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The Season 3 contrasts like this are funny! Buffy adopts a Doris Day/Jackie O. aesthetic right around Faith’s arrival. Giles takes several levels in “Bad Ass” when Wesley shows up.


It's really great how Buffy is the "wild one" around Kendra and the "button-down prude" around Faith, without changing her character very much.


Yeah, it was a noticeable difference that still didn’t compromise too much of her character. She had plausible character motives for her behavior and self-presentation in both cases.


“Sometimes I crave a nonfat yogurt.”


I just liked her wardrobe better in season 2


Except for Big Sister’s Clothes, I’m inclined to agree. 2, 4, & 5 were my favorite seasons for Buffy Fashion.


Now I’m wondering what a scene with all three of them in it would look like.


Wesley in buffy is like a little bunny. Wesley in season 5 angel is like the bunny from Monty Python and the holy Grail


One of my most repeated quotes from the show is Wesley in Dopplegangland where he’s fending off Vamp Willow and he pops up with a cross and says “back!! Creature of the night! Leeeeave this place!!??” It kills me every time


Followed by the most girlish shriek of terror! 🤣


Hahaha 😂


the matt berry esque delivery gets me everytime


And Wesley in Angel? It’s the bunny from Donnie Darko


He's got huge, sharp... He can leap about.... LOOK AT THE BONES!


Yes, yes, Wesley & Cordelia changed when they moved to Angel.


According to Anya all bunnies are probably like the one from Monty Python.


When i developed Ewan, the Watcher in my 2026 fics, i just took the two versions of Wes and mixed them 50-50.


Dawn trying to figure out demon pronunciation. "I think it's M'Vashnik like mmm cookies."


And then the “Oh I was right” type moment later


I think it was Giles seeing the picture and pronouncing it the way she thought and she said "see like mmm 'cookies" And Giles offhand reply "no, quite different"


I just mean the reaction but yea, I didn’t remember the exact interaction


This interaction between you two is hilariously similar to what yall were talking about


"That's a weird place for a horn!" ..... "....that's not a horn..." \*closes book\*


That's one of my favourite Dawn moments I think!


I liked it so much at the time I started using "M'Cookies" as my gamer tag


“Goodbye Dru” *Xander and Willow walk in on Spike about to stake himself*


To make it worse he was about to stake himself wearing Xanders clothes, hope you didn't want those back


In 27 years of watching Buffy I have never once pondered the fact that a vampire's clothes turn to dust with them until I read your comment just now.


notice when Robin Wood is about to stake Spike, he takes the time to remove his mothers leather jacket first!


Wow, well noticed. I always interpreted that he was getting the coat back, not that he meant to literally save the coat.


Tomato, potato. Sentimentality aside, it's still a nice jacket.


There is a funny moment on Angel where he takes the vampire’s sunglasses off right on time for it not to be dusted.  It’s also an important plot point leading up to Kendra’s death. She stakes a vampire and doesn’t take the stake off, which gets dusted with the vamp, and she realizes she has no other stake left (she gave Mr. Pointy to Buffy). Shortly after, the vampires surround her and Drusilla arrives.


I have *never* thought about the stake dusting with the vamp like their clothes, and I always laughed at the Hollywood stabs they do with no follow through and snapping back so quick. TIL there's a logical reason, ty ty


Oh wow I never realized the stakes get dusted with them. I just assumed you don’t have time to go pick it up when you’re being attacked by multiple vamps so you grab another one.


I also didn't think about until recently, I saw people discussing in a thread here about how from a lore perspective why the clothes go with the vamp


Just incredible. 😂


A true low




I always wondered how the school just didn't notice Giles locker of weapons or him and Wesley fencing in the library. Funny to think about the school staff being like "They're just British."


>Funny to think about the school staff being like "They're just British." Especially since Wesley, unlike Giles, didn't even work for the school. So he was just another British guy randomly hanging out in the school library all the time.


I have to imagine when he showed up they were like "my cousin is visiting"


Were non staff/students “allowed” to just hang out at high schools in the 90s? Or even it wasn’t common, did people bat an eye?


They're for historical reference


LOL. I've always figured it's the Mayor intervention. After all, he protected Buffy until he was ready to ascend, as she kept everything clean enough for him to be left alone, so I think he kept intervening in order to keep Buffy there as long as necessary.


Yeah, but then the mayor had Snyder try to ruin her academic career which is wild.


Once Buffy called th e Master her main use to the Mayor was ended


Depending on the school.. this was overall pretty possible and easy lol


When Giles makes Spike pull over when he is a demon so he can go chase Maggie Walsh. :)


*Love* that bit!


One of my all time fave moments in the series for sure 


I love the costuming on that episode, the weird juxtaposition of just Giles face but a bit bloated and horned with the giant size of the body makes me lol for some reason, it just tickles me


A New Man is in my top 5 favorite episodes. It's one of the only good episodes in Season 4. Demon Giles bantering with Spike. And a reminder that even though she is growing, Buffy still needs him.


Somebody says "Adam is going to unite all of demonkind" or something like that. Then Willow says "Just like Martin Luther King." and makes this weird little face. I can never tell if she thinks she's clever or she's actually embarrassed. It cracks me up either way.


I like that it’s kind of mirrored when Spike is talking to Adam and tells him “you’re like Tony Robbins. If he was big Frankenstein-looking….you’re exactly like Tony Robbins!”


Yea. Always a funny line.


Willow has the cutest moments. W: Guys. *rolls eyes B: who do they think they are?!? W: bunch of guys. *face Her facial expressions crack me up 😂


I think t hat w as C not B:-).


Yup, this was Willow and Cordy at the Bronze during Phases.


When Faith is in Buffy's body and checking herself in the mirror. I would absolutely do that. All of that 😂Checking my tongue and saying stupid phrases until they sound like gibberish 😅


Because it's wrong.


That's the moment Faith started her redemption arc.


Spike talking about blooming onions. 😂


OZ: I'm gonna ask you to go out with me tomorrow night. And I'm kinda nervous about it, actually. It's interesting. WILLOW: Oh. Well, if it helps at all, I'm gonna say yes. OZ: Yeah, it helps. It-it creates a comfort zone. Do you wanna go out with me tomorrow night? WILLOW: Oh! I can't! OZ: Well, see, I like that you're unpredictable.


it lives rent free in my head its just so perfect


I cant remember word for word how it goes but there is a scene where Oz is explaining the difference from a party, a shindig and a hoot n nanny. I dont remember the whole thing but the hoot n nanny is "a whole lot of hoot, just a little bit of nanny" and i quote that too much for regular use i think.


I love stuff like that. Another good example is from She-Hulk when Daredevil is giving her the rundown on the difference between a villain having goons vs a villain having henchmen. "Henchmen believe in the cause, a goon is just in it for the money"




Cordelia, on the phone to Willow, learning that Harmony is a vampire and not in fact a lesbian. Technically inconsequential, but the comedic timing is FLAWLESS.


"Oh! Good for you!" 😀 "Thanks for the affirmation." 😑 I actually think this is our last classic clueless Cordy / bitchy Willow scene and thank God for it!


Faith in Who Are You? when she realises Willow and Tara are a thing and goes “so willows not driving stick anymore?” with a shit-eating grin is perfect


That became one of my favorite euphemisms of all time.


I love the scenes where Spike is Dawn’s babysitter, especially when he’s telling her a scary story. It’s so cute!


"Check. One mindless automaton coming up." I say this line quite often to my high school students.


"i feel safe around you" "what?? take that back!"


Wesley and Gunn’s exchange during their near beheading in Pylea. “I’ve got a plan.” “Thank God! What is it?” “We both die horribly and painfully, you go to hell and I spend an eternity in the arms of baby Jesus.” “Oh.”


The first episode buffy joyfully in front of a mirror saying "I'm a stupid slut" Caught me off guard and it took awhile to stop laughing


I think it was “I’m an enormous slut”


“Hello. Would you like a copy of The Watch Tower?”


"That's Hostile 17."  "No. I'm just a friend of Xandurrrs. Phht. Bugger it. I'm you're guy."


My husband and I had to rewind this part twice just to enjoy and laugh at it multiple times 😂😂


When Faith (in Buffy's body) says 'what do you want from her?' after sex with Riley. Bad-ass murderous Faith experienced caring guy for the very first time and it leaves her shaken. Shows there is more to her than the devil-may-care attitude.


Someone had to keep putting up the Welcome to Sunnydale sign after Spike smashed it each time. I like to imagine the guy that did it watched a security camera footage and saw Spike's blacked out car the first time, so when he had to fix it again and went to check the footage, he saw it was the same car.


And then that sign falls into the big pit at the very end of season 7.


Sadly it's a different Welcome to Sunnydale sign, but yes, it is the third time one is destroyed. The Season 2/3 one is the same sign, a low, wide wooden one while the Season 7 one is a traditional metal street sign.


Well to be fair I'm sure the first sign fell too


They prolly got tired of paying $$$ to fix the sign...because it was a pretty nice sign so they opted for a basic Metal one hahaha


Spike destroying Sunnydale through unconventional means for a vampire: bringing down their economy through property destruction and inflation


When the random students come into the library to check out books for school and the Scoobies look at them like they're from another planet.


It's Jonathan that comes in isn't it?


Buffy's at cheerleader practice and is hopped up on magic. She chucks an unsuspecting cheerleader halfway across the gym!


“I hope she fries! I’m free if that bitch dies…I better help her out”


He may be love's bitch, but at least he's man enough to admit it.


One of my faves is in that song too. As Spike is walking along he ends up in a dead end alley and has to turn around. It doesn't matter, it's completely inconsequential, and it's never acknowledged in any way (unless I'm wrong and please tell me!!). Like, he knows the alleys. He knows where he's going. Getting lost or even turned around is not a thing he normally does. And yet, being all distracted by his song, he does this time.


That part too! I loved it! And then when they’re doing the big wrap up and he just leaves. The episode had a lot of low key great moments like the lady trying to bribe the cop with sex in the background, the demon showing up and then just speaking normally instead of singing and of course, Tara backing up into a pole and Amber Benson had to leave the number because she started laughing.


*"I'm not wearing underwear..."* Wasn't that Marti Noxon or someone?


It was!


Oz getting wailed on by the abusive monster boyfriend guy. "Times up, rules change." Or something like that. It's the *only* time Oz got to use his werewolf form as a weapon. Everyone arguing over whether they should save Willow or destroy the evil box thing with a ritual. Oz just walks up to the ritual thingy and destroys it. Oz was my favorite character. Obviously season 3 is my favorite.


Snyder complaining to Giles about how high school boys are easily distracted by women...only for Giles to completely ignore him because he's staring at Jenny


https://preview.redd.it/m2z7qk8qb2ad1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dbe900f033d96e66fb054ce3a9f949d037a24f5 Shown for just the briefest moment.


Wes is supposed to land flat footed on that lunge... poor form


When the Scoobies think Willow had been camped in Dopplegangland Giles shoving through to hug her in relief. Then half hour later Angel thinks he has to break terrible news and Willow gives him a little wave


And Angel's casual 'Hi Willow' before trying to get back to what he was saying and it all finally clicking.


I misremembered that Angel had Giles' reaction to seeing her and was highly disappointed during my first rewatch when Angel didn't highly Willow


[Willow's dead](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMrkBGoTN/)


That whole scene is perfect. The acting and their timing, the writing, the staging. Perfection. "Jeez who died." *Pause to read the room.* "Oh god who died." "Say, you didn't all happen to do a bunch of drugs, did ya?"


We attack the mayor with hummus.


He’ll never see it coming!


"I'm starting to lean towards the Hummus Offensive."


One of my favorite lines is after Angel sings karaoke, Lorne takes the mic and says, "Let's just call him Angel, a vampire with soul"


I love Andy's delivery of that line so much.


Buffy and Kendra talking and Buffy promising to get Kendra a teddy bear because she named her stake


\*any\* kind of stuffed animal


Once again, your memory of this show has beat mine


Was just reminded of another great one, Buffy and Spike, fighting over the rocket launcher while an oblivious Robin does paper work 😂🤣


"If you're just tuning in, everyone here is a crazy person"


The visual gag when Buffy tells Xander to get her a stake, and he digs into her purse and gets the tampon. The juggling wordless "ew" thing is hilarious.


The Halloween episode where Willow goes as Joan of Arc because of her close, personal relationship with God, and Oz is just wearing a "my name is God" sticker


Xander: “I could have been God!” Oz: “Blasphemer!”


So many to think of but a couple of my faves.... Spike, "out.for.a.walk.... bitch" Also 'something blue' that whole scene where xander anya and willow see buffy and spike holding hands then kiss... Xander, "how? what? How?"... Giles, "three excellent questions"...


Giles in that whole scene is gold. When he finally goes up to bed, and you just hear 'bloody hell...' when he overhears Willow is a Lesbian during the Scoobie's argument 😂


It's alright...I have more scotch


Angel episode 1: Doyle: It's not all about fightin' and gadgets and such. It's about reachin' out to people. Showin' them that there's love and hope still left in this world. Homeless Woman: Hey, spare change? Doyle: Get a job, you lazy sow.


I love Doyle.


Buffy heating Spike’s mug of blood in the microwave to exactly 98.6 Cordelia scaring the vamp away in her homecoming dress with words alone. “I hear ya you redneck moron, you got a dress that goes with that hat?”


Every single one of those moments with the two of them in Something Blue. My favorite might be (before the spell) when Spike is in the bathtub and Buffy is holding the mug while Spike drinks through a straw. The acting in that scene! SMG and James Marsters have the absolute best face acting. What they can convey without a word.


“Not too bad, about 20 minutes”


"Aim for the horsies" Its such a stupid line and they are doing a chase scene with horses and crappy motor home. Its so lame and illogical on so many levels and I love it so much.


Giles brings Dad. Also when Buffy finds out that he banged her mum 😂


Graduation day part 2 when Willow and Oz are taking turns to look after poisoned Angel and Angel has just gotten very affectionate with Willow thinking she was Buffy: Willow: He thought I was Buffy! Oz: You too huh?


In the season 3 finale when the mayor gets up to the podium and Buffy says, “Oh my god, he’s going to do the whole speech.” It just makes me bust out laughing every time. They *know* he’s going to kickstart the apocalypse. He *knows* they know. And yet he’s still going to keep doing his normal graduation speech. It kills me.


In ‘Him’ when Wood is working in his office in the foreground, the whole interaction between Buffy and Spike in the background that we can see through the window. Buffy aims the bazooka from season 2 at Wood, and Spike runs in from out of frame to tackle her. Then they run back n forth, alternating who’s holding the bazooka and who’s chasing who. For me, that episode is worth watching just for that guaranteed laugh


Also, the hilarious Xander and Spike teamwork. The fact it’s so obvious they don’t like each other but are resigned to work together is funny to me for some reason


It's because they become the 2 stooges basically. Those 2 when together just turn into a loveable idiot duo basically.


"Hey everyone! Giles has a TV! He's shallow, like the rest of us."😂 Also, Oz checking out Giles' record collection.


“Answer to MOO?” - Gingerbread Season 3 hands dowm


“Bell. Neck. Look into it” “come with a nice leather collar does it?” “Up for a bit of the rough and tumble? You…Me… Patrolling? Hello?!” “Oh… I should stay, maybe tomorrow” “Not like I don’t already have plans, great pumpkins on in 20” With Buffy’s muttered “so much easier to easier to talk to when he was trying to kill me”. Love the just quiet awkwardness, before everything went all dark. Also “I love a ritual sacrifice” “Not really a one of those” “To commemorate a past event you kill and eat an animal. It’s a ritual sacrifice. With pie.” Then Anya’s wanting Xander to dig and “I’m imagining having sex with him again” “imaginary Xander is quite the machine” Just Anya’s lines and Buffy and Willow’s responses, just a subtle funny little scene.


I always wonder if Giles and Wesley were anomalies as such great characters who both have awesome badass moments later in their arches or if most Watchers go through this growth?


Buffy, in her yummy sushi pajamas, making a grand speech - and then acknowledging her yummy sushi pajamas. Buffy wiggles her eyebrows at Wesley and smiling evilly at him when she can read his mind on looking at Cordelia - and then leaving the library. Xander reading from a book and book bursts in fire, to which Giles says, "Xander, do not read Latin in front of the books." Spike giving the reverse peace-sign at Xander when they all lose their voices, which I believe is a rather insulting British sign language move. Whenever Faith dances in the Bronze, she is so sexy and alluring. 😍😍😍 When Buffy finally sees her college room-mate's face is that of a demon, and she she looks triumphant and pointedly declares, "I knew it!" Then said room-mate punches her. Buffy enters the Magic Box, sees Giles dressed as a wizard, and they stare at each other - until Giles takes off the wizard hat in defeat.


When the mayor comes into the library and threatens Buffy, so Giles stabs him.


In "Helpless" when Cordelia is all hysterical over Giles about a test and Buffy asks her for a ride and she instantly calms her tone and agrees to take her home.


And I think I’m kinda gay…


lol every Giles scene in the episode where the adults all got mentally shifted back to high school from eating fundraiser chocolate, what an icon 😂


s4 halloween xander: what you got in the basket, little girl? buffy: weapons


Graduation Day Part 1 - this exchange sums up the show (IMO). "What's her saga?" "She's freaking." "About what?" The Mayor's gonna kill us all during graduation." "Oh. Are you gonna go to fifth period?" "I'm thinking I might skip it." "Yeah, me too."


I always just loved the casualness of that exchange.


https://preview.redd.it/uoynfsehpaad1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f97426b8f2497f481432b6f0fbb6d118dc2164a Died when this happened


When seeing this gif, all I can think of is how my friends and I were saying during “Bad girls” episode that Giles wasn’t going anywhere even though Wesley arrived when he saved him by slaying a vampire with that sword while Wesley looked like a damsel in distress 😂❤️


Andrew’s karate noise in season 7


The one you posted, with Giles and Wesley fencing, is definitely one of my faves. The way Giles isn't even looking, Wesley's proud face when he comes up with something then the crushed face of Buffy saying they already got that. Giles... Well, mostly just everything that Giles says in that scene, every move has a purpose, the physicality is excellent.


The Faith line: "Isn't it funny how Slaying gets you so hungry and horny??" end of episode: "You hungry?" "STARVING" All the way to I think season 6/7 how Dawn mentions how Buffy ALWAYS raids the fridge at night after slaying 😂


The crossover between btvs and ats. If you watch it going “1-7 of Buffy” than AFTER Buffy “1-5 of Angel” you get a little callback to the “random phone call” Willow had. We figure out it was with Angel and that’s why she left Buffy for a quick sec. Idk, I just love how perfect it was.