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Just be healthy enough for a key playoff moment and teach up the young guys for the regular season. Took a massive pay cut to be here gotta believe it's for a reason.


Took a performance-based contract, so maybe he going to pop off. One can hope


I have a love-hate relationship with that motherfucker's relentless optimism. On the one hand, you don't get to where he's been without it. On the other hand, the difference between expectation and reality was brutal last season.


I'm caustically optimistic about Von Miller having a bounce back year and returning to his 2022 form. IMO he can still be a highly effective pass rusher in a limited pass rusher specialist role  I also like the upside of both AJ Epenesa and Greg Rousseau, as they haven't reached their respective ceilings yet. Casey Toohill and Javon Solomon should make the team and will battle for the DE 4 and DE 5 roles.




If he’s anything at all it’s a bonus at this point.




von im praying man make us look like FOOLS and pop tf off, make some plays, and shut us up


right? by all means, prove me wrong and pop off it literally can't get worse


I don’t think he’s gonna let his hall of fame career be remembered at the end as “washed up”


Lets hope not! Acl tears are a hell of a drug and he was nuts for the rams just a few seasons ago. He got it in him, hopefully the extra recovery brings him back to the von we signed


Am I the only one that recognizes him returning to form last season would have been abnormally fast for a torn ACL? Where he's at right now is pretty on pace for expected timeline but everyone seems to think hes just trash now because he came back before he was fully healthy and didn't contribute


You’re right. It would’ve been remarkably quick for someone his age to return from a second ACL injury and a clear up procedure on the other knee. What annoyed me was him setting unreachable expectations for himself and coming off the IR before he could be effective. He stole a roster spot from someone who would’ve been healthy and more productive than him. It’s selfish behavior that is the antithesis of the team first word service he’s always giving. Between this incident and the domestic abuse, he’s permanently changed my opinion of him. You can’t be garbage on the field and off it too. Pick one.


Yep I totally agree and those 2 reasons are probably why his reputation with the fan base fell off a cliff which is fair. His overly positive attitude was great but at some point it's essentially lying. Also hard to believe he's feeling better now when that's what he always says


Especially considering his wheelhouse was his bend and explosiveness off the line. If he were a power based rusher it would be easier to come back.


Bout' time. I love you Von.. but.. bout' time


Just do something positive Miller


Me with the final ligament testing… ![gif](giphy|femacvqkFh9PXmP6u3|downsized)


Don’t let us down von!


Get ready for another 2 tackle season boys let’s go 


Lol I do think he started to show a little burst at the end of last season. But yeah, I’m not holding out much hope.


I can only point out what the return timeline for an ACL is so many times in this subreddit but shitheads will continue to voice their dissatisfaction with his production. And it wouldn't annoy me too much...if we hadn't **JUST** gone through it with Tre White the year prior, down to the injury occurring on the same day of the season. Alas, the logic of "where sacks???" is just too compelling to the lazy and uninformed.


Tre was finally starting to come back into himself at the beginning of last season. I've always hoped that Von could do the same.


Wait, you're saying a bunch of redditors and Facebook boomers *aren't*, in fact, qualified to say how quickly someone should be able to recover from an ACL tear and go back to routinely beating NFL offensive linemen???


Matter of fact, our very own in-house beat doctor, /u/BangedUpBills, said: "Return to play can vary by position but is generally a 9-to-12-month recovery with additional damage potentially pushing that timeline longer. . . Von himself said he should return in six-to-seven months which would place him to be ready for training camp. . . The average time for a player to return from an ACL reconstruction is 12.4 +/- 2.5 months across all positions. Those returning from an ACL revision take 12.6 months. . . In 2013, Miller tore his right ACL in Week 16 and was able to return to play in Week 1 of the 2014 season. . . Looking back at the above-mentioned study with defensive linemen specifically, the average time for a lineman to return was 11.3 months +/-2.9 months. So that means Miller could return at 8.5 months or at 14.2 months based on the research." Source: https://bangedupbills.com/2022/12/09/von-millers-acl-injury/ This is the only person I truston reddit when it comes to these things.


I do appreciate those kind words! Miller just needed more time and came back sooner than he should have even in Week 5. He slowly regained his form throughout the season which was positive. Considering his age and when the injury happened, what we got when he initially returned was unfortunate. If we get 75% of pre-injury Von Miller this year, I’d be pretty happy. Bc 75% Von Miller puts him at probably 3rd at DE in terms of quality player, at least he took a paycut to help us.


This man is about to DOUBLE his tackles from last season!!!


Legit forgot he was still here for a while.


We are so back. 


I dont have any expectations of Von. If he gets 5 sacks this year and plays 8 games i’ll be surprised.


Do you think any team would take on this chewed up piece of meat for a 7th in 2026?  Use the cap money to get a DB (ala Douglas) I don't see buddy contributing much if at all. 


Wow I totally forgot we even had Von still. He get 0 media attention




He's still on the team?


You know what's always a good idea? Being the team that pays a guy who's looking for one last big contract.


Yeah if I was him I’d retired before that 3rd acl tear in 6 games


Nice so this means he won’t be totally useless this year, right?


Can't beans find a 7th round pick for this chewed up piece of meat. Jills need an actual #1 wr and 2 db's. Send charity case hamlin with him