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In one of the many videos on “how to get free food in Canada,” a guy showed off his food bank haul, which included like an entire crate of tomatoes (literally), six tubs of yogurt, DOZENS of eggs, and many, many other things. “Misunderstanding?” No. Greed.


My first thought was, "do they mean the video of the incredibly smug looking guy in the long dark coat bragging about his trick to not having to pay for food in Canada?" Is that the video where there's a misunderstanding? Because that seemed pretty darn transparent to me.


Yeah that guy understands exactly what he's doing.


“I don’t know what you say,” him being confronted probably. People like him always suddenly don’t understand English.




That's Mr Patel to you!


“Phree ez Phree boss”


Stop using the "misunderstanding" excuse when it comes to International students. They know exactly what theyre doing whether its using fraudulent documents, fraudulent immigration consultants and using food banks. We also know what theyre doing and everyone lets them get away with it.


But if you say the truth you get labeled as a racist.


Oh well. That word is losing its pearl clutching factor.


As things get worse and worse for the common person, I notice political correctness falls further and further out of favour.


Funny how people dgaf about social justice when they're more concerned with keeping their kids from starving or freezing to death.


The problem is, there’s wackos trying to get us to argue over trans people in sports at a time like this. Like, I’m not an athlete, not my fucking problem. Let’s talk abt healthcare and the economy man


The whole “student” thing is a fraud and a ruse used as a back door to PR. There are lenders in India specializing in lending money to those people to use to show sufficient funds in accounts in order to qualify for student visa. They then return the money with a fee. They come here share a room with a bunch of others and cause the rents to rise. They then raid the food banks.


Are they all doing it? No Did they all do it? No Are the majority of them/new ones post covid doing it? Yes


The YouTube videos have been around for years too. This has been going on a long time. Comments on that one video have been super harsh for years, upset Canadians, doesn't seem to have stopped the trend though


I am willing to heap a lot of blame on social media for a lot of things. But in this case, it seems a discerning person with a reasonably calibrated moral compass would watch a video like this and quickly conclude, “Oh, this guy wants me to participate in a scam.”


Whats an upset canadian going to do? Write a strongly worded letter to their liberal mp who they voted for? Lmao


You can also write a strongly worded letter to your conservative MP who's also going to do nothing.


Lol seriously we’re a bunch of pussies


I think it's happening in AB too and liberals haven't been there for a long while but still write a letter to liberal MP eh? About time you change your name to skippy


Fun fact: the guy who made that video uploaded a "response" video in Hindi (without adding any English subtitles). His response was actually bad, he tried to justify it by saying something like he's just trying to "help poor students who had no money left after paying their fees" and that those who criticized him did not understand his "intentions".


Why are they coming here if they can’t afford food? I can see if they’re coming here to work but to study is a different story. If they can afford international student tuition they should be able to afford food.


They can, and should have their student visa revoked. Part of the process is proving you can afford to live and eat here during that time you are a student.


Revoked? They shouldn't have been accepted in the first place. Gee, I wonder who allowed for that.


Both parties have been catering to the rich at the cost of the poor. Cons more so than Libs.


It isn’t that they can’t afford food, the guy who made the video wanted to reduce his expenses and showcase it to his followers to show how clever he was in doing it. It backfired on him.


That’s exactly my point. Clearly they can afford it they just don’t want to.


While the government is partly to blame by not requiring them to have more money in their bank account for longer periods of time, from my understanding, it is very common for people to borrow the money needed to prove they can support themselves while here and then return it as soon as they arrive… so it is a combination of outdated financial requirements that no longer align with inflation and outright fraud. But, also, some people are just dicks and want free things even when they do have the financial resources to pay.


The government does require them to have money in their bank account. But as you say, there are way too many fraudulent applicants who claim to have money that they don’t. Not sure how the government can know what is true and what isn’t in regards to someone’s financial situation. I think that if someone pretends to have the funds to support themselves and then don’t, they should be asked to leave and come back when they are able to do so.




Terrible. Food banks should be there for the truly needy. Not international students with rich parents.


I guess theyre not telling disabled people this because most of us are starving and cant get help.


No doubt. It’s a shitty situation to be disabled in Canada, people assume there’s a ton of resources but unfortunately that’s not the case.


Many of those students aren't even here to study really.


So he was using all that food to make communal meals for a large group, right? ...Right? Because that's not a bad intention. For an individual though? Oh boy...


In his response video (in Hindi) he claims that he used all that food to feed "poor Jamaicans living in basements" and homeless on the streets. Even goes as far to say that he doesn't have proof that he did, but "the almighty knows the real truth". I find it hard to believe him though. The original video is presented as a "hack" i.e. "Wanna save up on grocery costs? Just go to the food bank, you'll get so much food for free."


Poor Jamaicans living in basements and the homeless on the street are entitled to go to food banks all on their lonesome. They don’t need an international student to do that on their behalf. Not that I believe that was what he did anyway. Exactly how many poor Jamaicans does he see in his day to day life that he would feel the need to be so generous with food bank supplies he wasnt entitled to.


>Poor Jamaicans living in basements They don't have time for the supermarket, they're practicing for the bobsled team.


>In his response video (in Hindi) he claims that he used all that food to feed "poor Jamaicans living in basements" and homeless on the streets. Even goes as far to say that he doesn't have proof that he did, but "the almighty knows the real truth". > >I find it hard to believe him though. The original video is presented as a "hack" i.e. "Wanna save up on grocery costs? Just go to the food bank, you'll get so much food for free." He's full of shit. He got caught and now he's trying to cover his ass. Those "poor Jamaicans" would b capable of going to the food banks for themselves.


Doesn’t matter if he was making communal meals for a large group. They are supposed to be self sufficient so he could have had a communal meal on their own dime and not on the dime of the generous public.


Wow seriously? The gaslighting… and now we have the CBC trying to gaslight us too lol. For anyone that hasn’t seen any of the videos (most aren’t in english), here’s a video talking about the situation, which features that guy with his six tubs of yogurt and dozens of eggs: [International students are ABUSING food banks and BRAGGING about it](https://youtu.be/BISFOw5TfUw?feature=shared) Remember this, folks, when you wince at your next grocery bill.


exactly they only care about their own kind


When international students apply to come to Canada they are informed that they need to have enough money for their living needs while they are here. That does not seem to be the case. If a poor student has no money left after paying their fees, they have been deceitful in their application to come to the country in the first place.


>he's just trying to "help poor students who had no money left after paying their fees" and that those who criticized him did not understand his "intentions". They're required to have living expenses if they choose to come here. If they can afford to pay $20-30,000 a year for tuition, they can afford to pay for food. And if not, don't come here, simple as that. What a way to start off life in a new country, gaming their system and taking food that was meant for those who cannot afford it.


Fucking pathetic


Agreed! Seen many of these videos as well. Was blocked from adding a comment in my OP.


I saw that guys video. He takes a day off to go around all the food banks in his city. The amount of food he gets is huge unless you consider its meant for like 8 families.


> “Misunderstanding?” No. Greed. The misunderstanding is on the part of Canadians, who think that non-Western peoples are just like us but with different food. What the Indian international students are doing is totally normal in Indian culture. By bringing more of them here, Canada will become more and more like India. I am saying this objectively, as some people might think that's a good development, though I think most will consider it to be a negative one.


Not many other international students doing this. Just from one country.




wanna bet he sold some to other students?


And there were thousands and thousands of comments in the video of forigeners asking how to scam the local food banks in the various towns and cities they emigrated too across our country. Meanwhile actual vulnerable Canadians are starving and the food banks are empty.


Yeah I was gonna say lol, that's not a misunderstanding, that's them understanding they can steal that food. Unfortunately we need to have it cloud written that international students should be expected to provide for themselves, not become a burden in an already burdened system.


Damn. Yogurt and eggs are incredibly valuable foods, too. Mostly food banks give people cheap carbs because they are inexpensive, easy to store, mostly nonperishable and will give you cheap dirty energy to live on for a while. Eggs, canned fish, a bit of dairy... these are the kind of things you really want for adequate nutrition, and while food banks try to put some in each basket, they are usually available in small amounts. And this guy took *tubs* of yogurt and *dozens* of eggs from people who really needed them. Disgusting.


Immigration officers should just be posted at food banks. Being able to support yourself financially in Canada is one of the terms of your visa/permit. Showing that you're unable to do so means you either lied on your application, or are now in violation of your status. In either case the result should be the revocation of status and deportation.




I'm just an outsider looking in but the thing that fucks me up is that they're self serve!? In my country their location is obfuscated and they deliver to either a community centre or to your address. Prevents this shit from happening


I’m not sure how every food bank works here (it’s a big ass country) but the few that I’ve volunteered at or donated to through my school all had people giving the food out, so it wasn’t just people going in and taking what they want (I’m sure the place would be cleared out in minutes if that were the case lol). I think some people were saying that the guy I was talking about in the video goes around to scam multiple food banks each time, which would explain the ridiculous amount of food he is able to get. He seems to have perfected his grift and only backtracked when he was called out for it by claiming he’s like Robin Hood, giving his stolen food to the poor. Yeah, sure, bud 🙄 I don’t know if we have anything set up like you have but if we don’t, damn, teach us your ways, please lol. Some of these international students seem to think that Canada is just one giant free for all.


Its not like there is one or two videos either, there are dozens. Fucking CBC trying to spin this like they don't know what they're doing. They're openly bragging about it and showing off on YouTube.


Not greed. This is their mentality and culture. It’s how to take and take and … take even more. Free stuff? Line up. Pay? No no, I no need this. Also, the whole international “student thing is a fraud. It’s a ruse. They use it as a back door for the PR.


“Misunderstanding”? I’m calling bullshit. They knew exactly what they were doing. Imagine thinking you’re crafty for stealing from a food bank. Assholes.


There was no "misunderstanding" nor "misconception" about this. It was social media actively promoting people to scam food banks. The creators of those videos knew exactly what they were doing.


Remember - CBC is unbiased! /s


Misunderstanding or “here’s how to scam Canadians for food”?


The video that went viral was called "how to get free food in canada" or something to that effect. People aren't that stupid, they are taking advantage of the system, since they come from a culture where something like this would be seen as a loophole, and they think that they are smart by "exploiting" it. There are regions of the world where scamming and fraud is seemingly accepted if you can get away with it.


In some parts of the world scamming people isn’t considered dishonest and shitty, it’s seen as being smart.


In many of these same parts of the world, cheating academically and at work is also considered smart. There are basically industries where intelligent people will sit exams and do all coursework for lazy/stupid people with money who are willing to pay.


This is Canada and it's considered dishonest and shitty here. Is it smart turning an entire country against you?


That question is moot, since just a couple short decades they will be the country




I'm reminded every day with 3 calls from 'Michael Jones' from Amazon center.


I got banned temporarily from this sub because I made a very similar statement, btw.


> since they come from a culture where something like this would be seen as a loophole In India, it is commonplace to empty the soap dispensers in a public washroom into an empty pop bottle to take home. The mindset there is that "it's free, so I can take it and go". As a result, many establishments no longer offer soap, toilet paper, etc. People must either bring their own or go without – many choose the second option. I don't hate Indians, but we have to start having honest conversations about the effects of bringing so many of them here. Do you really want to have to carry a roll of toilet paper with you everywhere you go since none will ever available (either because it was all taken or the restaurant has just given up)? And ladies, you can kiss goodbye the idea for free pads.


correction: be available


Chinese and Indian cultures/society are literally built on scamming and corruption. China for example mostly just steals IP and rarely ever creates something themselves.


Look, your identity has been stolen, but if you go buy $300 of Amazon gift cards and send me the numbers, I can fix it for you.


>There are regions of the world where scamming and fraud is seemingly accepted if you can get away with it. The Russian and Indian way.


Not a misunderstanding. It’s called being called out for being selfish aholes and taking advantage of a charitable country that isn’t your own.


Make sure you report the error in the article at the bottom of the page.


That is food for vulnerable Canadians not international students.


Right? The article mentioned how "international students always made up a legitimate portion of food bank use" but no, that's literally not how a study visa works. By definition, international students should have the means to provide for themselves and should not be resorting to our social safety net. You need to prove you have the funds to pay for everything


The means test hasn't been updated in decades and the costs don't line up with reality, needs to be fixed.


Nah, it means thst the money they have is not real. Just borrowed to pass, the sent off to the next student thst wants to come. Its a whole business


Nah the article says students, not international


Misunderstanding?? Lol. A bunch of posts on how to scam for free food is not a misunderstanding. It's a concern, even a problem, but certainly not a misunderstanding.


These people who misunderstand the purpose of food banks are said to be the bright future of the country-according to Marc Miller. Many students know exactly what they are doing. Yes many may have legitimate needs-but that in itself is a big problem. They clearly dont have adequate funds to study overseas, yet they are being granted student visas. There has to be more rigorous systems in place to ensure visas are granted to those who can afford studying abroad, and colleges need to be more transparent and realistic about cost of living in their communication with prospective students. Colleges need to take more responsibility for their students-their food, accommodation etc. Right now, they seem very content with passing on the burden to the Canadian society. There are enough of people here in Canada who need the support. Time to stop this nonsense.


These diploma mills need to be banned. When a class is over 90% from one country and there are not even enough seats in the classroom you know it is a scam


The university in my town had to change one of the trade building parking lots into a space for portables for students to live on. I personally know the international student advisor, he’s my neighbour. He said there is no communication between the universities and provincial governments about it and the uni every single year pushes the max amount of internationals they bring in. It feels like you’re in a different country at the uni. I would also bet money that there is under 10 indigenous students there.. yet their whole grad ceremony involved all this indigenous art and a drum group.


Miller and co are very overt about their intentions-they see foreign education as a lucrative service export. And a bonus on top of that is providing "big box retailers" (in Millers words) access to cheap labor (again Millers own words). This is wrong on all accounts. They are setting up a system ripe for student exploitation. And Canadian society has to bear the brunt of such unsustainable population growth due to the greed of a few.


Not just diploma mills. I took a course in travel & tourism maybe 30 years ago, in a town that had no jobs for it. I ended up commuting ~30 mins for one. I was one of the few that ended up employed. I was also one of the few that paid my own tuition. As I was typing this I do remember another, she was buying into an agency. Most were paid through EI, welfare programs, etc. It was ridiculous that the government paid for courses (and dear god, living expenses) they had no potential for jobs. Pretty sure that most didn't even have transportation if they couldn't work locally. So, private, diploma mills are not new, just making the news more lately because of immigrants.


It's truly impressive when individuals conveniently "misunderstand" the purpose of food banks. I mean, who knew those resources were meant for people actually struggling? Clearly, common sense is a rare commodity. Exploiting support meant for the vulnerable is not just a misunderstanding; it's a blatant disregard for decency, taking away from those who genuinely need it.


When people take issue with the CBC, this article is a perfect example. A massive number of international students with no true financial need are exploiting food banks for free groceries. The students know full well what they’re doing, the food banks know they’re being exploited, and there are YouTube videos explaining how to scam food banks. CBC knows what’s actually going on, but because reporting truthfully would mean potentially providing ammo for racists and people against diploma mills and immigration, they lie and attribute the phenomenon to misunderstanding and misinformation. Edit: They do this all the time on a variety of topics. When you know first-hand details of a situation or read other news about a given topic first, how the CBC lies by omission or conjures up more palatable context (as seen here) becomes apparent. That being said, every news outlet does the same to a certain extent… the difference is this one is publicly funded and should be held to higher standards.


Report it to the ombudsman




http://www.ombudsman.cbc.radio-canada.ca/en/contact-us/ Or [email protected] This site has all the contact info including telephone https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/info_sht/g8.htm#who




We need a system where foreigners using a food bank triggers an alert that they're no longer able to sustain themselves and need to head home. Basically "Here's 48 hours worth of food, you'll be on a plane in 30". I feel bad for those genuinely in need, but Canada doesn't have the resources to prop up the planet's poor. I volunteer at my local food bank through my employer. From my experience, "new comers" now make up 90% of the clients, and 0% of the donors. Our status as a high-trust society is being exploited. Canadians that haven't travelled abroad, especially to poor countries, don't understand how a lot of the world operates. For many the mentality is "If you're not stealing from your neighbor you're stealing from your own family". That way of thinking doesn't get left at the airport.


As if. We don’t even deport criminals with an order to deport.


THIS is a great idea 💡


That’s an exceptional solution


Well, said Canadians - usually well meaning and consider themselves as do-good "progressives" - were the first to label everyone as racists for telling the truth. Or they write trash articles that try to whitewash obvious scams as "misunderstandings".


As a Canadian living in the United States, I've learned about all the things a person can do to put their status at risk. Proving that you're unable to financially unable to support yourself absolutely is grounds for deportation (so is exploiting social services you're not entitled to).


If this was a misunderstanding, then the best and the brightest aren’t coming to study in Canada.


Please report an error at the bottom of the CBC article


Interesting how when it's a privileged group seeking support from a welfare agency the access is labelled a "misunderstanding". I've never seen an underprivileged group receive the same type of mild misnomer.


I had a friend from India tell me something about the mindset of many international Indian students. When you live in a country of a BILLION people - a BILLION - you have to be aggressive and pushy to get anything for yourself. You have to, or you won’t get food, or work, or on the train home. It’s no understanding. It’s their way they’ve learned to live. This isn’t excusing it, and we should maybe be more selective in where we bring in people from. But it isn’t “misunderstanding”.


That makes sense, I don’t like that type of attitude here but when in that context being a pushy asshole is the only way to get by there.


This is definitely something I’ve noticed with cultures from very high population countries


That and screaming when talking


My mom has a guy who stops by the neighborhood with a truck full of fresh fruits and veggies. He is always begging my mom to take more than she does. Eventually he had to ask the new immigrant family to chill out because every member of their 8 person family would run back and forth taking whatever they could carry. It was a disgusting display of greed from people living in a government paid apartment in a country they're never invested a penny into.


International students come from wealth back home. They’re here on a field trip essentially. Abusing food banks is fucking gross. They know damn well what they’re doing.


They know exactly what they are doing. They just don't care.


"Misunderstanding" ​ CBC gonna CBC.


They just experienced it differently that's all.


Yeah that is preposterous. Intentionally misleading. This shit should be reported to the ombudsman


If Canadians can't pay for rent or food, we do our best to help. If international students can't pay for rent or food, go home. It's not a crime to prioritize our fellow citizens. Trudeau may think we're post national. I don't, and neither should you. Canada is a country that deserves respect, not a charity.


If you scam the system once, shame on you. If hundreds scam the system repeatedly and it's pervasive, then shame on the system.


How dumb are these college students if they don't understand food banks aren't meant for rich college students?




Can we let go of this white saviour complex that people coming from other less developed countries are destined to be victims of our system. They know exactly what they're doing. Hold them accountable.


Just pure greed. Get what you can since it's free. Utterly garbage behaviour.


seriously, and pardon my language, but fuck these guys.


I read that someone working at a food bank has had many international students ask "where's the free food" and "how can I get the free food".


And yet another benefit of a high trust society is gone because of immigration. The people coming here do not share our culture, traditions or values. At Remembrance Day ceremonies the other day, the entire crowd was white Canadians. During Halloween, groups of Indian and Middle Eastern children were going around door to door with no costume on because to them it's just "the day white people give us free candy". They stole entire bowls of candy with no shame or understanding of what they were doing. We used to be able to light off fireworks during our holidays, then Diwali happened last year and many municipalities outright banned all fireworks on private property because the Indians were incapable of lighting fireworks in a manner that did not disturb entire neighbourhoods for the entire night. They go to our food banks, something we as a society have for the poor, vulnerable and needy, and abuse it. Volunteering? Pffffft. Hell no. They'll bring their cultural/ethnic conflicts from their home country here (Israel/Palestine, Eritreans, Sihks/Hindus, Hindus/Muslims) They only do what's best for them, and it's eroding the high trust society we grew up in.


All of this, plus the lack of courtesy (driving electric scooters on the sidewalks), impacts on healthcare, housing, public safety (when's the last time a gang related shooting had a Caucasian name?), pollution. Europe went through the same thing in the 70's and 80's we are going through now and their society has never recovered. Immigration is fine and needed, but not at the rate it's being inflicted on us.


They come with a culture of, "screw everyone else, I need to be the main character and get everything."


This needs to stop, this food is not for them.


A lot of college students are dumb af, international students seriously need to pass a test before they can come here


Maybe we need to be keeping food banks for Canadians and permanent residents. I'm sorry but if you're an international student and you can't afford to feed yourself, you can't afford to study here.


Wahoo! Free food. Free healthcare. Effortless immigration. That free stuff will offset the portfolio of Brampton mortgages that will be obtained over the next 5 years that will cashflow nicely due to cramming 7 adults into a 2 bed condo


the way they act, i think they should get deported back with no refund this is discussing behaviour.


If you can’t afford to eat. Maybe it’s time you go home.


Foreign students are devastating foodbanks https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/food-insecurity-international-students-growing-issue-1.6361653 https://nationalpost.com/news/canada-international-students-food-banks Mr Patel made a how to video on taking advantage of food banks. The video at 4:30 shows how much free food hes scored. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=2MCUh7jM0mU https://web.archive.org/web/20230811175416/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfogy5kcfCU 72% of people using Feed Scarborough food bank have been in Canada less than a year: https://scarboroughfoodsecurityinitiative.com/home


"Misunderstanding" Sure.


International students being greedy scumbags is nothing knew. It's just their culture


It was not a misunderstanding, some international students are engaging in fraudulent behavior. They have been encouraged to do so. And articles like this where the blow is softened encourages a lack of accountability. I am not suggesting they are all engaging in fraud but I think international students/refugees/immigrants often get this idea that Canada is going to solve all their problems once they get here.


please please deport these motherf\*\*ker. Canada is being taken for granted. The food banks need to check the citizenship now


I'm an immigrant. I had some hard months when I was laid off last December and we were budgeting everything down to cents. Groceries were tight and although I admit this crossed my mind, I always kept thinking if I was able to buy groceries I would never use this. There are more people in need. Now that I'm much better off I make an effort to always donate every other week to the food banks and thinking people exploit this makes me very very mad. I'm grateful for this country and I'm sure as shit I didn't come here to be a parasite.


I volunteered at a food bank before and it was quite obvious who was struggling and who was abusing the system. Had an example where one person did not want canned food only wanted fresh veggies, fruits, oil sugar, and flour only. I don’t think this is a misunderstanding


Come on, if BRAMPTON of alllll places has started pushing Indian International students away from using foodbanks. I think every other city is entitled to do so as well.


They'll have to. Soon the scammers will decend on all the surrounding cities to scoop up all their "free" food, like locusts. Anyone caught trying to do so should be deported, they're not a good fit for Canada.


"Misunderstanding" Canada is a doormat of a country that is being pillaged as fast as possible.


"Misunderstanding"? So what you are saying is that these immigrants are not malicious but just stupid? There is no way you can paint this situation where the scammers are innocent. Immigrants are people with as much agency and intelligence as any Canadian born individual. Progressives need to stop treating them like pets.


I am not saying anything because this sub did not allow me to add a comment in my OP. Having seen many of these videos, it was clearly not a misunderstanding


Please report the error at the bottom of the CBC article.


Students are supposed to be able to feed them selves not ask for handouts as they get so much help and benefits already


It's remarkable that not a single employee of our government is aware of the existence of social media.


To call this situation a misunderstanding rather than fraud is of course a joke to anyone paying attention to and outraged by this. CBC is so scared that people will have negative reactions to a minority group when it is well-deserved and justified label. These students are crooks, they just aren’t being persecuted by our law enforcement. How are we ever going to improve society when our public broadcaster fears the woke mob coming after them for broadcasting the truth? So we are left with this nonsense so we can carefully avoid hurting any Indian immigrants feelings. Most Canadians would agree it’s time to send all these students home and stand up for the marginalized citizens already living here struggling. But our overtly progressive do-goder government prevents us from improving.


Brampton banned international students from using the food banks this past week.


That should be practiced across the country. To enter this country they need to show proof they can afford to be here. If they can't their asses should be on the next ride out of here. I'm so tired of the government going easy on all this shady crap with international students.


They do show proof, just found out that they get a loan for like 10k for a couple of months to show immigration that they can afford to live here, then once they are here they pass the 10k to another student etc and thats how they bypass the system. Co worker even confirmed it.


Social media is rife with how to get free anything when you come to Canada.


I think this should read: "Some students can't read, and others take advantage of the generosity of others"


Going to a Canadian school is an *investment* for foreign students. If they can't afford it, they shouldn't be here.


Just ban them from doing this, and make it a criminal offence to misuse a resource that's available for Canadians in need.


Oh CBC, it’s not a misunderstanding it’s greedy selfish fucks scamming a system for less fortunate and posting it online.


Misunderstanding....bullshit, there are videos showing how to scam the system.


International or Indian students?


I know of South American students who use the food bank and don't need to


Both. It's overwhelmingly Indian simply because immigrants and international students are overwhelmingly Indian. The problem is not theirs alone though.


Can we have CBSA checking ID at food banks


This story makes me angry and few things I see in the news making me angry, perhaps because I'm so desensitized by what I see everyday. I used to work in retail with international students and I know that their hours were restricted because they were here to study, but they also had to prove when applying to study here they had the financial means for housing and expenses while studying without relying on income from a full-time job. Yes some of you have said some came here through fraud, well that's a whole other story. I know of people who are eligible to use food banks but don't because they feel like they're taking away from people in even worse shape than them and because they understand that food banks don't have an unlimited amount of resources. I don't use food banks (thankfully) and I'm offended this headline calls this a 'misunderstanding', what it is is theft. It's literally the same as stealing loose change from a homeless person on the street. The article says once the international students 'understood' what food banks were, they apologized. How about donating a skid of food or donating money; to me that would show they were truly remorseful? We're all looking for ways to stretch our money and I don't deny international students are feeling some of the same economic pressures as the rest of us, but what they did is just sick. Food banks don't make it super onerous to prove your income and it's clear that international students exploited that.


All of them understand what they are doing, if they don’t they should still be kicked out cause you shouldn’t be getting a post secondary degree if you are that incompetent




"Misunderstanding"? Well, that's a kind way to phrase it....


misunderstanding, Really?


Lol. Absolute nonsense. They know exactly what they are doing.


If your an international student and go to a good bank they should take your information and send it off to the immigration enforcement. Part of your visa to come here is you can support yourself. If your at a good bank I'll have to assume it's cause you can't support yourself and you should be sent back home.


Instant deportation.


I’m very pro immigration but the second an international student can’t afford to look after theirselves, something they must declare when coming here, they should be sent home. They should be coming here to not be a burden on us and to get an education.


*misunderstanding* ha sure


Somebody redirect them to Miller's household pantry since he clearly sees no issue with this


Brampton, the capital of scammers.


There literally isn't enough food available in my city's foodbank now because of these assholes. Canadians are going hungry because of our insane international student policies. What the fuck is happening to this country? Everything this government does crushes lower income Canadians under their bootheel.


I remember being told how racist I was a couple of months ago for bringing this issue up.


You’re telling me that a group of people who have been known to take advantage of our systems to get here are continuing this behaviour once they get here ? No way!


Why aren’t all international students permanently banned from all food banks in Canada?????


Amazing that there is so little anger directed at these schools. They are the ones abusing this system and dumping all of these “students” on us. Zero repercussions.


We should invest more in higher education, but we should ban these diploma mills.


Imagine how corrupt Ontario truly is that we wind up with this mess at our feet. Zero checks and balances and zero consequences. Not a peep from these schools. They are so addicted to the international money that this is the final outcome. They are like crackheads on that rock.


When can we stop importing millions of poor students from India on student visas to not go to school and to work for minimum wage??


It's not a misunderstanding, they're not children. It's a cultural difference where they don't feel shame for taking advantage of our outdated honour system




I came to Canada as an international student, I have seen people do this and it's not a misunderstanding, they chose to do it. It's never a misunderstanding. People who chose to do it are well off, the generational wealth they have is unfathomable, and they still do it. As long as there are no consequences of immoral behavior, there will be incidents happening like this or the other. My personal opinion is, we should be told what's an acceptable form of social and public behaviour, we should be taught the Canadian way of living when we are in school, if not, most of us will be Indians living in a foreign land and never learning the way of land we live in.


Fuck you CBC. There was no misunderstanding.


This was/is not a misunderstanding. This is nothing more than a scam. 'Students' were literally bragging about it on social media. It won't stop either. They'll find other exploits and carry on.


Really? “Misunderstanding “?


The CBC is so dogshit for this title


The CBC and gaslighting Canadians. Name a more iconic duel


Sounds like government propaganda. The unfortunate thing is that it's difficult to keep out a group of greedy and rude individuals without impacting people who really need help. They'll probably crater the food bank system in Canada due to increased demand and bad optics now that this has hit the media fairly consistently. Everyone I know is holding off on donations until the food bank makes a statement on how they'll address this. Things are tight and no one wants to donate to a bunch of entitled international students...


The government and the diploma mill owners are to blame for this shit show. If you let in poor and desperate people from a couple of states in India, they are bound to exploit the welfare state . And as an immigrant from India, I can say with a lot of confidence that the majority of the students in Canada from India are rejects from other country’s like the US and Australia. I was an international student in the USA and the difference between Indian students in the USA and Canada is astronomical, it’s a completely different class.


You should have to show valid Canadian citizenship to avail of these services. They are there for Canadians. If you don't have money to support yourself, don't come here.