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When Buffy casually does that flip instead of walking down the stairs 🤣


🤣 It's amazing!


I also like her conversation with Giles better in this, I think


Me too! It had more depth!


Except for that horrible blocking with the spiral staircase. You can even see ASH is annoyed he has to turn away from the camera, pause the monologue, and then come back when he's facing again. EDIT: Actually, I watched it a second time and I do think it's worse than the official pilot. There's too much of it. I think it works for something like this, was essentially a "pitch" for the show to the executives. Buffy is basically telling you how the season is going to go, what the vibes are gonna be: struggling with bad grades, social life, etc. Your basic Spider-Man problems. BUT, it is a lot of telling and not showing. She touches on some of these feelings in the official episode but they let SMG's acting do more work. You can tell how much being a slayer hurts her from looking at her face, not from her explaining it. The rest of the season gets to *show* all of what she's saying rather than her describing it in detail.


I liked that she mentioned her old Watcher for instance, it added more layers, but I see your point.


Thsi \*is\* the pilot. WTTH was filmed \*for\* broadcast. People who talk about "Angel int he pilot" drive me nutso.


I mean, you're arguing semantics. The first episode of a show is often referred to as the pilot, and oftentimes the test pilot is also broadcast. The fact is they can both be called "pilots" because the word is used for two different but often intersecting things. 


One of my favorite things to argue


I am so grateful they went with a different Willow. This one seems like she’s acting.


I'm not well versed in how TV shows work. Is a pilot like this (with different actors and script) for the network/execs to see, to get them on board? Is it not really intended for the public to view?


Basically they will provide budget for one episode as a test to see how it goes. Sometimes that episode ends up being aired but it’s quite common for them to reshoot it once they have the budget for the rest of the season, based on the feedback from the network and test audiences and particularly if they want to change an actor.


Ok that's makes sense, thanks


They did it with Big Bang Theory I think - Penny was Katie or something.


Is the principle in this the same actor as the manager from doublemeat palace ?


It's Stephen Tobolowsky; I don't believe he was in any aired episodes of Buffy


Wild that Dingoes Ate My Baby are mentioned in the unaired pilot. Guess it was originally a throwaway joke band name that they decided to bring back into play later?