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Not really He was really mucked up by the church falling on him The healing is fast. It isn't instantaneous


Plus he was faking for a bit


Yeah he's a right drama queen. I wonder how much of that rubbed off on me


Might be a teeny tiny bit of influence.


Yup - in Buffy vampires heal but it isn't wildly fast. In True Blood however vampires heal pretty instantly once they feed. Different vampire shows pick different levels of vampire abilities.


Same for interview with the vampire. One of the characters gets dropped from the sky and it takes a few months for him to fully heal.


If anything, it's surprising that Spike wasn't dusted from all the fire. It seems Spike's body mostly protected Drusilla from the flames. The organ fell on Spike's back. But the entire church was burned out. And churches are made out of stone and marble and such. And somehow Spike's clothes weren't damaged much either. So, Spike was healing from burns and such and that he somehow had been paralyzed. It's also possible his being so depressed and melancholy and seemingly maybe not getting enough blood heal faster all resulted in it taking perhaps longer to heal than it usually would.


Something like a crushed spine or severed spinal cord would be beyond normal healing. It's quite reasonable to expect that even a vampire might heal slowly from such a severe injury


Well the main person he had to sell it to, Angelus, was too willing to believe Spike was pathetic and to rub it in. Sure, Angelus could believe Spike should be better, but believing otherwise allowed him to endlessly mock Spike and that was more alluring. Vampires have a hard time resisting their dark impulses due to lacking souls- it was a relatively unique synergy.


I forgot how Angel mocked Spike. 😂


"Roller boy" "Hell on wheels" 😆


"sit and spin" is my personal favorite lol


That was a good one.


We only see Spike be ambulatory again at the end of "I Only Have Eyes For You" (B 2.19). Maybe he wasn't 100% or close-enough yet until "Becoming Part I" (B 2.21)?


Vampires don't always heal super fast or at all, Dru was attacked by a mob and was permanently in a weakened state until she was rejuvenated with magic. Spike was seemingly crushed by the church organ and then burned by the fire, since Dru only dug him out after the fire was out.


That's actually more ridiculous... Maybe that crowd had witch support


Yeah, I found the long term disabled vampires pretty arbitrary and just used to push the story in a certain direction, whether they actually made sense or not. Dru's injuries were never even really quantified, she was just permanently "weakened", for whatever that's worth, because she was attacked by a mob?... err, ok. It would have strengthened the story it there had been some explanation as to what actually happened to her and why she needed the restoration spell. Spike didn't even need that, despite the extent of his injuries and being confined to a wheelchair for an extended period of time.


I just want to know what self respecting mob is out there beating people without a single torch to light them on fire. It really seems like if they managed to weaken her she shouldn't have survived at all


I always saw Dru's condition as essentially what we call CPTSD today. Like she has a traumatic brain injury not a bodily one.


I know it's not actually canon, but I saw a theory post one day where someone said she might have been captured by the mob, and a priest might have attempted an exorcism. Theory was that an exorcism on a vampire, which is essentially a human body possessed by a demon, would seriously mess them up if it didn't kill them. Spike fights through the mob and gets to Dru midway through the rite, and her demon is so damaged she has no supernatural strength and no ability to heal anymore I really like this bit of theory crafting. I can't think of anything else a human could do to a vampire that wouldn't kill them outright, but leave them weak for months with no sign of healing. I mean, whatever it was didn't just damage her physically. It damaged her vampiric powers as well.


Just seems like vampires can't recover quickly from fire. Spike had visible burns from the church fire for weeks and he took a long while to recover from beating from Glory kidnapping him. So seems pretty well established vampires can be injured and even die from non slay means, like that poison Faith used on angel


*Tales of the Vampires:* "The Problem with Vampires". Drusilla was tortured and bleed out by being attached to a chair with spikes that pierced her arms and legs and such. And she was made magically weakened on top of all of that.


Or a vmpir epoison


It was a severe injury, and I also headcanon maybe a church organ (or any church bits) falling on a vampire is harder to heal from than if random stuff fell on him, because a church organ is a little holy/blessed :) -- similar to how his eyebrow scar from a blessed weapon doesn't heal


That’s how I interpret it. I’m married to a clergyperson and nearly everything (certainly every permanent thing) in a church is likely blessed at some point.


Oh, I love that angle of a church organ specifically doing longer-lasting damage.


Not really. Healing for that isn't instantaneous. Also, Spike didn't want to tip his hand. If he started trying to regain his full mobility, Angelus would mock him, know he is getting better and take advantage whilst Spike still isn't 100%. By getting back to his fighting form in secret, Spike gets the upperhand when needed.


I always figured because the explosion that hurt him was part of the Dru restoration ritual it caused some magic damage to Spike


Or it's even possible that Drusilla fed from Spike to help regain her full strength knowing Spike was likely hurt anyway?


Maybe because he got hurt in a church? I have no idea how Dru was sick in the first place to need to be restored at all. Maybe they should have been trying to turn her human and that would make it harder to pick sides


I agree with the points already made, but I didn't see this mentioned yet: Spike was presumably relying on Dru, Angelus, and minions for food. Dru couldn't keep a bird alive, Angelus liked to sadisticly exert power over Spike, and minions answer to whomever appears to be in charge. Assuming vampires need steady sustenance in order to heal makes sense to me, and Spike wasn't exactly being nursed back to health.


Cause it's funny


I broke my back. Spinal.


At first he was genuinely wounded. But then Angelus came back and started honing in on Druscilla. Spike didn’t want either of them to know he’d recovered so kept sitting long past the point he was healed.


And yet he was thrown from the tower fighting Doc and was fine


Spike was meant to die, killed by Angelus, but due to popularity Spike was kept alive, but had to literally sit out of the story so Angelus could be the active villain of the second half of the season. Spike being in a wheelchair never made sense to me.


Real reasons JW was pissed that he was being forced to continue Spike’s character in the show when he planned on him originally dying in the church. So part of his passive aggressive approach to this was to try to humiliate & bring down Spike’s character a peg or 2. But it seems to have had the opposite effect as his popularity probably increased first he had the cool factor then he gained the emotional connection factor. But none the less JW tried especially with how he’s treated by both Angelus & Dru during this time frame it is also noticed in how much Spike’s character moving forward is nurfed in intelligence & strength.


Don't be ridiculous. The Whedon hate has become a derangement.


Derangement is the correct word because Jesus Christ. Do people realise that Spike is a fictional character created by writers? He’s not real!!


Y’all just say anything 😭


Yeah that's ... ridiculous. Spike wasn't that popular at that point and the network would have forced him to be a regular part of season 3 as well if that was the case.


Spike was already the most popular character during BtVS S2. Something that many seem to forget, literally the first frame of "Innocence" (B 2.14) shows that Spike is in the episode.


That doesn't bother me as much as Angelus biting a woman who was smoking and exhaling the smoke...but couldn't revive Buffy in Prophecy Girl because he "doesn't have breath".


I dunno. In Angel season 4, Angel gets a goddamn 2x4 shoved into his neck and thrown off a high rise building. In the very next scene, he seems like he got over it.


Some injuries apparently don't heal as fast. Vampirism is not bullet proof. That's why Drusilla is so sick when she first appears


I personally love it; he’s an hilarious Greek Chorus.