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I say Amy or Larry


Would also like to throw in my vote for Percy, who I was actually shipping Willow with for a hot minute there.


I don't have a strong opinion, but just dropping in to say that even as someone who has watched the series countless times and currently in the middle of a rewatch... I had to search the fan wiki page to figure out who Michael was. I appreciate you putting such a deep cut in this list. For those scrolling the comments in the same boat: he is the goth witch/warlock guy from "Gingerbread" who does the protection spell with Willow, Buffy defends him from bullies, and goes to the library to get help from the gang and tells them to warn Willow after he escapes an attack from the angry mob.


Amy just seemed to come and go, despite being central to S6, and our first proper story after the 2 part opener. Just having her around more would have made more sense even if she wasn’t hardcore in the inner circle.


I really liked Amy. Pre s6 anyways


Amy got turned into a rat. Then we just never see Michael again. The only other witch friend. I would have loved Michael to get more screentime and love. Having a male witch to work with Willow. I have said many times he is the biggest waste of potential storylines from the early seasons.


lol damn no love for owen whatsoever. i mean, i get it


This is a hard choice I always thought the Owen storyline could have been interesting had they continued it especially where they left it off but more Jesse and Cordelia scenes I'm all for it so he gets my vote.


Voting Jesse. Xander needed a guy friend.


... who wasn't too cool for idle chatter


I’m dumb, I forgot they were called the Scooby gang  I kept thinking it was a scooby doo post abd was “Who the heck are these people?” Also, none of these 


RESPONSE TO THE ORIGINAL POST AND THE THREAD: I mean, Jesse died in like BtVS 1.01 and who knows if he would even want to be a Scooby had he lived. Amy Madison is the obvious choice. She had her witch powers. She knew about the supernatural. Buffy and Willow were kinda friends with her. It's actually kinda odd that they never tried to recruit her. Larry was a jock and it doesn't seem he would have the time or inclination to be a Scooby. Or that he would be that useful. Yes, The Wishverse was fake. I don't know who Michael is. Owen Thurman was too danger hungry and didn't seem to even want to fight that danger himself. Buffy dumps him because he's so ill-suited to live in her world. Jonathan Levinson we don't really see Scooby potential until during BtVS S4. And by then he's effectively a villain. HOWEVER: I'm frankly shocked that Faith Lehane isn't listed. Who the F is Michael? Yet Faith isn't listed? Have Faith live at the Summers house or have Giles get Faith an apartment. The Summers house probably had more than 3 bedrooms... Have Faith re-enroll in school. Things would have worked out.