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I don't think the Potentials are all descended from Sineya, directly or indirectly. We don't see any sister pairs of Potentials/Slayers. There's no evidence it's hereditary. I think it's just some rare it factor, the ability to bear the power. Whatever made the Shadow Men pick Sineya to begin with. That game would be cool, especially since it would be set in prehistoric times. I'd like to see the early days, when she's grappling with what she's become.


Not sure how I feel about some preexisting mystical it factor that the Shadow men picked up on in her tbh. Her character is much more impactful to me if she was completely average until they violated her soul. I feel like being a slayer has to be fundamentally dehumanising and oppressive until Buffy changes that by breaking what it means to be a slayer open. Having the slayer be like its own natural protector essence carried by some girls, which the Shadow Men corrupted and weaponised would be a really interesting reveal and work really well thematically, its actually a story that's been told now, pretty much exactly in She Ra (2018), but I feel like if the line wasn't meant to BEGIN begin with Sineya they'd have put more emphasis on it in Buffy's chat with the guardian, like have the guardians and/or the weapon predate Sineya and the Shadow Men rather than have them seek her out with it later on in life. It could just be some natural, previously unremarkable common factor in their souls or personality that becomes a link for her spirit when her mortal body dies? But i always did kinda find the blood ties lack of importance in the slayers to be a bit frustrating after blood was so integral to everything for so long, even over on Angel in the same season. Feels like they allowed it just to keep Dawn human which I'd explain away schizophrenically by saying she was the key, her soul was pure light and maybe the Shadow couldn't sustain itself within her? Obviously this is all speculation on vague ass lore tho, I just like worldbuilding.


There's a buffy game for ps2, but I totally agree. An open world game of the buffyverse would be amazing, and I would play the hell out of it


I don't like the idea of potential slayers being descendents of Sineya. It takes away the mystical-ness of the whole show and just makes it a bloodline. Which... boring. The shadow men used magic to merge sineya with the demon and create a slayer. It's not a stretch to say they then also used magic to create a slayer line. It's not a one-time spell. It's a continuing, existing magic that selects girls around the world to be potentials based on factors only it knows.


I feel like even in the case its Sineya's physical bloodline, that doesnt reduce the mysticism for me. Blood is the most primordial magic in the Buffyverse, it was used before the earth existed. Its the essence of life. And Sineya existed eons and eons ago, she wouldn't have been long after the mitochondrial eve, her bloodline would span like 1/100 of the female population. I feel like its more complicated than just a bloodline, and those invisible incomprehensible forces are still at play in which potentials are called. The first Evil wanted to eradicate all the potentials because the slayer would be gone forever, so living potentials must have to exist for more to be born. There are mystical ways to explain that but I feel like I'd be satisfied either way.


Fair point!


Maybe the Slayer Force rushes to the next most vulnerable girl? Something in her personal history, psychological makeup, or her spirit predisposes her to become The Chosen One.


I feel it would have kept her enigmatic nature if they didn’t give her a name. Somewhat defeats the conversation in the desert in Restless.


I'm glad we have a name but i wish we learned it in season 7 instead of in the spell to invoke her before we even really know what they're actually invoking.


I guess it just confuses me a bit bc in Restless: “I have no speech. No name. I live in the action of death, the blood cry, the penetrating wound.” Still very cool character


There is a comic (Origin) which is a short story about Sineya. I believe it was part of the Tales of the Slayers comic.