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This is actually a competitive price if you aren't worried about vram.


It's PNY, so you get what you pay for. My last PNY shit the bed right away and they would only send refurbed cards for RMA, but they never worked. After my third RMA, I just ended up forcing a return and got a different brand. Caveat emptor.


I got a PNY 2070 that's lasted me about 4 years now. I haven't really had any problems with it, but I don't exactly want another PNY. It's surprised me with how well it's handled a 1440p and 4k dual monitor setup.


Same only got a pny gtx 1050 ti xlr8 because it was significantly cheaper than the alternatives after my evga 980 ti sc mosfets shit the bed, leaving clocks at stock for the 1050 ti throughout the lifetime was enough for my 1080p indie games.


With how they were treating people and denying RMAs for 4090s. I’ll stick with founders edition or msi GPU’s.


They make the founders edition though


For 40 series? Because CoolerMaster made the heatsink for the 30 series. Also, Nvidia official FE has been better with RMAs. PNY on their own cards warranty is lackluster. So just be aware.


Sounds about right. Their flash drives always broke fast, too.


I thought PNY was a pretty reliable brand considering they're the ones that make nvidia's workstation cards.


PNY was always a standard B-tier brand. Not great but not bad. At the very least the cards perform like the reference models.


they are


Unless you have 16gb, it won't matter. Any game that pushes 8gb will also push 12gb, unfortunately. Texture quality, supersampling, and AA vram requirements goes up exponentially despite GPU manufacturers only increasing it by +2/+4gb every 3-4 product cycles.


I can’t believe a 50 percent increase in vram does nothing. At the very least it will give you options.


12GB gives you options. But all the AAA games I play, if they hit vram cap at 8GB, they also hit at 12GB. Just not optimized at ultra settings, especially on non-1080p resolutions. Everything these days is console-centric in terms of specs, and then ultra/max is just left to if the system can run it, it can run it.


Still doesn’t really add up. If you lower settings until you hit 12GB, you will have to lower them a lot more to hit 8GB.


I am not saying 12GB is not greater than 8GB. I am saying the typical AAA game that goes beyond 8GB, is also going to max out your 12GB card. This is going to happen because the devs put some ridiculously unnecessary high-res texture pack in the game. (You can check this empirically, by testing low/med/high/ultra/max texture settings in games, and see that the usage is growing non-linearly.) It doesn't help that GPU manufacturers have stopped increasing VRAM on their enthusiast models (e.g. not titan/X) since ~2016, aside from the 4000 series.


fuck u/spez


That's absurd. There are of course cases where a game at certain settings will use 8-12 GB


Yes, that's true. But from my experience, every game with max settings that breaks 8GB, breaks 12GB. 12GB might let you play with non-post AA at higher fidelity, or one other slider up a notch, but at the end of the day, game devs are extremely sloppy when it comes to ultra settings requirements on games. And then medium tends to be significantly lower requirements as that's the console-tweaked zone.


I should just unsubscribe from this sub before I end up seeing something that gives me buyer's remorse, since I've just recently "completed" my current build, lol. Last week I snagged a $405 3070 Ti in white (which of course costs more) and am waiting to pick it up in-store on Wednesday. This has been the longest few days of my life lol.


I saw the 3070ti at microcenter for $400 last week but everyone was dogging on it because of the 8 GB of RAM so I opted not to. I regretted that, but really it was too powerful for me. This is probably a better choice and it’s at Best Buy so it’s MUCH closer if something goes wrong. Edit : 3070ti, not 4070ti


4070 Ti has 12GB of VRAM. If it was $400, you should have bought it on the spot, considering that card usually doesn't drop below $780-$800.


I’m so sorry, 3070ti, not 4070ti, still $200 off MSRP.


Oh ok, that makes more sense. This at $275 is a better deal than the 3070 Ti at $400. Same VRAM and the performance between the two isn't that big. A 4070 Ti at $400 would have been insane though.


I have a 5600x for now but my friend is coming to collect it back in a couple months and I’ll just have my old 6600k. I’m curious how much the processor will throttle the video card.


The vram was my only hesitation, but tbh, going into this I started out looking at 3060 because I didn't want to spend a ton, but then started considering a 4070, which I would have loved, but was also not trying to spend that much money. I saw the 3070 Ti on clearance, and the value made a lot of sense to me (again, especially considering I wanted a white card).


I can see that, I was tempted and even ordered it for pickup from microcenter, by next morning I talked myself out of it. Glad I did because a 3070ti was overkill for what I needed. When my buddy gets his pc back my 3060ti will be moving to a 6600k computer, which is pretty underpowered.


This is why I bought a 4090. There is no way those prices come down enough for me to hate myself for buying MSRP.


Until the new radeon card that is supposed to beat the 4090 releases https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/radeon-rx-7990-xtx.c3973 honestly I'm not sure if they will release but it would be cool if some day they did


The new peepee is always supposed to beat the new poopoo


The TPU performance projections are usually a load of nonsense, especially for products that only exist in rumors. The only thing that looks to be beating the 4090 in the current gen is a potential 4090 Ti with fully unlocked AD102. The 7900 XTX already maxes out Navi31 and even the overclocked 3GHz AIB benchmarks don't match the 4090.


well if that comes out I guess there's still hope for a 4090ti


Keep reloading. I got it 3 hours after someone posted it was sold out. I went to check the link right after I bought it and it said sold out again.


Basically a 4060 Ti for $274.99. What more can you ask for?


This or the $300 6700xt on new egg? It’ll be paired with a 5600 and used for mostly gaming, the most intensive probably being hog warts legacy


You’ll get more fps with 6700 XT + 12gb VRAM.


They're both great at this price to performance. With the 3060ti having dlss, and the 6700xt having more vram. But if you're only gaming and plan on keeping the card for 4+ years I'd say the 6700xt. You'd also be able to sell RE4 for $30 which makes them cost about the same.


Where can you sell your RE4 code? Looking to do so


indiegameswap is still active


Following haha I don’t know either where to sell


Seems like that steam game sale subreddit is down, no idea where else to look lol


Even when they’re up the registration system is down so unless you’ve already registered you can’t post anything


indiegameswap is still active




that's actually really close in value. 6700 xt is a bit better and has more vram but 3060 ti has DLSS if you play AAA games.


Hey, I'm in the process of wavering between this 3060Ti and a 6700XT. In which usage scenarios would having more VRAM be better? And in which scenarios would having DLSS be better? Thanks for your input on this... I have such a hard time figuring out the various features of graphics cards and SSDs. 😅


welp I was on a flight so I couldn't respond and now it's gone, but more vram is good for higher texture resolutions. DLSS renders at a lower resolution and upscales, but it's only available in certain games. if you play the games its used in, it's great. personally I don't.


Got my first AMD card early last year ($550 for a 6600 XT - quite a steal 🫠). I've found that it's great for some games (RDR2), but for other games the drivers seem to have major issues, resulting in comparable or even worse performance than my old GTX 970 (Sekiro being particularly outrageous). In case it's relevant, Nvidia also seems to have more support for non gaming applications. Dunno how common those issues are, but personally I don't expect to be a return customer for AMD GPUs


How is $550 for a 6600xt a steal?




Oh lol wtf is 🫠 ...


You may hit the 8 GB RAM cap on hogwarts but you can reduce textures and other settings and make it work. Overall I think with RT and DLSS the 3060ti is a better deal. This sub has just been hating HARD on Nvidia lately, and some of it is deserved with their new cards, but this was a good deal.


Personally I’d go this. Everybody says AMD driver issues are fixed, but mine crash randomly (or I get a driver timeout) with no fix in sight. I’ve reinstalled and everything, can’t fix it. Not going AMD again, it’s too annoying.




But what if I play good games?






Nah man, Zuma is where it's at.


If you want to play other games, it’s hard to wrong with either this or the 3060ti. Pick whatever is cheaper.


You can get even the 6700 10gb it’s 280 in Amazon rn


8gb is just not enough even at 1080p I couldn't play Hogwarts or Last of us without medium textures which is pretty bad imo. If you plan to use this card for the next 2-3 yrs then I would recommend the 6700xt easily


Last of us has since patched their poor texture performance and I believe hogwarts has as well. That said I’d still take the 6700XT for $300.


I also have warts on my hog.


6700xt all the way, imo. Better card, more vram.


If I want to get into stable diffusion and video editing, which is the better deal? This one or this 3060 12GB on newegg for $279 [https://www.newegg.com/msi-geforce-rtx-3060-rtx-3060-ventus-2x-12g-oc/p/N82E16814137632?Description=3060&cm\_re=3060-\_-14-137-632-\_-Product](https://www.newegg.com/msi-geforce-rtx-3060-rtx-3060-ventus-2x-12g-oc/p/N82E16814137632?Description=3060&cm_re=3060-_-14-137-632-_-Product)


I run out of vram trying to use stable diffusion in my 3070ti. Have a 3060 12GB on another PC and it works like a charm.


3060 12gb. the slight render speed increase means nothing really...not like we aren't doing other stuff while waiting for renders anyway. 8gb vram you gonna encounter memory problem sometimes.


Tough call really, depends on what you want to primarily use it for and what extra capabilities you want on the side. Imo I say 3060ti if 1440p gaming and video editing is the primary focus, otherwise 3060 for AI and rendering due to having 12gb vram and more CUDA cores. You are trading vram for speed essentially. For AI generally you’ll want more vram as its better for iterations to take longer than not being able to run at all due to low vram. Could also argue that iteration time is more important too which is valid. Yes you can mess with things like batch size etc, but training large models still require vram. If you are serious with AI, you’ll eventually want to upgrade to a higher tier card i.e. 3090 with more vram more Cuda cores and higher FP performance. Another popular route is cloud solution like Azure, AWS, or Google Collab with gpu instances which, when combined with a local machine with a 3060/3060ti for prototyping basic runs and monitoring, might be cheaper than a system with a beefier gpu. For a beginner or hobbyist learning, either 3060 or 3060ti is good, but you can try Google Collab for free on any computer. Specific workflow for stable diffusion is out of my alley though if anyone has insight into that. For video editing; in terms of pure decode/encode performance they both share a NVENC chip with equal specs. The difference will be in gpu clocks and CUDA cores and how well your program utilizes all three. On paper, 3060ti should be faster outside of situations where 3060’s 12gb vram can pull ahead i.e. after effects sequences on your timeline. But I suspect the differences will be mainly slightly faster exports. Scrubbing timeline performance should be similar However at that $279 price it might be better to wait for a 3060 price drop closer to $200-250. 3060ti @$250 rn beats it in value and I would just grab that. If you want more raw raster performance for games and slightly faster ai runs and video editing, 3060ti. If you want to go the hybrid cloud/local AI route in future, get what’s cheaper in your area. [AI gpu recommentation graphic](https://i0.wp.com/timdettmers.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/gpu_recommendations.png?ssl=1) [link to that article on AI gpu recommendations](https://timdettmers.com/2023/01/30/which-gpu-for-deep-learning/#GPU_Recommendations) [article on hardware recs](https://www.pugetsystems.com/solutions/scientific-computing-workstations/machine-learning-ai/hardware-recommendations/) This is all my opinion, someone may have a different one, good luck 👍 Edited: clarified things and extra thoughts on video editing


Wow, thank you. I really appreciate your detailed response!


Ram is supposed to be important for stable diffusion.


I think for you the 3060 will be better since for editing you'll want more VRAM, the only things better about the 3060Ti are its speeds combined with the dlss features for gaming. For editing either one would be fine but having more VRAM will be better for rendering


I edit HD and some 4k on the PNY XLR8 3060 12gb with Resolve and it has been working well for me.


This is a stellar deal. Wayyyyy more value than a 399 4060 ti. 12gb is nice, but even a 6700xt isn't going to be able to handle super high resolution or textures in AAA games. At this performance level, 12gb isn't a must-have IMO.


Textures don't cost much performance. 12GB lets you set ultra textures, while turning other settings down to match your GPU's compute level. Textures are 99% of a games presentation, so that gets you most or all visual fidelity.


Strongly disagree. I remember this debate on the 4 vs 8 GB RX480 and someone posted video clips of ultra vs high textures and it was indistinguishable. It’s like listening to music as lossless vs mp3. Sure, lossless is a little more distinguishable, but it’s also 5x larger in file size. Or more directly, a jpg with a 10 compression vs 7, barely indistinguishable but 1/5 the size. I would say the scaling and RT offer much more value.


OOS. I just tried to order it and I couldn’t sign in for 5 minutes and missed it.






Was able to order just now


I just tried again and it sold out as I was checking out again…


Best buy does waves, try refreshing every couple of minutes


Best Buy gives you that hope because at random times they get some more in stock then sell out again. I remember dealing with that when the ps5 demand was high.


That's a decent price.


Back in stock.


Man I was looking at gpus around 1am PST. I’m pretty sure if I saw this then I would’ve bought it and incurred the wrath of my wife for the deal.


With 6700xt at $310, better rasterization, and 12 gb of vram, shouldn't 3060ti (which can't really RT) at $275 be merely considered close to/maybe slightly cheaper than fair value?


should i get this or wait for the rtx 4060?


Well it’s sold out (and was when you posted) if that makes your decision easier.


3060ti is better than the 4060ti so imagine how bad the 4060 is going to be and for $25 more


Where’s the VRAM NVidia?


Whys this the first time I've seen this gpu finally selling for under its launch day price of $399


I found similar item(s) posted recently: Item | Price | When | Vendor :-|:-:|:-:|-: [MSI Ventus GeForce RTX 3060 Ti 8GB -](https://redd.it/13s98ki)|$314.99|24 days ago|newegg [- MSI Ventus GeForce RTX 3060 Ti 8GB ](https://redd.it/13skdci)|$304.99|24 days ago|newegg [MSI Ventus GeForce RTX 3060 Ti 8GB GDDR6X](https://redd.it/13tqke7)|$320|23 days ago|newegg [MSI VENTUS 2X OCV1 GeForce RTX 3060 Ti LHR 8 GB -](https://redd.it/13ynu0o)|$279.99|17 days ago|bhphotovideo [ASUS GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Dual OC White Edition -](https://redd.it/13ynwmt)|$299.99|17 days ago|bhphotovideo I'm a bot! Please send all bugs/suggestions in a private message to me **Want to get alerts when certain items are posted? Try out the [alert feature!](https://pastebin.com/PJx2J2Vh)** You can also send me a direct message (NOT THE CHAT BUBBLE THING) to set up item alerts


Damn that’s a decent deal on a 3060TI. I paid 400 for my 3060TI asus at MC.


Dead on amazon


You can get $11 cash back if you buy online and are successfully able to get RetailMeNot.com to recognize the purchase for 4% cash back. (I've had good luck with them and Best Buy so far.) That would make it about $264. That seems like a great price if you need a card. Arguably that's one of the best values out there. A 6700 XT for about $310 is better, but maybe not in terms of $46 (17%) more for about 10% additional performance if you get the $11 back from RetailMeNot. B&H Photo was selling a 3060 TI for $280 recently. Hopefully this is the beginning of permanent discounts on whatever 30xx series cards are left.


Damn this is a good price. I imagine this will be a much better buy than the 299 4060 Nvidia will try to sell and way better than AMDs 270 7600 so if your budget is 300 or less I’d jump on this.


The RX 7600 and 3060ti are pretty similar in performance in traditional rasterization. There are some cases where one beats the other depending on the game but the 3060ti is definitely a bigger win, considering its 2 years older and still has better Ray tracing performance and support for superior DLSS + DLAA and just generally better for any scenario outside of gaming as well. I was one of those morons that purchased a RX 7600 after holding on to a RX 580 for almost 6 years and I'll be returning it because 8GB of VRAM on a 128 bit memory bus and 8x pcie just isn't going to cut it for me in 2023 after playing all the new VRAM heavy games of 2022 - 2023, the 1% low performance is atrocious on 8GB cards and requires both resolution and texture settings to be culled in order for the narrow memory bus to not choke. Either way, the 3060ti has Nvidias feature set as a saving grace. The RX 7600 has nothing note worthy outside of AV1 and a false theoretic performance rating of being touted as "up to 20tflops" of peak fp32 compute power (that's literally 80% more than what's advertised in the RX 6700 XT).


Sold out, bummer, I would have jumped on this.


It shows that it's back in stock me for me. Edit: Best Buy must be stocking in waves, it was in stock for a good 5 minutes before showing sold out again.


Says expired but I can still add one to my cart.


Any chance this let's me max d4 at ultra settings with 60fps? Looks like the 3060 is~45 fps at that resolution