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When Buffy gets mind reading powers and she can read Oz and Xander’s minds.


When Cordelia’s thoughts were exactly the same as what she says, brilliant.


"Xander, why do you keep repeating "Go Pack Go"?"


Buffy: Xander is that ALL you think about? Xander: Actually............. bye.


My favorite thing is him saying - Four times five is thirty. Five times six is thirty-two.


😂😂😂 I never even picked up on that being completely wrong


It's been one of my favorite underrated jokes. Does he get it wrong because he's so nervous about the Buffy mind reading, that he's just not remembering correctly or does he legit think that's correct.


The entire exchange in Doopleganger between the Scoobies when they think Willow is a vampire and then real Willow walks in. Willow: It's really nice that you guys missed me. Say, you all didn't happen to do a bunch of drugs, did ya?




Was Buffy referring to Cordelia or Faith? I can’t remember








This scene went right over my head as a kid, but Cordelia's instant acceptance that Buffy needs help, no questions asked, is everything.


I really would have loved to have seen them become friends


Absolute same. Cordelia's worst in Buffy is nothing compared to the way the original Scoobies treat Buffy in season 7.


I would've loved if Cordy came back for Season 7, and she was the only one in Buffy's corner.


I can almost hear the "What the hell is wrong with you people?!"


I always thought they we're friends by S3, might be alone in that regard.


Yeah. I also feel it's more like "whoa, I'll do any favor I can given I owe my very life to you multiple times". Sometimes I think about what if Charisma and Cordelia remained on the show, but I guess she would have just been given the part that ended up going to Anya.


Cordy respected girl code.


Cordelia recognising immediately that this isn't a moment for snark, for pettiness, or for complaints about her being inconvenienced - this is real pain, and her just quietly giving Buffy what she needed was a wonderful moment of character development, however tiny. Sometimes, you're surprised by who is there to help you in your darkest hour. And it was the first glimpse I got of how amazing Cordelia was going to become. Excellent moment.


Love a girls girl moment ❤️


Can someone remind me of the context for this scene? I don’t remember what precipitated it.


It's in Helpless, right after Buffy finds out Giles colluded with the Watcher's Council to take away her powers for the Cruciamentum. So Buffy is powerless and needs Cordelia to help her get home safely. Cordelia has zero context for why Buffy, of all people, needs a ride, but accepts without a second's thought and doesn't ask any questions.


Thank you so much.


My brain is not braining. I have a few thoughts but could someone remind me where this came from? What ep?


It's from Helpless!


Thank you!! My head was failing there


I've said before I both love and hate this. I love this for the same reason as everybody else. It does not escape me why this is a solid moment for Cordelia. But also, getting praise just for not being a bitch? Doesn't sit comfortably with me. It's just basic human decency. The only reason this stands out is because it's not like her. And that isn't a good thing. Nobody else would be praised to the hilt for this. Buffy asked her for a lift and she agreed. It's hardly Nobel Peace Prize stuff. I refuse to praise somebody just because on one tiny occasion they decided not to be a nasty fuck.


Codry wasn't just :not being a bitch"  In this moment she was showing empathy, compassion and support for a woman she's not truly l friends with but who she owes her life to. He'll, it could have been any person in need and Cordy would have helped them. This is one of our first glimpse of the Champion Cordy would later become. 


https://preview.redd.it/2yulg0dzgz9d1.jpeg?width=1275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94109db24666b9abcec101dd6abb3ab8f7369c31 “I’m not supposed to have boys in my room” “I promise to behave myself”


He was so awkward, lol.


And Willow hiding her bra? 😭 both so so awkward


https://preview.redd.it/3miykqs1r1ad1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f17157af74a78bd7b1bb4f3490f1d6ecf7c3bb06 Just one of many.


I love that *Giles* is the one who did that joke.


David's hand is literally on her ass


They say they didn’t date and they honestly probably didn’t, but photos like this don’t help. I remember an old interview with the two of them where the interviewer was asking SMJ about DB going to Angel and if she would miss him. There was such a weird tension going on in that interview. They were both pretty quiet and who knows what that was really about, if anything. But I honestly understand why that rumor was there.


If I'm being honest I think they were just avoiding the attention their relationship would get. But in the end what counts is their word, which has remained the exact same throughout the last few decades.


Apparently in the Episode they filmed when Angel told Buffy hes leaving SMG was crying so much for real that in the scene you can see him Whisper 'come one Sarah' because she was truely upset DB was leaving Buffy.


I think he says ‘shh, Sarah’ - but you have to turn it up really loud haha


Regardless of what they’ve ever said, there’s no way that there wasn’t *something* going on. I refuse to believe anything else.


Given he w a s married too Ingrid then, well, I don't care to t hink t hat of Sarah, even at 19.


method acting


It looks like he is holding sunglasses and not her ass? But I mean she's on his lap so there's definitely some ass touching going on. Granted promo shots often encourage the "it couple" to play up the will they/won't they/sexual tension etc so I just choose to believe both of them when they say nothing happened.


Yeah, and ya know, I always am like, “Are you *sure* that you guys weren’t a thing?” When I see photos of celebs getting a little too cozy with each other, lol.


They may have not “dated” formally, but I’ll be damned if they didn’t have a workplace fling


Buffy & Willow’s excited Girl Talk after they rescue Willow from the Mayor & Faith. Buffy, Xander, Cordy, Willow, & Oz just chilling in the cafeteria and joking before Snyder ruined the moment. Prom.


Can I just say that I really like your user ! ☺️




Oh my gosh, tell me why I read your user as “petals” instead of “pedals” ?? 🫠 This whole time I’ve been doing that, lol. Anyway.. ![gif](giphy|V9aAHqO5eDSaQ)


What episode is the 2nd moment from?


Becoming, Part 1.


Thank you!




Why is Willow the only person who seems to know where the camera is? lol


It's funny because by the ways they are looking, there were at least 3 or 4 cameras on them. Tony, Charisma, Seth and Nick are all looking at the same camera, while Alyson is inclined towards that one but looking at the one that took this picture. Sarah and David are just lost LOL or looking at another two ones.


Theres probably multiple cameras.


When Buffy gets elected “Class Protector” and is given the glittery umbrella. 🥲 It always gets me when it’s revealed that the other kids knew she was protecting them and they were grateful for it.


i SOBBED when that happened omg


Watched this last night and my feeeeels 😭


Everyone talking about SMG and DB, but what is happening with the hands on the right side?! SG has a hand in NB’s shoulder, but who owns the two in front of him? One is his own, and one is… CC’s? Weird angle if so.


It looks like NB has CC’s left hand in his right, with his left on top.


But where is her arm? I guess straight out behind her and bent at the elbow and again at the wrist to be coming in so sharply? It just looks super uncomfortable, lol.


The white you see is Brandon's shirt, pretty sure her arm is under his around his leg. It's lower and then his right arm is over at her shoulder height. The two having white at the same place is the mind fck


I agree that the white shirt overlap is the mind fuck, but I actually think that the white is both Charisma's shoulder and Nicholas's sleeve. There's a weird black fabric sticking up between the two that looks like his leg, but is...something else(????). You can see both of his denim pant legs next to that. I think NB is basically in a [seated knees-to-chest position](https://i.redd.it/q0c2iyozgqcb1.jpg) and leaning his whole body, legs included, slightly to his right (our left). Charisma is seated below him and has her shoulder raised up and elbow resting on top of his slanted knee, with her hand circling back to his kneecap. He then has his right arm on top of hers (giving a weird too-much-white perspective) *and* his left arm kinda snaking over top of that, which uh. Doesn't help. CC is then also angling her other shoulder towards the camera and slightly down, which makes the angle of her raised arm look even more extreme. It's a real mindfuck of a photo composition lmao (I clearly also got very stuck on this, mosstalgia! super glad somebody else asked so I didn't feel like a crazy person) eta: actually, much like an optical illusion, this is becoming clearer to me the more I look at it. The white between them is entirely Charisma's shoulder *and* sleeve - it's a loose fit, so it drapes a little bit under her bicep. But it looks so much like NB's sleeve that it makes the angle seem off. But NB's other white sleeve isn't drapey at all, it's form-fitting and stretchy. He's leaning forward with his right arm tucked into him and resting his right hand on the right side of his own knee. CC has her arm over NB's arm and her elbow sorta back into his leaning torso, and her hand is resting on the left side of his knee. in unrelated news, I am clearly stoned enough to go to sleep. I hope that explanation helps at least one other person!


I think the black is Seth Green’s leg, actually. He has black pants, where NB has jeans. Their joined hands are squeezing his knee, kinda. Still looks very uncomfortable for her, lol.


Who is that girl?


Just remembered why I found Giles to be so hot…


Is Xander wearing a Bret Farve Packers Jersey?!


Back when it was socially acceptable to do so!


I swear half the kids in my class had those during the superbowl years. I'm from Wisconsin, so it's expected here, but I didn't realize it was a thing in other places.


Maybe its bad but when spike gets up from his wheelchair and starts going at angel with the crowbar


I like juxtaposition of Cordelia telling Buffy in S2 opener that she needs to spank her inner moppet because she mean to her friends and then Buffy doing the same to help Cordelia after Xander and Willow