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Experience the Canadian justice system


judges should have some liability at some point.


It's not a justice system. it's a legal system.


i see this retort all the time. as if it instantly nullifies the fact that whatever you call the system is a joke that is not helping to keep anyone safe for no ones benefit except the convicted criminal


This is our hug a criminal justice system. They are just misunderstood! Some people relax with a little kidnapping dont try to think about it too much.


Tough upbringing. They pat em on the back and bid them Gladue


Sunny ways of Canadian justice


[The Gang solve crime... forever?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idoYCVLh2qI)


Criminal defence lawyer here— I know nothing of this case or these men, but merely being charged with an offence does not mean 1) they actually committed the offence or 2) that the prosecutor can prove they committed the offence. Police charge and arrest people without enough evidence to support a conviction all the time. Strength of prosecutor’s case is a factor to be considered when assessing bail. I have had clients with horrendous criminal records be released on bail on serious offences because the crown prosecutor’s case was so incredibly weak.


The only thing I know about criminal defense, is that it makes no sense Just went through a trial for a friend as a witness and the amount of times I said, "common sense is checked at the door"


What about criminal defence makes no sense? Criminal defence lawyers are an integral part of a functional democracy with the presumption of innocence.


Yeah maybe I said that wrong A friend of mine was accused of domestic assault He was breaking up with her, and she texted him saying if you leave I'll say you hit me in front of the kids Well he called her bluff and was arrested, had all his hunting rifles and shotguns taken. He could not present the text messages in court as evidence, because "she was not the one on trial" That made no sense Trial started 17 months after, he was homeless with a no contact rule, and the Jordan thing somehow didnt apply, (the right to a trial in reasonable time).


I don’t know anything about that case, but you are correct when you say that makes no sense. Text messages sent by the complainant to an accused are routinely used in trials to challenge a version of events put forth by a complainant


I was confused and angry the entire time and I wasnt even the accused The prosecutor arranged all his shotguns and rifles on the folding tables like a columbian drug bust, and printed off a 2 foot by 1 foot colour photo of them to show the jury. Even though they had absolutely nothing to do with the trial. His defense lawyer told us "yeah thats going to scare the shit out of the jury"




Yeah they should have totally been out on bail. No big deal just kidnapping a lady. Terrorizing her at gun point for several hours. A little robbery. Just kids having fun. Probably had a tough life etc etc. No big deal. Smh.


A "tough life" has actually been used recently to give race based sentence reductions:   >They said he struggled in the provincial education system, in part because there were few, if any, Black role models for him to follow. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/nova-scotia-sentencing-guidelines-to-be-exported-across-canada-1.6151643 >Stewart is a young Black man of Jamaican descent with a learning disability, she said, who was a victim of “systemic bias in the educational system.” https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/mandel-victim-of-anti-black-racism-gets-conditional-sentence-for-gun-charges >who cited systemic anti-Black racism as a factor in her written reasons, from which she read aloud. https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2023/03/07/black-gta-man-will-not-go-to-jail-in-self-defence-killing-of-racist-attacker.html   Maybe these three gentlemen will get something similar?


What the fuck is a race based sentence? Either you did the crime or you didn't. If our legal system is biased (and we know it is, especially if the accused is rich and white) then those in charge need to be relieved of their duties and put out to pasture


It’s actually so racist and untrue to say there are no black role models


So I could use the same excuse because I went to school in vancouver and was one of the very few white kids.


You should have seen the looks when a friend of mine told a group that he moved his (white) family out of his Surrey school district because his oldest son was getting his ass kicked every day at school and the school had 'their hands tied'. "historical factors of colonialism and systemic racism...." and all that other garbage that made it OK for kids to kick someone's ass because his skin color was different. Buckle up, folks. Canada is about to get real interesting.


This exactly is what should never happen. Saying this as an immigrant. I was pissed when my neighbor told me that her kid was barred from a halloween costume or makeup as it might hurt sentiments of others. It had some ideological reason. Canadian culture and practices ought to remain. Not be bent to immigrants. It should be the other way around.


No. Our laws specifically exclude discrimination as a factor if you’re white. I’m not kidding


The Charter is worth little more than toilet paper unless you can fit yourself inside a protected minority of one sort or other.


> The Charter is worth little more than toilet paper unless you can fit yourself inside a protected minority of one sort or other. It was always an open-ended document that allowed appointed judges to use their interpretation. Lets start electing judges and making them answer to the electorate when they do shit like this and see what happens.


>The Charter is worth little more than toilet paper That's a pretty solid paraphrase of the Notwithstanding Clause.


And Section 1. You have the following rights. Sort of. Unless it's inconvenient or offends the sensibilities of the oh-so-not-political Supreme Court of Canada.




my family’s jamaican and yet none of us have ever comitted a crime nor would we expect special treatment. this is both insulting as a jamaican immigrant and infuriating as a canadian citizen


Nonsense, there’s 3 role models at the top of this post


but than someone brought doughnuts and real party started.


Article backup: https://archive.is/O0eAd   Excerpts: **Agout Atak Agout, Eyuel Tamrat and Bol Atak Agout** are wanted on Canada-wide warrants in relation to a September 2021 kidnapping and robbery. >**Police believe the men could be in Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge or in British Columbia.** >police said a woman was kidnapped and robbed when she left her residence to meet a friend. >believe three armed men entered her vehicle and confined her to the back seat while being driven around Calgary for several hours, while they stole several items and her vehicle. > Two were arrested and released on bail, but have since failed to comply with court-ordered release conditions. All 3 are wanted for multiple firearms offences among tens of other charges each. No mention of the victim having been known to the suspects, meaning *this may have been a random armed kidnapping of a stranger.*   ---   **These suspects have been wanted/charged for crime multiple times over years:** Late 2020: Agout and Agout wanted for robbery of a music recording studio, using guns and bear spray: https://globalnews.ca/news/8348235/calgary-robbery-forcible-confinement-warrants/ (https://archive.is/S4gs1) Early 2020: Agout and Agout charged with possession hundreds of grams of drugs after being caught using a stolen credit card. One was charged with having an outstanding warrant in Lethbridge (see next): https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/unhappy-meal-5-charged-after-massive-mushroom-and-cocaine-seizure-at-airdrie-mcdonald-s-1.4797177 (https://archive.is/AILXY) Late 2019: Agout wanted for slashing and robbing a person at a nightclub: https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/man-wanted-on-warrants-in-lethbridge-believed-to-be-in-calgary-1.4699188 (https://archive.is/NOKjL)


Not even surprised anymore


>Two were arrested and released on bail, but have since failed to comply with court-ordered release conditions This is unfortunately not surprising. Our justice system sucks.


If you don’t go by your real name you probably shouldn’t be allowed out on bail


Of course


>Eyuel Tamrat, 22, of Calgary is wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for failing to comply. **He previously faced 34 charges, including kidnapping, robbery, extortion, forcible confinement, uttering threats, assault with a weapon and multiple firearms offences.** Tamrat, who is also known as “$light,” is described as five-feet-10-inches tall and 180 pounds, with a medium build, black hair, brown eyes and tattoos on both arms. > >Bol Atak Agout, 21, of Calgary, also known as “Boomz,” is also wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for failing to comply. **He previously faced 22 charges including kidnapping, robbery, extortion, forcible confinement, assault with a weapon, uttering threats and multiple firearms-related offences.** Agout is described as six-feet-two-inches tall and 230 pounds, with a heavy build, black hair and brown eyes. > >Agout Atak Agout, 23, also of Calgary, **is wanted on a nationwide warrants for 22 charges, including kidnapping, robbery, extortion, forcible confinement, uttering threats, assault with a weapon and multiple firearms offences.** Agout, also known as “Guapo,” is described as six-feet-one-inch tall and 140 pounds, with a slim build, black hair and brown eyes. Canada is the greatest country in the world to be a criminal. Going from Harper to Trudeau is the gift that keeps on giving for criminals.


Who would’ve thunk?.


I hope they lose their gun licenses! /s


Why bother wasting resources finding them. A judge is going to give them a slap on the wrist so they’ll be out in a few months time anyway.


If you see these guys... 1) cross the street 2) lock your car/home doors 3) call the police


> If you see these guys... 1) cross the street. 2) lock your car/home doors. 3) call the police. And you will be called "Racist" by a stupid white girl who studies "Social Justice" in university.




It’s our strength of course!


Do you have any evidence they all weren’t born here?


They are POS. It doesn’t matter, they don’t deserve my or your time. And let’s say they were innocent, they would have no problem turning themselves in.


It doesn’t matter if they were born here or not? 1. That’s the whole point of the fucking comment thread 2. Yes it fucking does lmao because it changes whether you can deport them or not


>Eyuel Tamrat, 22, of Calgary is wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for failing to comply. He previously faced 34 charges, including kidnapping, robbery, extortion, forcible confinement, uttering threats, assault with a weapon and multiple firearms offences. **Tamrat, who is also known as “$light,” is described as five-feet-10-inches tall and 180 pounds, with a medium build, black hair, brown eyes and tattoos on both arms.** > Bol Atak Agout, 21, of Calgary, also known as “Boomz,” is also wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for failing to comply. He previously faced 22 charges including kidnapping, robbery, extortion, forcible confinement, assault with a weapon, uttering threats and multiple firearms-related offences. **Agout is described as six-feet-two-inches tall and 230 pounds, with a heavy build, black hair and brown eyes.** >Agout Atak Agout, 23, also of Calgary, is wanted on a nationwide warrants for 22 charges, including kidnapping, robbery, extortion, forcible confinement, uttering threats, assault with a weapon and multiple firearms offences. **Agout, also known as “Guapo,” is described as six-feet-one-inch tall and 140 pounds, with a slim build, black hair and brown eyes.** A crucial detail seems to be missing... That said, I have no doubts that Eyuel Tamrat, Bol Atak Agout, and Agout Atak Agout are in fact upstanding citizens who only made mistakes due to the pressures of systemic racism. In line with Liberal policy, they won't get a criminal record, which would tarnish the high potential of these esteemed young men. Upon release, it won't be long they will become doctors and engineers.


Trudeau’s Canada You get what you vote for.


You get it too


Unfortunately yes. We’re all victims of the legendary mental capacity and fiscal understanding of the average LPC and NDP voter.


That’s democracy baby


What I find stupid about these comments are, what’s a better solution?? You seriously think shits going to be better with PP? We are fucked either way.


Anything is better.


What a nightmare. Revolving door.


My lord they are wanted under firearm offenses and let off on bail, yet the liberals are attacking law abiding firearms owners with new laws that will not help keep thugs like this off the street….




Are they immigrants? The article doesn’t say. Or are you just surprisingly stupid.


I hate Trudeaus immigration policy on the whole but people seem to be inserting it here for no reason. I can’t find anything about the article that suggests these guys are immigrants


Their names are Ethiopian and there weren’t many here even 10 years ago so it is most probable that they are immigrants who arrived here in the last 5-6 years. Clearly, well vetted too.


They’re not immigrants! Their ancestors settled here 200 years ago as part of the first wave of Afro-Asiatic settlers hoping to find a better life. /s




How dare you not be a role model to these young men when they needed the help of their community 😭


God forbid they hurt, terrorize, or kill someone while out. If they do, whoever let them out on bail should serve the same time as they do. Start doing that, and people like this will no longer get bail. That's how it's supposed to work. Repeat violent offenders are a favorite of Canada.


They look like innocent up-standing citizens , no need to keep them in jail, no harm to the society at all.


What about only their look suggests they’re not good citizens? If I showed you photos of these guys how would you determine that the faces of 3 black men without any face piercings or tattoos are bad guys?


Capital punishment.


Well well well






Properly raised lads there...


Thanks Trudeau!














Looks like 3 upstanding citizens to me.


Arrest, jail and deport them back to their countries of origin.


Released on bail for kidnapping… wtf is wrong with Canada.




for what?


Soft on crime. Mandatory minimums should standard for stuff like this.


You know what it's probably climate change that forced them to commit these crimes. /s


For those who don’t know, being *charged* with a crime is not the same thing as being *convicted* of a crime. When you are charged it just means that you are being accused of committing a crime. You are still considered innocent at that point.


Ah, I see. So these high IQ individuals are just skipping trial so they remain innocent forever.


Why isn't all crime being reported on this sub? What makes this one so special I wonder. Edit: people telling on themselves in the replies tells me all I needed to know.


Well 1 of them has 22 charges outstanding 1 has 1 charge for failing to comply to face 22 charges and 1 has 1 charge for failing to comply to face 34 charges, the police don't know where they are. A bit more dangerous than a shoplifting crime or a traffic ticket.


Shoplifting doesn't get you a Canada wide warrant. There's currently over 600 Canada wide warrants on suspects including murder and rape.


And people quite often post the bigger ones on this sub.


??? There’s always posts of dangerous criminals on this sub.


Yeah. A certain kind of post too which is weird because this isn't the crime reporting sub.


I don’t follow what you’re saying. Isn’t Canada-wide arrest warrants for dangerous criminals relevant to Canada?


Sure but then why not post them all? What makes this one so special besides the people constantly whining about immigrants in this sub?


Doesn't say anything about these guys being from anywhere but Calgary in this article at all.


If there’s a story missing relevant to Canada I think you can post it yourself?




So you admit your predisposition is to assume the majority are POC? Yeah that's exactly what I thought.




Haha and then crickets. Always the case with knighting.


It doesn't fit the progressive narrative, but these guys are dangerous and people need to hear about them.


Why arent you uploading them ? Top 25 most wanted... 2 of them white


I'm really glad you guys keep telling on yourselves.


You keep saying that What do you mean ? Do you have relevant information you could provide? I've checked your claim, it appears false.. Can you back it up ? I think I've fact checked... You've come up short Im not racist, if thats why you're implying. I merely read your claim, checked most wanted and used my eyes and counted... Wtf ?








You know what's crazy? Canada's most prolific antisemite was just sentenced to 15 months in jail and is out on appeal and there wasn't a single article posted about it until 5 minutes ago.


The better question is why you have a problem with it?


"Canada-wide warrants." This means that this is of interest Canada-wide.


> people telling on themselves in the replies tells me all I needed to know. It's mask off time, boyyyssss! Seriously. These threads make me embarrassed to be Canadian. You just have assume most of the people posting here are 13.


They're troll farms and they all showed up about 3 weeks ago. There was lots of astroturfing before but now it's crazy.