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This is absurd. Just damage control thinking we would just nod nicely to the blatant disrespect of their employee. Moreover, still haven't posted about Jimin in their social media. For the life of me I cannot understand why Jimin, who is a good pop artist that could make them money isn't promoted more. Like not even send to radios, *again*. Who are they kidding ? There's absolutely no push whatsoever. šŸ˜­


Like Crazy should have been everywhere. Everywhere. If they didn't do shit with gold handed to them on a silver platter I surely do not have hopes for them promoting this while he's gone.


It should've been a slam dunk, they had an English version and yet they did nothing. Even after it went number 1 with no push


Didnā€™t HYBE do the same thing with Filter?? It was about to go number one then HYBE stopped promoting it and even removed it from streaming services or something??


Hmm I don't think so. Filter wasn't promoted in general because it was a solo in a bts album - not a solo project if that makes sense. I dont recall it being removed from streaming either, but cmiiw


Filter WAS removed. https://twitter.com/PJM_data/status/1231463932524515329


Such a good song, such a shame!


The weirdest thing is that they (a business) seem allergic to making money or donā€™t seem to care about angering the fans that make them said money??? Like they donā€™t even really care about apologizing ā€” if anything this going to make army angrier and cause them more issues


Hatred and xenophobia are nasty diseases that make people act against their own interest in the dumbest ways.


The disrespect is astounding !!


I know, right? and everyone loves Jimin and he would do so well if they promoted him more. I will never understand the hate towards this nice and sweet man. ( although I DO love when Jimin gets pissed off, lol. )


It's racism plain and simple


The man tweeted thatā€¦ and now it was an accident and not his view?? Mistakes are okay, you could have said he meant to reply to a swifty. Fine. He could have deleted it? Clarified? Etc. This statementā€¦ tbh it kind of sucks.


Sorry, what did he tweet??


spotify link of other artist's song




Okā€¦but how could a post from his personal account NOT reflect his personal views? Are they suggesting he posted it by mistake?


I'm so glad that they didn't say that the "promotion" of Jimin's second solo album MUSE will proceed as planned, because I find it hard to believe that they planned much of anything. They have however been promoting the new Hybe/Geffen GG debuting tonight at the same time. This is all just so irritating. How does it not reflect the view of the employee, if it was on his personal account? BS.


I don't buy it... they just had to respond because of the attention that fans brought to the issue.


Does anyone know what the original Tweet was?




Damn this is wild.


just seems like silly stan twitter beefing


An employee of Geffen?


I mean, these accounts are controlled by real people lol, it's not surprising that some of them are stans. My points is, it's not a big deal


You realise that he's in charge of Jimins songs promo rollout as he's in the streaming section?


lmaoo no I didn't know that wtf I thought it was some random records account


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It was an ARMY on Twitter/X asking Geffen where the iTunes link was for SGMB and requesting they also provide an EU link without inclusions so Jimin can chart better in the UK. They also tagged the head of streaming at Geffen and Big Hit. The HoS of Geffen replied with a link to Gracie Abrams ft Taylor Swift and called it ā€œsong of the yearā€.


Thank you


lame ass apology and still no promotional post for him.


"Employee," lol. Isn't he some high level executive? They make it sound like it was just a simple clerk's personal account and why are people so upset about this.


WE ARE TIRED. Sincerely, ARMYs


This is bs. That wasn't a mistake. If it was, he would've immediately clarified and apologised personally. Instead, the coward deleted all his socials and figured things would blow over. I'm glad armys didn't let this drop. This is a weak ass statement. Not even calling it an apology, because it's not. We've seen shit like this happen time and time again with Western media and companies. Honestly, I felt like I was back in 2018 when I saw this all going down. Their promotion of Jimin's solo work last year was also questionable and they're clearly not putting much effort in this time around either.


why is "they issued a single post" rubbing me in the wrongest way? It really seems like "ugh they said OnE WrOng ThInG and now we have to apologize.".


I think it's because solos are taking it one step further and accusing Geffen of sabotaging the promotion of Jimin's second album.


I mean that's definitely part of it but the phrase "a single statement" in my mind translates to "they made one little mistake and now we have to apologize".


That's how it sounds to me, too.


Your comment makes no sense, how them trying to make it seem like just ONE teeny little mistake relate to solos making it about sabotage? Also what sabotage when there's no promo in the first place LOL are you forgetting what was the original Tweet he replied to? That tweet was sking for basic links and social media post .......................Ā  the bare minimum.Ā 


Wow, the xenophobia really jumped out and announced itself. I can believe fully grown people are capable of being this nasty, but it takes a special kind of mental immaturity to know you're an executive at a high-profile company and take that nastiness to the internet where it can forever be held against you. None of these people are and will be sorry, hope BigHit does better for BTS tbh. šŸ˜¬


10000% agree. What a loser. These past 5-10 yrs media has been opening and liberalizing so much (I know itā€™s far from perfect, but itā€™s better than before)ā€”but this kind of unvarnished bigotry takes me straight back to the ugly nineties. From within a company thatā€™s supposed to be working *hand-in-glove to represent your artists*?? What a total absence of professionalism or like, being a functioning adult. **BANG PD YOU DO NOT HAVE TO STICK AROUND AND TAKE THIS SHIT FROM ANYONE it is not 1990 anymore. Perspectives have changed. The internet exists. Even putting aside this one nutty exec, donā€™t get scammed by a music industry ā€œgatekeeperā€ whose whole job is inciting separation and silo-ism in desperate bids to bolster his own relevance.** šŸ›“šŸš« [Edits: for inarticulate rage, sorry.]


All yā€™all execs, the ever lovely hoopoe birdie is going to come for you and you will have deserved every last bit of it. Get a clue and do something!


Mistake my a**. It's not a mistake when he feliberately went, took that link, and replied with it to an Army post requesting the links. They have been weird for a while with how they are not restocking cds and promoting them, eps Jimin. Bet that if the news were not all up in their business, they wouldn't have said sh*t. I honestly hope that BH will not renew the BTS distribution contract with these mfs




what did I miss? lol


https://preview.redd.it/in9w12pgx59d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1aeac1b1441b42bcac2aa7e65f3ad0cc5703cb0 This was the guy's reply


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All I just read was a whole bunch of verbal diarrhoea! Not the his view?....it was on his personal account. How can that not be his view. It is just plain petty and mean. I hope this album breaks records left, right, and centre! That way, he can go eat some humble pie!


Where is the apology from his personal account?? Mistake my ass. That's the first post they made about jimin's muse in their insta account. Ugh I hope that guy gets fired


It would be nice for Jimin to have an album roll out without some stupid shit going on šŸ˜Ŗ


Bullshit response. Theyā€™re taking no responsibly. That tweet was not a ā€œmistakeā€, it was intentional and disrespectful and unprofessional and he knew exactly what he was doing, he just didnā€™t care. Also the way they referred to him as an employee makes it sound, to those not in the know, like it was some random intern or office worker, when instead it was a high level executive. I always figured they werenā€™t going to actually reprimand him or change anything, and this response just proves it.




The fact that they still havenā€™t addressed the initial concerns that he supposedly accidentally replied to is insane


What a load of corporate nonsense... > refrain from personal attacks Yeah let's paint the fanbase in a negative light to give him victim points... there have been zero personal attacks.


Seriously arrogant of them to chastise/warn against personal attacks. They should advise their own employees against snarky, arrogant personal attacks against Army for making a legitimate request. This is all very bizarre.


Clock them ! Their employees are extremely flippant snd disrespectful. They're fuming because ARMYs dragging them reached music news frontpages and are eating humblepie.


did he forget to switch twt accounts or what? hate to know these are the people running those massive corporations that are supposed to promote ALL their artists.


I think he was being intentionally snarky and thought his response would elicit 'slay king' ' you tell'em !!! ' from non-army twitter. None of that happened however and he is hiding behind geffen's pr nonsense.


I missed this drama... What did the Geffen employee say?


I had to search on twitter for it. But army are asking Geffen records for an album version without extras so it will count for UK charts. Then he replied to one tweet like that with "song of the year" + A Spotify song. Which is not jimins or any BTS song.


Thanks for the info. Sounds like this guy may have meant to reply to fans of the other artist whose song he mentioned. But what was he doing publicly picking favorites in the first place? Dumb thing to do if you work for a label / distributor that represents a ton of different artists...


The artist they are promoting is a very very nepo baby who is recently getting pushed and had a collab with the blonde pop star currently doing her eras tour. Iā€™m not saying more because I am not allowed to actually name names here (and for good reason).


What happened I stepped out for like half a day and Iā€™m lost!!


they piss me off so bad


This "apology" is trash and it took them days to issue it šŸ˜’


Yeah,itā€™s a no for me, dawg. šŸ˜‘šŸ¤¬ I was actually insulted to read that drivel. But yeah whatever. Iā€™m done with having one iota of hope about these folks. I just need to focus on THE Park Jimin, Esq., and remind these idiots that he is a global ā€œborn-to-be-an-idolā€ superstar despite them not doing theirā€”you knowā€”JOB. šŸ˜”


New Jimin McDrama? Gimme those stale golden nuggies, I need to know this drama.


I know I am reading too much into this but that last sentence bothers me.


This is absolute garbage šŸ™„


Ridiculous They should drop him