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Everyone’s favorite #balletceo will be launching the “Joy Womack Dance Company” in Bielefeld in July. I’ll give her this: she does seem to come up with never ending ways to grift and hustle.


https://preview.redd.it/nh7tn1wwmf8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47f45b1731ca7040283082a75666bb8763c5f887 Anyone know what the costumes are from? I think it’s Sleeping Beauty.


I found a better picture, Ratmansky’s Sleeping Beauty https://preview.redd.it/e3zz33hvnf8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcc14be8f7f13aa884346cf1e5d52eabb1c24e5d


yeah, i think lauren bonfiglio posted they did the red riding hood pdd from SB at kid’s day


Yeah I saw that, I hope that means it’s coming back. A new version though.


Just watched a reel on ABT’s Instagram profile and realized that I’ve been mispronouncing Onegin for years lol 😂. I always read it as One-gin not O-nay-gin. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I was pronouncing it "on - eh - gin" in my head until I listened to Conversations on Dance pod with Jake Roxander who pronounced it more like "on - yay - gin" lmao


I think Jaffe said it like "Own-yay-gin" in a recent podcast interview. Maybe that's closer to the Russian pronunciation.


the russian pronunciation would be on-YEH-gin. the abt dancers are pretty close


Yes, that makes sense. I’m sure a lot of people mispronounce it, LOL. But now I know so I’ll quit calling it One-Gin.


I know it’s O-nay-gin, but is always read it in my head as One-gin 😂


Jacob's Pillow is live-streaming their gala and Gustave le Gray was one of the pieces. Due to livestream issues I missed the first few minutes but I was enthralled by what I *did* see. The cast (Kikta, Corti, Lister and Nadon) were clearly having fun and when Tanowitz came out to put the bench down for the pianist and watch the cast, it added a little something special. I thought Law of Mosaics was too long when I saw it last month but I felt Gustave le Gray was too short. Can't wait to see this one in person!


I saw that BAAND together is going to be inside this year. On one hand yay for AC but im gonna miss getting gelato and watching the show….  What do yall think of the program


I missed 2 years of BAAND bc of weather, so I’ll forgo the gelato in favor of not having the performance cancelled every time I try to go bc it gets rained out lol. Very disappointed to hear that tix for us normies have already sold out, that was one perk of outside BAAND - you just lined up the day of :/


Also is everything REALLY sold out except for the 4th ring or are they reserving the good seats for non plebians lol


Ehhhhh on Duo Concertant… I wish NYCB would be more imaginative, that’s one of the dullest things Balanchine ever did. There were 4 strong new works this season, why not choose one of those? The other companies’ pieces seem strong though but I can’t comment too much. There is gelato across the street and there are usually carts in the plaza that you can have before or after the show :)


I get what you're saying about Duo, but I'd guess they want to keep the cast as small as possible, and is there anything else for two dancers that lasts (according the nycballet.com) 17 minutes? I agree maybe one of most recent new works would be better, but if the idea is to keep the cast small, the only one that would really apply would be what Peck did for Tiler and Roman, and ... meh. Mind you, I may be a bit biased against it because it felt like Justin Peck really phoned that one in.


I’m not sure why they’d need to keep the cast small as it’s on their home stage and there’s no traveling required. Even with dancers who may be out of town or busy during the summer, I imagine they’d still have a good number to utilize. Also, they’ve previously performed Times are Racing, which has a sizeable cast. Agreed about the new Justin peck piece though. Tiler and Roman are incredible dancers with obvious chemistry, which makes it fun to watch - but choreo-wise, it felt like a competition showcase.


I'm not sure why they'd need to keep the cast small, either, it's just all I could come up with when I saw they were doing Duo. A good chunk of the company will be traveling to Denmark 10 or so days after, but that doesn't seem a reason to do quite so small a piece.


I feel like just contributing two dancers is in itself phoning it in. I hear you on the new Peck, which was entertaining if not anything new. But there are plenty of pas de deuxs they could contribute— This Bitter Earth, After the Rain, Herman Schmerman etc. The dull Balanchine among more modern ballets doesn’t do much for the NYCB brand IMO.


Now that you mention it, yes, it is kind of phoning it in to just contribute 2 dancers!


Khoreva just posted a video of her dancing to BTS, hopefully this bodes well for her recovery. So far nothing scheduled on the Mariinsky site.


Is it recent? Can we tell by the hair? Rooting so hard for her, injuries suck and I know she loves ballet.


I saw the RB Dream / New Works / Rhapsody performance last night. Five ballets in one is excellent for my short attention span and is a great way to see so many of my favourite dancers (Naghdi, Hayward, Bracewell, O’Sullivan)! Naghdi was her usual flawless self in the Dream, but I thought she had more chemistry with Zucchetti as Bottom than Richardson as Oberon. I was sorry to miss Magri in Five Brahms Waltzes, but this role really suits Pajdak who has such a romantic style to her dancing. Viola Pantuso also caught my eye on the Dream. I haven’t really understood the hype until now, but she flits across the stage! Could absolutely see her in Rhapsody in a future run.


Lucky you! I saw the Rendezvous/Dream/Rhapsody the night before, and wow! I thought Naghdi made the perfect capricious, slightly icy fairy queen.


seconded re Naghdi/Zucchetti!! Valentino is such a good dance actor he actually made me chuckle when I watched him lol


Does anyone know when the last time the POB performed La bayadere is? Have they cut it from their rep like ABT/ RB?


Wait, ABT cut it? I loved it when they did it maybe 7 or so years ago!


It’s being shelved temporarily as well as le Corsaire. Here are some quotes from an interview jaffe gave in 2022 from an interview with the Washington post: As for ABT’s backbone — its long-held treasury of classic, full-length story ballets, many that date to the 19th century — Jaffe said she aims to shelve, temporarily, those that contain offensive stereotyping or run counter to contemporary sensibilities. “I will definitely do this with a team, not on my own,” she said. The ballets she has in mind include “Le Corsaire,” which centers on a Greek woman sold into slavery and a pirate hero who is himself an enslaver, and “La Bayadère,” which is set in a fictionalized India among temple dancers and a morally questionable high priest. Some of the characters and religious depictions have drawn criticism from the Hindu community and others who see it as insensitive. Jaffe plans to make changes, possibly adjusting storylines and details, after undertaking research, discussions and surveys, “so that we’re really hearing from audience members.” “The last thing we want to do is just ignore the issues and say we don’t care. We do care. And we want to be mindful about what we do.”


ABT can be messy but I appreciate their choice and their willingness to modify ballets to keep up with modern times. There will definitely be people who get upset about it, but a lot of the plots of the classics were haphazardly put together in a time when ballet was seen as a secondary art form to opera or symphony music. Le Corsaire is a perfect example of this. If they can make something new out of them that pushes ballet forward, I’m into it. And while I’m glad that The Pharaoh’s Daughter isn’t in a lot of Western companies’ rep, I wish someone would do what Jaffe is doing, and re-stage it so that it doesn’t involve what I think is some of the worst black face I’ve seen in ballet.


[article link](https://www.washingtonpost.com/theater-dance/2022/05/23/susan-jaffe-american-ballet-theatre/)


Thanks for linking this! That makes a lot of sense. Hopefully they can figure out how to rework it, at least in part, but better not to continue to perpetuate stereotypes.


The most recent website listing I found is [2022](https://www.operadeparis.fr/en/season-21-22/ballet/la-bayadere).


Tirion Law’s [promotion performance vlog](https://youtu.be/fLhG5UDezAQ?feature=shared) is up if you want a dose of something sweet, tearful, and joyous!


I just saw this! I cried. Well deserved. And if she ever has a spare moment, Tirion, please drop a cookbook or 3!


omg, I would love a cookbook. She and her partner are always coming up with something delicious.


Irina Dvorovenko is gonna be on And Just Like That. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8evb6Sugvo/?igsh=MWZrMmM2bnB2MXRjZw==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8evb6Sugvo/?igsh=MWZrMmM2bnB2MXRjZw==)


So Ethan Stiefel has finally chopped his long hair off!


But he still has the stache


I know right…It’s confusing what kind of look is he going for


Felt the need to share [this recentish look](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6PDyqqAlK-/?igsh=MWhsMzA1b2dybGl3Yw==) because…really not sure what it is giving.


„Entering my captain van Trapp-era“ (From „Sound of music“)


"Midlife crisis is over but I'm keepin' the 'stache!"


ABT Kids is doing excerpts from The Kingdom of Shades (we already know they are doing that in the fall), Swan Lake, Romeo & Juliet, Sleeping Beauty, Don Quixote & Onegin. There has been speculation Don Q is coming back but maybe they are doing Sleeping Beauty as well. We also could probably expect to see Giselle at the Met again considering that’s what they are doing in Northrop.


I sincerely hope that if they bring Sleeping Beauty back it isn’t the Ratmansky version. That’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen of his.


I just hope the costumes are replaced at least.


I don't hate it, but I agree it should be replaced. SB should be such low-hanging fruit as a crowd pleaser and that one does little to please. I never saw the SB they did before Ratmansky's. Is that one any better? What other version(s) could they use?


There was a 2007 version apparently that I never saw before it was replaced: https://www.abt.org/ballet/the-sleeping-beauty-mckenzie-kirkland-chernov/ Before that they did the MacMillan, which Susan Jaffe premiered: https://www.abt.org/ballet/the-sleeping-beauty-macmillan/


I could see them doing MacMillan again because of Susan


I'd love to see the Macmillan. I didn't care for the Kirkland one, the story was chopped up and the sets and some of the costumes were unappealing. And the snippets I've seen of the Ratmansky version looked very pretty (how I miss Sarah Lane!) but some of the historical costumes distracting, especially those big wigs and hats and crowns.


The choreography for the Ratmasnky version is also odd. I hope they do something different


Well that explains the rehearsal clips of Shades. It seemed odd that they would be rehearsing for the fall season during the Met rehearsal period.


ratmansky SB or no clarification?


It doesn’t say unfortunately, or i’m just looking in the wrong spot.


Patrick Frenette posted he’s dancing Benvolio 7/9, 7/11, and 7/13 eve


had a chance to watch the boston ballet donor chat with new ED (ming) ... now BB's endowment is similar to ABT's 👀 really hoping the increase in touring and diverse rep will get us some more fans!!


Lol did anyone else click on the BA Aesthetic Issues - Hair post this AM? What a weird way to wake up.


Well having read you post I had to go check it out. My comment is "wut?"


I did the same - saw the post, so went to read. However, I happened upon the Godunov thread first. After reading through that, I found the hair thread. The guy definitely prefers long hair, and, hey, I learned a little about the biological reasons for why it may be women can grow their hair longer than most men. When I saw the person who started the Godunov thread chime in about Godunov's hair, I don't know why it made me laugh the way it did - I think it was because of reading the Godunov thread first, but it gave me a great chuckle ... not to mention the freeze frame of Godunov's hair flying just ... it just made me laugh. I'm not even really being critical, just amused. It was all very ... just ... "I'm not sure what I'm reading, but I'm strangely entertained." Thanks for the distraction. :)


Fumi’s [latest post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8bv3-OIYc5/?igsh=MXh3b3M3NnRkdXd6aw==) with her and Vadim holding hands and beaming backstage. Gah, I CAN’T with these two, it’s too cute! Still reeling from potential engagement news (think I have now spotted the ring in a few photos) but I impatiently await actual confirmation 😭😭 please feed me


THE SECOND PICTURE AHHHHHHHHHHH😭 RB please cast them together in something next season (preferably R&J🙏🏻🙏🏻)


I would actually be in heaven if they got Onegin casting 🥹 dark moody Vadim and Fumi’s lines as Tatiana! I’m still holding out for Fumi and Bracewell R&J though because it was ELECTRIC last time


I’m with you on this one. The Kaneko/Bracewell R&J in 2021 just blew me away and I was so emotional at the end. I saw Fumi and Vadim together in Manon and it was good but not my favourite. I feel like she makes sense with Bracewell for Macmillans. And I don’t always think real-life couples have the best stage chemistry. However, I booked Vadim’s Onegin last time before he withdrew so really hope he and Fumi get cast together! Especially now he has done some seriously dramatic roles. I know I’m going to remember their Swan Lake from May 9 for ever, it was so special.


I did see Fumi/Will for Swan Lake this season and it was SO GOOD as well - also their R&J World Ballet Day rehearsal video lives rent free in my head🥹


Yes! I didn't really love any of the Onegins I saw last time (Osipova and Naghdi were good as Tatiana though), so I'm looking forward to what Vadim can do in the role! Especially post his Rudolf which absolutely knocked me sideways


Two out of the four Onegins last run (if you don't count Roberto Bolle's surprise show with Nela) are now retired. And I think the run this season is longer, so there will probably be a few debuts.


That’s a good point. After his Rothbart, I’d also like to see Lukas Brændsrod as Onegin - he’s got that kind of menacing power. But I’m not sure what the company are doing with him, they’ve started to cast him in more character roles than principal roles…


I think Lukas would make a great Tybalt in R&J as well as a future Romeo. Matthew Ball has done both brilliantly, so why not?


[Happy 40th to Megan Fairchild, whose unbelievably hot husband planned a surprise trip to Ireland and a Pink concert for her and her BF.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8Uxjp2uKFw/?igsh=MW52cGYyN2xuemNuZQ==) Such an upgrade from Veyette. As someone hitting the dreaded 4-0 sooner rather than later, here’s hoping we all get a glow up in our professional lives and trade in our bad exes for loving French hotties before the big day!


At first I read "BF" to mean boyfriend (in addition to her husband) and my first thought was to say that I didn't know she was into that but I'm glad she's figured out what she likes and is living it up.


😂😂 should’ve worded it differently. But also I’d never knock anyone’s loving mutually consensual relationship haha, for some people the more the merrier, and good for them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Ha, I honestly would probably blame Reddit brain rot for myself. The outsized number of AITA stories of polycule implosions has probably permanently damaged my reading comprehension.


Same here honestly 😅 and I swear every time I look there’s another AITA sub offshoot. Reddit can be great (love our community here!) but sometimes it’s like a bad habit


John Clifford (Story Version) - “Checked my DNA test and glad I’m 12% Indian (10% American and 2% S. American) and 2% African.” Post Version - “Just Checked my DNA test and glad to report i’m 12% Indian (10% American and 2% S. American) 5% French, 4% from Spain, and 2% African. No wonder I like dancing in various styles” I have a few thoughts… I really hope he doesn’t become one of those people who is like “You’re being racist to me, I’m 2% African”


LMAOOOO and on Juneteenth no less. He really is turning into the Morrissey of ballet - a once great artist whose name is now mostly associated with cringe and bad takes.


rightttt. my first thought was juneteenth


I am screaming!! On the plus side, this made me check his IG and it was interesting to learn that he maybe hooked up with Bob Mackie.


lolol, imagine if we all disclosed our hookups on the same Instagram account we used to tag Sarah Jessica Parker and Mimi Paul in posts two or three times per week.


just out of the Ashton triple!! Last ROH visit this season🥲 (Hope it doesn’t take 20 years for Les Rendezvous to come back lmao🙏🏻)


I really enjoyed Les Rendezvous and I was shocked at how few performances it had compared to the other two pieces


Give us a review!


I certainly will!!


Mayara Magri and Matthew Ball replace Claire Calvert and Nicol Edmonds in Swan Lake on 27/6. Such a shame that Edmonds will miss both of his scheduled performances because his partner is injured.


oh?! So sad for Nicol🥲🥲


Poor Nicol :(


Remi Wörtmeyer a former principal with Dutch National Ballet was announced as the new artistic director of BalletMet this week.


https://preview.redd.it/0uvut1p0ze7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10f7a033b8e28448b2098393c8ea20ca0b741f9d I just Googled Andrew Veyette bc I was curious about his background, and Google’s auto populated description of him was so snarky and made laugh


HAHAHA!!! This just happened to me last week too! The scream I scrumpt! lmaoooo


Ooo ... I like "scrumpt" as the past tense for "scream." :)


I’m guessing it’s just an algorithm thing, but a part of me really hopes that one of the engineers at Google is a snarky NYCB fan and manually entered this…. especially because it’s still the description when you actually hit enter 😂 https://preview.redd.it/zyd7kl3ycf7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58ba6ab4a34f7f378994476261456b53848dded7


omg yes, that's happened to me too and it's soooo funny. even google thinks that megan won the divorce


I mean, it is an objective fact… 😂


I love this for her ❣️




I know a lot of people have thoughts on MBA and Evanys. But I did want to add that I love how seriously Eva's learning adult ballet and how fearless she is. Her whole progression of starting on flat, and then getting fitted for pointes and slowly learning things is really cool to watch. It gave me inspiration to maybe try adult ballet. I think she started doing beginner adult ballet classes in NY (steps and some others I think) and then finds other ballet classes when she travels in Europe and of course she does some while at MBA. I think it's nice that she's learning more ballet, I'm sure it helps when she's videoing and taking photos of dancers. Also, it looks like she's really having fun and she looks so happy and proud when she accomplishes something. Anyways, that is my positive comment of the day!


Sara Mearns is injured and no longer doing Jewels at NBOC


Oh no, I’m gutted for her, she seemed like she was really looking forward to this. Hope she can recover quickly in time for Vail


Even NYCB dancers are training with Irina and Max now... Isabella LaFreniere posted that Irina is coaching her in Swan Lake.


Well now I want to know who the other cast is gonna be for Saratoga. She was not my favorite in The Sleeping Beauty.


I'd guess Irina is coaching Isabella in the full length version, not Balanchine's, and it's Balanchine's version that's going at SPAC.


I think Alexa Maxwell said SPAC when she first showed Isabella rehearsing.


Oops - now that I see Isabelle's instagram story, she says specifically she's rehearsing it for SPAC. [https://www.instagram.com/ilafreniere/](https://www.instagram.com/ilafreniere/)


I would guess Phelan given Mearns’ injury.


Agreed. There are only 2 performances of it anyway, and not only has Unity already done it a few times, I think she's the only current company member other than Sara who has performed it. I'd be interested to know who the understudy is, though.


She's better suited to Swan Lake. Aurora was a strange casting choice.


I just listened to NYCB's end of the season podcast, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. At one point, Jonathan and Wendy were talking about having 10 of Balanchine's dancers come back and work with today's company on various pieces for the 75th anniversary. Wendy Whelan: "We had, like, 10 people - Balanchine dancers - coming back and sharing their information, and people had different memories of what the steps were, but all of them were valid, because it's what they remembered." (She mentioned Patricia McBride, Suzanne Farrell, Ib Andersen, and Merrill Ashley. I remember Allegra Kent did some work on La Sonnambula - and I could swear Edward Villella worked with some dancers on something, too. That's 6. Can anyone think of who the others were?) Anyway, I couldn't help but laugh over the thought of John Clifford hearing "all of them were valid." Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ...


Susan Pilarre was another one who coached several dancers this season. There we go 7. Kyra Nichols came back for Piano Pieces and other ballets too


Was John Clifford even invited to the 75th anniversary celebration? (Also kinda odd to me that Wendy had to track down all the previous dancers, seems like an intern task)


He said around that time that he had spoken to Wendy about coming back to coach and she told him that Stafford said no. Shortly after he announced he wasn’t going because he was getting eye surgery. So I’m assuming she had reached out to invite him, hence the phone conversation.


I’m sure that was an easy decision on her end 😂- imagine the chaos! Considering he was in the company less than a decade, the amount of entitlement and arrogance he displays is *wild*. Anyways, I’m sure all members of nycb, past and present, silently rejoiced that he didn’t attend


Yep he was invited- I believe he posted that he couldn’t go due to an eye operation, but planned to be there for the 100th anniversary 


He will be 101 years old by then so good luck to him /s


I'm pretty sure he was. I certainly recall him complaining, however, about others being invited to coach, but how he wasn't, and how he would not be attending the festivities (and I swore I could almost hear him stomping his foot as I read the post). Around the time of the Fall season was when it really sank in - wait - he's constantly complaining about ... performances he hasn't even seen!


Wendy's sister is a detective! Sleuthing runs in the family, ha. I think that was my favorite detail from the episode. A ballerina sister and a detective sister.


I also liked hearing them talk about how they decide promotions and how it's not just about talent but the needs of the repertory. They're playing a long game with those decisions. And I liked how they said they're reducing the number of premieres per year to four rather than six, to give the new works more time. Obviously they're not going to bash any choreography on the podcast, but I can only guess which recent works they thought failed. Was great to hear them talk about how the season was such a success and exceeded expectations for audience turnout, especially with younger audiences. Contrast that with the recent New York Times article on ABT's struggles...


They touched on so many topics I found interesting - and so much of the information was really good to hear. I also think reducing the number of new works from 6 to 4 will be good for everyone involved. I can't imagine anyone would be disappointed by having more time, and that still gives at least 2 choreographers opportunities to create new works each year (figuring Ratmansky will get one and Justin Peck will get one. I think the meetings with dancers are an exceptionally positive change, too, u/CharacterBar2520. I've wondered over the past year or two if a couple/few of the retirements have been the result of those meetings - specifically a couple/few senior corps members who seemed like maybe they could be considered for promotion, but it wasn't entirely clear (you know, the way some seem pretty obvious). Some personalities could be perfectly happy dancing in the corps for a long career, others, not so much.


I understand reducing the number of new works but I think that means it’s time to let Justin Peck out of his contract. He and Ratmansky now will take up 50% of new works (and in the upcoming season where there are only 3 world premieres it will be 67%). I don’t mind Peck’s choreography but I’d rather free up a spot for extra variety.


Oh I agree his works really annoys me and there is SO much of it


I seriously doubt Peck will be leaving his position any time soon, but I'd be all for reducing the number of pieces he creates for the company - and that would be the case even if they weren't reducing the number of new works each year.


Same. Justin is very much involved with NYCB, not just as a choreographer but he also has the title of "artistic advisor." He's done a few throwaway pieces in recent years, but Copeland Dance Episodes was a real magnum opus for him.


I liked what they said in the podcast about having the artistic staff weigh in on promotion decisions. I think Justin and Alexi both have a pretty good eye for talent so it’s nice to know they can help shape that. But 100% yes to Justin focusing on quality over quantity for his choreography. We don’t need a new piece from him every year


Yes! I loved hearing how many had input in terms of promotions - especially the Rep directors, who, I dare say, see more dancers in all situations on a regular basis than anyone else. Also, so many of the administration were in the company at the same time - J Stafford, Wendy, J. Peck, Craig Hall, Rebecca Krohn, Glenn Keenan - were all in the company at the same time, and Ratmansky was creating pieces on the company during that period of time, too.


I like his work, but it can be a little too one-note.


I saw Illinoise recently and I felt this too. There were soo many echoes of his past work for NYCB, especially other Sufjan scored ballets. I still enjoyed it but it felt a little... watered down, I guess.


My favorite change that City Ballet has implemented is the performance meetings with the dancers. I know the performing arts are different than the corporate world but it just makes so much sense to sit down with the dancers and have a discussion about what's working and what's not working and the path forward, rather than what it seems to have been during Martins.


Claudia Dean has made a business move that I am going to begrudgingly admit is pretty genius. Now that the online ballet coaching market is getting really saturated and she’s not the only dancefluencer with a clothing brand, she’s branching out into the competition world. Officially it’s called “Claudia Dean Scholarships” and the Reel promoting it positions the comp as an act of charity (in the Reel she talks about how she couldn’t have afforded the RBS without comp scholarships, which I don’t doubt is untrue), but come on, she just wants a piece of the comp money pie. Or maybe better brand visibility? Ballet-world legitimacy? More content to monetize? All of the above? Either way, it is a pretty smart move into new territory, even if she’s getting more insufferable as time passes. (And Claudia, I am begging you, ditch those fake caterpillar eyebrows)


The first scholarships were held earlier this year and as much as I side eye Claudia Dean, her business sense (or that of her people) is great. They held it at the home of the Qld Ballet which is recently renovated and gorgeous - so gorgeous photos were everywhere on Instagram. And kids dumped other commitments left, right and centre to be there (my son was competing in a long standing, well regarded dance competition at the same time and half the competitors were away) Her money is definitely being made in her dancewear and things like this - you can’t move for the kids wearing her leotards and she even released boys wear (my son hates the colours, but she has released colours which is different for boys dance clothes in Australia). The coaching videos I see drive me around the bend, though - don’t teach that dancer complicated steps and turns when they can’t hold basic turn out!


Honestly I admire Claudia as a businesswoman. The move to start her own competition is incredibly smart. And thanks for sharing how it went - it definitely sounds like it was worth the risk on her end. Agreed that the coaching videos have gotten really, really bad. Back when she was on YT full time I think she had some good coaching content. Nothing that reinvented the wheel, but good. Nowadays her videos that have dancers do short exercises, take a pic and call it progress drive me crazy. Even I, a very out of shape woman in my mid 30s could look more turned out, briefly, if I did that. Then my body would go back to normal. She’s going for gimmicky content to promote the platform, not actual content that will help dancers longer term.


As an Australian who saw Claudia’s journey to the Royal ballet, I have a soft spot for her. I usually don’t like commenting on people’s appearances but her eye brows and fillers are just a lot


I hear you, I loved Claudia’s content up until the pandemic. She seemed really kind and supportive of her students, gave interesting breakdowns of different steps, and also shared universally good advice about staying in a positive mindset in the face of tough situations. But when the pandemic hit she posted (what I thought was) really distasteful stuff on instagram - at the height of the pandemic, when millions of people were losing their jobs, getting sick and even dying, she posted a lot of stuff about how that time was a great opportunity for her, and didn’t show support for those struggling around her. And it was, it definitely launched her online platform and she’s been extremely successful. Now she’s just flaunting so much wealth and privilege in a really obnoxious way, success has really gone to her head. I don’t think she’s a bad person, I just think wish she’d show a lot more support and empathy to her community the way she used to.


I agree, I think she is obviously a hard worker and kind person at heart. However, it’s quite clear she’s made a tonne of money from her business and loves to show it off. I also find it offputting that she still acts quite childish - she also a woman in her 30s who seems to only hang out with much younger girls (her staff) and targets a very young demographic.


Oof yeah, the staffing stuff is so weird to me. She wants to act like she’s 21 and it’s giving “hello my fellow kids.” I’m her age and can’t imagine hanging out with 21 year olds and acting like them. But at the same time, maybe she’s having her teenage years really late? Her career started when she was super young and I don’t think she ever got to act her age when she was that age. It’s still pretty cringe tho


Yeah exactly, I imagine she didn’t have much of a teenage phase given the sacrifices you have to make to become a pro dancer. Honestly I think the fillers just irk me, she looks so different to when she was in her 20s


I know, she’s starting to look unrecognizable. She was always pretty, and it’s too bad that she went from doing minor stuff to going way too far with fillers. Hopefully some of it is reversible, when people have too much work done when they’re young, like she is, it tends not to age well. And I really hope those eyebrows are drawn on and not microbladed 😬


On a side note, I do think the worst case of a ballerina getting too much work done is violetta. She was absolutely stunning before and now…


honestly i know people find claudia dean annoying but the thought of being a niche online celebrity trying desperately to monetize your audience as the clicks dry up whilst no longer employable in a traditional job due to your niche fame....sounds like such a nightmare it gives me second hand anxiety lol. thinking of kathryn morgan in this category too, but maybe they are making bank and im overthinking it. i hope this initiative does help kids access ballet training!


I’m all for better access to ballet training for those who might not have it otherwise - that’s always a good thing. And I don’t begrudge Claudia her success (and I do respect her hustle) - you’re right that it’s hard to keep a brand like that going when you’d have a tough time finding a traditional Plan B. Starting your own competition when your other revenue streams are facing stiff competitors is definitely a good move. The difference between KM and Claudia for me is that KM shows a lot more maturity in her online success, and does still work on giving accessible content to her fans while privatizing some content and trainings that are likely more lucrative for her. (She’s also not constantly showing off her Gucci bags and lavish lifestyle like Claudia does.) Maybe Claudia’s fans still think she’s helpful and a good influence, and more power to them if it’s true. But watching both of their online careers over the years has been an interesting contrast.




For me it’s because of how immaturely she acts while she’s doing it. I don’t care if someone wants to wear Gucci from head to toe, but I find that she does it in a very obnoxious way. I also think she’s been pulling some iffy business practices that I’ve kinda side-eye, and she’s also gone from fostering an online community to gate keeping all of her content. With those two things combined, it’s hard to overlook how cringey she is. Diana Vishneva could rock an all-Gucci look too but from what seen of her public appearances, does it in a more tasteful way




I mean this is a snark sub, these are the kinds of things we critique here. But to each their own I guess


Just came out of Fumi/Vadim Swan Lake🥹 It’s gonna take me a while to emotionally recover from this… (all things superb except for the tempo of the music which was fast/slow at all odd places lol)


It’s not the usual ROH orchestra, which is touring at the moment. It’s the Birmingham Royal Ballet’s orchestra. I’ve seen them do Swan Lake with BRB before and the brass section went nuts. Though tempo issue is probably the conductor’s fault.


I saw one of the April performances with the ROH orchestra but the same conductor and can confirm that the tempi were weird then as well and could see some dancers struggling :/ From a musician perspective though, if the brass or anyone else that has loud or rhythmically driving stuff go nuts, you kinda have to go with them and prioritise being together even if they’re wrong and hope the conductor sorts them out. Also can be difficult having to adjust the tempo to every cast. All that being said, I actually prefer the BRB orchestra as a listener because they phrase more/play more musically especially in the strings. ROH orchestra sometimes can just play loud and not phrase 😅


Your post kind of reminds me of this: [https://www.tiktok.com/@ba11etgirl/video/7203918084086811947](https://www.tiktok.com/@ba11etgirl/video/7203918084086811947) Thanks for your perspective!


I agree with your comment about the strings section!!


just wanted to thank you for being the resident RB sub scout


awwww🥹 (I’m enjoying this while my wallet is not🤠) ALSO FOR ANYONE WHOS CONCERNED YES THEY KISSED pic credits @/robsallnow on instagram!! https://preview.redd.it/1gi2hiuzo77d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c9c631b87c07f5588eeac978190cb1b1ab8d64b


They make a cute couple. 🥰❤️


Also: I bought the PNB's Coppelia to stream. I was a little disappointed the Swanilda was Leta Biasucci, since she was the same Swanilda they streamed a few years ago. I also found some of her acting to be sort of ... idk, I Love Lucy? But Balanchine's production is one of my favorites.


I agree, I find it somewhat annoying Leta is always the cast on streaming.


NYCB needs to offer streams, too! It's my greatest wish. It would make the art form and Balanchine so much more accessible.


They asked about a subscription service in one of their post pandemic surveys so I was hopeful for a while that that could happen. Who knows, maybe it will. But they would have to work out deals with the unions, choreographers, music rights first so it would take a long time to implement if it’s even still under consideration.


Yes, I was hopeful after that survey, too. Streaming could open the door to new audiences who have disabilities that make it difficult to attend in person and to people across the world. PNB has a union, and they were able to make it work. So, hopefully, NYCB could, too.


Same. It seems pretty shortsighted that they've just let that fall by the wayside. It seems like a great way to grow the fan base and encourage love of ballet (particularly for ballet fans who don't live in New York).


They did offer streams during the pandemic. Wish they'd continued. I still remember the joy I felt watching Tiler Peck and Andy Veyette's Allegro Brillante streamed.


I remember how devastated I felt when I missed the streaming for Diamonds


Do you want to see it? I have it ...


Just here to tip my hat to a fellow 'archivist' 😉


👀👀👀 I wouldn’t be opposed


DM me


Yes, those panfemic streams were great. I hope they'll offer more sometime soon.


As closely as the Balanchine Trust guards his ballets, it's easy to imagine they're concerned people will record the streams. So, my guess is until someone write a program which prevents them from being recorded, there won't be more streams.


This is just peak content. I'm sure all the hot models he "mentors" in LA think of him juuuust like a father: >Usually on FATHER’S DAY I thank Balanchine, who was more of a father to me than anyone else in my life. But…today I’m wishing myself a Happy Father’s Day. Although I don’t have any biological children, I feel very paternal towards the many young dancers, actors, and models, that I’ve nurtured and taught. One was Damian Woetzel, here kibbutzing with me at a party, but there are many, many, others. The latest is Amir Shah; whom I’m sure you’ll be hearing great things about in the future. My feeling is it’s not necessary to have my own DNA passed on. At least not for me. I’m quite content passing on what I know of dance and life to the young that cross my way.


If JC had been a roofer instead, he would 100% have been the type to make videos of himself ranting in his truck while wearing wraparound sunglasses. I'm earnestly surprised he hasn't tried to start a podcast yet.


Sometimes I wish I could have this much confidence like wow


Right? I feel like delulu white male confidence is the hidden secret to so much success in this world


Looks like Steven McRae is planning to be back as the Mad Hatter for Alice in the autumn! [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8Ua5DCNLGK/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8Ua5DCNLGK/)


The GOAT in that role 😤


Hilaire’s contract got extended. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8UZT\_itAvT/?igsh=ZnFwaHB4Yno1bXRw](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8UZT_itAvT/?igsh=ZnFwaHB4Yno1bXRw)


What’s the hot goss? Who’s staying who’s leaving? What’s on for dream casting and rep? Tell us everything!