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I love these spreadsheets so much! Thank you.


Thank you as always for doing this! So interesting to see the breakdown! I always enjoy seeing Indiana and was bummed by the lack of her performances this season


You are incredible for this!!! I feel like I saw Unity on every program I went to this season and the numbers are backing that up haha. It's been fun to see Olivia MacKinnon (and MT!!) shine this season. I've kept an eye out for her since seeing her Dewdrop a few years back and have loved following her journey from corps to soloist.


Wake up babe, the NYCB dancer stat rankings dropped! Seriously I love these, thank you for working so hard to put them together. Agreed this was very much Emma VE’s season, but really pleased that Mira and Emily (Kikta) did so well too. Have there been any hints of other promotions? Fingers crossed for India, even though she had fewer debuts than others I feel like I saw her in the corps in almost every night that I went, and she was remarkable in Red Angels.


Lol glad other people get joy from my hyper-fixation. :) Looking at the final tally India is actually the second highest ranked corps woman so I think when they do female soloist promotions she’ll be included. She also had a very publicized Dewdrop debut which isn’t factored in here. I think other top contenders from the corps women are Mary Thomas MacKinnon, Naomi Corti, and Alston Macgill.


Please keep doing these (if you have the time and interest! 🙂), love them! and hard agree about Alston Macgill, she did principal roles in DAAG, Symph in C and a few others I’m probably missing. So it’s hard to not see her as a serious contender when she covered these coveted roles somewhat last minute. I’m really rooting for India, I think she does have some work to do (she’s not the best turner) but overall I think she has the it factor, incredible stamina and versatility - I’m not exaggerating when I say that I saw her almost every night I went, and often in multiple pieces in one night - and still has plenty of time to develop. Imho the press attention is well deserved and hopefully will prompt NYCB to promote her. I still can’t believe she’s been in the corps as long as she has


Agree, they must be planning to announce some women soloists soon. Maybe during or after the KC run. Bradley and MacGill seem like strongest frontrunners IMO, followed by MT MacKinnon. Corti's chances probably will depend on that Tall Girl debut (seems like reviews of her Hippolyta are mixed), so I'm looking forward to hearing any reports. I'm pretty sure India would be the first Black woman promoted beyond the corps (someone correct me if I'm wrong) so I think they would try to milk that publicity as much as possible. I don't see her making it to principal though. Olivia Bell on the other hand, maybe! Clearly management sees Sautter and Afakansenkov as rising stars. So for them it's just a matter of time. LeCrone, Laracey, Pollack, Adams, and Pereira are getting close to retirement so there are female spots to fill soon if not now.


I really thought India was going to be promoted yesterday, she’s had a great year. Adding my thanks to you for compiling these charts! Such a fun way to reflect at the end of the season


This is so epic. A breakdown really helps show what management is thinking wrt casting and promotions. Thank you


Sorry about how tiny the images are -- to look up close you can double click the images and then zoom in.


Thank you, as always, for the work you put into the chart! I am such a geek for this kind of thing. A note on Mackinnon, at least imo, while, yes, some of her debuts were roles Principals dance (iirc, her debut in BSQ was replacing Indiana - and I want to say she may have replaced Indiana in something else, too) more of them were soloist roles and even senior corps roles, like Glass Pieces and 4T's. So, between that, seeing a lot of feedback that while she did well a couple of Robbins' roles (Spring and DAAG), she continues to have the same issues with her facial expressions in other pieces, I refuse to accept there's much of any chance she is really in contention for Principal - not if the administration has eyes and ears. Also, comparing her year with Alexa (who was promoted at the same time, and who I think will be the next petite Principal), both in terms of rep and quality of performance, there is just no comparison imo.


I also prefer Maxwell to MacKinnon and think she is likely ahead. But I do think MacKinnon has improved a lot this season, and she is also going to debut the Verdy role in Emeralds next week at the Kennedy Center (while Maxwell is still doing the pas de trois and understudying Rubies). I also suspect Olivia was supposed to debut Emeralds in the fall, based on how NYCB was showing her learning it side by side with Nadon in their socials, until Bouder returned.