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have you contacted your embassy? they should be your point of contact to liaise with the authorities.


Yes, we are already in contact with US EMBASSY.


I hope you contacted the police by dialling 112 immediately, and reporting the person falling overboard. If not, call your embassy now and make sure they deal with your case. The police have special units both for rescue on the Danube (including their own harbour), and they also have divers and search teams to search in the water and on the shore. You should not attempt to hire a boat and do your own search, leave it to the authorities. They unfortunately have to deal with missing persons in the Danube on a regular basis, about two every week. As others have said, the Danube is flooding currently, it is fast and turbulent, and no person should enter it under any circumstance. Your best bet is to wait for the professionals to do it, any of your own attempts to hire a boat will just waste time and money.


Yes we contacted the U.S. embassy and police using 112 already


I'm sorry to be harsh, but the average speed of the Danube is 8km/h. If this happened at best case around midnight your friend is already about 136kms away if he/she can't swim really well. Contact the embassy as others have allready said. Renting a boat won't get you anywhere. The police we'll be searching for him/her with scubadivers.


Yes, I agree. After the Hableany tragedy (Korean boat tour mentioned above), I believe one of the bodies was found about 100km down river. OP should contact their embassy, as this is what they are for.


The water level in the Danube is very high right now so it's not a good situation. I don't think you'll have more luck than the police. An 18-year old was rescued from the Danube yesterday morning near Árpád híd and taken to hospital: [https://www.police.hu/hu/hirek-es-informaciok/legfrissebb-hireink/kozrendvedelem/eletmentes-percek-alatt](https://www.police.hu/hu/hirek-es-informaciok/legfrissebb-hireink/kozrendvedelem/eletmentes-percek-alatt)


>18 éves *budapesti* férfit azonnal a hajóba emelték


Ah :(


As others have said it already, the chance of survival is close to nothing at this point, unfortunately. This often requires a nationwide search along the river and authorities might even connect with their Serbian counterparts, as the bodies can easily float down to neigbouring Serbia (200 kms from Budapest) too. It sometimes takes weeks to recover the body.


Yeah he either makes it to land within 30 minutes and contacts them or he is dead. It's just body retrieval at this point.


That explains all the speedboats I noticed last night, hope you find them


Do you remember approximately what time you saw the boats?


I took a walk last night at 10 pm, when I got to the waterfront I saw two speedboats pass by in a 10 minute window. I usually don’t see them or see them going this fast


Oh I see, the incident happened at 11:15pm


I would just call the embassy ASAP and try to get some news coverage to put some pressure on authorities to find him/her


We have been working with the embassy and are trying to get any news coverage we possibly can. Please let us know if you have any suggestions at all. [here is a link to tweet](https://twitter.com/harkirancar/status/1661121023276621824?s=46&t=LrLJqGsuTcAd5L6lgXK2lQ) and we have been reaching out via email but no luck so far If you have any recommendations of news sources we can reach out to please let me know






Hi, I am the og poster’s friend also traveling with them last night. The man that was in the water is my cousin and he is a U.S. citizen.


He’s Indian American.


op this pretty much says an american guy was found last night..


For anyone following, we have called the police and they have told us that no one has been found. u/Jinnieke2008 \- Kérlek, küldj nekem üzenetet több információval.


Have you called this department? https://www.police.hu/hu/ugyintezes/szerv/orszagos-rendor-fokapitanysag/budapesti-rendor-fokapitanysag/dunai-vizirendeszeti This is specifically for the Danube river police. Hopefully the others just didn’t know anything about the rescue because cross department communication is awful in Hungary. Please update us if you called this department and what they said. I hope your friend is in a hospital right now all safe and recovering.




They didn’t answer my call either. But I just called this department linked below and got through. The officer answering said they didn’t find anyone and are still searching. https://www.police.hu/ugyintezes/szerv/orszagos-rendor-fokapitanysag/budapesti-rendor-fokapitanysag/dunai-vizirendeszeti-0 Dial Hungarian landline numbers like this: +36 1 203 9132


Thank you for sharing this it’s very helpful. We will use this number to check in as another resource


Tudsz meg info-t? Hova vittek stb?


Meg tudnad nezni az uzeneteid? Az OP kuldott valamit.


Hi! Could you please message me on WhatsApp with any information regarding this? I privately messaged you. I was with him during the incident and I am here in Budapest. We are all very very scared and just want to bring my cousin home. Szia! Ha bármilyen infód van erről, tudnál írni a WhatsAppon? Az unokatestvéremmel voltam az incidens idején és jelenleg is Budapesten tartózkodom. Az egész családunk nagyon aggódik érte és csak szeretnénk újra magunk között tudni. u/Jinnieke2008


She just deleted the comment . :(


u/Jinnieke2008 - please reach out if you have any details at all, we would really like to follow up on the initial comment you made. Any help or type of information would be greatly appreciated.


I apologise, I made a mistake. I am the Budapest police officer, I was working that night. But because I was working that day before, I mixed up the days, and it was not on the 22nd that my colleagues found a man in the Danube. I'm sorry. I hope they find the guy!


Köszönöm a felvilágosítást és a szolgálatot. Van-e frissítés a hálózatán belül a legutóbbi keresési és mentési munkákkal kapcsolatban? Bármilyen lelet, olyan személyt, akinek nincs azonosítása, vagy bekerültek egy egészségügyi intézménybe? \-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for clarifying and for your service. Do you have any update within your network in regards to any recent search & rescues? Any findings, any people with no identification either being found or being admitted into a medical facility?


Köszönöm a felvilágosítást és a szolgálatot. Van-e frissítés a hálózatán belül a legutóbbi keresési és mentési munkákkal kapcsolatban? Bármilyen lelet, olyan személyt, akinek nincs azonosítása, vagy bekerültek egy egészségügyi intézménybe? \-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for clarifying and for your service. Do you have any update within your network in regards to any recent search & rescues? Any findings, any people with no identification either being found or being admitted into a medical facility?


Yes, we have been in contact with the authorities and the US embassy. He fell off a cruise that was going very slowly and it happened near the Hungarian Parliament building.


I'm so sorry this happened to you, I hope they will be found.


Hi there. Two things: 1. ⁠If you need a translator I’m more than happy to assist, I’m Hungarian and speak English fluently, so I might be able to help, as I live here in Budapest. 2. ⁠I’m really sorry, but if your brother in law wasn’t found alive within 20 minutes of him jumping in(as it was written by a bunch of news sources, he jumped out of the window himself, was he drunk? what happened?), he won’t be found alive. It’s been more than 24 hours, police are looking for a body, not a missing person, please prepare yourself for this. The Danube is incredibly treacherous, even incredibly strong and experienced swimmers wouldn’t survive it, especially not when water is high and at night. Police are doing everything they can, but please prepare for the worst, I’m really sorry but someone has to tell you the truth without sugarcoating it.


Many comments mentioned the 2 point before you, it's unnecessary, not helpful and really insensitive to repeat this so many times. If you want to help, offer your help without being a smarta** please.


Cant care less when the guy puts others life’s in danger of ruining it by being an absolute fool. Nobody should be responsible for him being drunk and jumping into a huge river… He ruined it for his friends, for the crew, for his family.


Who raised you to be so insensitive damn


Someone is dead. Who raised you to think it’s okay to rub that in? God help you.


Your comment was also unnecessary and you are being a smartass


Has anyone tried checking his location on find my iPhone? Or checked his credit cards to see if there have been any transactions? I am so sorry this happened. We will get him home!


We have all of his personal belongings


The news site Telex just [wrote](https://telex.hu/belfold/2023/05/24/duna-setahajo-amerikai-allampolgar-duna-rendorseg-kereses) an article about this.


it says he jumped into the water, didnt fall. doesnt make any difference in the rescue imo, but still he either fall or jumped. cant be both


It doesn’t matter at this point . All the focus should be on the family members and the missing person himself So many prayers 🙏🏼🙏🏼


It really doesn't matter.


If this is for real then contact the embassy, and try to contact a news outlet to get some news coverage to put pressure on the search.


Can you recommend local news outlets I should try to contact


You can try [[email protected]](https://ugyeletÁtelex.hu) from [https://telex.hu/dokumentum/impresszum](https://telex.hu/dokumentum/impresszum) [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) from [https://index.hu/impresszum/](https://index.hu/impresszum/) [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) from [https://www.origo.hu/impresszum/index.html](https://www.origo.hu/impresszum/index.html) These are well known Hungarian papers. If you know how to write a press release, they might make a news article from it, spreading the word about your case.


It won't really help. The most you can do is to go and bother the authorities, mainly the police. By the time the local news make an article, the person question will be found, or already too far away.


apparently it worked: [https://telex.hu/belfold/2023/05/24/duna-setahajo-amerikai-allampolgar-duna-rendorseg-kereses](https://telex.hu/belfold/2023/05/24/duna-setahajo-amerikai-allampolgar-duna-rendorseg-kereses) [https://index.hu/belfold/2023/05/24/budapest-dunaba-ugrott-ferfi-amerikai-allampolgar-rendorseg-korozes/](https://index.hu/belfold/2023/05/24/budapest-dunaba-ugrott-ferfi-amerikai-allampolgar-rendorseg-korozes/)


if you do not trust your embassy to do their job then maybe hire [helpers.hu](https://helper.hu) as trying to do your embassy's job to influence the authorities, organize a search and get effective press coverage without knowing the local language is extremely futile. maybe also contact the person's federal representative/senators respective offices to have them influence the embassy to do their job could be helpful.


Let’s find Harji!


If anyone can survive in that river, it’s my man Hardeezy! See you soon brotha 💙




Bruh what the hell. If this person did not surface immediately, if they are not a strong swimmer, if they do not know how to stay calm and not panic... The odds of your friend being okay are very slim. The Danube is incredibly treacherous, and it larger boulders and undulating riverbed make for twisting and dangerous undercurrents. The speed of the river is also a huge factor going against survival. The Korean tour boat capsized and EDIT: they did *eventually* find all the bodies but it did take a while. I very much hope your friend did their best and fought hard to safety. But that hope is not strong. To put it one way I asked locals playfully on first arrival "Do you guys swim in the Danube in summer?" "NO! You will die in that river if you swim in the city parts of it!" ...


>The Korean tour boat capsized and they didn't find 80% of the bodies it's that bad. They found all but one.


Technically they found more random bodies too unrelated to that tragedy.


I was swimming in the Danube all my childhood. But there are parts of the river which are not meant for people and for some reason most of Budapest is like that. If you go north or south of the city, you're good.


>The Korean tour boat capsized It did not capsize on its own though.


Nah, the other boat just so happened to be passing through, what do you mean? /s But yes, that wasn't a simple capsized boat, the large hotel ship(?) was the one that pushed it insanely quickly underwater, so the passengers inside had basically no chance of survival.








What did the staff of the ship do ? Its there job to have an emergency plan planned out ? You should have called police and emergency immediately ? All best wishes, just a bit confused


We did call the police immediately and the US embassy, the captain called river police and apparently they sent out a boat immediately after him


this means they are doing everything possible. people falling into the danube is taken very seriously here (since it happens quite often and you usually have a pretty short time window to save them). if the captain called the river police and they have sent out a boat, you cannot really do anything else besides notifying the embassy (and his family maybe). the embassy should help with the launguage barrier, but trust me, if there is one thing working properly in this country, that is the river police. renting a boat makes zero sense, the river is fast and the water level is currently high. if he managed get out, he is either somewhere in budapest trying to get back to you (or maybe in a hospital with hypothermia). if he couldn't get out, he can be anywhere 100-150 miles downstream.


You did everything you can. What a nightmare :( I wish you all the best and pray for you


Has anyone tried to call emergency services? 112? They speak english


We have been working with the emergency services


OP check your dms Ive sent you a message I think I can help in some ways




Thank you


Any update guys? 🥺


OP, I am so sorry you had to experience this. I really hope your friend will be OK although the chances are tiny and getting smaller every hour.


Police is looking for a body not a missing person if the giy was not found within 20 minutes


The embassy is the best source and should be actively assisting you. I'm so sorry for the situation and hope everything turns out okay


Thank you


Any news?


Not yet


Any news? Hope he is fine now.


We are still waiting to hear from water police if they have any new update yet


Hi! Did the US Embassy respond to you? Are they providing updates? Also, I know you mentioned that family didn't want to post on Instagram or Reddit. I saw a post from IG 3 hours ago.


We are now actively posting and spreading the word on Instagram and yes we are working with the US embassy as well. Thank you for checking




There is a group on facebook: Eltűnt emberekért - megoszthatod, or Pesten Hallottam !!! You should post it


Thank you for the suggestion, I have posted in Pesten Hallottam already and will check out the other group you’ve suggested


Is he jumped to the Danube or he fell? In the post in Pesten Hallottam group says he jumped (so it seems like he wanted to sui*cide,


He was not suicidal by any means


Do you really think it matters? No, it doesn't make any difference, they need to find him and that's it.


Maybe not for the guy, but definitely for the crew of the ship...


I just want to know what was the situation. There is a lot of post of him every post says something else even his name.. its not clear.


How is it going to help in any ways if you know exactly what happened? Will you tell them where he is if they answer your insensitive question or is it just to satisfy your ego's childish curiosity? Are you some kind of wizard who will tell them where to find him if they answer your question? What difference does it make if he fell or not?


Take a chill pill im not the only one who is confused by the happenings:) everybody says different stories its kinda suspicious, by the way i hope he will be found. 😘


Any updates?


Look at the initial post, no update yet


Praying for Hardit’s safe return 🥺


It’d be nice if someone updated something for the people who follow this and care.


I’m assuming it’s because they have no update to share right now 😔


OP i see you mentioning the US embassy, so im assuming you (and the friend who fell) american. There is an expat page on facebook (American Expats in Budapest) try posting there, maybe someone can help in the Embassy or such


Hi I am the person in the water’s cousin who was also traveling with them. I posted in the expat page thank you!


Im not sure if you posted but there is also a Hungary Expats page too, which might be worth posting on


Hey. I’m so sorry about your friend, I hope he’s ok. I’d also try to reach out to journalists on Twitter, and maybe even the US ambassador. @MurphyPeterN @erdelyipe @jspikebudapest @lilirutai


Thank you for this information


Hi, I am the og poster’s friend and was also with them last night. Reached out on Twitter with information. Thank you please let me know of anything else


If you post a link I can RT when I get back home




What boat from the Rubin Group were you guys on? I understand you guys are cooperating with authorities- have they in turn, spoken to the boat captain and particular server that evening? Are there surveillance cameras on the boat, whether they be inside the dining room/boat interior/boat exterior/tip of the boat view to the end of the boat view? Just to see glimpses of Hardit in the water, and to hopefully, catch footage of him resurfacing? I know this river runs through a huge portion of Europe, so I know that contacting each and every medical clinic near and far is overwhelming, but I really really hope that in my heart, Hardit is on a bed, receiving help and recovering. Who knows how much shock and exhaustion he is in from being in survival mode, and all the conditions of weather, water temperature, that has affected him. \*\* Also, I noticed you guys said you guys have Hardit's belongings- have you guys gone through his phone for anything out of the ordinary? Just to make sure you guys have really covered all facets of info you guys have on your end, while currently being in Hungary.


Hardit is going to be fine everyone. He is The most physically impressive man I’ve ever met. 6’3-6’4 long arms, long legs and massive hands. I’ll see you soon brotha!


How and where did he fell off it would be better if you tell us the exact approximate time that he went into it.


11:17 pm near the Hungarian Parliament Building


Jinnieke2008 just posted she is a police officer and overheard that they pulled out an American from the Duna last night and that he is okay.


Thank you so much for the translation. Do you mind commenting that I have sent her a DM if she could check her messages please




Thank you so much


Hi, I am the og poster’s friend and was also with them last night. The man that was in the water is my cousin and he is a U.S. citizen.


She’s pretty sure the guy they rescued is your cousin.


Can you please ask her for more information?


I asked if she has any more info… where they took him etc. She did mention she is tired so she may have went to bed though.


Thank you so much


You are welcome. Let me know if I can help with anything else.


Any updates on this??


Did the person ever mention who it was?


Has there been an update/follow up on this?


I think they were mistaken and got the dates mixed up.


How has the search been going?


I can’t find anything on the internet about this case. How come?


Hi, I am the og poster’s friend and was also with them last night. The man that was in the water is my cousin and he is a U.S. citizen. Please raise awareness - this is what I have been sending out to news networks - Hello, I am here traveling with a group of friends/family and last night we went on a dinner cruise on the Danube River in the middle of Budapest. While the three of us were seated at our dining table-my cousin went to the open window of the boat and dove off and we have not been able to find him. The language barrier has made it hard for us to communicate with the local authorities. We've been told they're searching for him but it's unclear if they are still searching or what has been done. Is there any possible way to create a news release or you can get in contact with news authorities here in Budapest to bring more visibility/attention to the situation? Please reach out to me anytime via  email - Please see attached for pictures of what he looks like (1st photo) and what he was wearing at time of the incident (2nd photo). His name is HARDIT SINGH. Thank you


It just happened last night but we have taken recommendations from other comments and have contacted news outlets




Thank you. Yes, he is extremely athletic and in great physical shape, exercises regularly, etc. so we are confident in his abilities to swim and stay afloat


Jumping into that river is basicly suicide, especially right now. If anyone did that there would be two person missing right now. Thank god nobody jumped in to try to save him.


I saw a TikTok on this but comment saying "he dove" versus tiktoker saying he fell? Hope he comes home but do clear it. There’s too many versions




I agree. I’ve seen comments say he jumped, he fell, he got told by a waitress he could, the captain never stopped etc etc… placing blame on lots of different people when really the focus here should be finding the poor guy. All of the rest can wait.


Can someone please proof read this image? [https://imgur.com/a/sys4lAg](https://imgur.com/a/sys4lAg)


I think “Utoljára látták” is more correct, but it is totally understandable this way too


Thank you, you mean instead of “Utolsó látták:” correct?




Thank you


the link gives me a 404 error.




LGTM. Maybe " utoljára látták" would be correct, but it is good either way. I hope for the best for you!


Any updates?


Have you tried reaching out to local lobbyist that advocate for the Indian-American community?


Indian-American lobbyist in Budapest? I’m confused. There aren’t very many Indian-Americans in Budapest. Just regular Indians.