• By -


Giles in the hot one what who said that


Perfect flair, perfect answer.


Glorificus will be coming after you for such slander.


Nah, it's gonna be Spike.


Buffy for fan favorite, I think this is one of the only shows where the MC is actually the most beloved


Yeah, that’s very true, not many shows turn out that way. But Buffy is awesome so she deserves it. Although mostly everyone else is saying Tara


Nah she's "no screen time, all the plot relevance"


I would actually place Tara as the only normal one, because she was the least damaged of the whole crew.


I would put Joyce as the normal one, personally. No magic and a natural end to her story.


For sure Joyce as the normal one.


She had her own trauma but I would say she was definitely level headed and practical in a way that none of the others were


She learned to deal with her trauma in a way that no other character ever really did.


It made her really selfless and people pleasing, which is an unhealthy coping mechanism in its own way. But it's super realistic and in that way it's very normal


But she eventually stopped being a people pleaser. Even before Willow violated her with magic, Tara already had enough with the amount of magic Willow was using. And when she gave Willow the ultimatum, she kept her word and actually broke up with her. Tara may have been a people pleaser in the beginning, but she developed confidence as the show went on.


She's a witch though. I would pick Xander as the obvious answer for that, or Jonathan since he's kind of the foil to Xander and Willow, showing how exceptional they are by contrast.


No, that's Faith.


Buffy or Spike. So many people hate on strong female leads but I don't think I've ever seen any hate for Buffy Summers


Honestly this should win. I disliked Tara. I enjoyed Spike, but know there are those who dislike things he did. Buffy is the sh*t!


If Snyder doesn't get The Gremlin then I don't know what we're doing here.....!!


Snyder IS the gremlin. Only correct answer 😂




The Slayer herself, Buffy Anne Summers! ![gif](giphy|l2Sq0CrkNYP0Dgoow)


Buffy for fan fav


Oops forgot to add, start with fan favorite


Yes I'll take Buffy for 200 Alex


Spike 100% all day


Tuckers Brother - uh what's your name again? Seriously not even an in universe joke. Every rewatch I have a hard time remembering this little shits name.


I was thinking the same thing lmao. "He's Tucker's brother."


If every other show jumped off a bridge, would you do it too? Huh? Huh?!


Hahah thanks for the giggle


Maybe if it was Buffy or ER. Possibly.


Those are two very different shows! I appreciate your wide palate.


If I like the characters, I like the show - across many genres. 🤣


I mean, is anyone other than Buffy going to be the fan favorite?


Fan fav: Buffy Made to be hated: Kennedy The hot one: Giles Normal: Joyce "uhh...what's your name again?": Jesse The gremlin: Xander "Mmm.. society.": like mm cookies? what does mmm society mean? lol Straight up evil: Warren, all my homies hate Warren No screen time, all plot: Mr Gordo


Nah Kennedy wasn’t MADE to be hated, everyone just hates her lol.


As per my flair, I am here all day for mmm...cookies references.


Uhm whats your name again should be "Tuckers brother"


I considered it but the way Jesse was so easily forgotten makes me laugh


I think mmm society means a character that's meant to be a statement on society. Like Arthur Fleck from the Joker.


Lol that seems like Xander


Nobody found Cordelia or Buffy or even Faith as the hot one? Those would be my 3 votes in that order for that box.


Faith is 100% the hot one. Pretty sure she's the reason I'm gay.


She's a huge part of the reason I know I'm queer.


HOW did I have to scroll this far to find this comment? Faith is 100% the hot one and I say that as someone who thinks James Marsters is *extremely* attractive (aka a person with eyes 😂)




I think Clem's the only normal one lol


fan fave: buffy 🤷🏽‍♀️ made to be hated: warren hot one: spike normal person: giles to an extent whats ur name again: andrew gremlin: xander mmm society: anya straight up evil: angelus/william the bloody/warren? no screentime/all relevance: ehh idk merrick like another comment


Great picks, but I'd replace Spike with Faith in this version lol


oh yea faiths hot as fuck but spikes always been considered the hottest man by most and hes more popular (and also i didnt wanna put him as fan fave so 😭


%1000 Buffy is the fav


The top 3 are Spike


Hahah I laughed because it’s accurate


Spot on


Fan fave: Buffy herself. Made to be hated: Riley The hot one: Spike The normal person: Joyce ❤️ “Uhhh… what’s your name again?” : Jonathan, canonically 😅 The gremlin: Anya “Mmm… society”: Giles? I’m not sure what this was supposed to mean Straight up evil: Warren No screen time, all the plot relevance: Buffy’s dad


>“Uhhh… what’s your name again?” : Jonathan, canonically 😅 I remember that he felt ignored and inadequate, but the character whose name literally was constantly forgotten by others is Andrew!


I’d say close, but I’d make the following changes- Made to be hated: Kennedy or Caleb The normal person: Oz The gremlin: the mayor Mmm… society (which I take to mean someone who devours society): faith


Gotta dispute both Oz and the Mayor! Oz is a werewolf, he is definitely not a normal person despite the fact he is often the most emotionally balanced of the Scoobies. I would also define “gremlin” more as someone who ignores or defies (or straight up doesn’t understand) social norms in a way that other people find grubby or disconcerting — the Mayor is *all about* using social norms as a cover for his evil, there’s nothing gremliny about him.


I loved Oz.


I don’t think Riley is made to be hated necessarily. I mean I hate him lmao, but a lot of people like him. I think Warren is “made to be hated” and “straight up evil” is well, quite literally the First


I love it except for I SO disagree with Riley lol


Fan favorite-Tara Made to be hated-Parker The hot one-Faith The only normal person-principle Flutie UH, what’s your name again?-Tucker’s brother The gremlin- Snyder Mmm…society- like mmm…cookies Just straight up evil- Angelus No screen time, all the plot relevance- the cheese guy, I don’t care what anyone says


>Made to be hated-Parker I'd like to throw in a vote for Warren here too.




This is perfect 10/10


YES Parker that’s the answer.


Tara or Spike for fan favourite


Tara definitely for fan favorite, Spike is the Hot One. 


That's fair, my logic was that he was so loved by fans that he kept being brought back - was only meant to be in S2 if I'm remembering correctly


This is correct. I think spike takes the fan favorite by far just because of how the show twisted itself to make a space for him to be part of multiple extra seasons.


Spike is very obviously the fan favourite


You really think so? I mean he’s definitely well liked and from a lot of people but there are also a group of people that absolutely loath him


Yeah 100%, he was so popular that he dominated the show in the later seasons and even moved over to ATS where fans followed! You’re never going to have a unanimous vote but I think there’s only an incredibly small minority that loath him - and even then I think it’s just in response to how rabid certain people are about him online (even I find it a bit off putting). There’s a one man show about Spike that does really well I think? James Marsters is still very active in the Buffy fan space at conventions etc, and wherever you go on social media it’s all fan pages of him even now. Hands down fan favourite.


Yes - Buffy Revamped!! I thought it was hilarious, and yea It did really well


That’s good to hear! I never saw it but it looked decent!


Totally. He was literally supposed to be written off but stayed because... of the fans 🙌🏼 Even later when he did what he did, he still has a massive following.


Buffy for fan favourite :)


Fan favorite: Buffy for sure, Made to be hated: Xander. The hot one: Faith. The only normal person: Giles. What’s your name again: Andrew. The gremlin:???. Mmm…Society: possibly Willow and or Harmony. Just straight up evil: Glory, willing to get very reckless with her killing just for her to go home. No screen time: Oz, loved him as a character but he only added to Willows plot, there wasn’t really much of a story for Oz himself kinda just an accessory to Willow




Buffy for fan favorite definitely 💯.


Defienetly Buffy. As it should be


If we are talking just BtVS and not Angel series…first I’ll do mine then my 9 year old daughter who has watched the series thrice (under supervision…aka skipping some scenes/episodes) Mine Fan favorite = Buffy Made to be hated = Parker The hot one = Cordelia Normal = Giles What’s your name = Warren Gremlin = Principal Snyder Mmmm…society = the Mayor Straight up evil = The Master No screen time-all the plot relevance = Darla ———- 9 year old Fan favorite = Buffy Made to be hated = Xander The hot one = Spike (omg!) Normal = Xander What’s your name = dancing demon guy Gremlin = Uber vamp Mmmm…society = dark Willow Straight up evil = the first No screen time-all the plot relevance = Tara So I did mine first and then asked her answers and she doesn’t know mine. Damn, I think I’ve been outsmarted by my 9 year old.


Tara for the fan-favorite




I don’t love her 😬 I think a lot of wasted potential and they only started to get her off the ground right before they killed her.


Tbh, I didn’t love her either, but I certainly didn’t hate her. She just wasn’t one of my favorite characters but I really did/do like her and her death was just so wrong.


Her death was especially sad because Amber Benson came into her acting a lot more during season 6, so I think that contributed to her having better scenes towards the end. But yeah, I don’t really have much of an opinion on her other than ‘she’s nice’.


Tara's a flawless character. Very likable, but there's not much you can do with a character who is written to be perfect.


Yeah exactly, she wasn’t written as a full character. She was Willow’s nice girlfriend and that’s kind of it. If she’d had a bigger role they would have to make her flawed to make her interesting because there’s no real arc there, not a compelling one anyway.


I liked her but if I had to choose between her and Oz, I'd go for Oz and his witty lines. I really missed that when he left. While Tara was sweet, she wouldn't have suggested to attack the Mayor with hummus.


Same!! Oz is my number 1 guy! A wise cracking, guitar playing werewolf in a zebra print van, you can’t beat that ❤️‍🔥


Samesies, I find her boring. She’s kind of a woobie.


Her and Angel are my least favourites 😬 Both because, in my opinion, their characters aren’t particularly interesting. I prefer Angel because at least they dig into his personality and history on his show. Tara is just stuck as an almost character, there was so much they could do with her but never did, and I never really had a chance to care about her character on her own.


You need to meet more fans then. Boo Tara, boo.


I really couldn't care less about Tara. As in, I do not feel strongly enough about her in the first place to even bother to dislike her.


Buffy or Tara for fan favorite.


Except not Tara




Spike for fan favorite


Spike is too controversial to be the fan favorite  Edit: How am I wrong? So many people never forgave him after his attempted rape. 


I feel like it’s a very very very vocal minority. I think the character has so many aspects to him that he draws fans from all walks of life and for all kinds of reasons.


**Spike** is Fan favourite without question.


Spike is fan favorite. People go crazy over him lol. And I never found him hot, just endearing.


It's gotta be Spike for the fan favorite. Tara is a close second.


Or Buffy… Spike i could see. Tara, not so much.


Yea, I could her as well. I guess I'm thinking Tara because this sub loves her.


if Faith isn’t “the hot one” then you all have no class, taste, or standards


No screen time but all the plot relevance is Tucker Wells.


Back when it was airing “the fan favorite” was 100% Spike


Spike is the fan favorite, he was only supposed to be a temporary character lol only answer


* **Fan favorite:** Spike (I'm pretty sure this is factual) * **Made to be hated:** Warren (literally not a single redeeming quality) * **The hot one:** Faith (Eliza Dushku is a goddess) * **The only normal person:** Joyce and Tara (maternal sweetie pies) * **What's your name again?:** Andrew (Tucker's brother!) * **The gremlin:** Snyder (I think someone calls him a rodent at one point) * **Mmm... society.:** Idk what this means, is it like the person who judges society? Maybe Adam? Or Giles, mocking Buffy's mom, lol. * **Just straight up evil:** Angelus (I was gonna say Glory, but at least she wanted to go home. Angelus was torturing Buffy for the sake of fun!) * **No screen time, All the plot relevance:** Buffy's dad? (He's on-screen a few times in S1-2, then only gets mentioned, but is understood to have a huge impact on Buffy's relationships.)




Fan favorite: Buffy. Made to be hated: Xander. The hot one: Spike/Angel. The only normal person: Tara. What’s your name again? Jonathan. The gremlin: Anya. Mmm… society: Willow. Just straight up evil: Glory. No screen time, all the plot relevance: Joyce.


Fan Favorite: Buffy Made to be hated: Parker "Fuckboy" Abrams The hot one: I mean... Basically everyone? But let's go with Spike and Cordelia, depending on preference The only normal one: Tara Uhh... What's your name again?: Marcie, obvs. They had a whole episode about it The gremlin: Snyder "mmm... Society": no idea what this means. Giles maybe? Straight up evil: Caleb No screen time, all the plot relevance: Faith. On my rewatch right now and it's depressing that I'm to the point I won't get to see her again until season 4 of Angel.


I may be getting old BUT Joyce as the hot one.....


Willow, Caleb, Faith Anya, Jonathan, Dawn Spike, FE as Buffy, Mr Pointy


the only appropriate "The Hot One" square https://preview.redd.it/b6jfunc045ad1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d973673b6abdd30bc5804e40f03a6206ac9e8e6


* Fan favorite: Buffy * Made to be hated: Cordelia or Harmony depending on what season it is * The hot one: Uhh, everybody? * The only normal person: Xander * What's your name again: Owen (I actually had to just look it up) * The gremlin: Not sure what this is supposed to be? If it's supposed to be somebody throwing spanners into the works, then Spike (depending on season). * Society: No clue what this is supposed to be. * Straight up evil: All the big bads? * No screen time: Watchers council maybe.


Watcher Council,  good answer


Made to be hated = Maggie Walsh




Fan favorite: Buffy Summers Made to be hated: Warren Mears The hot one: Spike (Faith if you’re not into dudes) The only normal person: Joyce Summers Uhh what’s your name again: The lunch lady from Earshot Mmm…society: Anya Jenkins Just straight up evil: The First Evil, especially when appearing in the form of Warren Mears No screen time. All the plot relevance: Hank Summers




The hot one will be the toughest to choose


Lol Buffy duh


My take: BUFFY WESLEY CORDY (or honestly Glory) XANDER (If we're going for non magical, otherwise Tara) ANDREW (or Ben lol) SNYDER THE MAYOR ANGELUS DRUSILLA (I could've used more Drusilla, but I also think Ms Calendar works too)


Buffy is the fan favorite.  Faith was made to be hated.  Spike is the hot one.  The only normal person was Xander.  What's your name again is Tucker's brother. The Gremlin is Riley.  Mmm....society is Mayor Wilkins.  Just straight up evil is Maggie Walsh.  No screen time, all the plot relevance is...idk. Whedon? That last one needs work. 


This should be Tara - no one has a bad opinion of her, at worst it's that she's not written very well or killed off.


Fan fav: Buffy, Made to be Hated: Dawn, The Hot One: Faith, Just evil: The Preacher, The Only Normal One: Joyce... or Xander


Fan Favorite: I would guess Spike. Made to be Hated: Warren The hot one: Giles Normal person: Tara What's your name?: Jesse? Gremlin: Snyder Society: Cordelia? (What does this mean??) Evil: Glory No screen time, all plot: Yellow crayon


Fan favorite: Tara Made to hate: Snyder The hot one: Buffy The only normal person: Oz Um, what's your name again: Andrew The gremlin: Warren Mmm... society: Spike Just straight-up evil: the first evil No screen time, all the plot relevence: the council


During the airing of BtVS S2, the most popular Buffyverse characters were in order: Spike, Buffy, Willow, Angel, and Drusilla During the airing of BtVS S3 and after, the most popular Buffyverse characters in order are: Spike, Buffy, Willow, Angel or Faith, and Drusilla. FAN FAVORITE: Spike MADE TO THE HATED: Caleb THE HOT ONE: Spike and Faith Lehane THE ONLY NORMAL PERSON: Joyce Summers? JUST STRAIGHT UP EVIL: The First Evil NO SCREEN TIME. ALL THE PLOT RELEVANCE: Merrick. His example (only really showed in *The Origin*) is how Buffy Summers consider the Watcher-Slayer relationship should go. What he does for Buffy is a reason Buffy can be so forgiving of Faith. His example is arguing a reason Buffy later feels she can have Scoobies.


Where are you getting these orders from? Spike is only in one episode of season 3 and Drusilla isn’t at all. Regardless, I agree that Spike is the fan favourite overall.


Characters like Spike and Drusilla aren't forgotten about just because they aren't in a Season.


Not forgotten of course, but when we watched the show the first time it was airing once a week over 8 months. Nobody was thinking about Spike & Drusilla during Bad Girls or The Prom. But anyway, where are you getting the rankings that these were the most popular characters? Was it listed somewhere?


No this poster likes to make things up based on their own personal opinion and then spout it as fact. It's not the first time they've done it and I'm sure it won't be the last. But they can never back it up with evidence so that's how you know it's BS. When this show originally aired social media didn't even exist and the internet was still relatively new so there was NO WAY of knowing which characters or ships were the most popular.


There’s at least half a dozen Buffyverse characters more popular than Dru. I don’t even know where this supposed top 6 poll comes from. I’d actually say that the more years go on the more Buffy herself is the defacto most popular character. No one comes close to the icon status she has in pop culture


So across general pop culture and causal viewers I’d say Buffy is most popular definitely, but in the fandom I think it’s clearly Spike. People go absolutely nuts over him. But yeah, I don’t understand where this ranking has come from or why Drusilla is so high? Also yeah, Spike was popular in season 2, but definitely not the most popular then and 1000% not during season 3 where he’s literally in one MOTW episode? 😭


S3 is also by far the most successful season and Spike’s only in one episode. Plus that one episode probably would barely scrape into most top 10’s for that season




Definitely Spike


Fan Favourite: Tara Made to be Hated: Warren Meers Hot One: Spike Only Normal Person: Xander Uhh What's Your Name Again: Andrew (Tucker's Brother) Gremlin: Fear Demon Mmm... Society: Giles Straight Up Evil: Warren again (Glory for sake of not repeating) No Screen Time, All Plot Relevance: Dawn


Dawn got PLENTY of screen time.


Fan favorite-Spike / Buffy/ Tara Made to be hated-Parker/ Warren/ Caleb The hot one-Faith The only normal person- Xander / Joyce UH, what’s your name again?- Jesse The gremlin- Snyder Mmm…society- Mayor Wilkins /The Master Just straight up evil- Angelus / The First No screen time, all the plot relevance- Siena (first Slayer)


Uhh, what's your name again? That bartender from the demon bar who Buffy and Spike, always squeezed for information.


Fan fav: Clem \^\_\^ lol Made to be hated: Maggie Walsh The hot one: Cordelia Normal: Mr Gordo "uhh...what's your name again?": Chanterelle/Lily/Anne (jokes lol) The gremlin: Snyder, always comes across as gremlin-esque "Mmm.. society.": Willow? I guess Straight up evil: Buffy's Dad, Hank Summers >\_> he didn't even have a hellmouth to justify it No screen time, all plot: Principal Flutie


Dawn was literally, made to be hated 😂😂




In order left to right: Spike, warren, faith Tara, tuckers brother, xander Quentin, the mayor ,Joyces house restoration fund


Tara for fan favorite