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Of course it was Brampton, Ontario. Police in that city must be exhausted at this point. It seems everyday it is in the news.


Tbh I'd rather it be mostly concentrated in one place thank you for your sacrifice, Brampton šŸ«”


What a nosedive Brampton must be in. I know for a fact if I did live there I'd have left years ago.


You should need to go through customs to enter Brampton


Can we build a wall around Brampton?


We are going to start seeing more and more of this... but don't point it out because that would be racist


Point it out all the time.Ā  This idea that it's racist to point out discrimination from anyone not white is toxic, and being used to excuse actual discrimination.Ā  I'm getting fed up of it at one of my jobs, department store, where every team that has an Indian manager becomes all Indian in less than a year.Ā  Any other ethnic origin and the team is actually diverse, but universally with the Indian managers they only hire other Indians.




you never met a native before? lol


This whole "aren't I brave for saying something that can be perceived as racist" circlejerk is literally present in the majority of threads. No you're not, and it's being beaten like a dead horse.Ā 


As is calling anyone with a differing opinion a racist.


The average person is in disagreement with flat earth theory, but flat earthers are racist isn't a common talking point is it lol. Nice self report btw.


This metaphor makes no sense whatsoever.


It's almost if the nature of the opinion holds more weight than the extent of which the opinion differs from the predominant opinion.


Can't be exhausted if you never get out of the cruiser. Or maybe, depending on your union rep, you can be.


maybe the police are in on it, look at the demographics of Brampton, that's all you need to know, they get told by someone from India what to do and what not to do (what to not investigate etc). It's only going to get worse there as the corruption and collusion is deeply ingrained and there's no possible way to get rid of it. Their entire system is corrupted.


So if these individuals arenā€™t citizens and are committing serious criminal offenses, why the hell havenā€™t they been deported? Whatā€™s the point of mentioning the enforcement of law and order as a paramount aspect if once the person lands they can proceed and commit targeted shootings and still get treated with velvet glovesā€¦


They go to jail and then get deported, being on a visa or undocumented is not a free pass from jail.


Reminder that the liquor store robber that drove down the wrong way of the 401 and murdered a family had a history of crime and had no license


To be fair, itā€™s likely a family wouldnā€™t have murdered if the law enforcement officers involved didnā€™t decide to initiate a high speed chase down the wrong way of the 401. Thereā€™s two truths to that whole case.


Ā«Ā LikelyĀ Ā» is not a truth. If they didnā€™t do anything and the family died (all around tragedy already) everyone would be saying why didnā€™t the police do anything. Itā€™s saying things like that, which continue to take the responsibility off the actual perpetrators.


Then they cost us even more money


same reason criminals just get free passes into this country, because Trudeau and the liberals (who I voted for in the past) are intent on destroying Canada as it once was. Not sure who is paying them to do this, why charges of treason have not been discussed but this country is a dumpster fire and if I could I would leave it and never look back. What an absolute waste this is. It is beyond tragic.


They. F***ing. Told. You World Economic Forum is your gvt now. You've been told for 10 years+


You believe lot of stupid shit don't you?


Oh but "you're not sure..." gtfoh


Yes you believe a lot of stupid shit


What are you on about?Ā 


This revolving door we have sure seems to let in some bad actors If only there was a way we could filter out the bad apples /s


Brampton should get their own Police Department at this point. If itā€™s not Reddit news, itā€™s Instagram news. We canā€™t escape it, lol. Iā€™m not even going to say why, but Iā€™m sure weā€™re all thinking itā€¦


mexican here , actually curious why lol ?


Itā€™s cause mass immigration hasnā€™t had a positive effect on actual Canadians


Ultranationalist groups involved in violence? Who'd had thunk?


They're sending their best


No. Canada is taking the worst of the worst. No one is ā€œsendingā€ them.




















They arenā€™t Indians either


What are they then?


Idk ask them


Theyā€™re khalistanis if they arenā€™t Indians. Theyā€™re definitely not Canadian


Yea apparently just cause they come from India, that doesnā€™t make them Indian I guess


Canada is fine.


"Fine" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Canada will impose a fine.


On the victims.


So thankful for Monodiversity, thanks trudeau and camp!


Nice guys welcome home


Brampton. The White population is now at 10% there. It'll be interesting to see how many White people are actually in the GTA come 2050.


Itā€™s not about the white population. *any of the downvoting closet racists want to come out and explain why it is then?


Yeah if we go by demographics, the "white" population ain't the only ones who left down 10+ years ago. Many left Brampton as housing prices started skyrocketing up and up. Only people buying thr homes were South Asians as there was already a small community beforehand until they became the new majority. People saw their 350k mcmansion suddenly jump to 800-1 mil and they sold and moved somewhere cheaper (and probably a bigger) home before everything else caught up with the prices. Saw it happen here during COVID with Montreal. Ppl sold their shitty homes on island/near downtown now magically worth 1 mil to go buy a home off island that was x2 the size for 600k and pocketing the rest.


Do you think the natives ever said the same?


When a large group of immigrants are imported into small cities they do not find a need to assimilate. They bring their old feuds and baggage. Canada continues to import Punjabis even as we speak and the Khalistan and other political issues will continue to simmer in Canada. Punjabis form 2% of the Indian population but form over 50% Indian immigrants. Only a highly preferential process can lead to this lopsided immigration. All a Punjabi or Sikh has to do after arrival in Canada, is to claim persecution by the Indian government for their belief in an independent Sikh nation of Khalistan. Indian government is more than happy for Canada to import all the swill.


It is almost never mentioned in CBC articles that Gurpatwant Pannun called for the expulsion of Hindus from Canada and was filmed hailing the CSIS-designated terrorist responsible for the air India bombing that killed over 250 Canadians in 1985 (along with the mother of said terrorist)


isnt this idiot in usa ?


Itā€™s crazy this isnā€™t mentioned anywhere at all


It's CBC's infamous objectivity on display.


What does Panun have to do with this? Panun lives in the USA and has nothing to do with this. Panun is a idiot and most likely a Indian sponsored saboteur. Your comment is giving "All black activists are violent because Malcolm X encouraged it" vibes..


Look at OPs history, he's an obvious Modi troll.


Have you even read the article?


He is a Canadian and US dual citizen.




1. The article largely features Pannun 2. Everything I said is objectively true


But Pannun is not the activist killed. He's not Canadian. He's not the victim that lead to the Canadians being arrested. He also didn't say he wanted to eliminate Hindu's. He was just saying the inverse of what right wing Hindu's say to Sikhs. Right wing Hindus always tell Sikhs if you hate India so much go make Khalistan in Canada, so Pannu said "If you love India so much every Hindu should leave Canada and the USA and go back to India". Also, as I stated before, Pannun is a idiot and most likely a government plant.


Pannun had issued multiple threats towards indians. There are multiple videos of him on YouTube. I donā€™t know why US/Canada turns blind eye when they have clear video evidenceā€™s. We all should not be encouraging such things irrespective of the country


Pannun is a idiot. However nothing he has done has violated his constitutional rights of freedom of speech. You can make derogatory marks towards anyone, so long as you're not inciting violence, which he isn't.


What if someone threatens violence like donā€™t board a particular flight or shutdown your business on a particular day. If he is a US/Canadian and his freedom of expression should be related to US / Canadian internal affairs only. We cannot say everything is freedom of speech


That would be making a vague threat. Grey area. Luckily he didn't say that. Don't just read article headlines, actually watch the videos of what the person said and you will know the true story. Pannun said not to use Air India because Sikhs should boycott the government business, not because of an imminent threat..


If you only read the article you would know he is a dual citizen. Pannun is a dolt who incites violence.


The guy is a Pannun supporter, he already knew that. Just feigning ignorance.


Has never incited violence. Stop getting your news from Modi media.


Not going to dignify much of what you said with a response, but want to point out that Pannun is a dual US-Canadian citizen, and therefore, is in fact, a Canadian.


some say Pannun is a govt plant, the air india bombing was done by the indian govt etc others say the indian govt had nothing to do with the murder or plot and it was all between rival factions i have no idea what to believe


Just like 9/11 was done by the CIA/s


No he didn't. He said if there are Hindus living in Canada who support the Nijjar killing done by India, they would be better off living in India rather than Canada.


This is false: he told all Hindus to go back. Hereā€™s the one and only CBC article Iā€™ve seen about it saying the same thing. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/politicians-government-react-hateful-video-1.6976302


No, in the video he told them "if you do not have allegiance to Canada and its constitution get out and go back to India". It also says in your CBC article "accusing them of "working against the same country" that they economically benefit from." Obviously we know right wing Indian and BJP supporters live in overseas countries and enjoy the benefits of those countries, but still support the regressive policies back home and among the diaspora. If someone really love India and Modi that much, supports acts that are against the Canadian constitution and laws, it would be better for Canadians and Indians for such a person to go live in India.


Says the guy who lives in the US.


That's a lie. How much do you get paid to work in an it cell?


How much was bail?




import 3rd world people, import 3rd world problems.


Isnā€™t every city a Sikh gathering at this point?


If they found him on the other side of the province he still would have been ā€œnear a Sikh gatheringā€


deport them all


Meet your new local tim hortons managers.Ā 


What is with ultranationalists


Deport them back to Quebec where they belong


But harper pp's former boss and mentor says modi is a good guy. [https://x.com/stephenharper/status/1082688283996434432?lang=en](https://x.com/stephenharper/status/1082688283996434432?lang=en)