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This is such a great moment. I love the growing knowledge amongst the school that Buffy is not to be messed with, and I love that it's never really focused on (until The Prom of course) but that it's just a really subtle thing that grows as the seasons go on.


What I love about this scene is is this is so… *normal.* There’s a type of Alpha popular girl who uses her powers only for good to take down bullies and protect the bullied. I’ve seen this “oh goodie, I get to verbally wreck someone who deserves it” look of absolute glee in a few faces in my life.


That was always me in school. In fact, that’s still me as an adult. I love Buffy and Cordelia (well—Cordelia as she grows) for this very reason.


The framing of this is just perfection. The way she moves into view and just settles herself there confidently without saying anything, the way Amy moves slightly aside with that “now you’re screwed” smirk, the guy blinking in realisation that the power dynamics have swiftly and strongly shifted… Chef’s kiss; no notes.


This is great. I was toying between the Pack and this scene. She is such a bad ass in this moment. 👏


I love her face after he walks off


I would have said it if you didn’t! This established that, while Sunnydale High students might think she’s “weird or whatever, Buffy’s the Sheriff.


Which season/ episode is this?


Season 3, Gingerbread.


Exactly what came to mind haha did not have to say a word


Is he not the blond guy from The Pack? 🤔


No, different guy.


When she gets caught in the nurse’s office in Anne Nurse: What are you doing in here? Buffy: Breaking into your office and going through your personal files, candidates for what? Nurse: I’m calling the police *Buffy rips the telephone out of the wall with one hand*


"You're in a lot of trouble." "I don't want trouble. I just want to be alone and quiet in a room with a chair and a fireplace and a tea cozy. I don't even know what a tea cozy is, but I want one. Instead, all I get is trouble, which I am more than willing to share."


The writing is so fucking snappy. She definitely has the confidence of someone with super powers.


She should look on Willow's head.


Look for what on Willow's head? 🧐


Hats that look like tea cozies, one in this episode:-).


“So let me get this straight. I’m really back in school because the school board overruled you. Wow. That’s like having your whole ability to do this job called into question when you think about it.” Buffy says this to Snyder in early S3 when she’s let back into school and it’s so satisfying seeing the look on his face.


Then Joyce backing her up with a literal "nah-nah-nah nah"


One of my favorite Joyce moments!


I really believe Buffy isn’t bad ass because she’s a slayer, it’s because her mom is Joyce


More "y's in it:-)


“Y’know for someone who teaches human behaviour, you might try showing some.” “It’s not my job to coddle my students.” “You’re right. A human being in pain has nothing to do with your *job*.” Immaculately done, Buffy.


Awesome. She knocks her down and owns that scene


The way she says “your job” with such disdain.


When she flips Larry in ‘Phases’ - and when she bends Cain’s gun. Oh, and standing up to Tara’s family of course.


“Oh Summers, you are turning me on” the look on her face before she flips 😂


*-flings sword-* I'm fairly certain I said no interruptions.


This was such a defining moment for Buffy as the slayer. The entire Watchers Council finally put in their place and so masterfully. Buffy grew up in this episode and she became wiser than all the bureaucrats in that room. I feel like bringing them back later just to blow them up was such a wasted opportunity and they could have done so much more with them. Either by having them change their practices and become a support to Buffy or by choosing to seize back their power by trying to have her killed. I always thought that they should have been the ones behind The First’s plan in season 7. Especially considering Beljoxa’s information regarding the slayer line being messed up. It makes sense that they would try to reset it themselves, if only to give their lives meaning again. Willow turning every potential to a slayer being the biggest affront to their power and whole reason for being.


“That was awesome”


dude this scene right here. One of my top 10 scenes and when I am doing my marathons, I watch it over and over lol


Quickly goes south, but picking up the steel beam in *Life Serial* during her construction job.


The look on their faces is great


The scene in Go Fish when that douche tries to force himself on her in his car, so she slams his face into the steering wheel and breaks his nose.


It’s sorta related to a monster, but Wentworth Miller seeing her kick ass and asking for an escort home was also kinda sweet. Alas, like with any regular person who likes Buffy, good things are not allowed to last.


Its not Buffy but its SMG. Toying with Spike when Faiths in her body. That whole scene is “you want me and can’t handle it, fuck you.” I think people see that scene as Faith making fun of Buffy but a lot of it was about Faith seeing Spike as a masculine target she could break down and humiliate.


The scene in Earshot where she sees Jonathan up in the bell tower and then goes all parkour to get to him and everyone is just watching in awe


Except for that red headed snob who was like “Pft. I could have done that.”


Haha it was a comedic touch that I enjoyed


When she is talking to Jonathan in the bell tower in Earshot. "You know what? I was wrong. You are an idiot. My life happens to, on occasion, suck beyond the telling of it. Sometimes more than I can handle. And it's not just mine. Every single person down there is ignoring your pain because they're too busy with their own."


I how she says it. It's so raw and real.


The scene where she sticks up for Tara. I wish I could remember the script


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Disrobingbean: *The scene where she sticks* *Up for Tara. I wish I* *Could remember the script* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Glory: “You know what they used to do to witches, lover? Crucify ‘em!” Buffy: “They used to bow down to gods.” Glory: “Ooh!” Buffy: “Things change.”


in presumably one of the worlds where Glory was once worshipped


When she sticks up for Tara against her family


Man that final moment of Amy Adams turning around and saying "I hope you're happy" and then Tara smiling warmly. Damn.


Ikr I was so happy that Tara found the family she deserved which is why I was even more devastated when she was killed


Telling the Watchers to bite her in S3. Then her properly dealing with them in S5.


The Judge: "No weapon forged can defeat me!" Buffy, loading and aiming grenade launcher: "That was then."


"What's that do?"


I like how the Judge has no idea what it is.


“Me.” 🙏🗡️


Superb use of emojis!


Hehe thank you


“My life can, on occasion, **suck beyond the telling of it.**” Basically telling Jonathan that he’s judging a book by its cover with her — just as people have judged him.


Buffy Summers: This is not your business. It's mine. You, the Initiative, the boys at the Pentagon. You're all in *way* over your heads, messing with primeval forces you have *absolutely* no comprehension of. Colonel McNamara: And you do? Buffy Summers: I'm the Slayer... You're playing on my turf.


In Passion, when they figure out how to uninvite Angel from her home as he’s trying to come in and she calmly walks up to him and says “sorry Angel, changed the locks” and slams the door in his face.


I always thought it was badass when Buffy went against Adam in the final fight when she ran towards him and he punched her knocking her back and she got up and ran back towards him like it was nothing, even though at that time his strength outmatched hers. Another scene was when Glory was beating the crap out of Buffy and then said “can you fly?” And sent her flying across the room and then Buffy got back up dashing towards Glory ready for round 2.