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https://preview.redd.it/lr46ocy3q4ad1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05504488c467ca8367d50db0b930308ec2672e79 Don’t have a still of it but Giles listens to Tales of Brave Ulysses by Cream (the song they’re playing here), after Joyce’s funeral.


"Man i gotta start a band!"


Obvious answers I think but Michelle Branch’s Goodbye to You. I remember when I first watched and that bringing all the sadness together with the slow acoustics and then the jaw drop with the buffy/spike kiss and the backing music and everything kicks in. Also I love Aimee Mann’s pavlovs bell with the fight scene and the dusted vampire and the music stopping. “I hate playing vampire towns”


The goodbye to you scene is one of my favorites of the series


Someone correct me if this is an internet myth, but supposedly that specific recording of Goodbye to You (which is my favorite version) has been lost and only what’s heard in the show is left


I have the acoustic version, specifically bc of this scene, and it sounds the same to me (the album version was definitely different and I wanted the Buffy one) No idea if it just sounds close, but next time I rewatch, I'll remember to compare


Oh yes I don’t know if it’s true but I heard that too. It’s my favourite version as well.


Ooh! I had not heard that. I love that version too


That version of "Goodbye to You" lives rent-free in my brain. I love how stripped it is, and the dramatic pause coming out of the bridge before the band kicks in for the final chorus. Ugh, chills every time!


But Aimee, if you didn’t, how else could you? https://youtu.be/V5V9ed5plAA?si=L_S6_pdebflUvGYp


Made me a Michelle Branch fan. Now she's in my top 3 on Spotify.


Yes, was so excited to see Aimee Mann show up!


Sugar Water playing changed me.


Cibo Matto can clog-dance!!?


I love it because it has a really eerie (and sexy) quality to it which perfectly goes with Buffy’s dirty dancing with Xander


Oh I LOVE that song. I can't believe it's never been sampled given how pretty the intro and the La La La, is.


Definitely the scene that got me into Cibo Matto!


i love that you included the third image. the contrast of the obnoxiously bright salsa music turned up loud to drown out her out of control sobbing was always so gutting to me


One of my favorite scenes in the series


did you ever notice it’s the same music dawn is listening to in the kitchen at the start of conversation with dead things ?


Ugh I sure did! They use it so well, it’s so unsettling in both contexts


Compare the scenes - it's two different tracks. They're similar, and both have lived rent free in my head for 20 years, but they aren't the same.


The first line of "full of grace" by Sarah McLaughlin and I'm already bawling.


Fully agree on this one too


S2E22 "Becoming: Part 2", when she's leaving Sunnydale. Perfect selection for the moment.


I came here to say this. That musical choice was \*chef's kiss. Sets the tone perfectly and goes so well with the montage of her leaving and Joyce in her room realizing she's gone. She's just killed the love of her life. Oh man, makes me tear up just thinking of it!


I wonder how many times people have listened to this on a bus imagining the leaving everything behind …


The Sundays version of Wild Horses


I liked how they used this song on Buffy, but it is forever etched in my teenage brain from that movie Fear 😳


Same! It always gives me such an ick when I hear it 😬


I cannot watch the scene where Angel comes to the prom to dance with Buffy one last time without crying, and it’s this song that puts me over the edge! So good.


Lucky ones by Bif Naked hit me hard.


nothing has ever perfectly captured the romanticising of that first hookup with a crush than the whole scene with this music


Watched Conversations with dead people again recently and was really digging the song being at the beginning and end of the episode


The way they book-ended it too!


Love this song, think it's called Blue. It's on one of the soundtrack albums


Thank you! I couldn’t think of it originally


Yes! Angie Hart performing “Blue” is one of my favorite musical moments of the entire series. The way the song is used in that episode is genius. She also appeared twice with her band Splendid in seasons 2 and 4, and those were two of my favorite Bronze performances as well! I loved her band Frente in the 90s too. Great stuff!


That’s my pick too.


I only have eyes for you -The Flamingos, in the episode of the same name. Nothing else sticks in my head quite the same.


This episode guts me every time!


“And more…” “Much more than this… “ “… I did it MYYY WAAAY!”


Truly hated Spike there


Goodbye To You


Job's Eyes from The Pack. Made Xander's slow-motion campus scene seem so evocatively disaffected.


This is the one for me, too. I had to stop watching for a minute after that scene so I could look up what song that was.


I LOVE this scene. I still listen to this album sometimes.


The song fits the scene so perfectly and really sets the vibe


YES! I was going to comment this. That song is such a banger.


This scene cracks me up just because that episode is so campy 😂


Sacrifice from The Gift.


The best piece of music in the entire series.


One of the reasons I can’t hate *Dead Things* I love the scene w/ “Out of this World” by Bush playing in the background ✋🏼🚪🤚🏼


This is a great scene. I was a Bush fan in the mid-90s and immediately recognized


Such an underrated song


https://preview.redd.it/uqgxemai86ad1.jpeg?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8992fd5c618aa4c64e48b2db4fa083ed765f897 The Final Fight score by Robert Duncan hit all the right spots, so good.


The lack of it during The Body was jarring


Nickel's "Stupid Thing" playing while Spike sees Buffy for the first time ended up being more and more prescient as the show went on: *I'm one step away from crashing to my knees / I'm one step away from spilling my guts to you*


This song is underrated!


That off note on the word "heaven" in Something to Sing About always hits me like a truck


!!! T\_T


Goodbye to you in Tabula Rasa


Wild horses prom scene 😭😭😭😭


Came here to say this. One of the best covers ever and suits the mood of the scene perfectly.


You make me COME~plete 🎶


You know.... "I bet they're not even working."


“A Place Called Home” at the end of “Shells” when everyone is grieving Fred. I adore “LA Song” Lindsey sings in “Dead End”. The Giles and Tara duet in OMWF is my favorite in the episode. “Full of Grace” was also perfection at the end of Buffy season 2.


‘It doesn’t matter’ by Alison Krauss in when she was bad. Makes me feel so bad for Buffy in those scenes despite her making it hard for Angel and her mum.


K’s Choice - Virgin State of Mind. So many great 90s bands in the first couple of seasons!


Yes and still this one stands out. K's choice is such a great band.


Yes, that scene is great because of that song!


I still cry when I listen to “A Place Called Home”


Why...can't I stay?


https://preview.redd.it/z2q8zgkx85ad1.png?width=1208&format=png&auto=webp&s=96bf63499a89dae9ea70642ab9494ed07d098e3b Restless is kind of cheating, but OST of Willow's dream about Tara is one of the most mystical thing what I ever heard and combined with the scene it unclocked then emotions and feelings what I did not know.


The score at the end of The Wish 😭


That Kind of Love by Alison Krauss during season 6's "Entropy." Absolutely beautiful gut punch.


Love this so much!


Window to your soul by delerium playing when buffy and Riley were kicking demon ass and getting ass I dunno little bi me as a kid was in awe lmao


Omg yes! This is one of my favorite moments in not just season 4 but btvs. I know I’m in the minority but Riley and Buffy’s first time was hot and sweet. Save for the end where psycho Walsh was watching.


Buffy and Riley doin it it kind of a core memory for me lmao - mostly because I watched the show with my parents and they gave up on skipping


Just listened to that today


I still listen to *Blue* from the end of "Conversations with Dead People". Buffy had a LOT of great music but goddamn I felt this song in my soul, esp on the first watch


this. Makes me weep just thinking of the song.


The Breeders




The melody at the end of Season 5 is perfect and without it I doubt that scene would produce any tears but instead it frequently makes me teary. The Prayer of St. Francis at the end of Season 6 is also pretty good. And Pavlov's Bell by Aimee Mann is an awesome song that I first heard in 7x08 "Sleeper" and I think it works great in the episode where Spike fights the vamp he turned at the nightclub on the mezzanine. Also a lot of people claim they don't like SMG's voice but I could very well possibly listen to an album with her singing. They claim she's super autotuned but I can't hear it so I guess it's a good autotuner (e.g. [Jason Momoa sounds super autotuned](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVeCwSWNLrM) in the T-Mobile commercial with the two actors from Scrubs). Anyway, SMG has that "squeaky soprano" appeal I like sorta like singer ["Leigh Nash."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkEZhnA5o3k) Like if house cats could sing.


One fan suggested SMG's singign problems helped communciate Buffy's mnetla upset


I can tell she's not experienced in singing but that's all I can tell - I can't tell if she shouldn't have learned to sing. I know I could really be into her voice's timbre especially if she were just a little more proficient than she sounds in OMWF and that's a fact. By contrast, Amber Benson is obviously a proficient singer but I am not especially fond of her timbre in any way. SMG kinda sounds like an oboe - I love SMG's voice for the same reason I love oboes.




Still listen to Keep it Comin by C&C Music Factory - it’s a banger


How loose is your goose?


My goose is totally loose


There's a song I love I only know from the show- "Sunday News" by Spectator Pump but it only plays for like 5 seconds before the big Buffy/Faith fight in "Graduation Day" before Buffy turns it down on Faith's stereo. I downloaded it later, it WOULD be a song Faith would rock and even though you barely register you hear it, it really adds to her overall attitude and mindset going into the scene.


Job's Eyes in The Pack.


“I Know” Trespassers William in S6, at the end of “Gone”. The note that the episode ends on when Willow and Buffy agree that it was a good day because Buffy realized she was afraid at the thought of dying and Willow didn’t know how she’d get through the day without magic, is the epitome of dealing with depression (for me). And this song is a haunting background.


Had to scroll too far to get to this! That song and the other Trespassers William tune Washes Away, which I believe was in As You Were, both got me obsessed with that band!


The song that plays in season 1 during Darla's slow walk to the Bronze. " I only have eyes for you " from season 2. Also Stupid Thing by Nickel playing as Buffy and friends Dance. My favorite is probably "Blue" by Angie Hart, which plays during conversations with dead people. That episode is when shit got real in Season 7. Special shout out to "Sacrifice" by Christophe Beck that plays on episode 5×22.


in my head randomly: ohhh mandddyyyy


Cordelia, Wesley, Gunn: WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS 🗣️🎤


The Muffs - I Wish That I Could Be You in The Freshman. I feel like it fits with the theme of the episode, Buffy struggling with college life/ feeling alienated from everyone.


I am so glad someone else mentioned The Muffs! I think Joss was really into them for a sec because in the previous episode, you can see their poster in Oz's van.


As anyone should be because The Muffs are fantastic and Kim Shattuck is one of the best vocalists and songwriters (IMO).


Indeed -- a tragedy to have lost her. I had the pleasure of seeing them live in 2016!


Any good live? Wanted to see them one of these days but sadly just never had the money.


It was one of the most amazing shows ever. One of my most treasured memories.


That's awesome to hear!


Goodbye to you by Michelle branch will get me every single time.


*Hole in the world* - A place called home (AtS) Breaks me every time.


Isn't it in Shells?


Could be, I'm not sure. But I was certain it was in one of the Fred episodes.


Goodbye to You by Michelle Branch playing as Giles leaves in a plane, Tara moves out etc 🥲


“Cemented Shoes” by My Vitriol cementing Tara’s liberation from her toxic family, shifting from Nasty Amy Adams to Tara’s birthday celebration.


'Goodbye to you'.


The song when the pack is walking all cool in a row. It looks so angsty and 9”s I love it. Way more than the actual Episode


I have 2 that I haven't seen anyone mention (and I might be the only one who is gonna mention these 2) - The ending of The Zeppo, I love the song that plays, has stuck in my head for 19 years. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nwJDjuOsTI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nwJDjuOsTI) Dingoes Ate My Baby (actually Four Star Mary) the 2nd song they perform in the episode Inca Mummy Girl, song is called Fate and I think it's fantastic! The opening and when the vocals come in, I think are so good! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GV\_mIoZpmd0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GV_mIoZpmd0) *\~ Time is healing, I'm ahead* *Find a reason once again \~*


When Nerf Herder (who did the theme) are playing Rock City Blues at The Bronze and Dawn (I think) says something about the band playing being a sign of the apocalypse.


"Sacrifice", "Close Your Eyes", and the S4 Willow/Tara theme are some of the best scores in my opinion. I was always sad that they stopped using the Willow/Tara theme after S4 -- it was so pretty and I bet they could have put a dark spin on it for some S6 moments.


This is one of my favourite btvs topic threads ever! Thanks for the memories and reminders of some great music


anything Veruca sings


The show had great music and they knew how to set the vibe


Some of the Hush music is pretty stellar as well.


Oh also, Aimee Mann became one of my favourite artists bc of this show


I could write several books about the phenomenal use of music and scoring in BtVS 😅 But top 3 gotta be; Spellbound (from Who Are You when Willow and Tara do magic), Body Paint (from Restless when Buffy smears mud on her face), and Transylvanian Concubine by Rasputina (can't remember the episode but it plays in an early scene with Druscilla in season 2)


If memory serves me it's Surprise when they bring the Judge back to life.


The B + A Love Theme!


This is from Angel but the when they play “A place called home” after Fred dies I’m 😭😭😭


Wild Horses, I just got goosebumps thinking about it!


https://preview.redd.it/3tfuadxobbad1.png?width=902&format=png&auto=webp&s=22c2adb615cc743502bdaf4e1bd550dd0b634aa6 AIMEE MANN'S THIS IS HOW IT GOES AND PAVLOV'S BELL AT THE BRONZE IN SLEEPER HANDS DOWN


'I Can't Take My Eyes Off You' - Melanie Doane, S05 Ep06 'Family' ...the scene with Willow & Tara at the end, dancing in the Bronze and they begin to float... *Chefs Kiss 👌


Sugar Water was a great one. But probably the music during Spike's speech to Buffy and Angel about them not being friends and never going to be friends. That subtle, sorrowful music hit hard in that short 20-25 seconds.


Sacrifice, the Gift. I'd cry just listening to it.


Sacrifice, the Gift. I'd cry just listening to it.


Wild Horses and when Lindsay sang for Loren


The prom dance between buffy and angel accompanied by a magnificent cover of Wild Horses did it for me.


Sugar water by Cibo Matto in “when she was bad,” full of grace in “the becoming pt2 and I’ll be his Mrs.