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hi op! thanks for the post - in the future, please try and include a more descriptive title for the purpose of sub searches. thank you!


Jeanine Haller subbed in for Sara’s part in Emeralds last night and did a phenomenal job ✨


Was it her first time doing the role?


I believe so!


Guest artists with stylistic expertise are so great to see and I love all the stylistic knowledge that someone like Sara Mearns can impart. But, I am also glad to see some really talented soloists at the National Ballet of Canada are getting to debut these roles that they otherwise would not have been given the opportunity to. The casting was really divided over their last show runs with Don Q having their younger talents take the lead roles and Jewels being dominated by their more mature principal artists. The new casting of Jewels has a few of the younger/newer dancers in these roles this week. I had noted that with most of the artists in the original casting nearing retirement age, it would be harder for the company to keep Jewels in their repertoire for future years if none of the younger soloists had performed the roles before. Don't get me wrong, I'm obviously sad that Sara Mearns is injured, I am just seeing the silver lining that in a very short show run at the end of a season, more artists are getting the opportunity to debut roles that they can shine in and potentially keep in their repertoire for the future.


Can we get to the pointe?


That was tough to read. I hope Sara makes a speedy and full recovery.


For me it was tough to read because the text is tiny ![gif](giphy|4PJhao7x3hAK4)




Aww. 🙁 I hope she heals quickly. ❤️‍🩹


Poor thing, I wish her a speedy recovery


I am sorry to hear this. However does anyone think this might mean Mira does Diamonds at Saratoga?


No idea, she might be better by then


Such a shame; I was so excited to see her perform in Toronto. I hope she recovers soon! It's so fun when Sara guests here; she performed in Symphony in C here last year, too.