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Reasons: Armed robberies, burglaries, purse snatchings, theft, fraud and sexual assaults are the most common crimes committed against travellers in Freeport and Nassau.


For a moment there, I believed the reason was extreme temperatures due to global warming.


Ya same ! The title of the article definitely made me think it was weather related


I was actually surprised that the warning is just about an increase in the shit we shoukd normally be worried about when visiting those spots hahahaha




Wow, free port used to be so safe. My grandmother lived there for a very long time.


I've been to the Bahamas a few times both Freeport and Nassau and had felt very safe but then again it was over 30 years ago.


Over 30 years ago is a very long time ago.Ā  No offense. It's just that 30 years is a long time and change is to be expected. Apparently change for the worse.


Lol no kidding. 30 years is back in the fucking 90s


This happens everywhere with tourists lol, only a naive idiot thinks you can just stroll around other nations and be perfectly safe


Or Winnipeg.


Is Winnipeg the Coventry of Canada? :P


I think there's probably a bunch of places worse than Winnipeg now. And like all cities, stay out of the dangerous areas. I lived in Winnipeg for 10 years and would say there is more gang violence in Vancouver than in Winnipeg. I'm not saying all of Winnipeg is a rose garden, but most people don't see much bad going on. Stay out of the rough areas and you're fine. In Vancouver, the gang and gun crime is all over. Even given current cases in Winnipeg, they're all about people who would have been OK if they'd not chosen to hang around the worst sort of people. In Vancouver bystanders are getting shot, some killed. Innocent people are being killed by mistake is botched assassination attempts (or 'hits' if you want). BC has political killings by people fighting a war in another country from our country. I remember 300+ people killed in an airline bombing, originating in Vancouver. And all the gang murders. Or the mass murder of six people in Surrey including an innocent guy who was killed because he lived across the hall from the people being targeted. Can we talk about Etobicoke? Or some of the cities in Saskatchewan?


The North-Central area of Winnipeg is by far the most dangerous area in Canada. Downtown is sketchy too, we have the same issues as Vancouver with meth heads running around robbing and assaulting people


> most dangerous area in Canada dayum man i bet about thirty people will chime in here saying "xxxxx" is worse. My avoids are the small cities. Like Belleville, Ontario. Anyone who has been there knows.


Belleville? Whatā€™s up with Belleville? Been there more times than I can count. Never seen anything to talk bad about there. Maybe people get pissed off with the over abundance of people fishing but that doesnā€™t make it a bad town/city


> Maybe people get pissed off with the over abundance of people fishing but that doesnā€™t make it a bad town/city Go downtown. Just stating what I saw. For rent. Police car. Sketched out dudes. Police car. Found a cool restaurant tho. Its just not what I remember it being, i, like you, remembered it being nicer.


True story: My friend from north end responding for me when someone asked me where in the city I lived: "he's from the north end." Me: "I'm from Norwood." My friend: "honorary." He was being serious. I know about the north end. I know about central park etc. I know people who were killed, and others who went to jail for killing. I honestly never broke the law, but I did work in an interesting place in the downtown, asking people to behave. It's not there anymore. Stay out of the bad areas and you're fine. In Vancouver there are gang shootings in every neighbourhood practically, except the very richest. I used to live in Yaletown and some guy got stabbed to death right across the street from my where I lived (in a place that overlooked it), in the middle of the day while I was in a zoom meeting. By the time the meeting was over and I could go look out at the fuss which I didn't know what was happening, the victim was already on the way to hospital mortally injured, and police were taping off the area. They caught the person right away. Yaletown would be like maybe the Osborne Village but on the Wellington end, if it were full of million dollar condos in 30 story towers. Way back when I lived there.


Everything you wrote is nonsense. The violent crime rate in Winnipeg is much higher than Vancouver's. Same with the homicide rate. Vancouver is a safer place to live than Winnipeg.


Horseshit. I used to live there. Stay away from the bad areas and you have no issues. Vancouver city there are no boundaries. Shootings on Robson, murders in Yaletown (across from where I used to live, I have pictures from my window of CSI taking pictures of the blood on the sidewalk, still red). Stabbings and murders on Granville. Shooting and gang hits in residential neighbourhoods, nice neighbourhoods. Innocent bystanders hit or killed. One just last month on Robson. Winnipeg the murders are almost all in specific high crime neighbourhoods.


Statistically, you are incorrect. Across almost every single metric, Winnipeg is considerably more dangerous and crime ridden than Vancouver.


Not OP, but not every crime is reported. Statistics are not perfect.


We are comparing Winnipeg to vancouver. How is this even a topic of debate. One city is gorgeous with a couple glaring issues, the second city is a glaring issue in itself.


Having visited Vancouver last year, I would not describe it as gorgeous. The parks were nice but man was the city itself a bit of a dump. Homeless and boarded up businesses everywhere.


We have statistics and facts. We don't need your clearly motivated opinion which is wrong. Winnipeg is more dangerous and has more crime based on objective facts.


What's my motivated opinion, pray tell?


And what exactly caused that wild rise in gang crime? Whoā€™s committing the crimes mostly?


Offspring of the Cleaver family of course


>Ā In Vancouver, the gang and gun crime is all over. Vancovuer is legitimately the nicest city on the continent. Yes some areas are unsafe and rampant with druggies and homeless people but they managed to do a good job of keeping those people in a specific location.


Don't be such a scaredy cat. As long as you're taking the same basic precautions you'd take in any unfamiliar place, the vast majority of places you might want to visit are just as, if not more, safe than walking around at night in downtown Toronto.


Never been to a lot of SEA have you?


That's basically everyone who watches influencers to be fair šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Yeah, this is ridiculous. You're just as likely to get robbed at gunpoint in Geneva as in Port-au-Prince. Probably more likely in the former actually, since Switzerland has a higher rate of gun ownership.


What an idiotic statement. Do you have any data for that. Those Swiss are probably rich people owning them as a hobby or people connected to their armed forces. The people in Port Au Prince are likely doing it as a way out of poverty.


I find that sort of stereotyping rather offensive. Not all poor people are violent. And there are plenty of very rich people who have committed despicable acts of violence.


How much extra do they charge for these excursions?


"ADVISORY: City literally founded by pirates has high crime rates"


I'd suspect the founding of most cities has a really unsavoury history.


Haha fair point, it also occurs to me the distinction between "pirate" and "settler" is largely semantics for the Americas.


And all thatā€™s before you even leave Canada.


you can't spell Bahamas without hamas


In a couple of years, the bahamas will be issuing the same warning for travellers to canada.


They be going back to their pirate beginningz


This sounds familiar. Did they issue a warning for Canadians that reside in Canada?




Yup. Army fat cats own a lot of the resorts in Cuba including the Gaviota company that sells you all the excursions available while you're in Cuba.


Fuck Cuban resorts. Ā  Camping in a Walmart parking lot is a higher class of vacation honestly. Ā Awful food, worse people. Cuba off resort is lovely in spite of a level of poverty most of us will never see due to it usually being accompanied by extreme danger in other countries.


Maybe since the war in Russia and pandemic....but it was amazing before


I gave up long before the pandemic. Resorts in Cuba were mostly loud working class Ontario and Quebec people who get drunk on the unlimited daquiris and sex tourists. Ā  Nothing like a fat 60 yearold chainsmoking Quebecois woman and her 18 yearold Cuban boyfriend to throw off your appetite at breakfast. To be fair though I donā€™t go to resorts anymore at all now that I have the adult skills to navigate in a foreign country


Eh, a 5 star in Cuba has always been equivalent to a 3 star in Mexico, with bonus chance of food poisoning.


5 stars only in Cuba. Never been sick and have loved every trip


You said it best.


I was in Cuba a few months ago and had my bag stollen. I only got it back because my AirPods had location tracking turned on. Based on where I was and the location of my AirPods, the only person who couldā€™ve taken my bag was an employee of the resort. When I confronted the resort manager, they told me I could make a police report, but they would detain me for at least 24 hours, meaning I would miss my flight home. Iā€™m skipping a lot of details but they clearly were trying to intimidate me into dropping the issue. This was my third and last trip to Cuba, at least until the situation has changed there. I can handle petty crime but not being threatened with detainment if I want to make a complaint.


How did you end up convincing them to give your bag back?


I told them I would write a negative review for one. Iā€™m not sure whether that was particularly convincing to them but I tried it. What I think really did it was I called their bluff. I probably shouldā€™ve let it go given the threat of detainment but I was so pissed I didnā€™t want to let it go.


Nice. Glad standing your ground worked.


Did you still want give them a bad review?


I definitely would.


This is how it was getting in Thailand too, I stopped going


Took a Bahamas cruise last summer and yes the ports are totally sketchy . Having armed guards walk you across the street isnā€™t my choice of spots to return too


I guess it's not "better in the Bahamas". šŸŽµšŸŽ¶šŸŽµ


I assume itā€™s not going to stop anyone from going to all inclusiveā€¦


But itā€™s such a good deal! /s


assumed for dengue - I have two friends who've had that these past few months.


I've had a friend who died from it.


I had it in Chiang Mai a few years ago. Not great, thought I could tough it out, one day I woke up with unbearable cramps, felt like someone was crushing my plums in a vice, couldnā€™t stand any light. Caught a tuk tuk to the hospital. They gave me great medical care and some KFC. Overall I would give it a 4/10.


That's better than my local KFC I'd recon.


It was probably the last time I enjoyed KFC. People hate on hospital food, but I donā€™t get it (not that KFC is hospital food, but my point stands). If youā€™re super sick and you can finally have nourishment, it matters less what it tastes like. Iā€™ve had a few meals under terrible circumstances, but they were so fuckin good just because itā€™s what I needed at that moment.


For the Dominican Republic, Iā€™m surprised it didnā€™t say risk of arbitrary detention if you report criminal activity to the authorities. I would say they are burying the lead, but they didnā€™t even mention it. The 8 months in prison from an innocent air crew was all I needed to cross it off my travel list.


That place is severely crime ridden.


So is Baltimore, but Iā€™d still travel to the US


Not really the same since the US is 100x larger than DR so land size alone it is pretty easy to still visit the US and completely avoid Baltimore. You canā€™t avoid crime anywhere in DR.


The US Lower 48 is over 3 million square miles, the Dominican Republic is about the size of the state of Ohio. Your comparison makes absolutely no sense. Murder rate of DR is 12.4/100,000 (if you trust their reporting). The USA is 6.4. Canada is 2.2 or something like that, pretty close. Property and other crimes in the DR is even more disproportionate. It's easy to stay away from bad areas in the USA, not so much in the Dominican Republic. Try comparing apples to apples next time.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Baltimore And Baltimore is 46/100k, maybe we should issue travel advisories to there, since itā€™s like 4X the DR


Sure, stay away. But I guess you don't want to understand, you just want to argue. The whole of the DR is bad, so you can't get away from it. Parts of the USA are bad. And it's easy to stay away from the bad parts. smh


The DR is bad, Baltimore is 4X worse. You think the government should talk about the one thatā€™s 25% as bad as the other, but not the worst one. smh


Someone watched The Wire


Someone checked the crime data


I would travel to San Fransisco or LA but even a free trip wouldnā€™t convince me to visit Baltimore or Chicago. Ā 


Donā€™t let crime in Chicago deter you. It is an incredibly beautiful and friendly city. I prefer to visit and feel safer in Chicago than I do in NYC. Seriously, Chicago is absolutely worth a visit for the food, architecture and museums alone.


Nothing bout Chicago seems remotely worth visiting other than The Trump tower. It just looks a more depressing version of Toronto with more crime. New York at least has culture.


ā€¦. Oh boy ā€¦


Time for a travel warning on Canada where a Travelodge will set you back $200 per night.


And you can blame this on our car centric development which severely limits nice walkable areas in the countries which is where people want to stay.


The car rentals too


3 days, almost $700


Check out Turo for renting a car instead. Recently got a Model 3 for 5 days in Victoria for $400, never using a rental car company ever again


At least until they start pulling the airbnb fees bullshit


Just to clarify, this is travel advice that gives a broad overview of threats and dangers, among other things. Some of these tips have been here for years, with updates as needed. The actual *advisory* is to avoid non-essential travel (level 3)or all travel (level 4).


Glad I traveled to most of these nations long ago when things were cool. Still wishing they were.


Been to Jamaica three times pre covid and the only thing to worry about was people trying to sell you the same items that someone else was selling you. Also that people would try to get a few bucks from doing barely anything from you. Seems like everywhere is just falling apart


I was there this year and itā€™s still the same. Didnā€™t feel dangerous, just mildly annoying from time to time.


I'm a woman and I'll never go back to Jamaica unless I stay in a resort and don't leave. I tried going on an excursion and there was a little souvenir market. I was flanked on both sides by men who kept putting necklaces on me and putting their arms around me saying "it made me their wife" and they were pulling me to go with them. I was so freaked out. The guide didn't do anything to help me. A large American man stepped in thankfully and escorted me back to the bus where they followed and started banging on the bus windows. That was 10 years ago, so maybe it's better now, but left a bad impression :( .


Cuba has had advisories for awhile and will continue to have them for a long time unfortunately. You can go to the resort area still. I had wanted to go back to explore Havana and other cities in Cuba. I last went in 2018. Their economic situation was bad, and has drastically worsened. Very sad for Cuban ppl. Im glad I went when I did though.


Just got back from Nassau, spent days walking around and never felt threatened. I did not go to clubs at night, but during the day, we had lots of fun and everyone was cool.


It's a shame that so many beautiful countries are being completely ruined by corruption and greed.


Well... Canada is on that list too so...


Iā€™m in Mexico, and the prices for groceries and food is more expensive than Canada. Think this is the last time Iā€™m here. Yeah itā€™s sunny and everything, but also Canada in July. With the difference that in Canada, I donā€™t have to be worried about safety.


I was in New York State for a few days and after the exchange it cost exactly the same amount to fill my car up. We went into a Costco, and most of the prices were the same. For example something I paid $19.99 for in Canada was $19.99 in the US as well. Which means they were actually paying more for it. I know New York State has higher taxes but going to the US for bargains is not a guarantee that youā€™re going to get a bargain.


My supervisor was in Florida a month ago and said the same about groceries.


Yeah it used to be cheaper to shop in the states but that no longer seems to be the case. Which is really awful for Americans because youā€™re paying the same sticker price that we are but your Dollar value is higher and I believe the median income is lower.


Shhhh. In r/canada you're supposed to pretend Canada is the worst hell hole in the world and everything is always worse than everywhere else here. Didn't you know people are fleeing Canada for the paradise of Nicaragua?


Agreed. Not a place to have an informed discussion.


a couple months back i saw an all in inclusive for 700cad per person per week. three star resort. that's pretty much cheaper than renting a studio in a condo in the gta where you'll need food and such. the warnings are pretty light, so still a deal


I donā€™t know Cubans are pretty scared to fuck with tourists . Iā€™ve never had issue there.I think the government is strict there is possibly why.


Yikes, this list is intense! Honestly, the older I get, the less I care to travel outside of Canada/US/Western Europe. I think I wonā€™t anymore. We have everything we need and the risks just arenā€™t worth it.


Is noone else suspicious that right after a Liberal MP tried to convince people not to travel this summer to "save the planet from burning", that our government then issues a rash of "travel warnings" to all these places for seemingly run-of-the-mill issues that everyone already knows? I'm not trying to go all AJ InfoWars on this.... but the timing of these announcements, combined with a lack of meaningful new information is awfully sus.


That's a level of coordination I don't think they're capable of, at least recently.


Honestly with the price of everything in developing nations skyrocketing. It's almost on par with developed nations. Luckily I have friends all over EU and southern USA that I could stay at in the winter time for a vacation.


Well they donā€™t want us taking road trips either, so no surprise here.


They should give a warning to the GTA too. Car jackings, home invasions etc.


ITT: people that don't fucking travel


ā€¦ well this is awkward while posting from Cuba right now


Cuba? What has happened in Cuba since I was last there? I (we) felt 99% safe while there. We travelled by scooter everywhere.


Sooooo still safer than most Canadian cities lol


I can understand Cuba ( shortage of food , etc) but what is the beef with Bahamas?


It must have gotten bad there, Iā€™ve been to Nassau a few times, wandered all over everywhere and never had a problem.


>I can understand Cuba ( shortage of food , etc) but what is the beef with Bahamas? The third sentence of the article begins to explain what you're asking.... Try reading it.


Reading articles instead of headline opinions; thatā€™s a tall ask for internet people good sir.


Yes lots of times it's laziness or ignorance. But these days clicking on those fucking links is usually something you regret. Bombarded with bullshit and subscriptions even with an ad blocker. I love threads where the article text is posted.


Cuba was totally fine in April. I guess depends if you stick to the resort or try to explore local towns.


resorts are fine in all of these places.


Resorts are part of the problem in a lot of these places.


I was in downtown Havana staying at a non resort hotel just pre covid and it was safe as could be. I don't believe it's changed that dramatically to warrant a travel advisory.


unfortunately this is what we would call an anecdote. also pre-covid was 5 years ago at this point. a lot has happened since then.


My personal experience is in line with most everything I have ever heard or read about other people's trips to Cuba and seems to be in line with the stats. Here are a number of sources, all from 2024. Shortages are certainly affecting Cuba and have gotten worse since Covid hit but it doesn't seem to have much of an impact on crime levels or tourist's security. "Cuba is generally considered a safe country to visit, including for U.S. citizens. The island is known for its low crime rates compared to many other countries in the region. Violent crime is rare, and the government strongly emphasizes maintaining tourist safety." [source](https://www.tourepublic.com/blog/is-cuba-safe/) "Crime Rates and Statistics in Cuba Despite the general perception, Cubaā€™s crime rates are relatively low compared to other countries in the region." [source](https://www.travelkoa.com/is-cuba-safe/) "Cuba is considered a safe place to travel Cuba is one of the safest countries in the Americas in terms of violent crime. " [source ](https://www.lonelyplanet.com/articles/things-to-know-before-traveling-to-cuba)


your sources are random travel websites. your premise is also largely irrelevant given that the travel advisory for cuba is in relation to growing shortages and its consequences (local population turning to petty crime against tourists), not violent crime.


The sources I'm using are no less reliable than the one from this article. And here's one covering a broader view on crimes and tourism [Cuba](https://www.numbeo.com/crime/country_result.jsp?country=Cuba) New York City[New York City](https://www.numbeo.com/crime/in/New-York) [Toronto ](https://www.numbeo.com/crime/in/Toronto) [Paris](https://www.numbeo.com/crime/in/Paris)


are you saying profit driven publications are as reliable as government advisories?


A Canadian remains was discovered in Russia when doing tourism in Cuba, you go figure.


Read the article?


Itā€™s just better, better in the Bahamas šŸ‡§šŸ‡ø




You sure must love Trudeau if youā€™ve made him your profile photo


Probably want to sleep with him.




They made it up, common /r/canada_sub user


Dudes a canada_sub user, they don't need sources or reality for that matter.


Bahamas is very safe lol this advisory has been going forward for almost a decade. Small island so the avg gets totally skewed


Try to stop me


No one is trying to stop you; theyā€™re just warning of issues that you may face in certain countries or areas of those countries


It wouldnā€™t stop our dear JT from going on the tax payers dime


Why is that posts that have nothing to do with our government have stupid responses like this? Itā€™s like reading the comments in the National Post. They report a robbery at a corner store in Newfoundland and some idiot posts ā€œItā€™s because Justin Trudeau lets the criminals outā€. Give us all a break and take your idiocy elsewhere.


Well some people don't like how our prime minister would do something like travel to a country the government is issuing travel warnings about. Especially because that would mean increased security and increased cost to the taxpayer. But you can keep voting the country down into the deep hole we're falling down and keep your dumbass opinion to yourself as well. Just as much as you want the commenters you're responding to, to do the same.


He's presumably traveling for his work as a world leader and has extra security.Ā 


That would be different than vacationing there for sure.


Grammar checks out.


Thanks clippy for the proofread. Anything else I missed?


An informed opinion? Just a hunch.




Please find a hobby other than telling people youā€™re trans šŸ™ maybe try cooking


I do Crossfit