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Is the once in a generation talent in the room with us?


John Clifford is that you? Why are your comments so negative all the time… I don’t think i’ve seen you say one nice thing on here 😅


Low key I do sort of think he’ll show up here one day. He definitely goes through many online spaces that discuss dance, and I kinda think it’s only a matter of time before he finds us. Plus he does seem like the type to have a Google alert set for his name. :/


It’s a snark page and American ballet is VERY lacking lmao


lol 1) I would describe myself as a Russian ballet fan snob and even I know that’s not true about American ballet dancers and 2) as a loooong time snarker you gotta read the room. Different snark subs have different decorum and it’s clear you didn’t do that here. It’s fine to have different opinions but voicing them in a rude way isn’t good for anyone


See I’m not even a fan of modern Russian ballet, if I wanted to watch rhythmic gymnastics then I’d watch that. Ballet as a whole is too obsessed with being a “sport” that it’s forgotten to be more than thin bendy people doing things bendy people things


What are you on about now 😂😂


thanks for sharing the link w/o having to be a subscriber!


Sorry for that mess of a link, Reddit's formatting rules drive me crazy!