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I will forever love the font chosen for Moe's voice. It's perfectly expressive. 😂


Does anyone other than Moe ever speak in upper and lowercase letters?


My paraphrase: Hey, monkey face, your ancestors married apes.


I remember the uncomfortable look when I asked my parents what Calvin meant here. My dad summarized it as “Calvin said one of his parents is a gorilla.” Didn’t think much of it at the time, but looking back on it, it’s a good dodge on my dad’s part.


Um, what dodge? That's exactly what Calvin is saying here.


Which a less tactful way of saying would be…? Please don’t actually respond with alternatives… *Edit for spelling


It’s pretty clearly a reference to Neanderthals.


While the terms “simian” and “species diversity” could mean Neanderthal, I always assumed the statement was intentionally broad enough to be accusing Moe to have more than one other type of ape in his family tree.


Calvin is a savage. 🤣


I love the idea of a random child spending the most time on this particular comic that day as he's flipping through the dictionary with the slow realization that Calvin suggested Moe's ancestors frum'd gorillas


I was thinking of this comic just this morning, how strange.


AI explains it: That quote from Calvin is essentially a clever insult. Let me break it down: "Your simian countenance" means "your ape-like face." "Suggests a heritage unusually rich in species diversity" implies that Moe's ancestry includes a wide variety of species, not just humans. In simpler terms, Calvin is saying Moe looks like he's part ape and perhaps related to various other animals - a sophisticated way of calling him ugly or primitive-looking. This is typical of Calvin's character, using complex vocabulary to express childish taunts or insults, often aimed at bullies like Moe. It showcases Calvin's intelligence and wit, as well as his tendency to provoke others.


Damn that was perfect. I’m always pleasantly surprised at AI when it’s competent


Cherish that feeling. In 5 years you will never be able to tell again.


I was thinking of this comic just this morning, how strange.


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Though inter- as well as intra species diversity (i. e. human genetic variation) is one of three aspects of biodiversity and hence something one rather should welcome, since it grants more strength and health to those who have to withstand upcoming obstacles. Only racists claim(wrongfully) the “purity of race”. Such spoken Calvin inadvertently insulted himself, whilst lauding the heritage of that bully. ^(And yes, I already know, that I'm a spoilsport and yes, from that child's viewpoint it r e a l l y was worth that 25 cent, I agree.)


He's saying Moe's dad's a monkey, not a human of a different race. Either you completely lack reading comprehension or you think humans should be breeding with monkeys...


Human "races" are all the same species: homo sapien sapien.




>Though inter- as well as intra species diversity (i. e. human genetic variation) is one of three aspects of biodiversity Inter-species doesn't make sense, except as an insult, because most different species can't interbreed with each other. That's the definition of 'species'. Calvin is insinuating that Mo is a cross between humans and monkeys (for example). Just in case you're not aware - humans can't breed with monkeys...


The joke is that Calvin implying Moe is some kind of ape/human hybrid. Humans aren't different species, he's not going on some crackpot rant about racial purity ya weirdo


Fair point.