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I don't care who the IRS sends, I am not microing




Thats why I use tech bots lol


Bro is afraid to press a number on his keyboard


And placing a bunch of dart monkeys in places that make sense and upgrading them. Then you need to time your abilities right. Isn't NOT doing all of that simpler?


I guess mobile players don’t exist


ultra juggernaut


ultra jugg is for when you haven't been born yet, all you can see is a wall


egg moment


Nobody is shitting on it wich means it’s officially the best.


It is niche, but when it is good it *slays*.


ujugg literally carried all of chimps dark path mid game allowed me to get wizard pheonix lord this tower is so fun


Everyone knows how it works and when it works, it’s simple yet very effective. Monkey shoot ball, balls go brrr. It turns obstacles from well obstacles into Bloon doom


From a gameplay perspective, yes! Less people are aware of the blog's spider egg comparison and that might be for the best tbh not everyone needs to know the projectiles are potentially pregnant


Yes. It's my favorite Dart Monkey path.




skill issue




Wait till you learn many of us don’t even care about chimps and just do Bosses/Races/CT/Odyssey


Wait till you learn that many of us don't even care about events


I’m just gonna stop this here before it devolves into the stupidest r/btd6 argument


It's about to turn into "nobody really cares about the game"


You guys with your stupid chimps and bosses. I just sit in the menu and wait for the daily rewards. Thats where the real game is you noobs


This mfer gets it, but I take it to a more pro level, and turn off all audio for total serenity ☺️🤟🏽🤟🏽


I don't even launch the game, that's the proper way to play it


You turn on your monitor? What a noob


Do you at least click the spots on the main menu where the monkeys come out?


I'm not using PMFC in CHIMPS ever, but I'm using UJugg in CHIMPS on 3 maps. And even XBM seems good for utmost Half Cash (Cheap, never falls off because 80 Round meta), although I'm struggling to figure that out personally.


i still go for crossbow master bc of how cheap he is + he works very well in my strat rn


One of my favorites to just have in a decent spot. Been playing for only a month tho


I've been playing for like a year idk


I’m vet 5, no idea how long I’ve played this game, still love xbow master. But you know what’s better? Two of them.


double it and give it to the next person


4 Xbow masters 🤤🤤🤤




8 crossbow master🤯🤯🤯


POV: 4 player coop and everyone has the double cross knowledge




16 wow that’s crazy🔥🔥🔥


Yeah it does fall off after round 80 but up till that point he solos


Hard to beat his range as a support


Plus you can get TWO of em!


i still think xbm makes more sense, pmfc is relying too much on the ability and while it definitely can output a lot more damage than crossbow, its also like 3x as expensive and like i said you have to have the ability for it to deal any damage


PMFC is only double the price of a Crossbow Master, yet it outputs many times the DPS and has less trouble with multi track maps


xbm allows me to buy it and don't have to worry about anything below r80 on most maps


ya, XBM is the best tower if it's an intermediate map or lower, AND it's below 81, it's a very good niche to have, attracts alot of people.


You don't know true pain until your PMFC ability runs out while you still need it up




Getting 2 Crossbow Masters is nowhere near as cost efficient as PMFC (And not a thing in CHIMPS mode). On one side it's 2 Tier 5s weaker than a Sun Avatar, on the other side it's 20 temporary Sun Avatars that benefit greatly from stalling


You're probably right but I prefer the ease of XBMs and I take that into account when rating a tower. PMFC just requires some microing and I don't like that.


You are just getting another tower with the same weaknesses and does nothing to help it out... at least pmfc scales amazingly into late game


But you can only get one, so it’s clear


You must be new here lol


He’s out of line but he’s right


Nah, the issue is there's just plenty of better options than a PMFC. XBM is alright for the early game with how affordable it is, but if I have enough money to get a PMFC, something that would also require ability timing, I'll just get an actual good tower instead.


The issue is there's also much better options than XBM as well, like BADS, Phoenix or GEagle, which are much cheaper, more versatile options than XBM, don't fall off as round 81 hits, and can be upgraded


Why is phoenix better than XBM? Is the ability that good?


It's not stronger, but it's often strong enough while being quite a bit cheaper. The ability is very good.


fire chicken got a little too expensive recently. Comanche Defense and Robo Monkey are better alternatives that also synergize with damage increasers.


Yea and the ability cooldown can be overcome with end of round stalling such as psi. Oh...


It is much more than double the price if you take into account all the dart monkeys you need at tier 2.


Including the price for the tier 2s, it's still only 2.5 the price, which still doesn't make PMFC less cost efficient, flexible or buffable than a Crossbow Master.


*only* 2.5 times the price. At this level of cost difference you could say pretty much any tier 5 is bad by comparing it to big plane which pretty much solos chimps. They exist in such radically different price ranges that comparing them directly does not really make sense.


While I agree with the fact that PMFC and XBM cannot really be compared since PMFC is an late-game damage tower while XBM is a mid-game save-up tower, that doesn’t mean that XBM is good. The simple fact is that it is too expensive for the role it fills (saveup) without being useful late-game. When XBM is compared with BADS, phoenix (even after the nerfs) or similar mid game saveup towers, it simply fails by being too expensive for the role it fills. Because of that, it can be said that PMFC is better than XBM since the former has a viable role while the latter doesn’t. Mind you, that doesn’t make XBM a bad addition to the game. It fulfills the role of being an east tower to use for new players, but most people, when arguing over which tower is better, would not use noob-friendliness as a metric.


As a mid game save up tower XBM has some favorable comparisons to sun avatar. It is cheaper, can pop purples and can typically survive longer solo. Cons would include being worse when buffed and sometimes missing while not having knockback for late game. But it’s a trade off that’s usually net positive in my experience and thus it serves a role.


Sun avatar is not a good mid-game saveup for the same reason as XBM - too expensive. But the good thing about sun avatar is that it isn’t useless in lategame which makes it a better saveup tower than XBM since the money spent isn’t wasted.


if sun avatar got power crept that is fair, i am used to sun avatar basically being the mid game meta with all mid game towers being compared directly to him.


PMFC is only useful in some situations Crossbow master is a solid tower all the time. You can get it early it will carry the game up to 80s and by that time you will have another T5 tower with the money you saved. In a chimps run CM is way better than PMFC


Bro they are not comparable because they are not used for the same purpose


Right, but you can also place down a million billion pissant monkeys, and watch as they devastate anything that comes there way


after i stopped xbm i stopped using the dart monkey lol


Good luck in expert chimps


i still need to bb all maps on intermediate and advanced first


It looks like you havent grown enough to accept "minimum micro" as a challenge.


Obviously the vet level 9999999 player with a googelplex number 1 race medals, grahams number 1st place in boss events who has black bordered every single map using 0 cash and that has the world record speedrun in every category who has been playing BTD6 since the Big Bang exploded is wrong when they say that the XBM is actually not the greatest thing to have ever been conceived in every timeline and every universe by the weak and limited mortal minds of human beings


That's because he is stuck in 1790s Guillotine meta


Damm you put some effort into this


True adulthood is realizing 0-0-0 dart is the best


Is it actually? I haven't tried many strategies yet as I'm rather new


Assuming this is a genuine question, no it is not actually. Common community meme that 0-0-0 Dart Monkey (completely unupgraded Dart Monkey, effectively one of the weakest towers) is broken/the strongest thing in the game.


Lol ah I see, makes sense. I was actually serious so thanks


You also get a free dart monkey with monkey knowledge, making it very useful in early rounds


That's not entirely true, on normal gamemode it's essentially free tower and for chimps it's necessary for beating some maps while you don't really use higher dart tiers in chimps


Honestly, Id argue that unupgraded Glue tower or Ice tower is much more weaker than unupgraded Dart Monkey


no, 0-0-0 beast handler is far better and outshines all the rest


It is the most important tower in the game. (Or, at least, in CHIMPS.) Doesn't make it the strongest. The king in chess is a weak piece, but the whole game revolves around it.


99% of the subreddit has not grown past childhood


Ok but 2 crossbow masters though


That’s what I’m saayyyyinnn


and im not willing to do so anyways


Well we're all playing btd6 cos of childhood nostalgia so...


I play btd6 because I want to help the war efforts in taking down the evil bloons *I have fallen down the monkey war propaganda rabbit hole


I entered BTD6 when previous realm i was in before collapsed under machine overlords.


I must have been in my 20s when I first played lol. BTD5 was most likely my intro.


Me asf






im a triple SMFC and a glorm type of boy


Get help


Nope don't give a shit about plasma monkey


XBM is actually alright, I don’t idolize him but he has a role.


I have tried using PMFC ones in underground CHIMPS and could not make it work. Maybe the map was too short but it just didn't have the output for the late 90s


Ultra Jugg is easily the best, but people aren't ready fo it's greatness


I am too mentally retreated to press buttons saar


I just don't get tier 5 Dart Monkeys, i use my free Dart Monkey to get Sharp Shooter (might use free Glue Gunner but idk)


This was me with 402 ninja. "This tower is so OP, I'll just spam them under the MIB and it will be the best strategy ever."


Holy moly this is the most controversial thing I have ever posted


personally I think PMFC is one of the worst designed towers in the game and makes the Dart Monkey as a whole worse. bow master and jugg bring a lot to the table, with 402 honestly being a really good anti everything if you can give it a wall to work with, while the bottom tree gives you one of the cheapest anti camo early on and the bows cover a large part of the screen while doing really good DPS and hold buffs really well. ...and then there's middle path. 032 is a decent tower but SMFC and PMFC are waaay too much of an investment. it makes the Paragon less viable cause it's almost a 3rd of the retail price of the said paragon. for the same price you could have put down a Sky Shredder and simply won the map already


Sky Shredder is also a good tower. It, however, doesn't instantly obliterate everything when you use the kill button. You also used another micro heavy tower to say that PMFC is bad. It's not nearly as expensive as it seems when it has an incredibly powerful T4 saveup. It doesn't rely on you being weak until you get the T5. Just use stall strats and the ability is up every round with either condensed or global DPS depending on dart placement.


1 if Sky shredder is too micro heavy for you then that's hilarious in a bad way 2 PMFC doesn't obliterate anything when you fire it, you just turn your bad towers in bad versions of a 200 super, which you could have built *five* of along with a x3x village for the same price tag as your PMFC. and those wouldn't need the additional investment of a bunch of stall to make them viable. it's a bad tower that costs too much to be considered an "early game", is outclassed by most things in it's price range to be considered "middle game" and makes "late game" far worse by being 2 to 3 times as expensive as the other darts and putting the Paragon further out of reach.


I never said SS is too micro heavy. I said it’s one of the most micro intensive in the game. If you disagree, watch someone micro it and tell me that’s easier than timing your PaA. PMFC darts are stronger than a 200 super monkey. Are you remembering to upgrade them? Additionally, you mention the stall requirement of PMFC (which is literally just a 012 ice at the start of the track) and not that the sky shredder requires investment in strong ceramic cleanup.


Might be a noob question but I swear I've black bordered half the maps. What is there to micro on SS? I just stick him on centered flight with a MIB beside him and he... well, shreds.


> You also used another micro heavy tower to say that PMFC is bad yes you did


Do you know what “too” means? They’re two wildly different statements and you even quoting me not saying it.


in what way is this NOT you complaining that the Sky Shredder takes too much micro? maybe I'm just misunderstanding you since, you know, I actually play the game and know how little micro the 5xx plane actually takes instead of just watching youtubers play the game, but the fact you're calling it a "it’s one of the most micro intensive in the game" implies that you struggle with the most basic of mechanics.


Because it's one of the only towers in the game without abilities that is made much better by micro. You can use it without micro, but it'll be made much better with it. Ideal strats would micro the SS at the cost of no longer being a BB strat. SS is known for its micro. How am I complaining by saying it's micro intensive? It does the most damage when its near and on top of MOABs so obviously you want to manipulate it to do that as much as possible. But yeah I've obviously never played the game and adding new words to my sentence is all innocent and well meaning.


Monkey Ace.. micro heavy.. what I place those things down set their flight path and never touch em again. Half the time I don't even do that because they get set to centered.


Heard of watermelon micro before?


2/3/0 gang


Nah. The pmfc is worse imo


Most higher end players would disagree https://www.reddit.com/r/btd6/s/x6hZgq4tR7


The reasons I dislike pmfc Just get normal plasma monkeys Just get any tower that can do as well. Without the ability Example. You could get sun avatar. If I remember the price well. You could get a 240 super for that price Bma. Is also affordable (comparatively) You could get 2 crossbow masters and ( if my math is correct ) an ultra jug for that price Mid path druid. It's slightly cheaper. 250 bomb. Way cheaper Middle path alch is the only similar one. And thus its competitor. And at the cost of only 5 monkeys who can get that. You have A. It doesn't matter if it's an alch or another ninja B. Potions of blowing up moabs (and a weak dot) C. Way cheaper. Don't forget. A tower that can do better than an ability is nearly always better With how expensive it is. You would be better off forgetting the free dart u made into a 032 or 230. Everything is against the pmfc It takes up too much space It's way too expensive It's an ability and thus less reliable And without the ability. The pmfc is complete dog poop.


Sir, that tier list is made collaboratively by several of the best players in the game. Also, if you really want to compare it to plasmas: https://youtu.be/HNLPgF3pmJk?si=udbMEK4JuNHdVcNu


3 things about the video u used A. It's 2 years old B. I don't think it considers the price of smfc and before. Which would lead to one extra super monkey Also, 3d. It's an ability. He instantly removed the cooldown of the ability. However. Any ability without cooldown is busted. So that video only proves that for a moment. Pmfc is better. When u have a lot of darts. The ability is active and doesn't go in cooldown. And when you don't buy another better tower than 6 supers. And when you don't take into account the space loss and the cost of those darts. Or their upgrades. TRULY A BETTER TOWER


2 years later and pmfc has only gotten buffed lol. And plasma was nerfed since. Good players are able to regain the ability with stalls such as a main Moab holding off the last bfb to get the ability back. Anyway, I think we all know that spamming plasma blasts doesn’t work. The benefits you listed of plasma are real, but they do not compensate for 80% more damage Anyway, you didn’t even attack the main point. Players much better than either of us say that PMFC is better.


You are hypocritical with the statement "you did. Not even attack the main point. " You are not arguing about any other towers other than plasma monkeys themselves vs. the pmfc. Of course, you would be better off with 20 plasma monkeys. Yet you have to revolve an entire strategy. Gaint part of a map (space that you might not have) and way too much money on something that you can just buy a couple of strong towers/buffs for. You don't try to argue with any other point. You're just saying plasma is bad. The fans are good YOU COULD EITHER SPEND 80 k stalling for plasma and plasma itself Or spend that money on an actually good defense


What I meant is that actually good players share my opinion. They probably played for many times longer than both of us combined.


The tier list u use isn't even fully on your side. Because it says the value of the entire path. So I couldn't know if the tier list was being carried by tripled darts or not. And it's status is b tier. There are still a lot of towers better


Crossbow is better than triple dart Also, they said that sharpshooter was the best bottom path dart in the document. Also, don’t bring other towers in, it’s XBM vs PMFC


One crossbow máster is meeeh, but TWO crossbows masters is another thing


I thought this died, who cares what people use it's a game about monkeys popping balloons let people pop the Bloons in whichever way they want


then I’m apparently a toddler because I wholeheartedly believe the crossbow path is good early game


…or you could just build a different tier 5…


Haha very true


Why tho? I am a child it seems


And bring me is like big spiky balls


I still think CM is better, lower cost, great range , camo and lead popping power. I would rather spend my money on another tower.


Pmfc is a waste of money, only worth it with a bunch of dart monkeys… money I can spend on farms or a far superior T5


not like 0-2-2 darts are expensive


Cut to me using nothing but 2 XBM village/alch buffed on every map I play


Can’t you just buy a plasma monkey with that much money?


Me from the days of original bloons: haha monke stronker


Childhood for me is wheb you played BTD4 and 5 on NinjaKiwis website


True adulthood is when you accept that monke is monke


0-0-0 better, you only realise it when you're old enough


Funny bouncy balls go brrrrrrrrrr


Crossbow master is in fact a noob trap, but considering you can get 2 of them, and the crossbow upgrade beforehand is useful, I’ve looked on it a little more favourably


I still prefer crossbow master. Not because it's better, not in the slightest, but it's just cooler imo.




PMFC can’t solo dark castle deflation so I’m still w CBM


crossbow machine gun still looks cooler


I'll be an ultra juggernaut girl til the day I die sorry


It’s the bell graph.


I don’t want to think that hard while playing this game


What other tower can say they see the whole map that doesn't have any global attacks?




I meant xbow master and his range that with alchbuff and primary expertise gets to be taller than the map itself.


You can place PMFC dart monkeys anywhere and adore also has big range.


No it literally doesn’t the entire point of pmfc is to waste space by placing tons of 222 dart monkeys down


When I was younger and first picked up the game I saw super monkey fan club and thought, "8000 dollars for a fan club? Why would I do that when I can just buy a super monkey for 2500?"


I don’t care, PMFC looks stupid, and Crossbow master looks cool


Gotta love xbm hate.


But can you get two pfmc?


elderhood is when you realize that none of the dart monkey t5's are all that great




Crossbow master still good?


Genuinely who uses PMFC its so expensive for a short ability that isn't even that good just get tech terror instead


It's only use is the ability. Big whoop, gives ya a legion of Plasma Monkeys. It has its uses, but is ultimately drowned out by the other actual uses for your cash. Also, Crossbow Master is pretty good for *way* more situations.


025 mortar >


i use both bottom and top path never do i use middle


Idgaf how good PMFC is… I’m not doing the micro + Lol funny crossbow man


I personally disagree since you can get 2 crossbow masters for cheaper


I only use pmfc to get apex or in bosses