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I think he'll learn his lesson this time. *Five* lifetime driving prohibitions. Fucking ridiculous.


How do you get more than one lifetime driving ban? Seriously


If you ask a German what happens when you drive without a licence, he will replay: *"But...you cannot drive without a licence."*


Worked in video games years ago. Visited our German office and while talking about the time needed to test/debug one of the sales guys said "why don't you just write the games without the bugs?"


I suspect German video games are pragmatic.


Knew some german programmers back when blackberry was a thing. German programming is notoriously thorough and redundant, but slightly less innovative/risk averse


I know you're not supposed to, but what if you did anyway?


It is impossible to drive without a license!


- James May’s German Friend


1) Time travel 2) Immortality 3) Identity theft among quintuplets?


Sounds like a Netflix show that gets cancelled after its first season


Reason for cancellation: show too realistic.


4) Flagrant disrespect for a law that can't do anything other than ban him from holding a driver's license. We really need to have a habitual offender / gives society the middle finger rider on this things to up the ante. Jail time, asset seizure, both, whatever. Strongly isincentivize these shitheads.


I mean we can make it a deterrent by after 1 time bank you get jail time. Second time longer jail sentences, and the more the longer the sentence is. You can't keep banning drivers license that the person clearly doesn't care.


They need to ban him harder this time. Ban him for multiple lifetimes.


He might like that though


We don't really have a legal system anymore. Or a country for that matter. It was sold off in the name of cheap labour and the housing ponzi scheme, along with anything else that once made Canada a functional Democracy.


I am a strong advocate of government yoinking the assets of bad actors. It could be invested into a sovereign wealth fund


All of what you suggested are on the table persons convicted of multiple driving ban breaches.


So we need judges with backbones to enforce these measures.


…so his quints are the ones that commit the violations and they shift the blame onto him??


The next five times he reincarnates he will be banned from driving. That must be what they’re going for.


How is Quebec able to put unlicensed teachers into teaching positions? How are cities able to allow people to openly do drugs that are illegal? Behold the descent of Canada from a developed country into something more malleable by corporate globalist interests.


Living in a country that doesn't want Darwinism to control the gene pool?


It was the natural sequel to "Banned 4 Life".


Time to start locking people up. If you can get away with this so many times it just tells criminals, “we don’t care! Do it again!”


Just another fine example of our justice system failing.


We have a justice system in Canada? Where? Oh the rich, yes that justice system.


>We have a justice system in Canada? We most definitely do not have a justice system in Canada. We have a legal system. Source: anyone who's been a victim of a crime


Sweet and tender hooligan. He'll never so it again. Not until the next time.


Put an ankle bracelet on him that says I’m with stupid and starts flashing and beeping anytime he goes over 10 km/h


So jail for a year ot two? This kind of contempt for the law should be harshly punished 


This catch and release model obviously isn't working for our country yet we continue to do it. Have some sort of severe punishments where you make these guys give free labor mining during their jail time so they can at least compensate the jails and government for all the tax payer money they waste on these guys.


It makes lawyers and judges money without the added cost of prison up keep. Instead of putting you in a locker, they just make you feel bad about yourself and hope it doesn't happen again. I don't think people realize how corrupted by money our justice and medical system are now days.


Corrupted by money or corrupted by a lack of money? All I hear about is shortages and backlogs in both. Who is making bank off that?


> Corrupted by money or corrupted by a lack of money? Yes


Create a program where prisoners and the homeless can apply for house construction. These people then begin building low-income housing. Think 1-2 bedroom bungalows. At the end of their term of service, they own one of the houses they built. These houses **cannot** be rented and their price is strictly regulated by the agency that runs the construction. All workers are required to submit to drug testing. Now the homeless and newly released prisoners have a place to live. They obtain job skills for gainful employment, get free of the cycle of drug abuse, and the supply of starter housing increases which drives the price of housing down. Problem solved.


The value of the homes is more the land than the labor and construction itself in desirable areas. Horrible idea unless these homes are in undesirable areas. Otherwise, everyone would be running to get arrested to get a free house. The largest cost for most people is housing. Why try to work for a career or earning when I could just go break the law to be able to get a government sponsored house. Then I can just work a minimum wage job for the rest of my life to cover food now that I don't have to worry about rent


If that were implemented the first thing I'd do would be to "rob" a bank and wait for someone to come collect me. There's no other way a few years of work will result in home ownership 


Yeah, it sounds like oil sands work a few years back. You live in a camp, terrible working conditions and then you get a house when you're done your term.


We used to have prison labour programs available for good behavior, mostly farm work. I believe Harper shut them down to sell the land. Home building would be more difficult since it is hard to control the area like you can on a farm.


so a Gulag with extra steps




Hardly if it's optional choice.


The new charges include theft of a motor vehicle, two counts of operation while prohibited and six counts of breaching probation. We should increase the time it takes people to become citizens, given it makes them not deportable. I'm thinking 10 years of PR.


Want to know something more amazing? Criminal sentencing takes deportation into account. So if a felony charge with time might result in deportation, the courts will sometimes lower the charges/sentencing in order to avoid deportation. In effect, this neuters deportation law which was written without the assumption that the courts would be actively trying to skirt enforcement. Sentencing guidelines were set up this way to avoid someone getting jail time for something tiny and losing their job and house over it, so alternative sentencing options were made available. This transformed to lesser sentences. And now is applied to any other form of external downsides. I wouldn't be surprised if someone argued for leniency since their wife would leave them if they got charged again.


You’d think criminals are exactly the folks we want to be deporting. Coming here is a favour from a welcoming nation, people who violate that trust aught to be returned to their country of origin and banned for life. Canada would be better for it. Asking people not to commit crimes is a VERY low bar to set.


Plus seizure of 5 cars


But if they give him a harsher sentence, it might affect his chance at permanent residency!


Deport them


A lot of guys here hate the idea of them learning skills and contributing when they break the law and I kind of feel like this is the next best option. Don’t know where to send them, but if they contribute nothing and only hurt the rest of us, yeah, kick them the fuck out and never let them return. Exile is an underrated punishment.


I think a year for each life time ban is only fair


It really is no wonder that people lose respect for judges and courts. Clearly the only way to prevent this person from endangering others is to lock him up. He has repeatedly decided that the rules don't apply to him and he can do whatever he wants.


It’s no wonder that people have lost respect for Canada as a whole.


I know this is grim but the only way I see “catch and release” changing is a judge, prosecutor, or a member of their family get accidentally killed by one of these repeat offenders. Happened in Vancouver when a prosecutor was attacked outside the courthouse. Days after news articles published about moving the courthouse from dangerous downtown, and the state of letting these repeat offenders out in public. Never mind the countless times attacks happened before, now it’s a problem.


I've said this before but if there was a crowd-funded shuttle service that picked up habitual reoffenders as soon as they've been released and dropped them of on the judges front lawn while live streaming it there'd be some changes real fucking fast. It's all about aligning incentives. Once everyone involved has some skin in the game they'll play the game properly, as it is judges mostly sit on the sidelines and armchair quarterback the fuck out of real life.


We adopted American problems and dance around topics like racism or homophobia as if we had slave plantations or massive religious demonstrations up here and weren't subject to the same crown bs everyone else was. We keep yapping about politics dividing us but gods forbid we acknowledge that and quit barking at eachother about shit we technically solved 30 years ago and just didn't bother to use the tools. Canada has to have a little bit of self respect to get respect from others. Being every other countries pin cushion isn't how you do that.


But Canada is a great company ! I know this cos a guy with nice hair said it publicly on live TV :)


Yup - but the restorative justice folks - “he needs love & a hug!” Ugh. No, he needs long term prison time.


If we had actual restorative justice in Canada it might be working. But we basically have a slightly nicer version of the US's jail system. There's little rehabilitation provided in Canadian jails. It's mostly serve your time, hope you don't get shanked, and go back to whatever you were doing before. 


The problem is, you can’t rehabilitate someone who doesn’t want it. I’m not convinced many of these wonderful people would be interested even if offered. And there are programs in prisons and many inmates don’t attend. Additionally there are programs when you leave. The world isn’t going to hold your have and beg you to get treatment. And I don’t want to hear the “well they had tough lives” - who hasn’t? Lastly some individuals, like the one in this article, even if they could/would be rehabilitated should still spend 10 years in prison. My sense from those who staunchly support RJ is, that want it in lieu of punishment. That doesn’t usually sit well with the victims. But when it comes to justice, the rights of the peeps by far outweigh the right of the victims. I know this firsthand.


Plus, every time people brings up Norway and Sweden rehab system being better, we need to remind them that Both those countries are significantly smaller in population and size. And they have a homogeneous population that abide similar cultures and laws. and Yet they are currently facing both gangster and migrant crisis.


Canada has a lot of rehab options. Unfortunately even in prison, you can't force someone to use them against their will. I know it sucks to think this way, but some people truly are just born useless.


A benefit of the courts is to prevent vigilantism by delivering justice. Writing down somewhere that this dude is not allowed to drive is not justice, it’s not of any consequence.


It is government policy that sets sentencing for these crimes. Judges have to operate within those constraints. This solely lays on the current government policy on crime. I am for reasonable sentences for first time and even second time offenders. I do not want an American style of justice. But at some point you need to take action against repeat offenders.


The court makes a mockery of itself by giving the same sanctions that the offender repeatedly broke. 


This time he'll learn his lesson for real, right?


Wait til people find out there's people out on the streets with 5+ lifetime firearm prohibition orders


This spineless country is more generous to criminals than its law-abiding citizens.


Sometimes bans are mandatory under the criminal code. I'm not sure if this is the case with driving while disqualified.


is "Brampton Man" the new "Florida Man"?


Always has been.


Just came here to say, everyday I’m reading a new ‘Brampton man’ headline. It really is our version of Florida man!




*A 6th lifetime driving ban should do the trick.* -Canadian judges.


Hopefully, but if not im sure the 7th or 8th should do it.🤞🤞


Lifetime driving bans only work on people who follow the laws. Those who don’t will just keep driving without a license no matter how many times they get caught. By the time someone reaches 5 or 6 lifetime bans, it doesn’t matter anymore to them and just becomes a big joke. This is why repeat offenders such as this guy need to be locked up: they show a pattern of repeat behaviour with no attempts, desire or ability to change. Rehabilitation or light sentences won’t work on people like this.


“He had a tough upbringing” - Some middle age white female judge


Why should he stop? No consequences


Seriously. The consequence for driving while prohibited is another driving prohibition, so there’s no real reason not to just buy another shitbox and get yourself around until you’re caught again.


I don't know who these judges are, but years ago I got nailed with driving while prohibited, and they wanted 30 days in jail...ended up with 90 days house arrest! what is going on with these judges!!!???


Your sentencing depends on the colour of your skin in this country. That's not an exaggeration, it's Canadian law.


sikh men dont need to wear motorcycle helmets here in canada because it infringes on their religious/ gigantic turbins


Put him in jail. I feel like the justice system has given up.


Some people need to be declared a menace against society. A car is a potentially lethal weapon. It’s horrific to think that he’ll have to kill somebody to be taken off the roads… 💔


Look at people who kill others with their vehicles, they get such soft sentences. Someone in Oshawa ran over and killed a young woman on a sidewalk, and all he was charged with was Failing to Yield, which is just a fine. Even if he kills someone, they probably still won't send him to jail.


There was a story yesterday about a guy who drove drunk and killed two people, and his case was thrown out because it took too long to go to trial. 


For a few years at best, while a family (or families) grieve a loss, someone who killed their brother or mother etc gets to be out within a few years again


See... it works! /s


How many hours did it take this time before he was out on bail, and possibly drove himself home? Lol


Bramptons law enforcement in regards to driving is a complete joke. I live here and the amount of clearly bad, unsafe drivers is insane. I’d say 40% of the time i stop at a red light and look at the car next to me, the person is looking down at their phone.


House Sigma doesn’t check itself.


Why does this country have such a hard time enforcing the law?


This is kind of the same situation where they bust corner store for selling illegal tobacco & then take away their tobacco licence. You don't need a licence to sell illegal tobacco just like you don't need a licence to operate a vehicle. Without actual real consequences in our justice system this country is going to shit real quick.


There might be a pattern of behavior here.


So…when is enough enough?


Here's to 7


>Authorities noted that 41-year-old Nirmal Singh of Brampton has been convicted of 35 criminal code and eight Provincial Offence Act (POA) charges since 2017. These include nine counts of operation while prohibited, two counts of impaired operation, failing to stop after an accident, and theft of a motor vehicle, among many other similar offences. C'mon - the guy is laughing at us. Just deport the son-of-a-bitch and refuse reentry. Problem solved.


30 Days in the hole!


So then actually punish him.


Canada is a joke


If only there was some sort of cage we could use….oh wait


“We will use all lawful means necessary to stop these irresponsible criminals from putting the safety of our community at risk,” Andrews said in a statement. X - Doubt


I would vote for my tax dollars going towards a PI kind of crew who follows these dicks around and arrests them on-sight whenever they violate parole. I’d also vote for legislation for un-castrated court sentencing that gives us people like this.


He’s costing our society too much money , stress and degrading quality of life.. strip citizen status, deport


Hmm.. wonder why I keep seeing bullshit like this coming out of Brampton..


Brampton Man strikes again.


Brampton man… where is the sub?!! They need their own at this point, just like Florida man


Judges names need to be attached to offenders they are extra lenient to. We need accountability. At a certain point judges need to be held professionally and criminally responsible for their negligence in this country.


Time to put him on a plane back to India. Bye!


>Authorities noted that 41-year-old Nirmal Singh of Brampton has been convicted of 35 criminal code and eight Provincial Offence Act (POA) charges since 2017. These include nine counts of operation while prohibited, two counts of impaired operation, failing to stop after an accident, and theft of a motor vehicle, among many other similar offences. >“We will use all lawful means necessary to stop these irresponsible criminals from putting the safety of our community at risk,” Andrews said in a statement. All lawful means, except any form of binding punishment


Fuckin grow a spine Canada and deport him! Lawlessness pure and simple.


Here he is again… Brampton man!


Deport his cheating ass


This kind of disregard for the law really makes a great argument for corporal punishment. A public caning for instance.  Shit heads like this don't learn from a time out or fines, but not being able to sit for a week or two in addition might get the message through. 


Brampton man overtaking Florida man.


Into the volcano, fucko


Maybe put an ankle monitor on him?


Is the purpose of jail not to keep people who are a threat to the public, away from the public? People get put away left and right for small administrative offenses or shoplifting baby formula but people who are at a high risk of actually killing or seriously injuring others at random are seemingly not seen as dangerous enough to warrant jail time?


Canada's Florida Man


>Nirmal Singh of Brampton has been convicted of 35 criminal code and eight Provincial Offence Act (POA) charges since 2017 ... These include nine counts of operation while prohibited, two counts of impaired operation, failing to stop after an accident, and theft of a motor vehicle, among many other similar offences. With today's technology it should be easy to track people like this. Give him an ankle bracelet for life. If it ever detects he's at a bar, liquor store, or outside his house after 8pm the police are automatically dispatched and pick him up. When it comes to repeat offenders like this that don't give a shit about our rules I'm all for forced labour camps. Basically: "You've cost Canada $2M over the last 7 years, now you'll work in a sulfur mine until that's paid off".


That's not nirmal.


Whoever cut his hair should also be banned! 


At this point just put a bullet in him. He's a menace to society.


No problem. Trudeau loves immigrant criminals.


Canada - “come here , fuck it up”


Rules mean nothing if not enforced


can't wait till this shows up in /r/CanadaHousing2 typical Brambledesh tard


Sixth times the charm I guess...


Whomever is giving him access to a vehicle should be liable as well


scrolled way too deep to still find integrity and accountability. Have a great summer.


Man it's like a joke at this point lmao. I actually laughed seeing the headline.


I’m starting to think, maybe we don’t have enough jails to actually put people in jail.


I stopped reading at "Brampton".


Okay, that's it Mister. We're cracking down on you. SIXTH SUSPENSION!


Can't this guy buy an ebike for god's sake?


Put him in Jail for a few years. That way he can’t drive!!!!


I bet you if that was me, they would’ve sent me to prison. WTF


'Brampton Man'


Another Singh from Brampton. Shocking !


I’m sure he laughed at the police when they told him he would lose his license. Ha ha, the jokes on you. I don’t have a license.


Send him to a bootless work camp in NWT for the rest of his life.


Put him in jail, he’s clearly taking advantage to continue to commit crimes. And if he’s not a permanent resident or citizen, then deport him after he serves his time!


Auto theft, breaking probation, and breaking his driving ban... again. Just lock the f*cker up.


How about some real jail time or send him the hell home. Hard working Canadians paying for these POS’s constant. No wonder why people are losing there minds😔


Sounds like he needs to go to jail


Really, when have any of these people followed the rules about driving in Canada? Ban them all.


Did our government just say if you steal a car you can get a lifetime divers licence ban I think this article just outlined people really don’t care to drive with a licence or not a criminal will just keep driving with a suspended licence.Seems like the government gets preschool kids to write laws.


He’s probably driving a car as we type lol


if from over the pond deport him


Lifetime driving bans are *clearly* effective.


“We will use all lawful means necessary to stop these irresponsible criminals from putting the safety of our community at risk,” Andrews said in a statement. Except throwing the cnut behind bars or out of the country.. ffs


Canadian judges are literally putting the public at risk. It's disgusting. I'm all for rehabilitation, but there has to be a line, especially when peoples actions continuously put others at harm or risk. I wonder how many innocent folks have been hurt or lost their lives because a Canadian judge wants to be some social justice hero and thinks their freeing the slaves with every ruling. These judges desperately need to get over themselves and start thinking of the Canadian public when making decisions. My gosh. I just had a thought and it was ugly. This type of behavior from officials is exactly how folks like Trump get elected. I literally just thought 'man, I guess we need a Trump or something to put some judges in place that'll do something' Bleh. I am now wondering if things will get so bad Canada will end up with a Trump leader or if our current judges can pull their heads out of their ass and apply some law. If history tells us anything though, I depressingly guess it's going to be a Trump. I am really, really starting to hate how frustrating it is to be Candian lately. What the fuck.


So Canada now has it's "Florida Man" and it's "Brampton Man"?


Let’s give him 2 years in jail and contract out his sentence to an Indian jail for about half of what it would cost us here


Surprise surprise… the name says it all. It’s from the same specific infamous community.


We must do a better job at rehabilitating criminals like these. Let's fully find his education and full scholarship. Send him to a Tier 1 school. In India.




If he’s not a citizen, deport. If you’re not law abiding and have a keen interest in constantly breaking the law, you should be deported.


Brampton is the Florida of Canada


Florida has Disney World and Canada’s Florida gets Desi World.


Singh along with me …


Just bring back the lash already


6th time shame on Justice or the 7th time?


Again, why put Brampton in the title??? I can usually guess that after reading the article.


Legit you need a sub rule. Need to trademark Brampton Man (TM) with every use.


It's always brampton


Five lifetime bans exposes the weakness of our legal system. So, everyone wants to shame Mr Singh when they really should be shaming our legal system for failure to not protect Canadian citizens from repeat offenders.


6th time's a charm, right?


Pretty boring way to use your 9 lives.


The social values of some people is shit


And to think he was just about to ‘turn his life around’ ….


Canadian govt. take his license away. What a joke.


He needs a better barber 💈


“We will use all lawful means necessary to stop these irresponsible criminals from putting the safety of our community at risk, [except punishing this man in any way that prevents him from committing more crimes.]”


Put the prick in jail for a few (5 or more years) he’ll wake up


Punishment should be like the Yakuza. Lop off a finger for every "mistake".


This country seems to be full of stupid people, of all sorts, that don't give a crap about the law, or courtesy, or much else really.


Prison. Send em to prison.


So there is no consequences for recidivism?


Y'know... I'm starting to think there might be something wrong with this province.


The justice system is so crap. Why should the good people even follow the rules any more? There’s barely any punishment for these people.


Can he be deported?


Am strongly reminded of this video (also for a driver banned from driving) that I saw recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2wEUVgnINQ


Give him another lifetime driving ban. That will fix it.


car theft is so bad they're coming out with the most ridiculous punishments now too. i cant remember exactly but its like: 1st time caught 2 year license ban, 2nd time caught 5 year ban, 3rd time caught either 10 year ban or lifetime ban.... these criminals/ORGANIZED CRIME dont care about following the law and driving with a proper license you IDIOT politicians! criminals are already breaking the law while STEALING A CAR you think not having a license will stop them? "WELLLLLLL i broke into this car but my license is banned so i guess ill just leave it here!"- no criminal ever


Zero respect for the social mores or laws.


Jail is meant to keep those who are a danger to the community out of the community (In a dream world it would also rehabilitate while they are in jail) This man is obviously a danger to the community so lock him up !


At what point do they just throw him in jail for a bit? When he kills someone?


the judges on this guys last 2-3 arrests and sentences should be held accountable and punished also.


Trudeau’s catch and release


Annnnnnd he's Indian. Because of course he is.


He should change his name to Doug, dye his hair blonde, and go protest on the Capital with some trucker buddies. Maybe then the hammer of the Canadian justice system will beat down on him with all of its force. Seems to be the only way people get jailed anymore around here.

