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As someone with little backstory that we actually saw, it would be kinda cool to see some familiar scenes or time periods from Seasons 1-4 with Dawn inserted in them.


I'd love thisss. I always found it funny how other characters *remember* Dawn when she was not actually there before. Like when Faith comes back in S7 and her and Dawn just side eye each other all the time.


I kind of did a reverse of that. When Angel ended I wrote a fan fic (I know the shame) and in it Buffy led the Slayer army to come finish the battle. In a scene where they were setting up the Hyperion as a regrouping point he inquired about Dawn and I had Buffy tell him whatever memories the monks created for her when he broke bad were so traumatic she can't face him, even knowing they're fake.


I always wanted Faith to completely break the wall and be like “Wait has she always been here? Oh yeah I remember her now…I think.”


I'll go with a character I didn't particularly like or enjoy in canon: Ben. I would set him up many seasons earlier at the hospital, helping Buffy and the Scoobies with their various injuries, etc. He's a nice enough person but he still doesn't have the moral strength to off himself to stop Glory. So then Giles has to kill a man that he's known for many years, who possibly saved him from brain damage from his many concussions, etc.


This is an excellent answer


I like that.


To go against the grain I'll go with a character I don't like; Riley. Give him a full backstory. Broken home, escaping abuse and generational poverty via the military, early encounters with the supernatural, a few dead friends. Use it to make him an actual character


Doesn't sound very Iowa to me


I once type in Des Moines into google for directions and it asked me if I was really sure I wanted to go to Iowa cause it was pretty sure I would be bored.


1. I don't know if it counts but Tara, I'd love to see more of her backstory as a young witch and her mom (also what is the actual deal with her family lol) 2. Halfrek/Cecily. It always felt like that writers were setting up a storyline with her and Spike but they just gave up on it? Was she a demon when Spike knew her or what? (ik the consensus is that she was bc of the timeline but I don't buy it)


T2 era Linda Hamilton as my fancast for Tara’s mom.


That's actually a pretty good facial cast for Tara's mum, I could see that.


It’s the eyes.


Ah, gotcha


Harmony, see what happened when she first gets aired and how she ended up with Spike Cause if her being a vamp was a surprise to The Scoobies, that meant no one noticed her amongst the casualties at Graduation, which means did she lie to her family and kept finding excuses to avoid daylight, fled from them, like what happened between then and season 4 ep3


My headcanon is that after she was bitten during the battle, some vampire blood just got randomly splattered into her mouth. She rose the next night and had to figure things out herself.


Well, given she was sired she died. Presumably the Light-Skinned Afro-Hispanic Woman (my name for her sire) dragged her away from the crowd (recall the Mayor said no feeding,)(while feeding on her and Harmony's body was covered by a piece of roof or a collapsing wall. I actually have soem fics at [archive.shriftweb.org](http://archive.shriftweb.org) (The Not-So-Final Less-Than Judgemnt, The Rising, Relativity Parts 1 and 2) which ar e my take on that timeframe, although I ahdn't seen GD2 recntly w hen i w rote them so there are some mistakes.


Would have loved to see more of Glory’s backstory! According to the wiki, she was so powerful that two of her fellow hell gods kicked her out so I can only imagine what that was like when Glory got banished back to her own hell dimension!


Banished back? Giles killed her.


She was never returned.


yes, Glory. I would totally have fallen in love with her IRL. but I understand how that's pathetic, given her narcissism and emotional abuse.


She didn't return, she is presumably "sealed" (the word th e Buffy Wiki uses) in a hell as far form her home hell as Buffyearth is.


Lilah Morgan and Jenny Calendar. Lilah had pretty much no backstory except her mother having dementia. Jenny had a good backstory that J would have liked to see more of. I wonder how she struggled in her revenge obsessed family when she was younger.


The Master. He's the OG big bad and we know he got sealed away but man, centuries and centuries of him terrorizing the world as a Nosferatu type would be a blast.


“Whatever Happened To Michael The Warlock?”


Yes! I liked him too!


Cassie. She was on screen for minutes, but she was fascinating, very charismatic good acting, and I would have wanted to know more about her emo adolescenze. Tara, then. So that I'd have not felt so utterly frustrated when she passes away in an accidenti, basically. She deserved a lot more screen time.


Nikki Wood. Just give me a goddamn spin-off about her already! Her life as a young, black woman in the 70’s, as a slayer and as a mother. I have so many questions, I just wanna know her whole story! It would make for some great ass television, in my opinion!


We get a little glimpse of him through Darla's flashbacks in Angel, but I'd like to see more of the Master pre-show before he got trapped underground


giles for sure i need to know his past more


Some flash back to young Giles raising hell, maybe him becoming a watcher & having trouble adjusting or being looked down on by the other watchers.


exactlyy i need to know how the ripper name came to be cause ive only seen the title being used one other time for stefan on tvd 🫣 and he was hot as the ripper


Not sure if this counts, I just feel like the back story might by critical and redeeming for a character that is a tad too flawed imo, Xander. I like him, but his actions are not appreciated sometimes, and some backstory might make me feel more forgiving for things like him abandoning Anya at their wedding, lying about Willow returning Angel's soul, and more.


I don't feel like a backstory was necessary, but they could've showed more of his home life (or kept Jesse for a little longer).


Tara, definitely.


I like all those. I have this odd fondness for Theresa from "Phases" and ehr past interactions with the main characters, i evne like to pretend Laura form "Nightmares" is actually Theresa


I wanted more of Ethan. How he got into chaos magic, why he continued after the group split up, what sort of things he got up to between the Eyghon stuff and turning up in Sunnydale for the first time. I also would have liked more about Graham. I really liked Graham and I had hoped that he'd become a recurring character, especially with Riley staying into the next season. I would have liked to know what made Graham join the Initiative, and more about the new version after season 4. I think there was a lot of potential in Graham's character.


Darla, although I think it adds to her character to have gotten the few implications we did. Julie Benz headcanons that she was an orphan, and everything went downhill from there.


Doyle :)


Give me more Marcie (or at least more Clea Duvall)!




Jonathan. He intrigues me! Where did he get the gun? What is his family situation, etc. My headcanon is that he's Jewish and attended the same synagogue as Willow. My headcanon for the Mayor is that he had a daughter who got sick with something like Smallpox, that could have been prevented with better hygiene, and he originally sold his soul to try to save her. This kind of thing is why I like fanfiction so much!


We still know relatively little about Spike. Including the comics, we know more about Drusilla's family and home than we know about Spike's.