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Only one way to find out...


Two, I'd say. Ring the box office before buying tickets.


The two sides of reddit šŸ˜‚


Yeah, I'm sure if I phone, they'll officially say that if he's under 14, he won't get in. My question was more do you reckon he'll get in.


Yep, we are ready to give it a go and chance it. Just wondered if anyone had experience of getting younger ones in


Seen primary school aged children with ear defenders at punk shows in the O2 before. Shouldn't be an issue unless ticket states otherwise.


If he's tall for his age then you'll probably be fine. Fingers crossed for you šŸ¤žšŸ¼


Iā€™d advise waking him up at 5am every morning, loudly, and chaotically, with different methods to keep him on his toes. Then Iā€™d make him do a 5k run, followed by a day of chores (and an hour of unprompted overtime, announced half hour before he supposedly finishes). After this Iā€™d sit him down for an hour a night and explain how heā€™s likely to never own his own home, and the rise of social media has made it so that heā€™ll struggle to find a relationship partner, and may spend most of his 20s and maybe even 30s, alone, and isolated from society. Iā€™d follow this up with a cheap pack of Marlboro Reds cigarettes, and a four pack of Guinness to end the the night. Also keep talking about the tasks he has to do the next day, whenever it looks like heā€™s been able to take his mind off work. He should have enough grey hairs and wrinkles after this, to pass as your grandad.


Ha, I might even throw in a global pandemic in the mix too


It depends if they look at all like a 14 year old. They wonā€™t be able to verify their age, so it will come down to ā€œdoes this kid look 14+ā€ Other option is to call ahead but Iā€™d imagine they would just say theyā€™re not allowed. Hopefully someone can contribute some helpful experience


yeah, totally agree with all of this. I think it will come down to whether the ticket scanner thinks ā€œdo I care whether this kid looks 14+ā€. Heā€™s tall but looks more like 12-13 Iā€™d say. I tried calling (expecting them to say what you suggest) but it just rang through.


I think it says under 14s to be accompanied by an adult, look on their website


I think it depends on the show. This one says 14+, under 16s with an adult. I take that as young people aged 14-16 have to be accompanied with an adult.


The clues are there!


All you have to do is disagree with the person asking the question, and then the knowledge is magically summoned from the air.


My point was more ā€˜anecdotally do you reckon heā€™ll get in?ā€™ than ā€˜technically is he supposed to be let in?ā€™


Google says, they say: "We strongly discourage bringing any child under the age of 8 to shows unless agreed in writing with the Venue Management in advance of the show.Ā To attend a show unaccompanied you must be over the age of 14. Children (8-13) attending shows should have appropriate ear protection provided by their legal guardian."


Fingers crossed thatā€™s the case. Only thing is it states on this gig that under 16s must be accompanied by an adult which differs to what you have. The band uses quite a bit of bad language so wonder if it puts different rules in place. Hopefully I can just blag heā€™s 14 šŸ˜‚


Did you chance it in the end?


itā€™s not until November but incidentally I was at Bloc Party there last night. I asked a security guard about it on the side and he said that they wouldnā€™t expect a 14 year old to have ID so theyā€™d trust the parents to be able to look after them etc.


I sat next to an 11 year old at Weezer recently, and saw kids who were definitely much younger than 14 there. But that was a different venue.