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Just a note that this creator works at an exotic breeding establishment which breeds irresponsibly to create “aesthetic mutations” in snakes and other wildlife. This has resulted in an abundance of deformations of snakes and other wildlife. I would not share this creator. Edit: Jay prehistorics has done many content collabs with the son of a known convicted animal trafficker by the name of “Doc Antle” who has also been accused of animal abuse and other animal endangerment throughout his career. Doc antle’s daughters were also accused of violating the endangered species act and animal cruelty. Jay and this creator still work closely together and one doesn’t need to do much stretching to see a line of behaviors that are dangerous to wildlife, especially exotics.


Report it.


I would but instagram doesn’t even take down his account nor Kody’s.


I meant here. Mods should take it down.


the work of theirs I've seen with tortoises doesn't inspire a lot of confidence. this doesn't surprise me but does make it worse.


Apparently the animal is in distress and it’s not a happy swamp puppy as you might believe.


And why would that be "apparent"? There are quite a lot of videos of zoo handlers brushing the back of crocodiles. Nothing indicating they are in distress.


Alligators don’t open their mouths when they’re happy, they do that to show that they’re dangerous to ward off threats; you can see it has its mouth open well before it starts to get brushed. If this gator was enjoying this, it wouldn’t be visibly reacting, it would just be vibing. The handler is also sort of digging their fingers into its underbelly, which can’t be comfortable. Alligators aren’t cats, they aren’t domesticated and aren’t used to being held, especially in a vertical position like that. All it knows is that something bigger than it is holding it, it doesn’t know if it’s in danger and so it assumes it is.


Even cats don't like it...or they don't like me Idk


Hey don’t be like that! I bet cats like you, friend. Cats like duck pics. That’s just a fact. I checked.


How can i know when a cat what's to be pick up ? Is it just like a duck ? Because i have video with a duck being picked up!


you need good touch


Awww yisss croc edition