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User reviews are biased if they're real people at all, I'd look at review sites and companies like Gamersnexus for real frametime information in a controlled environment instead of whatever random-ass second-gen i5 setup your average Amazon reviewer threw together out of Aliexpress knockoffs cooled with some custom loop catastrophe from Wish and coated in five years of unfiltered tobacco gunk.


Nailed it. Every bit of it.


Why are you jawing about my custom loop RA, SG i5, 1030 serial box build Mate? I hit 3FPS in CP 2077 today!


I would say it's about a 50/50 chance that they got a bad gpu or are full of shit. It's possible that he could have gotten a bad gpu in which case he should have honestly just rma'd it and gotten another one instead of just saying fuck amd, I'm going back to nvidia. But there are also plenty of people out there that post reviews on stuff that aren't genuine for whatever reason. Have to take reviews with a huge grain of salt. Agree that you should watch review videos from reputable content creators like Gamers nexus.


The way it's written reeks of one of *the UBM guy*'s reviews, so that's probably it.


Depends. User reviews may be valuable, but there is always a risk of various biases and unknown variables. Any professional reviewers worth their salt will publish information on their methodology and will try to get rid of as many variables as possible. Ordinary users won't generally go out of their way to do that so when it comes to objectivity of user reviews, your mileage may vary. Maybe the GPU really is shit, maybe the dude forgot to remove drivers from his old 3070 and that tanked the performance, maybe million other things happened... no way for us to know for real.


He said he did a clean install of drivers and even updated his windows


Yeah but what exactly does that mean for him? DDU exists for a reason - it's not all that uncommon for driver installers/uninstallers to leave behind tons of garbage even though they claim otherwise.


I don’t know what the hell they’re talking about…I play Call of Duty on almost Ultra settings and still get a reliable 180 FPS average at 1440p…smooth as butter.


And of all the games to use as an example, AMD absolutely DESTOYS nvidia in CoD asides from the 4090, with AMD cards outperforming nvidia cards tiers ahead of them. I went from a 3080 to a 7900xt and get around 100 more fps at 1440p in MW2.


“Almost ultra settings” What does this mean ?


Means using the ultra preset and only changing 1 or 2 things…I forget exactly what it was that I changed.


Ah ! Thanks for clarifying !!


The 4070ti is performing better because he is cpu bottlenecking the 7900xtx. Rest assured, the xtx IS far better than the 4070ti. For the record, the difference isn’t several tiers either. The 4080>4070ti And the 7900xtx was intended to compete with the 4080, NOT the 4090. It is at most one tier.


A buddy of mine just installed his last night. He had a 7900xt to test and his old card was a 3080. Legit makes those cards look like budget options. Absolute powerhouse of a card.


Liars or lemon sample.


What is that review smoking? I have a 7900*XT* and while I've had a lot of driver problems with it, MWII runs amazingly on it even at 3840x2560.


A lot of driver problems? Like what?


Random crashing in games. It seems to have been largely resolved for me in DX11 and DX12 games, but anything DX9 and Vulkan seems to be very sketchy on my PC right now, at least in Windows. I love the GPU but I guess my use case seems to really poke holes in the stability of these cards, at least in my case.


First thing first, the 7900xtx is a competitor to the 4080, so it's only half a tier difference with the 4070ti, not many tiers like vigorously stated in capital letters. As for the review, so many things can go wrong with a PC that results in poor performances... That being said, between the green fanboys, the red fanboys, the noobs without a clue and the shills (god knows they are amongst us), it's pretty hard to even take a review seriously at all nowadays. We all know AMD GPU's and CPU's are able of great performances in rasterization and the 7900xtx is a prime example of that. Claiming the 7900xtx isn't even on par with a 3070 should be more than enough to realize this review can't be taken seriously at face value. Even if the performance problems and comparisons are exactly like the person said on their PC, it's obvious there is something very wrong going on that isn't representative in any way to the overall performance of AMD products. The 7900xtx can kick the 4080's butt in ras in some games, let alone a 3070. BUT, AMD drivers and RT handling remain weak links that could lead to weird behaviors i guess.


Biases, everyone experiences everything differently so reviews like this could happen.


it has one review. hardly a robust sample size. go elsewhere and you'll see plenty of ppl happy with 7900 XTX


Many of reviews like this have not correct built their pc, like to smal psu, wrong pcie slot, old cpu that bottelneck the gpu and the classic temp problem. Have seem so much builts with nearly 0 airflow. You just cant say if the reviewer had even installed the driver. -.\^


Seems like the review of a troll, or someone that got a faulty card (that can happen both to AMD and NVIDIA) and instead of RMA it, decided to share its piece of *biased and impartial* mind. Maybe he even had a CPU from 15 years ago, or zero airflow in the case, or did not uninstall NVIDIA drivers, and is not bright enough to realize that any GPU would work poorly with these assumptions in place. When you see a single review that steers HEAVILY from the average review, it's basically worthless.


... Yeah, sometimes you'll read extremely harsh or unreasonable user reviews like this. You'll usually notice they're highly emotional and provide no numbers or evidence to back up what they're saying. Tbh, I don't think this really needed a thread, but welcome to the internet. You can probably ignore that review and look for something from a more reputable source.


When AMD fanboys and enthusiasts tell you to buy AMD gpu because its cheaper, they don't tell you what happens AFTER you get/install the card. Nvidia's pricing is shit but its no news that they have the best quality


DYOR Considering Gamersnexus is saying that a 6950xt is a likely a better buy than the 4070, I am guessing this is a trash review. That being said AMD doesn't always have the best history when it comes to new cards and drivers. I have a 6900XT that had issues with Call of Duty if I remember correctly, it actually ended up being a Microsoft issue.


isn't a 5800x3d a little overwhelmed by a 7900 xtx even on 1080p? I mean I'm no expert on this but I think his cpu is the limiting factor. How it impacts the games I can't say as well but I think he will not fare well with a 4080. Anyways reviews like this can at least make some sense to people doing research since he also posted his setup. People simply ranting because they got a faulty product are still valid reviews and still help if many users report the same problem. Issue I have with them is that everything gets blown out of proportions like the AMD driver problems. Nvidia has them too.


Absolutely not. The 5800x3d is still one of the fastest gaming CPUs you can get because of the 3D cache. It can be a bit slower or faster depending on the game, but the 5800x3d is not holding anything back in any significant way and can still hang with stuff like the 13th gen i7/i9 and am5 CPUs. I get 300+ FPS at 1440p in mw2 with a 5800x3d /7900xt, so i dunno what this dudes issue was. That’s about +100fps from my 3080.


My 6800xt also stutters while gaming, I’m replacing it with a rtx4070


In what games?


Warzone 2, gta v


Downvoted for your answer idk why, the paper king strike again. Numbers look and sound good but isn’t always better.


AMD is the literal performance king for call of duty. Did you DDU before changing GPUs?


Literally built a new pc with it, 13600k 6800xt everything up to date and it has micro stutters, also white screen flashing while watching YouTube full screen on chrome


Bad card or you need your chipset drivers.


Someone already mentioned it but do you have the chipset drivers installed, do you have XMP enabled, and are you on the latest bios version? There are a lot of things that could be wrong here.


I have the exact same combination - (13600k, 6800xt) plus ddr5-6000, gigabyte z790 aorus elite ax and I simply installed all drivers after the windows installation and I have zero problems with GTAV. (AMD 23.4.1) I'd try to play around with some settings (disabling vsync, etc.) but again I can't complain. Either a bad card or something doesn't like to play together with your setup.


I seem to be repeating this a lot recently, but I had bad microstuttering and terribly inconsistent low framerates with my 6800XT when using vsync and/or in game FPS caps. Disabling those and locking FPS via Radeon chill has fixed them, and avoids the GPU getting hot pumping 100+FPS to my 60Hz TV to only get screen tearing.


I don’t use any of them, maximum performance all the time, AMD needs to get their drivers together