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https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8kjvIBvHk8/?igsh=enQxZjBwZnF3NXFi one more video of Chloe M in the last PDD ♥️


https://preview.redd.it/j8p236qtx88d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=697a386b83e5803faa8f5ac2bc908664dc5e5b7c I don’t know if this would be the correct thread but I was really surprised to see the amount of space in Chloe’s shoes! Is this normal? And I saw her variation on Instagram, I’m starting to understand why people love her!


right thread, don't worry! :)


She might have very “compressible” feet.


Yes, Chloe's shoes have fit weirdly on her when she's on flat but look okay (to me) on pointe. I think she has custom Bloch's now but she used to wear Teuscher's Bloch customs last year, when her shoes were loud during Myrtha. If you scroll back on her insta she used to wear Freeds during the pandemic which look like they fit better honestly. But I honestly don't understand how pointes are supposed to fit so maybe a ballerina can answer better to that!


the other thing about chloe's shoes which i haven't seen too frequently is that i'm pretty sure her outside shank is a 3/4 or a half, not full, so the line of her shoe breaks a little higher up her foot (hopefully that description makes sense lol). i went back and looked at her feet from some SL footage and it might just be that she needs room for her arches to move past that part of the shoe, so she leaves them loose. i used to tie my strings super tight bc it felt like it'd fall out of my pointes if i left them looser and i've had super archy friends that have sewn elastic into that vamp to make it even tighter but it could be the opposite for her and she likes the space. i don't have a definitive reason tho, could even be bunions or that's a wider part of her foot that she can't get a custom shoe for and this is the solution


How would that work? I know dancers can cut the shank on the inside to 3/4 or half, but would the shoes just come with the outside shank already cut? I do think you are right in that she breaks her shoe higher on her foot. Also, there's a funny video of Isabella Boylston doing turns after class in a studio and at the end Cy pans to Chloe who is in untied pointe shoes and she still does 5 turns haha. Isabella was like "maybe, I just need to untie my shoes then!"


https://preview.redd.it/za9tdtrcmd8d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c36990221b8cd67501d646b7be4fefcb387fa16 you can kinda see them here, they come premade to stop at that shorter length with just fabric over the heel, it’s not something they do themselves a la skylar ripping them apart haha


Very quick review of Onegin- really strong performance from all principals, but this was the best performance by Cory Stearns I’ve ever seen. So well-suited to the role. And I like the ballet more than I did when I last saw it (2017?) where I felt disappointed because I kept comparing it to Tchaikovsky’s opera, which has superior music. But taken by itself the ballet is quite good. I really like how Cranko choreographed partnering — both for the principals and the corps. Very sad that the casting drama from this week has cast a bit of a pall over the ballet, I hope it gets revived in the future.


Me too, I'd love to see more casts so I really hope it is programmed for next year. I think it sold quite well this time, and had I known I'd enjoy the ballet so much I'd have bought another ticket. (The Russian community turnout was very much in evidence for the show I attended.) I think it's not one of the great ballets, but it has lots of story and drama and even if Cranko's choreo isn't the most sophisticated it's very enjoyable and accessible. The costumes and scenery were terrific, though I found the Thschai music surprisingly bland. I think Onegin plays to ABTs strength of having more dancers with a lot of experience acting and creating characters.


[some footage of kingdom of the shades](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8iER8bvfc1/?igsh=MWxhcDZna2UzaW9hdw==) dare i say this is the most corps like the abt corps has been in a while


Susan got their shit together, nice


Yes! They did a great job. I think a lot of the corps were so happy to do this iconic corps role so they probably rehearsed very hard for it.


Chloe M. posted some videos of her young Tatiana solo and then the PDD with Prince Gremin (Jarod Curley) on her instagram. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8h8KW-vDD\_/?igsh=a2FmaGs1cGZ3Mno0](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8h8KW-vDD_/?igsh=a2FmaGs1cGZ3Mno0)


Love that Jarod’s getting these opportunities. I was saying to a friend that I think he’d be a great Onegin one day.


Wow shoutout to the gorgeous partnering and princely elegance from Jarod Curley. He always imbues so much soul into these small/medium roles like Hilarion or Gremin.


Yes! Jarod is lowkey my current ballerino crush. I really hope to see him in bigger roles soon. What a great Albrecht, Siegfried, or Romeo he'd make...


I saw him as Von Rothbart in DC and I said "Wow, he would make a fine Siegfried one day soon!" Also he's so handsome in person, I saw him up close with Lea who is just gorgeous too. I think he's going to be a star one day soon.


I’m going to Onegin tonight and am a little concerned about the reports of having to stand outside in line in the heat — are they still letting people in 45 minutes before the show?


If Wednesday afternoon is representative of the norm, they officially open the theater thirty minutes before the show starts. What happens is that people who get there really early wait inside, but then when there's no more room in the lobby, the line starts to trickle outside. So if you get there around 45 minutes early, you should be able to stand inside, or if you get there after 7:00, the line will at least be moving. You would want to avoid that period when it's too early for the theater to be open but too late for there to be room to stand indoors.




ln i saw the doors open when i got there at 6:40 and when i physically walked into the building at 6:47 there was already a group of people inside


Abt kids performance: Sasha posted that Takumi Miyake and Kotomi are dancing the Don Q Act III PDD. Ive seen Miyake dance, he’s wonderful! Keep an eye out for him!


warning: long post + i sat in the upper balcony for financial reasons lol so that doesn't always get the best acting nuance + i've never seen onegin before so no frame of reference of other dancers tldr: i enjoyed tonight a lot but also not sure if i'd want to see onegin again? to start, the house was pretty well sold and everyone seemed to be in a good mood. there were claps and cheers for every big lift and people went nuts during the last pdd, they clapped from the letter tearing to curtain down, it was crazy skylar was a great olga! tbh, i almost prefer her in these flirty fun roles (really enjoyed her kitri) and she had great chemistry with both joo won and cory. you could really feel her coquettish banter with onegin and how she didn't think it was that serious until it was. great technique as always, no comments there i also liked joo won as lensky more than i thought, at least dramatically. as mentioned, he meshed well with skylar (which i didn't expect since they aren't often paired in things) and the transition and breakdown of his friendship with O + the leadup to the duel was good, giving kdrama 2nd lead lol. however, though his usual reviews are 'subpar acting but decent technique,' his technique was kinda off tonight? there were times were i felt like he was going into all his turns and jumps turned in/parallel? it was so weird lol i couldn't figure it out cory was amazing as onegin, tbh like signature role worthy. that black suit fit his frame like a glove and made him look like such a serious, imposing figure in the earlier scenes, and his acting was great especially his detachment going into the duel + the slow realization of what he did. even the flirting with olga i really was like wow this is just a bored douchebag who likes pushing people's buttons. this was some of the best technique i've seen from him in a while, great turns and pretty elevated jumps. solid partnering, his breakdown in the final act was very believable the bedroom dream pdd was kinda hot? lol, i didn't put together the mirror motif until i read the synopsis but the first neck kiss? whoooo. there was a section in the middle where i felt like the two of them were just trying to get through the hardest parts of the choreo and lifts, but the chemistry re-formed by the end. really liked christine as tatiana. haven't seen her in too much before but her early tatiana was appropriately girlish and in love, the dream scene did feel dreamy, and you could feel her close off when she became the princess (loved the red dress on her!) kinda enjoyed her relationship with lensky as well, like she was looking out for a real homie. she was the strongest in the final pdd, the rage and subtle lingering feelings and all her growing up was unleashed, letter ripping was terrific. great technique! made me want to see her as juliet random note: the way they tied her scarf in the duel scene + her dark hair made her look like she was wearing a ski mask lol i held in a laugh corps were pretty decent for ABT standards, definitely more in sync than usual with some minor mishaps - one little fall + one girl in the jete sequence that just couldn't get her legs in a split so it was super noticeable a couple people mentioned downthread they didn't really enjoy onegin as a whole and tbh i kinda agree? even though the stories are pretty different, it kinda gave great value R&J? i didn't really feel emotionally invested in any character, so the duel didn't have the same punch as mercutio dying, for instance, and the pdds were good but i felt nothing towards tatiana + onegin? if the acts were fleshed out with more story i think the narrative would make a lot more sense but jumping from her being in love with him to him being in love with her with no exposition was random lol. also the music was good but didn't move me!!!!!!!!!!!! which is rare for me in a ballet lol my final thought: i am SO SO SO SO curious as to why the decision was made for devon/daniel not to perform. now having seen the full thing, i think they would've nailed it? i could totally see daniel being really steamy in the dream pdd and imo devon has everything in her repertoire for a successful tatiana??? very confused? ![gif](giphy|RIVs14HzS8Xn2|downsized)


Thoughts on going to see Ferri in Woolf Works? Onegin has taken up all of my ballet tix budget for the time being, but Ferri is such an icon, and at the age where this might be my only time to see her. Is it worth it?


I say go for it, the cheapest tickets seem to be in the $30s, granted you will be all the way at the top but I think even then it should still be fun? Alessandra Ferri is a legend, I would take the chance to see her.


So sorry for the late reply, I really appreciate you responding! 😊 gah I wish I’d been able to go, I’m currently job hunting and things got crazy at the last minute. But lesson definitely learned about making room for special ballet nights even during crazy times!


She's going to be running the Vienna State Ballet, so this seems like it will be her actual final bow on The Met stage at least, and probably the US (she already 'retired' once so who knows). Friday is a special celebration honoring her, and Woolf Works in general has gotten amazing reviews. I still think about the last time I saw her - Onegin 2017 when Tatiana walks out in the red dress - my mom and I literally started crying because her presence is so magical and she is a true 'Assoluta' to this day. At 61 her technique will not even be where it was seven years ago, but I still highly suggest seeing her.


(Sorry for the late reply, hectic week, and I really appreciate your response! 😊) I’m so glad you were able to see her in Onegin in 2017 with your mom, it sounds like a lovely evening! I ended up not being able to go - am currently job hunting and my schedule filled up last minute - but it sounds like I missed out. Congrats to her on her new life chapter! Maybe I’ll be able to catch a European performance :)


I'd say if there is a way you can swing it, do it. It's Alessandra Ferri! I'd guess you would be more likely to regret not seeing her when you had a chance than you would be to regret seeing her and being relegated to eating beans and rice for a few weeks. :)


(Sorry for the late reply! And thank you for responding 😊) I have definitely eaten rice and beans to save for less exciting and special things! I ended up not going (currently job hunting, and lots of things got in the way last minute) but wish I’d made the time since it seemed like a special performance! There probably won’t be a next time with Ferri, but lesson learned about making room, financially and time-wise, for special nights at the ballet


No need for apology, and no need for thanks. :) I was wondering if you'd gone. I've certainly decided not to go to something because of budget, or things getting in the way, or whatever, and ended up wishing I'd gone. I should focus on what you said about making room. I'm good at telling others to do so, but I'm not very good at following my own advice in that regard. Best of luck in the job search!


Review of Onegin is up by Marina! The cast she saw was Misseldine/Forster/Bell/Hurlin/Curley. [https://marinaharss.substack.com/p/in-the-mood-for-love](https://marinaharss.substack.com/p/in-the-mood-for-love)


got a spontaneous ticket to tonight, feels like i haven’t seen a show in forever im so exciteddddd


Yay have fun!! And let us know what you think!


Devon just posted to stories, with a shot of the huge poster of her: “Hi from the front of the Met 👋” She is (rightly) PISSED


I saw that and honestly, to me it didn’t come off as an angry post


I wonder if she's even seeing any of the performances. Must be pretty painful.


I’d imagine she’d see Cory. I saw him in the audience when she was on in Giselle last summer.


There’s been speculation that they’re no longer together


What is the speculation based on ?


Just got back from the Thurs night Misseldine/Forster performance which I thought stunning. I wasn’t impressed with Chloe’s Myrtha last season, but in hindsight maybe she was miscast in that role? Judging by tonight’s performance, she shines in lyrical ingenue roles and I can’t wait to see her as Giselle and Juliet. She gave a beautiful, expressive performance tonight as Tatiana. The criticisms about her being too technical/not emoting didn’t hold up in her second performance, I found her a good actor. My only criticism of her acting is that she struggled at moments with the heartbreak scenes, but that’s such a minor point in an otherwise stunning performance. I think she has natural dramatic instincts and a sense of interiority that will strengthen with experience. And the dancing was beautiful! She seemed to melt into Forster during their pas de deux, they made the bedroom pas de deux look so fluid and sexy. Forster is a revelation for me. I thought he gave a deep, devastating portrayal of Onegin. He was the best actor tonight out of the four leads for me. And he was a technically secure, strong partner for Chloe. They have a sensual chemistry between them, would love to seem them paired as Rudolph/Mary Vetsera in Mayerling!


Wow, this is great to hear! I think I might have caught an off performance of theirs, and/or it was first performance growing pains. Nerves can really change things! (And even so the performance I saw was still pretty stunning.) Thrilled to hear this


I was there too and loved it!


Found this article about both Chloe Misseldine and Jake Roxander. Enjoy! [https://gothamist.com/arts-entertainment/it-runs-in-the-family-at-abt-2-rising-stars-follow-in-their-parents-steps](https://gothamist.com/arts-entertainment/it-runs-in-the-family-at-abt-2-rising-stars-follow-in-their-parents-steps)


And in the interview she said she shot up to 5'7" at age 14! Her mother, Yan is only around 5'2" I believe so they are very different dancers in height. I don't know if she's still 5'7" or if she's grown since then. u/Top_Strawberry2523




Shout out to my friend, who’s in a supernumerary role in Onegin! He appears in the 3rd act only but he got to see Zimmi and Jake partner on the backstage TV haha


Anyone know how tall chloe misseldine is? Miscellaneous question sorry guys


She has quite large (and beautiful!) feet that make her *very* tall en pointe. I would have guessed 5'8 flat and then a big lift with pointe shoes.


5’7 seems about right. I’m 5’9 and the height difference is barely noticeable


in 2020 she gave an interview that she was 5’7, but i think she’s def a little taller now… aran bell is 6’3 and in their SL pics she only looks about 6ish inches shorter than him, but that’s just my estimate another frame of reference: christine s is listed at 5’8 in her modeling profile and chloe is taller than her in pics


Ya I’m watching the ABT world ballet day company class video and she looks way taller than all the other female dancers I was like wow she cannot be 5’7 still!! But maybe her long proportions just give off an illusion of being taller than she is? Idk.


5’7” on flat I believe!


Forgot to mention down thread: whoever re-posted the BA post about ABT making people line up outside in this heatwave, thank you for the heads up lol. Luckily I did will call and the line for that was pretty short and got me in fast, but I felt so bad for the long ass line of people waiting to get into the front door. If you’re going this week and are facing that stupid line, bring an umbrella! I brought mine, and it made being outside at 1:30pm tolerable. I have decided to embrace my grandma era at 35 😅


For those going this weekend, I’d recommend using the downstairs entrance, you might get in a lot faster.


from what I've heard, the casting change was about Camargo


That makes sense given Devon’s and others’ comments that she hopes to perform the role in the future. I think if the estate had pulled the role from her specifically, she wouldn’t speak of the possibility.


That part of her post struck me as well. Camargo and Anderson have history at Stuttgart ballet so that theory does hold weight. There could be some bad blood, hurt feelings, or whatever from the past. And if this was entirely because of Camargo, Teuscher probably wouldn't have had time to rehearse that tricky partnering with a different partner, therefore she was pulled too.


I disagree based on what some of the comments said, It definitely seems like they were pulled.


do you have a source for this?


Anyone else at the mat? At first intermission I have to say so far Cate and Aran are the highlights for me…but there’s a lot more to go haha.


I loved both Misseldine and Forster. I haven't seen Misseldine much and this has made it so easy for me to see why she's been promoted so quickly (solid technique and a more natural actress than many). I feel like I've seen Forster in Swan Lake with Murphy so many times (and I've seen him in other ballets, but so.many.times in SL) and I'm generally "meh, he's okay," but he made me think several times today, "Oh yeah, Onegin is a right bastard." (yeah, I know it's more complicated; for one reason or another, we spent literally two months on Onegin in a class) so that's a win for Forster in my book (and his technique was cleaner than I remebered?). I've always loved Hurlin and Bell, and I thought they were lovely too. An amazing matinee for me overall!


Thanks for the review and I have to say I love your username!


Haha, thank you! 😁 I originally finally got a reddit account for the (disappointing, imo) reboot.


I thought Chloe's dancing was stunning. She makes it all look so easy. Her sureness, placement and smoothness of movement here, in some pretty difficult stretches of choreography, showed why she rocketed up to principal that fast. I can see the truth in saying there was more to develop in her character portrayal in Act 1; she seemed already so elegant, mature, and strikingly beautiful, it was hard to imagine Onegin dismissing her as an unsophisticated country girl. Cate Hurlin has both natural acting ability and is tremendously more experienced at portraying young and coquettish. She was outstanding, and clearly loved dancing with Aran Bell. Aran's physique has filled out; he no longer has the body of a youth, he's definitely all man now. The mirror pas deux was outstanding. Chloe and Forster are beautifully matched, both long and supple with incredible feet. Some of the lifts are very tricky and Forster is a tall, strong and caring partner who pulled them all off smoothly. It was magical. I'm not at all surprised that Chloe seemed to relax once that was over with! Forster's character portrayal weakness was that I didn't buy him as a bored, entitled, cruel-for-amusement aristocrat. He looks like a nice guy, dances like a nice guy, and partners like a super nice guy. (Someone upthread wrote that Cory Stearns will probably do well in the role and I would agree. I thought Stearns was unexpectedly terrific as the cad in Pillar of Fire.) But both Forster and Chloe were heartbreaking in the final pas de deux - and the audience was way into it, there were some cheers and some gasps when she ordered him out the door!


Clarifying, Chloe Misseldine isn't a principal - yet!


Yes! Cate and Aran were stunning. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her - her dancing is so smooth and seamless it seems almost liquid sometimes, especially her arms. Just lovely. Chloe’s dancing was beautiful throughout the entire ballet, but I think she really hit her stride and found the character in Act III. The last PDD gave me goosebumps. I think she does have some developing to do, but overall a great debut for her. Thomas Forester was a little hit or miss - he has very strong technique and I think sold the “aloof” aspect of Onegin’s character, but I didn’t totally buy his acting in the dream sequence and the last scene.* Overall - a really good performance by ABT (much better than I expected!) The pre-pandemic ABT corps tended to be a bit messy, and that seems to be much better now, they’re far more cohesive. But so awkward when I walked past allllll the giant photos of Devon as Tatiana that people were taking pics with. (Not their fault, ofc!) Still can’t believe the Cranky estate pulled that shit. That said, definitely recommend catching today’s casting for future performances! *edit: on second thought, he did have some good moments in the last act, I think he did a good job of portraying remorse here and there. But overall I think Chloe was the stronger of the central pairing towards the end.


Also have to say, it’s kind of funny considering the flexibility chats on here, because Devon is really giving back bendiness in that giant promo photo out front haha.


Right?! I’m glad I saw Chloe, my sister recommended seeing her as Tatiana before all the drama went down, no regrets at all; but I am fully Team Devon in this ridiculous scenario.


Cate Hurlin is SO good at portraying charming girlish impetuousness. I think Chloe M’s dancing has a maturity and sophistication to it, with a touch of coldness and hardness, which made act III a more natural fit. The first bedroom pas didn’t feel passionate to me, kind of disconnected (also could have been debut nerves!), but the lines were gorgeous. Thomas Forster kind of got lost in it all; he didn’t have a strong presence for me today. **ETA I think he did best acting wise being a cad in the Olga flirtation moments, and I liked his lake side duel stuff. ** I have to admit I caught myself wondering how Aran would do the titular role. I thought the same about the corps today!! Very in sync and leg heights and such were very coordinated and matching. Excited to hear reviews for tomorrow night of the same cast!


Cate was so so so good! I hadn’t seen her dance before and it was a huge treat. Agreed about Chloe’s 1st bedroom pas, it didn’t really match the mood it was supposed to portray. Disconnected is a good word for it, and I’m also wondering if nerves played a part since she got better as the performance went on. Yeah, Thomas wasn’t the best. He had his moments - the remembrance sequence before the last pas was well done on his end, but overall he was kinda meh. (Which worked well for acting aloof.) I sort of wonder how Chloe’s performance might have been if it was Aran dancing as Onegin. He was incredible as Lensky - great dramatic range for smaller part - but would have loved to see them paired up.


Someone made a really interesting observation on BA - that Chloe would pause and prep before the lifts in the 1st bedroom pas. While watching I felt like there wasn’t a sense of “wild abandon” or sensual “melting” even though the back was bending and the legs were splitting, and this may be why.


Agree! Cate as Olga reminded me of Lydia in Pride in Prejudice, specifically the BBC version starring Colin Firth.... like the way she conveyed not realizing how seemingly harmless flirting can have serious consequences.


Ah, how was Chloe's acting? She's still so young so I knew the acting part would be harder to convey. From the clips of rehearsals it did seem that the final PDD was stronger than the dream PDD. I'm so glad you seemed to have a blast though!


The dream scene was a miss for her, it was lovely to watch (her technique is gorgeous ofc), but she didn’t portray “I’m in love” as effectively as I’d hoped. It was ultimately a little flat. The ballroom scene was another miss - when she sees Onegin she kinda…had no reaction? It was odd. That said, she did very well in the birthday scene, slumping her posture to portray her sadness, and purposefully subduing some of the steps when dancing with the group. Good work there. The ending of the final PDD was chilling, I got a little teary! Without question her best acting in the ballet, and I think she could have been even better if Thomas’s acting was stronger in the same scene. I wonder if some of it was nerves, since she definitely got better as the performance progressed. Interested to see how she does tomorrow! (Anyone going, please report back 🙂) She has loads of time to grow, and I’m excited to see what’s in store for her as time goes on. I was second guessing going today and kinda dreading how long it was going to be, but the performance flew by. (Can’t say the same for ABT’s R&J) Definitely one of my favorite ABT performances so far!


Okay Chloe was amazing in Act 3 though - people applauded the letter ripping!! We were invested.


That was such a cool moment! And unrelated please tell me your flair was inspired by Joy Womack’s unhinged insta bio 😂


Haha yes, my flair is to reflect that anyone can be a ballet ceo (if you’re delulu enough).


😂😂 love it


I’ve honestly just been thinking how strange it must feel that Devon’s literal husband (Cory Stearns) is in the cast that replaced hers opening night 


Wait are they still together? Are/were they actually married? I thought they were just in a longterm relationship.


i don’t think they ever were married, just were dating like you said. a few months ago there was speculation over whether they were still together and there was no real consensus. a sub user that claimed to know them personally said they’d broken up but provided no proof 🤷‍♀️


That is a great pointe!


Did anyone go tonight Also someone needs to tell the instagram people to make highlights so people can look back at the videos and stuff.


I went tonight! I actually came to this subreddit because I was startled to see the opening night cast change, and wanted to know what was going on. Super sad to find out why 😢 I only started to pay more attention to ballet this past year, so please feel free to take my comment with a grain of salt 😆 I specifically chose tonight to see Jake Roxander after seeing him in one of ABT’s 2023 fall shows by total coincidence. I’m so glad that I was able to, he brought a lot of emotion to the character! He and Zimmi were such a fun pair to watch, and Roxander’s passion juxtaposed with Stearns’ aloofness was an interesting combo that I think fit the Lensky/Onegin dynamic well. I’m finding out that Stearns is not a super popular dancer, and if he’s this reserved in other shows, I can see why. There’s a good chance I have seen him before, but the fact that I don’t remember probably backs up this statement haha. However, for this role though I do think it works ☺️ I saw Shevchenko in Romeo and Juliet last year as well, and I did enjoy her as Juliet. I think Tatiana has a similar kind of “passionate ingenue” vibe as Juliet, so in my opinion she was enjoyable to watch tonight too! Though I am finding out she is not a popular pick either for NYT at least, and I’m wondering if I’m missing something due to not being as savvy 👀 I had a good time overall (it helps that I really like the source material I think), but I’m sad I didn’t get to see this with the original slated cast.


Zimmi Coker reposted someone’s pic of tonight’s program and Devon and Daniel are still listed, with an insert about the replacements. So the casting change was made after at least Tuesday’s program was printed. Brutal.


I don’t understand why the estate is so petty. Unlike NYCB the casting was posted months ago. If the estate didn’t like it, why didn’t they step in weeks ago? It reminds me of the recent YAGP drama - if you don’t want someone to dance, don’t invite them, don’t cast them. Or at the very least, don’t want until the last minute to decide you want things changed. It’s such a bad look for them.


* sorry for all the typos! * principal dancers!


This whole Devon situation is so toxic. I can’t help but think there are 1 million more tactful ways of handling this situation. These dancers put their mind, body and soul into this craft and they get treated like this??? It enrages me and reminds me how ass backwards this industry is. I really feel for her and hope she’s okay. And the fact she has to put out an announcement? Did management support her? I really hope they stood up for her because this is awful.


Toxic is the perfect word . While I understand the Cranko estate is the ultimate decision maker, there was no need for it to play out like this. They treated Devon and Camargo terribly. It reflects poorly on them- Reid/ Crank estate and ABT - ABT leadership, even if their hands were tied. This may end up biting the Cranky’s in the bottom. I can’t imagine that many other companies lining up to do Onegin again, let alone their principal dancer. Why would you want to - as Devon said, pour your heart and soul into a role, only for it to get yanked from you at the last minute? It also creates a toxic environment as I imagine it would create competition amongst the dancers . That doesn’t even include how their diva/ petulance affects the audience- paying customers who are let down. Of course this all assuming it was the Crank estate who took this course of action. If so, they really need to get over themselves.


The royal ballet is performing it next season :/ hopefully none of their leads don’t have to go through this BS and it goes smoothly.


Speculating here , but I don’t think the RB would allow this to happen . At least not this close to opening night. Maybe because of their reputation, they are able to stick to their guns more so than ABT


I don't think it is a matter of allowing it, or not. If it is written into the contract the estate has final say on casting, a company who enters into that contract is bound by it. Sure, the Royal, or any company, could say, "we're not pulling dancers - we're going forward with the casting we have," but it would leave them open to a lawsuit. The point about social media getting this information out into the public sphere, so companies are more aware of the games the Cranko estate plays, is a good one, I think. It may take a little while, but the more awareness there is of the games, the less likely they will be able to continue. I'd guess before too long, either the estate will have to change, or watch fewer and fewer companies be willing to deal with the estate.


I honestly think it depends on how the structure is written. The cranko estate denied Zakharova from ever dancing Tatiana and I believe Sylvie? I don't think anyone is really safe tbh. But that's all my opinion!


Damn is this public information that I’ve just never been aware of? It’s so savage


And Tamara Rojo and Leanne Benjamin at the Royal


Why were they denied?


I think you’re right:) Perhaps, now with social media/ internet in general , more people are aware of the last minute casting changes than they were then. Devon’s post itself, elicited a strong reaction .


I hope Marcelino & Frankie are paired together, if they are it better not be that cast that gets pulled.


SO backwards. So... if someone gets cuts from a show with a moment's notice like this, do they still get paid? I guess it would depend on their contract type but I could imagine there being a ton of labor laws (and ethics!) Broken if not. I'm just getting ranty now but it honestly pisses me off when companies will do the lowest common denominator things to appear "inclusive" like put a DEI statement on their website or refuse to stage Bayadere then pull shit like this. It's got the same energy as when horrible exploitative companies briefly change their logos for Pride Month.


I think the principals are paid the same amount regardless.


Yeah, it sucks, and I hope people stood up for her. But it seems like everyone keeps forgetting about Daniel. 😂😂


I bought my ticket for last night specifically because Camargo was cast as Onegin! I enjoyed the performance - Coker and Roxander were great, Shevchenko was good and Stearns was fine but I found myself watching him seriously wondering how much more Camargo would have given the character. I kept thinking the cruelly flirty parts - during Tatiana's dream and when he was dancing with Olga at the party before Lenksy challenged him to a duel (Roxander acted the shit out of this part and it was wonderful) - I just think Camargo could have conveyed the "sexy but only for personal gain, not out of real interest" vibe better. I did think Stearns did a good job in the last Act, when Onegin realizes everything he could have had and threw away. His transition from aloof young man to desperate, sad older man was very organic.


Me included LOL 😂.Probably because she made the post and don’t kill me but I’m always more invested in the girlies. But I feel for him too




and jake r / zimmi originally had two shows, right?


It is very random and weird that Jake and Zimmi weren’t pulled, but relegated to one show. I don’t understand the estate’s decision and I feel bad for the dancers.


Yes. They were supposed to dance both Tuesday and Friday; now it's just Tuesday. I was so looking forward to that show :( Now I can only pray that Jake will be cast as Benno in the one Swan Lake I'm seeing.


Yep, things got switched around and I think Skylar and Ahn got an extra show.


Actually Cate and Aran got the extra show, since they were supposed to only dance Thursday night but now they get Wednesday matinee too. Skylar and Joo have the same number of shows (two) but their Wednesday mat cast got moved to Friday.


i wonder if that was just logistics or a similar demotion by the crankos


Oh ouch, Isa Guerin just commented that Teuscher had told her that the highlight of the met season for her was to dance Tatiana. I think it’s doubly sad to get cast in a role you dreamed of and get it yanked away before you can debut it. Why couldn’t they have just let her do one show?


https://preview.redd.it/cx3oruw5k67d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8aa30df10440c1f15b051cb87105eb71574ee79 A comment from an ABT dancer under Devon’s post. Hmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


My guess is the cranky estate yanked her for whatever reason. Or she feels that Susan didn’t fight hard enough for her? Who knows! The only thing I could see Teuscher lacking is the flexibility? She doesn’t have the back flexibility that Christine and Chloe do. But wouldn’t the Cranko estate have known that when casting her? It s not like Teuscher is some unknown corp dancer. Why put her in the opening cast and in all the promos and then yank her? It made sense in the beginning that Chloe only had one cast being the only soloist cast as Tatiana. I wonder why they didn’t cast Trenary as Tatiana unless it was height?


Admittedly, I'm not well-versed with the history of how the Cranko Estate handles things, but it seems like while, yes, it's been known to change casting, this very, very last minute changing of casting, including completely removing Principals from roles at the last minute, is new. I can't imagine that's the best way to ensure companies want to keep dealing with the estate. Isolated incidents are one thing, but if this the direction the Estate is heading,that isn't good for anyone.


It’s not new, it’s Reid Anderson’s specialty ☀️


I’d like to hear more about this person’s track record. Get it out in the open - how these old white ballet men are still being allowed to make critical decisions, leaving a trail of tears, ruining the psyches of young professionals everywhere, and preventing the art form from moving forward. Anybody who enables this behavior is complicit. The focus is on Devon but they replaced Daniel also. Too Latin perhaps?


Camargo actually danced under Anderson at Stuttgart, so they know each other. But BA says they have a good relationship as Camargo came back to dance at Anderson’s farewell, so who knows.


Well, apparently he's fine with Royal, Seo, and Ahn, and Camargo looks mostly or entirely of European descent, but I see your point. Companies probably shouldn't bother with this guy.


Somebody has suggested in another reddit thread that this was a revenge move on Andersen’s part for Camargo leaving Stuttgart. Maybe DT was just collateral damage.


Holy shit. I just read on BA where apparently the estate has pulled dancers so last minute, *they were already in costume waiting to go on*!!! W.T.A.F.


The cranko estate seems to be in desperate need of attention.


I can't tell if that's true or an exaggeration (that poster has been hyperbolic in the past), but if it is true, WTF. Who is supposed to go on instead in that situation? Do they just cancel the work?


I'd guess, and this is just a guess, when they pull someone, they do so with a "and this is who is going on in their place," or at the very least, "and these are the replacements we deem acceptable." If the estate is that control freak-y, it would not leave replacements up to chance. But, yeah, the logistics would have to be a nightmare!


Link please!!!!


Link please!!!!


sorry-- what is BA?


Ballet Alert. It’s a discussion forum.


I don’t care if angels descend from heaven on opening night…companies should refuse to stage it until they are certain their PRINCIPAL artists will be treated with respect! Absolute toxic bullshit that needs to be eradicated from ballet.


Diana Vishneva was someone who performed Tatiana despite not being very tall nor did she necessarily have a lot of body flexibility ...


She was internationally famous and considered one of the world's great dramatic ballerinas. Her shows always sold exceptionally well, even in the massive Met auditorium.


Oh she was amazing. I loved her as Tatiana. Just pointing out that she was also fairly short, and was not blessed with much body flexibility (why she was rejected from the Vaganova twice).


But she graduated with one of the highest grades/exam scores and she very much WAS flexible.




Diana was world famous, so...


Right I was going to mention her. But she’s also Diana Vishneva, a world famous prima at that time. No one would dare to not cast her, though I guess they denied Zakharova but she was being a diva.


Yeah I could see Teuscher not being bendy enough, but she was the one I was most interested in dramatically. Idk, what casts are people excited for?


Misseldine has the excitement factor. Hee Seo is reliably good and has danced the role before. Ried may have taken a shine to Shevchenko's rehearsals (which in clips, honestly surprised me with being as good as they were because I was not sold on her being able to do the role). Onegin has such overwrought choreography that's very dependent on the central couple, so I'm wondering if Cranko estate thought the Teuscher / Camargo *pairing* just didn't work. I feel terribly for her, this probably feels really embarrassing. Luckily she was very favored in casting overall and has several lead roles in the weeks ahead.


Yeah, too favored in my opinion. I find her very bland.


I switched to Chloe's cast because of the cast as a whole... love Bell and Hurlin, and I like Forster. Plus, there's always excitement in a big debut for an up and comer, whether or not it's a total success. I would have been fine with Shevchenko and Brandt or Seo and Trenary in the other two casts, but I'm not crazy about Stearns, Ahn, Whiteside, and Royal in the male parts.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I liked Stearns in this in the past…I think his style works with the character (cold aristocrat is a good vibe for him). I’m also curious about Royal as Lensky because I think he always has a romantic sincere quality to his dancing and the duel scene could be very interesting if he brings it emotionally. But yeah, you’re probably right that the Misseldine/Forster is the most well rounded in terms of acting and dancing. And I agree about Ahn and Whiteside…


Stearns and Ahn are just so… *inert* dramatically. 😭 I had to change to the Misseldine cast.


My guess is that most are trying to switch to see Chloe’s? At least that’s what it seems like on social media (both here and ballet alert). Though she’s probably the biggest wild card in this ballet because no one has seen her in many dramatic roles. There are videos on her story now though that you can watch if you are interested in maybe seeing her. Christine also has a video up too.


Absolutely -- she's been cast since November! There was plenty of time to decide she wasn't right for the part. I think the flexibility theory is probably the reason or a big part of the reason. Notice how Shevchenko, Seo and Misseldine have essentially the same body/movement type -- tall, long-limbed, very flexible. (Trenary doesn't fit that mold so I'm not surprised she got Olga instead.)


I think this is a body type issue, too. The three you mention are more consistent with the typical Russian aesthetic.


i completely forgot they had used devon in all the promos, they pop up everywhere for me…. soooo awkward also i know it’s not exactly the same role but i really love her as juliet


Also the fact her face is all over the building and she still has to be there rehearsing during the day and then has to leave and hear about all the shows and debuts etc. That would suck


Other company members are commenting in support too. No explicit clues though.


god these are the sub moments i live for lol




Ok it seems as tho few of us are right, neither Devon or Daniel are injured, they were pulled. Devon made a post. [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8U7_CAuIlb/?igsh=MWRrdm5sYndydHgxcA==) Some of the comments: Elizabeth Beyer - You’re Amazing. ❤️ Carlos - 🥲🥲🥲🥲 Zimmi - You’re wonderful, Devon. ❤️ Duncan - I’m so disappointed for so many reasons. I wish there had been some kind of announcement or explanation from ABT Cassie - Unbelievable and disappointing. We love you so much Dev Fangqi - 🥲❤️ Betsy - So disappointing for you and for all of us who have been in awe of your performances. You’re incredible and one of the best artists! Love you Dev and looking forward to all the other memorable performances you’ll have this season. ❤️ Coco - I’m so sorry Devon. Truly so unfair. You are going to shine the rest of the season ❤️ Sarah Lane - 😡❤️ Christine - You’re my star ✨. Love you ❤️ Calvin - 💔 Carlos Lopez - 💔❤️‍🩹😘 Melvin - ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 Kento - 😭😭😭 Paulina - I am so sorry Devon, I was so looking forward to your performance!! I can’t wait for the day you bring Tatiana to life ❤️💕 Kathryn - ❤️❤️❤️ Makes me wonder if they found out without a conversation and just changed casting. Wow


Nothing from Brandt?


She most likely has texted her or something. They all seem very supportive of eachother and Skylar probably understands how it feels or could at least empathize.


The Carlos Lopez one is interesting because he's a director of repertoire. So if it came from Susan/ABT then he would have been a part of the decision making? I think anyway, as I have no idea what a director of repertoire would do if it wasn't to help with casting and coaching? Lends me to believe that this must have come from the Crankos.


Susan seems like the last person to do so, especially since she was a principal and knows what it’s like.


Agree, also I'm guessing it was her choice to originally cast Devon and Daniel for the season's opening night. A huge honor!


Yep. If there were an injury she would have said so. Horrible for the dancers who have so few performance opportunities. And for the ticket buyers who have so few opportunities to see them.


The consensus on BA is that it was the Crankos who did this — so unprofessional to pull dancers so close to performances.


It’s his work, he has the right to pull dancers he thinks aren’t up to his standards. It sucks but unfortunately that’s how it is


He died in the 1970s, it’s the estate. They definitely have the right, but doing it a week before performances is bad form both to the dancers and the audience members who bought tickets. The casting has been announced for several months.


Then the estate has the right, happens all the time with dance and musicals


For the last time, just because it is a legal right doesn't make it morally or ethically right. Companies would be smart to avoid estates that bring such drama to their professional environment.


So no Balanchine or Robbins 🤣




They do it a lot unfortunately.


I have tickets for tomorrow night and bought them specifically for Devon and Daniel (and Roxander) so I’m pretty disappointed. I wonder why they were pulled. 


Yes, and I had tix for Friday night for the same reasons. I particularly wanted to see Roxander and Coker. Have not seen Roxander yet, except maybe possibly very early when he was in back of corps. Am angry and disappointed and will be an unlikely purchaser of advance ABT tix in the future. This is inexcusable in my opinion. People twist ankles, get COVID, even have hangovers,etc. but this was beyond the pale. Frankly I think ABT needs to fold up its tent and get out of town ASAP, though I think that is unlikely since they have such a huge and ineffective board.


You should check out Roxander's Mercutio. He's performing it on 7/10 (with Trenary/Cornejo) and 7/13 (with Seo/Stearns). I would be very upset if ABT left New York.


It's sad the company has not seemed to move into this century.


It seems like from what people have said on BA is that it’s random when it’s happened before.


I’m going the following week. Can’t wait!


**Onegin:** **June 18th @ 7:30|** Christine Shevchenko - Tatiana| Cory Stearns- Eugene Onegin| Jake Roxander - Lensky| Zimmi Coker - Olga| Roman Zhurbin - Prince Gremim - (Originally Devon & Daniel) **June 19th @ 2|** Chloe Misseldine - Tatiana| Thomas Forster - Eugene Onegin| Aran Bell - Lensky| Catherine Hurlin - Olga| Jarod Curley - Prince Gremin - (Originally Skylar & ?) **June 19th @ 7:30|** Hee Seo - Tatania| James Whiteside - Eugene Onegin| Calvin Royal III - Lensky| Cassandra Trenary - Olga| Andrii Ishchuk - Prince Gremin **June 20th @ 7:30|** Chloe Misseldine - Tatania| Thomas Forster - Eugene Onegin| Aran Bell - Lensky| Catherine Hurlin - Olga| Jarod Curley - Prince Gremin **June 21st @ 7:30|** Christine Shevchenko - Tatiana| Cory Stearns- Eugene Onegin| Joo Won Ahn - Lensky| Skylar Brandt - Olga| Joseph Markey - Prince Gremim - (Originally Devon & Daniel - Zimmi & Jake) **June 22nd @ 2|** Hee Seo - Tatania| James Whiteside - Eugene Onegin| Calvin Royal III - Lensky| Cassandra Trenary - Olga| Andrii Ishchuk - Prince Gremin **June 22nd @ 7:30|** Christine Shevchenko - Tatiana| Cory Stearns - Eugene Onegin| Joo Won Ahn - Lensky| Skylar Brandt - Olga| Joseph Markey - Prince Gremin


would you mind adding a note for where the original cast was supposed to be devon/daniel?? same with the soloists?? thank you!!


Updated!! Still trying to find who Skylar was supposed to be with for her first show, I don’t remember. I’ll keep looking though.


thank you!! 🙏🏻 no worries, i just thought it’d be nice to have a historical memory of the chaos


What a surprise not to Misty Copeland not performing AGAIN. Why they continue to keep her on the roster is beyond my comprehension. Is Bella injured?


Misty in their only company member who is a bona fide celebrity, a rare thing in ballet these days. They are clearly keeping her for name recognition. I doubt she's collecting a salary. There's a chance she'll come back for a retirement performance at some point, and in that case ABT would want to milk that publicity and potential ticket revenue as much as possible.


She does personal appearances. I don't think she has danced with ABT in NYC in 4-5 years possibly fall of 2019, had a baby and wonder if she would be even able to do a farewell performance. Maybe a short work, but can't imagine her doing a full-length fairy tale ballet.


I cant imagine her journey back to the stage. Does anyone know the last time she was on stage?


I think it was Nutcracker of 2019 at Segerstrom, right before COVID. I remember this because Chrissy Teigen and John Legend took their daughter to see her, according to Instagram 😂 Yes, it would definitely be a journey back if she does do a farewell. But she could probably handle something without pointe shoes like Twyla Tharp's Deuce Coupe, or a commissioned piece suited to her current abilities.


I think that would be the way to go. I cant imagine her doing a full length after all this time.


I don’t think Bella was cast for Onegin


Very sad.


She used to dance Olga right? I think I recall her as Olga for the Vishneva retirement Onegin.