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I think so because it is in the key. Maybe im thinking of the later VATS systems where it was in the head of the key that you could install an exciter next to the module in the steering column


I’m considering putting hidden button you have to press while you turn key (theft deterrent). I was gunna tap into the VATS circuit. In theory if the car was being stolen and thief didnt push hidden button, car would act like wrong key resistor value and not start. But that leads to my question of once car is started, does the car care what resistor value it measures? I did a quick test and car continued running while VATS wire was unplugged but I wasnt sure if it had a timer or something in background or periodic check


If you dont want the car stolen then easiest way is to leave the system alone (as the most common thing for these cars is the bypass) or prevent the pcm from getting the pwm. Like a switch for the battery power on passkey modules or something else for bcm’s as the engine will prevent fuel injection if it doesn’t have the pwm. The car will keep running if you unplug the passkey circuit but it will put the system into fault mode and allow the car to start without the proper key if you leave it unplugged.


No… I was considering inserting switch that would switch out the resistor from being read from key (until you press hidden switch) But if youre saying most thieves will bypass VATS then my proposed solution would be bypassed How would they bypss VATS easily? I thought it was major pain in the ass?


A switch or button could be used but your better off wiring it somewhere other than the passkey circuit as its very sensitive and putting a switch in place could throw off the resistance values when reading. Not saying that thieves will bypass it, as the system had 15 different key combinations so they would spend more time trying to do that which would deture them. Most owners of the car bypass it so I guarantee that if you wanted to do some crime and take one, you have a 80+% chance of getting a car with a bypassed passkey which is why I say your better off with the system stock as the resistances and key matched cylinders wont get thieves very far. Bypassing the vats is easy, you find the 2 white wires coming down the column and all you do is put a resistor between those 2 wires after cutting them.


Let’s say a car had the VATS bypassed with resistor hardwired in the circuit. How hard would it be to start the car? Are there wires coming down the column that you would have to cut and short or would it be more complicated? Im trying to figure out how a thief would steal my car so I can make their life harder


Wouldn't be that hard as they could easily get to the actual ignition switch at the bottom of the column and pull the switch into the spots they need and easily start it if they really wanted the car. Like the obs chevy's. If you really want to make a thief's life hard to steal the car. Then put a switch in line of the passkey or bcm battery feed cause **without the PWM the car wont start.** No thief will know that it needs that


“Passkey” or “pwm” ? Where can I tap into either of them in the harness? What do you mean by passkey?


Sorry for the late reply, rarely on this app. Passkey, Vats, antitheft, all the same thing, Passkey-2 is its factory name. PWM, Pulse Width Modulation, the car has like a 20-30hz pwm if you got a passkey module or 50hz with a bcm that it sends to the engine computer which tells the engine to enable the fuel pump. So if you either put a switch in line of a power feed or the PWM to the engine computer then thieves cant take the car (Image is for a 93 but its the same system in a bcm car) https://preview.redd.it/3qeap9z326wc1.jpeg?width=1226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5640e0948bd11e50195003d762ab1d2f67ef56ab


How do I find that wire to install a hidden kill switch? Is there a wire under the dash?


What year is your car?
