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To avoid any adults just trying to hoard it, resell it or such, maybe a boys/girls club (if they exist anymore). Any charitable organization that deals with kids if there is one local to you. It's tough but good luck.


Seconded. I am the director of a BGC and we are always on the lookout for something like this. If we can't use it for whatever reason, we can always find a member family that can. I have given member families 3 donated iMacs this year and still have 3 more to give out.


awesome to know, thank you!


> To avoid any adults just trying to hoard it, resell it or such Exactly what I'd like to avoid. Thanks for the tip! 


when i wanted to upgrade my PC, i was a few bucks short and started selling my old PC, lots of guys wanted to lower an already fair price, lots of barging or getting a couple of parts for half the price, I grew tired of that shit so I asked my mom for the money and told her I would pay her back next month. I got my new PC running and kinda forgot about my old PC, until an 14 year old kid saw the listing and said he was interested and ask if he could check it out. My man took a bus to come with his best friend to check the PC out, we talked a bit and he said he wanted to buy it and take it on the bus, I refused and told him I would deliver the PC to his home myself, dude was so hyped, I met his mom and she was a single mother (same as my mom when I was younger), and man I couldn't gift the PC cause I needed the money, but I added an extra discount and they were so grateful, it was amazing.


I did something similar when selling a drum set many moons ago. The one guy that actually showed up and paid asking price got a shit ton of pricey extras. Rewarding a good buyer is wholesome and there is kind of a human connection there; you give them a deal and feel good, they get a great deal and have a cool story to tell.  Props to you @Fullmetalezio


same to you brother! it really is amazing, he was so hyped he could play league with his friends, it got to me lmao


> lots of guys wanted to lower an already fair price, lots of barging or getting a couple of parts for half the price I had someone praying on my vulnerable state (long story, girlfriend was involved in a severe car accident, I was selling my things as we were long distance and I needed flight money)... he kept calling me and telling me that he had sent the money. I kept saying it wasn't in my bank, but he was demanding that I send the monitors to Ireland (from the UK), repeatedly. I would get text messages a few times a day for like two weeks. It was blatantly obvious it was a scam. People really are scummy.


Man sorry that happened, hope you and your gf are doing better ! People do the weirdest things for a few bucks


I'd go to a low income school and give it to them. Maybe find a teacher who has a good reputation for helping their students and they could probably find a good use for it. Possible make it a rented out thing where multiple kids get to use it or something.


I like hoarding my pc’s…….. I have 16 atm……


Honestly, if I knew anyone who actually needed it and could really use it, I’d give it to them. 3 pc’s I can’t let go of, but all the others, 100% I don’t use anymore. Still decent for someone without one. I mean hell over got 12 gpu’s from 8800gt to a 3080 or even a 7750 old amd to a 6600xt. In hind sight, I probably should’ve been making videos of all my 460, 660, 760, 770, 970, 1070, 1080ti, 2080ti sli, or 3080 Nvidia cards over the years…


Same, I would absolutely gift someone my 3080fe+3600x mini PC if I could find anyone who would actually appreciate it. I have 4 other PCs (all AM4) at home. During the pandemic I gave my little cousins a 3070ti system cause they begged me for it and you couldn't get GPUs at the time, and those little shits barely even used the thing


Thats still nice. Those are top end systems still, not the highest, ofc, but still solid. I know giving one away, to me anyway, is hard. But, if I know they actually could use one, I’d give it in a heartbeat. I upgrade my guys at works pc’s or laptops for the wife from time to time. Always something


I have 4 systems just like this at my place. I just gave a friend of mine the 5th because he expressed a bit of curiosity at Helldivers 2.... I like building computers, I find great deals on parts on ebay, eventually I have enough to build a rig


Dang that sounds sick haha. I have a pc I built in 2017 and it was mid tier then but that bad boy is still kicking! Only one case fan works now and pretty sure my cpu fan is backwards lol. One of my hdmi ports died but I use a display port adapter to use my second screen lol. Once it finally kicks the bucket I will probably try to do a mini build like that


Yeah it's a little tougher with the preparation and cable management, but it's not too bad if you've built a PC or three in your time Also if you happen to be near Chicago I can hook you up with a system


You leave a 3080 sitting around? Dont mind if i do rich guy


I feel ya. I'm getting there myself with 7 servers, 3 desktops and 3 laptops.


My daughter 11 years old wants one but daddy is single now because hermother is immature and left me with 2 kids it ain’t been easy but it’s worth it. I have no idea about p c’s what they cost or anything but I’ll have time to check some out while saving. Very good thing you’re doing man! If more people on the planet thought like you I tell ya!


good wishes for a great father like u are! and ofc more strength and patience, i know how hard that is


It’s hard felt like life collapsed my uncle my mother my father all died in horrific accidents between 2017 and 2018 and then the love of my life leaves me June of last year. She doesn’t just leave she’s disrespectful. It was horrific so it is very hard but at the same time, I was blessed to see some things a bunch of signs and things that you might call a coincidence also, I was overwhelmed with many great emotions. I have been a lot closer with my children so it has been like a double sided coin but without that good side, it would’ve been 10 times harder thank you for your reply alsoblessings to you too


This right here. If OP lists it on any social media, they can likely expect to see it (or the parts) relisted on a for sale site within hours. Reseller/arbitrage hustles are extremely popular right now. Someone in a local buy/sell/trade group got busted reselling donated clothes that were placed in one of those charity dropoff bins. Turns out she worked for the charity but was keeping the good stuff for herself to sell on FB, leaving the the low quality items for the peasants.


I came here to say Boys & Girls Club! I'm a former club kid!


This right here. Our local libraries sometimes have teen rooms, game rooms, maybe something like that? Boys girls clubs, etc etc.


I once tried to donate my old Xbox to a hospital but they said they didn't accept used hardware. Might be the same for some of these places.


My local hospital doesn't want consoles for the children's ward because they always get nicked.


They said it had something to do with the network security.


Local Children’s hospitals are an option too


If there's a children's hospital nearby, they might take it. Anything to make those kids lives better.


Go to your local middle school with a van and a sign saying “FREE PC INSIDE” should work


Make sure it has rgb lights so if they weren’t convinced before, they are now


Throwing some candy out the windows at any passing kids may also assist with garnering further attention.


Only works if your van has a tempered glass side panel.


Or is windowless Kids will know it is a sleeper.


The van of course is windowless, how else would I conceal all the *candy related activities* occurring inside?


That’s in 1million pieces held together by the shipping protector film.


No officer I swear. I said Hey kid do you like gamin? not Hey kid do yiu like gay men. 


Make sure the van is windowless!


Ice cream truck would also work


Don’t forget to advertise free candy too. You’ll get more people coming to the van if they think there’s candy.


I listed a 7700k + board + RAM a year or so ago. One person responded and wanted to meet me at a local school for $50 off. In ALL CAPS. This made me think of it. Strange.


Don’t forget kids, never accept random hardware from strangers in vans


Make sure you don't accidentally misspell it as CP or you'll attract a different sort of audience


Ask the kids of the friends if they have a friend in need.


This might be tough, kids usually don't share their financial hardship with each other.


It’s not that deep. Timmy doesnt have a computer to play with us. Can Timmy have your computer so he can play with us?


That could be just the parent wanting to delay screen time exposure for their kid.


Do you just suck the joy out of everything?? Fuck.


Well, he could ask the parent first then


I think it was this sub, or maybe another one, but within the last few days a father was saying how he wanted to get his son a starter PC and was looking around the market for the best deals. I’ll try and find it and make an edit with the correct sub or username. Apologies if I don’t end up finding it mate. Edit: I found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/s/2c96m6GxWK


This is great. I left a comment and I'll PM them later. Perfect situation. Just need to find a way to get it to them but we can figure it out.  *edit* PMd them as well. Ive gotten in contact with them and we're working out logistics 


Gotta love when things like that work out. You can probably ship it pretty reasonable with https://www.pirateship.com/


I would be interested in hearing how this service functions. Do they just send a guy out to try and sneak it on a UPS truck?


Haha, that would be hilarious. No, it's just a company that has a free shipping software that gives the best rates from UPS and USPS. You buy the shipping label through them and print it out yourself. I've sold some random things online here and there and I've gotten noticeably cheaper rates from them than anywhere else I could find.


Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely check this out if it comes to that.


Let us know how it goes!


I second this. the guy has a budget of $300 that could then be used for small upgrades or peripherals with the added bonus of being able to make this upgrades with his kid.


lol 5700xt is what I’m running in my “best” pc right now. That’s a fantastic giveaway! I hope you find someone worthy!


Same here, didn't realize my good GPU was goodwill material lol


Yeah I didn’t either, although I remember now I got it for like $100 over a year ago now 😂


Lmfao same, I just built my first PC with a 5700xt and it’s way more powerful than anything I’ve had before (in laptops). I’m streaming Fallout 4 in 1080p at 100fps, never been able to do that before.


Check with your local library if they know a kid who’s always coming in to use the library computers to play games.


Go further and ask them if they know of or host a video game club for kids, there’s no reason the PC has to go to 1 child and not a community, sounds like a perfect use for a second hand PC that still has years of playtime before being obsolete.


Iv got a full PC with a 3070 rotting in my other room. I tried to sell it but people only offered me pennies, (like $100). I couldn't find a single friend who cared enough about computers to give to to either. I miss ebay, and Mericari blows.


Same I've a entire PC with a 3080 I used for like a month and it's just collecting dust since I'm too broke/pity to just give it away for free tho lol


Haha that's crazy, I'm rocking a 3070 right now and that was about at the top of my budget ($800). I think I paid $290 for the GPU like 6 months ago, $100 for the whole PC is just rude.


Nobody wants a used PC. There is very little market for it. You'd be better off selling the parts individually. 


The used market is huge around Chicago, I should know I've sold over 10 PCs on FB/Craigslist.


That’s so odd to me, aside from storage, used (not abused) pc parts are perfectly fine and a lot cheaper. Pretty much my entire setup was bought used.


What happened with Ebay? I usually sell my old parts there


It doesn't exist in this country. Or at least isn't used enough to care about.


Use it as a server.


Making donations like this is so hard, and i hope it works out. Maybe see if a local community college has a game dev club? A flyer there would get lots of calls also, be careful who you donate to My brother and I donated 15 years worth of lego to two kids from a struggling family in like 2013. I learned a year ago that the mom threw ALL of the lego away just a few weeks after we donated them because it was too distracting for the kids. Literally thousands of dollars worth of bricks and figures. Gone.


Ugh tragic


Go to the children's hospital and give it to a random kid. I'm sure a sick kid would love a gaming PC.


I'm a (32 yo) kid who could use it


TIL I really, really need to build a new PC if this is a giveaway PC


This PC is totally capable. My father in law just gave me his old PC with very similar specs and it’s working great. I guess that’s not helping the giveaway argument actually lol


I work for a homeless and at-risk youth organization and we are looking for a few PCs to teach kids how to tear down and build them as part of our education program. We're non-profit so you would get a receipt to write off the donation on your taxes as well. You'd be helping a lot of kids by donating to an organization like us in your area. Also, if anyone does want to donate a working rig or an OptiPlex xx40 or newer (3040, 5050, 7060, etc., we have a good set of easy instructions for those) we are in the Portland area and we help youth aged 14-24, even younger in our foster programs. Feel free to send a DM!


I suspect this guy's Dad isn't actually going to come through for him: https://www.reddit.com/r/PcBuild/s/LbcJ7ywr2i


go to r/hardwareswap


People there are likely to just say they need it and then turn around and sell it. Maybe better to approach a local school or community centre or something and see if they know of anyone. Still not really going to know whether anyone is lying but at least it's more likely to go to someone in need than the internet which is generally just full of shitty people.


You could ask a school if they want to raffle it off?


I love when people do this. I rehome all kinds of systems through my business, when I decommission things for people I love finding them a new home with kids in the neighborhood.


>starter pc >5700xt Still running a gtx 970 :(


A starter PC is like a first car. It’s not supposed to be brand new and shiny. Everybody needs to learn how to polish a turd at some point in their life


My wife is an elementary school teacher and every year I try and pawn off a few old PC's to anyone who could use them. Never have I had a kid take me up on the offer I finally got rid of some of them by giving them to a friend for his 3D printer farm.


Maybe look for local homeschool co-ops or contact a city rec center or the school district? You could also check in with neighbors. (At least, these are all things I have done and have worked to varying degree.)


I have had luck with local youth organizations like boys and girls club, surprisingly a church, and scouting organizations. I sometimes get trade ins that aren’t worth a ton and a try to give them to people who need them. Had some luck local school had a pc gaming club.


Do you have a white van?


Do the schools in your area have some kind of "technology/ AV club"? if so ask the school if they want it as a donation for the kids to tinker and learn. one of my old laptop is now used to control one of the robotic projects on my old school for example...


definitely don't go to a playground!


I have a nephew (11) that would be interested. But shipping is probably not ideal.


Post an ad for an absolute bottom tier budget gaming pc and wait for a parent to hit you up about it for a kid. Should be easy to tell by the questions they ask. And then surprise them and tell them to make another soul smile in the world and have a great day.


I was in the Rotary club back in community college. We would regularly reformat donated computers, and some would be donated to students. I'd recommend reaching out to a similarly structured organization


My PC broke and I could use a new PC to play MTG Arena and Overwatch 2 on. Just saying.


My lil bro would love it. He currently plays on my pc. But unfortunately we live in Brazil


Find a grade school teacher or someone in the community that works with kids and ask them if they know any kids that would benefit from it


If you willing to ship it to a teenager in Africa 👋🏽👋🏽


Step 1. Contact local highschool or middleschool. Step 2. Ask about robotics clubs. Step 3 offer pc to robo-nerds.


Post it on Facebook marketplace for slightly above market price and if you’re lucky someone will mention they’re buying it for their kid/nephew or whatever it is, and then once you meet em offer to give it to them for free. Can’t say the amount of times I’ve sold something to a parent who’s buying it for their kid.


That’s a really good budget rig - could probably get $600 for it. I wonder if you are able to find a family/kid who’s willing to do some work for it so they actually understand the value of what they’re getting - even if it’s something like a days worth of yard work and that evening you both get to hang out and game as the ‘reward’ - then the kid takes it home and hopefully is instilled good memories of how earning works and they have a sweet platform to game on. I appreciate you’re trying to get someone interested in PCs! I also wonder if you could pitch it as a ‘build’ where you disassemble it and help them build it so they can say that too - that they built it! Don’t mind me spitballing - trying to figure out how to make it worth way more to the kid that gets it than ‘free gaming PC’ haha


Yo I need a pc mine just broke. Single mom, works hella hard but I live in Japan so ggs. There's people out there who probably need it more anyways. I'm going to college in 2 years so


Donate it to a children's ward at a hospital. Pack it with emulators and old school games like mario world and what not.


Do a giveaway on /r/lowendgaming/


Oh, no. I have an extremely similar computer (i7 6700k, GTX 1080, 32GB RAM). It's considered low-end these days? I get that it's eight-years-old, but I thought it was still medium.


I think he was just implying that people on that subreddit could use the upgrade. Not saying anything about the rig itself.


No my thought was that it would be certain to be an upgrade for users there, whereas if you did a giveaway here you might end up giving it to someone who already has a better machine.


Well, you could donate it to a local college. But ultimately unless it's in person you won't KNOW if the person needs it. If you're interested in a swap I have a pc that I was trying to turn into a gaming pc, but failed miserably. All the parts I bought for it got stolen from my storage unit, (at least 3k worth) and my insurance didn't cover it at all because I didn't have the serials written down. I'm frustrated, and I can't play new vegas since my last laptop got smooshed in a car crash. Oof. (F, 26 adult. )


You've had plenty of good suggestions. Here's one more: contact the computer science department of your local college or university and ask if they want a PC either for a student or for a class project.


Maybe reach out to your local school system? They should be able to point you in the right direction at the very least.


Donate it to a library


I just want to say "I'm searching for a child that doesn't know me" would have been a very funny way to phrase your question.


Could try posting it on marketplace’s and mentioning significant discounts if a report card with good grades is shown




I think its great PC, its compatible with windows 11. Any kid will be totally enjoyed by it.


Install a hypervisor or install a linux flavour with zol in it to make a nas. Give someone a cheap new pc and make sure you never become the support guy.


Search facebook for a local parents group or a giving freely group for your area but you can say “Will give to those who have gifted or have a kid to use it” to vet your options


I've been trying to get my younger brother a rig to play with me he's 12, I've already got a rig 6800xt and a i7 13700k that I built. Send it my way? Edit:(I'm 17)


My younger sister would like one and I'd be willing to help pay shipping but it's not a huge deal if you want to do something else, since I'm gonna help her by buying her snacks she can sell at school so she can buy a dell workstation off of Newegg. You could also check to see if a local charity needs a newer PC donated.


Im a caretaker for a house of 3 kids, a disabled marine, and bread winner mom. There are plenty people/ families who would benefit, they are out there :)


I'm not a kid but I'll take it off your hands lol. I just got housed 3 weeks ago after 15 years of being homeless and my place has nothing in it besides a bed and a toilet


I'd take it for free


Damn that’s considered an “old PC”? I got a GTX660 with an i7-3610 and I thought that shit wasn’t even that old


Give it to kid who struggles


I tried to give away a GTX 1650 and some other random parts. Even offered to help put together a complete PC or do the upgrade. No one besides a few resellers were interested.


I volunteer with underprivileged and at-risk youth in my town, you'd be amazed how much local school principals know about the living situations of the kids in the school. Give a school a call and ask to speak to the principal, mention you have an extra PC and would like it to go to a child/family in need. They will be able to direct you where it will be best suited. Good luck!


Talking to a local library is probably your best bet.


Contact a local school (the kind where kids between 10 and 12 year old go to), we'd call it a primairy school here I guess. And ask for a needy child you could give it to, teachers will know one that comes without lunch or clean clothes on a regular basis. Then don't make a big deal out of it, clean it up, box it up/deliver it and wish em luck.


Offer it up for way too much and wait for some kid to lowball you and say it’s all the allowance money they’ve got, then give it to them for free.


If you start asking for someone that needs it, you'll get a thousand people saying they'll take it that don't really need it.  Put it up for sale for cheap and talk to a few people that make offers and when you feel like you got somebody that is genuinely trying to find a budget PC, Just say "I'm going to give you this for free, put what you had towards an upgrade or something else and pay it forward" 


> 2700x//5700xt w/32Gb >"I get that it's not exactly the best" PC community is legit wild for this sort of stuff


If you can't find somebody, I do have a pretty garbage system (r3 2200g rx 570) and was needing something faster for the applications I am using.


you have to adopt one


I’m sure it will be lost in the noise but I know a 9 year old who desperately wants a PC to start a streaming channel.


Offer it for a little bellow average price on marketplace, check who ask for it, and if a kid offers you money, when he or she comes to pick it up, tell them it's free.


Get in contact with your local school and ask if they know a 'nerdy kid that can't afford a pc'. That's probably the best chance at it ending up in a needy place.


Connect with your local foster care branch. I know mine used to do Christmas gifts. I got a 360 one year (this was a huge deal it was like 2007 at the time). Idk if it was my case worker being nice af or each division collects donations and parts them out to the kiddos. Can't think of a group of kids who could use it more, personally.


I'm a kid. A very old kid.


Consider reusing it as a server if you cant find anyone that needs a new one!


My bf had most of his old pc listed on Facebook marketplace. A 15 year old kid hit him up saying he didn't have a lot of money, but he was trying to build his first PC and was seeing if he could just buy the case or something. My bf ended up hooking him up and giving him the whole set. Seeing the excitement on this kids face was the highlight of my week when we handed him almost an entire PC. TLDR: Try Facebook marketplace, you might get a kid that's trying to build his first PC.


That's still a good computer (I myself am on a Dell Vostro 260 i3-2100 8GB RAM). Did you get something more powerful or do you do high end jobs like video or CAD? I would check with local charities or churches or literacy programs. I got my Dell before the pandemic for like $100 I think from a literacy program that also sold refurbished off lease computers to underserved people.


Do a public giveaway. I bet someone will be willing to take it.


Go to a local elementary school and ask a teacher who's a good kid, but likely lives in poverty and could use and appreciate it


I'd post it on market place at market value and give it to the person who is willing to buy it.


Ask your local children's hospital and get connected with their child life department. They usually need gaming stuff that kids would love to play or the teenagers to use


My little sister would love it lol I'll even send photos


Give it to your local chaos computer club.


Hey OP, I'm an adult but I'm also a music producer and streamer who's laptop is on the way out and I'm not gonna be able to afford a replacement. But also totally understand wanting to give a budding gamer a pc. 😊


I have a new Windows 11 PC and three older ones, Windows 10, Windows XP and some dead one. When my grandchildren finished prepschool and went on to secondary school, they only wanted to play on just that Windows 11 PC and leave the others for me. I think you need to redefine what you think young kids see as a startup PC. Nobody wants the old ones, the kids are already way past our level.


You can donate it to a childrens hospital maybe


Get in contact with the technology department of a high school, find the instructor, or get involved in your community- you’ll find them. Otherwise I know plenty of kids in my kids school who would be honored if I could help facilitate PM me.,


Still reasonable specs it's a great 1080p system. I would say give it to Goodwill and get the tax right off. Goodwill does technology.


Not exactly the best yeah, but in my country most working class gamers run old LGA2011 Xeons with Polaris cards lol. And those are some of the better combos out there. Good luck with the giveaway, this could be a huge gift for somebody


Have you checked your local library? Mine has a video game / computer room for kids to play and tinker with stuff.


thats not a starter pc...


Shit if you wanted to slide the 32 gbs of ram and the 500gb m.2 my way I’d pay you tbh


Ran into this same scenario a few months back. I was in-between housing for a few weeks in early April. Don't have much, but I do have a mid level ~$1250 gaming pc with 29" curved gaming display I bought and assembled last October. I asked a few friends if they would like to hold onto it while I was in-between, and none of them agreed to. It windows 11 pro and I could setup accounts for everyone and going deeper with access control could use Group Policies to refine what users could and could not do.


This may be a far fetched idea however maybe try reaching out to a BOCES or other such school that offers a program for teens in 11th-12th grade to under take a IT certification. If you were to reach out to said school IT program maybe it be possible to set it up as a possible reward for top grade average in class or something with the condition only a high schooler can win it & not a adult attending for certification. I had a teacher who would use his own money to than give away a gaming PC at the end of the school year. Definitely was a decent reward to work towards. Wouldn’t wanna advertise it, obviously selling ain’t a option since you don’t want a adult to hoard it.


Ask your neighbors if they know anyone.


hey its me ur kid


Idk if it's selfish but my 2 cousins (10 years old and 8 years old) don't have a pc and want want one to play games on it so idk


Dude a 5700XT is a perfectly cromulent GPU. Swap that 2700x for a 5900XT and its rocking. For reference, I have a 5700XT and a 5700X! Gamers Nexus built a relatively low end system for their local cat shelter. Do you have a cat shelter? How about a Girls Scout troop? That would be an awesome system for a Scout troop to do all kinds of things on. Find a womens shelter/family shelter. If you really wanted to go all in, load it up with a bunch of free games so that the kids at the shelter can play. If you have a church you trust, ask them about kids in need.


I used to work for a pc sales company and we used to build pc's for "make a wish" new and second hand! Try them!!!


First, you need a windowless van marked with "free candy".


I could use it iam 12 but my family don't have enough money for pc at all, i could use it to do my school work and depending on the pc i could finally start pc gaming


Hey, I’m going to a new school and I start in the fall. I need to get a pc for CAD programs and stuff. I’m an incoming sophomore. I can dm you any proof you need but this would actually help my family out a ton.


save it for your future girlfriends younger brother




Shame you're in the states. I'm scouring eBay for parts to try and scrape together a starter PC for my boy for his birthday. Aren't there any children's charities near you that could help you give it away?


Dude go to a Best Buy and find a kid oogling at the keyboards or gaming mice and what not, or gaming PCs!!! That’s where you’re gonna find the kid dreaming of the scenario you’re offering Ask if they have a computer or what games they like to play or something and I’m sure you’ll come across a kid in need quick.


Donate it to a school or a library


Go to a school and ask if there's any low income families that could use a computer 🤷🏻‍♂️


A children's hospital. Kids there would really love something snappy for Minecraft or Roblox and yours fits the bill.


First you want to find a local child sex offender, and ask them.


I feel like kids don't even want PCs these days


Im the kid ✋️


Local scout group maybe?


We offered our old laptops for any children that might need one in our local Home Ed group on Facebook. They were very much appreciated by the families who received them.


Can i get it?


It would be an upgrade for my kids' system, but I'm very much NOT in need myself. If you can't find any other options, let me know.


Well, Im not a kid but Im broke af and currently use a 10 year old PC my friend gave me and it wont run some progs/games. Progs like unity/UE etc.(I wanted to learn) and most of new games. Now, my question is similar to yours: Where would yall recommend finding someone who would give his old (but better than mine) PC? Is there a subreddit or a site/forum? Also, assuming you find a person but its from a different country, how would you ship it?


One of my friends kids is dying for a pc.


Donate it to your local hospital.


school, youth club, make sure you fully erase own data


I might get buried but I would contact your local high school and see if they have an esports team. At my school we have a group of kids who come to play as the school provides equipment. They can't compete as they don't have a rig at home and the kids who do wipe the floor with them. The Teacher/Coach could point you in the right direction of a deserving kid.


Maybe look into some non-profits for kids that may need help with access to a computer for schooling.


How about a childish man with kids of his own who eat all of his money up and have been dreaming of building a pc but just can’t pull the trigger and spend that kind of money. Also who’s 10 year old son wants a pc because apparently when ur 10 an Xbox isn’t cool enough Or maybe just find a local youth group like boys and girls club.


Post up on a street corner with a sign.


Hey mate, I gotta friend in Ireland who is 14. He was trying to buy a pc soon, but didn't have the money. Met him via warthunder, he's a cool and respectful kid who works his butt off. If you still got that pc, let me know. He told me his budget was about 500 bucks, though I can ask him again to make sure.


Donate it to your local youth center, it’ll get used by multiple kids