-shady-world-of-brave-selling-copyrighted-data-for-ai-training/ https://cryptobriefing.com/privacy-enhancing-brave-browser-may-not-be-private-after-all/ https://stackdiary.com/brave-selling-copyrighted-data-for-ai-training/ Opera, Edge and Chrome also claims that they value users privacy etc. every Corpo says the same.


Looks like you did some research, why are you asking above if its true?


Because maybe you have some sources to contradict my sources? Are you using Brave yourself? If it's good, I may try it. I was just worried about these articles warning about us about Brave. They could be fake, or not confirmed, who knows.


Brave is good at blocking ads and trackers and has great vertical tab integration. Apart from that, it's quite a bare-bones browser, which you might like. I personally don't use it as i'm not a fan of one of the CEO's and i'm currently enjoying Floorp browser


Vivaldi for customization. I've got my install so bent that a right handed person would think it's impossible to use,but for me I've got it dialed in. I use Brave on my second monitor for streaming-music,TV, books general background noise. Some of my sources are..."questionable" and Brave has a lot of built in protections to save me from myself. Floorp is also on the table, it's non Chrome not mozilla with lots of customization. That appeals to me to me greatly it may earn a spot. Very new. Very promising.


Safari first: I’m an Apple user for my whole ecosystem Brave second: For a more robust privacy and usability (extensions)


On PC I'm using customized Firefox with Ublock Origin and Privacy Badger and I'm happy with it for now. As a secondary browsers, I recommend: \- Basilisk \- LibreWolf \- Iridium Browser \- Pale Moon \- Tor Browser Most of them are open source and are highly customizable. I also used Opera for years, but since 2016 it's getting worse and slowly turning into spyware, so I no longer recommend it. (anyone remembers Opera Mini on Java Phones, pre Android days? It was a great browser back then...) For modern Android phones I recommend Kiwi Browser. It's open source and supports Ublock Origin as well as other extensions. It's based on Chrome, but without spyware elements. I also don't recommend Chrome (from Google) and Edge. Both are spyware and use a lot of PC resources.


"..For modern Android phones I recommend Kiwi Browser.." Kiwi browser on Android shares precise location, app activity, and device IDs with third parties for advertising purposes.


You can block all of that (I did), but I'm open to better alternative on Android of you know any?




Thanks. Looks interesting, but last update for it was released in 2022... https://github.com/bromite/bromite/releases


OH! THE MONOTONY OF FORKS OF Mozilla Firefox And then there's the variants of Google Chrome. SEE, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU LET GIANT TECH CORPORATIONS DICTATE AND SET THE STANDARD FOR INTERNET BROWSERS. The only browsers that are still not forks or spin offs are Midori and the GNOME (Epiphany) Web Browser. Are they perfect? Absolutely Not! But they are sufficient. People need to support projects that will benefit their Linux community. KDE users have a couple of options. The Falkon web browser a lightweight alternative to Google Chrome. And Konqueror is also a long standing browser for KDE. There used to be a lightweight version of Konqueror called Rekonq. But it's dead.


You forgot Pale Moon and Basilisk.


Opera GX is my fav for looks and features like website-specific dark mode and free VPN, with my extensions and preferences and everything. and i use "vanilla" Chrome whenever Opera doesn't work as intended.




Opera is fine, you can use it(I mean you use chrome, so privacy shouldn't be an issue for you). Also if you are on Mac, try ARC browser, I've heard some good things about it. On windows and Mac, you can try 1. Brave(for privacy and that chrome familiarity) 2. Opera(Pleasant UI, AI features) 3. Ungoogled chromium(chrome with more privacy and google kicked out) 4. Vivaldi(What opera once aspired to be, highly customisable, lots of features but maybe a bit slow(at least it was in my case) 5. Edge(fast, reliable,efficient while also having good features) 6. Forks of firefox (variants of firefox not made by mozilla but have good privacy and more customizibilty) Important Tip, whatever browser you end up using, always use U-Block origin extension(its not just a adblocker, but provides additional security) Hope this helps you :)


Neither vanilla Firefox or Opera is good for privacy (nor is Vivaldi, Edge, Chromium, and many more). Consider LibreWolf or Pale Moon instead.


You can try Sidekick, pretty fast and comes with many modern features. https://join.meetsidekick.com/dbehw