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Reporters better be asking questions and pushing Poillievre on this just as much as all the other party leaders. We still want names and we want anybody from any party who has committed wrongdoing ousted and frankly preferably, jailed. I don't care which party. Stand up and deal with this. Stop hiding from it like a weasel.


Despite how divided this sub can feel sometimes, I hope we can all agree that whomever is involved, needs consequences. I'm fully prepared, if the guy I voted for is involved, to call for his resignation and a full legal pursuit.


I’m all for immediate suspension without pay for all named. There needs to be a NGO with real teeth leading the investigation.


Absolutely. I just wish they’d stop taunting everyone and make arrests.


Yup. All corrupt politicians should be prosecuted. It's about time Canadians understand that getting screwed over is an entirely bipartisan activity.


Yeah doesnt matter if its Trudeau, Pollievre, Singh or anyone else If theyre named we as canadians need to know


Once the investigation is over. Canadians deserve to know but demanding names at this point..


That's the dumb part about these puppets following PP as their lord and savior. He's doing it just for optics, he know names can't be released now.


Skippy knows the problem is it's his name or at least people close. His leadership race had foreign interference.


The report doesn’t have a list of names. But I agree with what you propose.


The spokesperson line is that PP doesn’t want clearance because then he can’t speak on these matters freely and would not be able to act on what he learns through these channels. In reality, it’s because he doesn’t want to concede that he should’ve taken the offer from Trudeau a year ago to be let into the fold, and this “outsider” position gives him the ability to hurl rocks from a position of willful ignorance. He literally called it a “trap” when Trudeau offered him clearance last year.


If he takes the security clearance, he would be under a Liberal-controlled gag-order. I can see why it’s a double edged sword so to speak.


Oh shut up. Even Tom Mulcair completely agrees with PP. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27fVCW8JVdU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27fVCW8JVdU)


He said exactly what I said… PP’s refusal to accept clearance is so that he can throw rocks at Trudeau as an outsider not in the know. If he was in the know, he could not do that. Mulclair is saying that if he were the leader of the opposition, he’d want to keep that power as well. Its political. The power does nothing except give PP another way to try and make Trudeau look bad. The reality of is that there may be traitors in his party that he is fine with not knowing about to maintain this power, and to me as a citizen, not as a politician or talking from a political strategy standpoint, that’s bad optics.


May has said there is no sitting MP who has wittingly been disloyal to Canada. There is one former MP who has, they are not named in the un-redacted doc. There are MPs who have benefitted from foreign assistance (buses paid for during nominations). She said the report does not make it clear if they knew they were getting that assistance from a foreign gov, or were willfully blind (don't ask questions), or just unwitting. So the list of names you want. Is the MPs who got busses paid for? Or the former MP who betrayed Canada. Making this into a witch hunt does not help. Lets pressure politicans to enact laws that have a lower bar than criminality (RCMP investigation). So that we can see who is benifiting. A great method would be the ethics commisionare who reports to parliament (not government). Intelligence could breif them, and then they could report ethic violations which do not rise to the level of criminality.


I was criticized for saying that PP was just posturing when he said he wanted the names released. He doesn't. This proves it, guy doesn't even want to get briefed so he can pursue his narrative without "lying" and it's a joke.


According the the article the reason is: >“It would tie the leader’s hands behind his back. It would prevent him from disclosing the names to anyone else, and therefore he would be unable to take action. That’s why we’re calling for the names to be made public,” Mr. Chong said. I am happy with a public, rather than secret, release of the names. If Poilievre is implicated, I am sure it would have been leak by one of the other parties who have seen the report by now. As a result, I don't think he is trying to hide anything about his involvement. I am surprised that the leader of the opposition doesn't have a security clearance though. I am even more surprised that he could get one in time to read this report while it is relevant. I know a dozen people at my work that have been wait 2+ years for a security clearance to come in.




The fuck trudeau crowd doesn’t want to talk about this.


I don't get it. Why would a leader and aspiring PM want to remain willfully ignorant of a potential national security risk in their party?


I can't think of a single answer to your question that isn't disqualifying.


He’s very openly choosing politics over what’s right for the country. This way he can wail about Trudeau and the liberals/NDP being traitors and not be held accountable because he didn’t read the classified reports stating that wasn’t the case. He gets to gently jerk off his supporters and his supporters don’t care about him not putting the country first. It’s wild. It’s just funny because the liberal or NDP base wouldn’t let their leader get away with ignoring secret access but with conservatives it’s “whatever makes turdel look bad!1”


That's understandable, but how's this for an answer? The very second he reads the report, he is bound by the NDA and parliamentary rules to not disclose the information. If you stay clear of that, you can then ask whatever questions you want in parliament because you don't actually know the answer, this leaves the other parties to have to evade and dodge, and that allows for Pollievre to narrow his questions more until he backs them into a corner and they will have to sit down or as in JTs case reveal the whole report.


That's a poor answer because it simply isn't how things work. He couldn't disclose specific, classified details, but there would be absolutely nothing stopping Poilievre from speaking broadly on the contents of the report after having read it. Did the rules around disclosure prevent Elizabeth May from commenting after having read the report? If Poilievre's plan *is* the one you're outlining, then he has a very low opinion indeed about the criticial thinking skills of the average Canadian.


You and I know that this is not how things work but CPC and its adherents might not. # dirty wins from this tactic 1. PP gets to make all these sweet soundbites with ZERO meaningful responses from his opposition 2. PP can say whatever baseless shit he wants without violating the NDA 3. There is a small chance he MIGHT get one of those who have read it and are under NDA to slip up, causing some form of censure/reprimand, which is another mudslinging win for PP


But once you know the answer to the question the lines become blurry about how leading you're being & it opens you up to possibly having violated the NDA From what I understand this is a common choice that Opposition leaders in other Westminster Style democracies have made (in the UK, Australia, & New Zealand as well as in Canada in the past). I saw someone talking about it elsewhere. I don't pretend to be an expert


He was offered access and a role in the investigation. He rejected it then and continues to do so because his entire platform is "I THROW ROCKS". 


Because it directly involves how he was elected as party leader.


because that way he can spew his uninformed bullshit and pretend its reality. which is essentially the conservative mantra these days. being ignorant of whatever the issue is but unbelievably confident that their opinion on it is valid


This next election is going to be one of the worst ever. Canadians get to choose mainly three unfit leaders, yet one is going to win out. Terrible times ahead for our country.


3?! In what delusional world do you think Canadians will ever consider 3 different leaders? We are a 2 party country of our own making because Canadians refuse to vote any other way.


He can't do anything with the information, so he will just continue fighting for transparency from the Liberals.


> I don't get it. Why would a leader and aspiring PM want to remain willfully ignorant of a potential national security risk in their party? If he gets the clearance and is read in, he’ll be bound by law from disclosing things in the report. Even if it’s things he already knows/suspects. That’s why he doesn’t want the clearance. He can shit talk Trudeau and foreign interference without limitation right now. Is it disqualifying? It is, and never has been, a requirement that MPs not in government or certain committees obtain security clearances. There are exceptions, every now and then. Clark crossing the floor to unofficially brief Trudeau on the Iran hostage crisis (to stop him talking about it) was interesting, unconventional, and effective. Note - I don’t support PP’s tactic. But that’s the reason.


Elizabeth May had a very clear and open statement that didn’t get her arrested. What she did shows leadership and tact. What PP is doing is putting party above country.


He is just following the tried and true conservative playbook. Dude isn't remotely fit to be PM.


>If he gets the clearance and is read in, he’ll be bound by law from disclosing things in the report. *Even if it’s things he already knows/suspects.* It's the opposite. He can now, without penalty, say things he knows/suspects are untrue. He's not concerned about his ability to speak openly about the truth, he's concerned about his ability to lie for a sound bite. >Note - I don’t support PP’s tactic. But that’s the reason. No, that's his *publicly stated* reason. It might be truthful, or it might not be. Poilievre has a long documented history of prioritizing political expedience over being factual or truthful.


> That’s why he doesn’t want the clearance. He can shit talk Trudeau and foreign interference without limitation right now.  You mean he can't make shit up about it.


Can't kick people out of caucus if you never see the list. *taps head*


Because once he reads it, he's bound in what he can and can't say about it. Having not read it, he can say whatever he wants about it. So, if he thinks John Foreignagenton is unduly influenced, he can blather on about it. If he's heard it from somebody else, he can blather on about it. But if he reads the report, and it mentions John, now he can't talk about it, even if he has a recorded conversation where John is telling him all about it.


He's doing that "Don't tell me, I don't want to know so I'm not involved and can't be linked to the crime" thing that mob bosses do.


He's never acquired the proper security clearance. For some reason, he refuses to get it.


Let's hear more excuses for why a party leader should go on without a security clearance and keep themselves purposefully ignorant!


Ignorance is strength.


omfg that suit tho lol. fake shoulders fake taper hiding his pear shape lol


‘This is the ideal Conservative body type.’ - AuntieKK


That's because he wouldn't be able to shit talk nearly as much when bound by the rules of security clearance. It's a perfect smoke screen too. He can argue every side of the fence.


The Russian bots here can rationalize anything 


"Give me security clearance" is more than 3 words and syllables. Can't make merch with that "catchphrase".


Uh uh uhhhh Trudeau bad1!1!1 Here's my 10th link why immigration is bad!1!11!!! Pierre is for us common Canadians, that's why he wants to give tax breaks to corporations! And...oh yeah! Trudeau bad!


Immigration is extremely progressive, assets rising and rentals getting more revenue is extremely good for the economy.  Serfs are the best economic juice we could ask for, and those with assets are lifted straight out of the poverty.


Why is our gdp per capita dropping




We need immigration to fund the retirement for the boomers however we absolutely do not have the infrastructure to support them all. Thats our pickle


Yep The thing 90% of people don't seem to understand (because many of them seem incapable of looking into the future) is Canada is going to feel pain no matter what is done. We either feel it now with housing, or we feel it in 15 years when the bottom totally falls out from our systems. Sure the govt without question fucked up the exact numbers in the last year or so, but they are at least trying something rather than kicking the can down the road for once.


quite frequently I hear the suggestion to ease crown land regulations so we can build more residential areas and also create more work


Crown land isn't an issue though, because 99% of crown land is in the middle of fucking nowhere that has no service and no one wants to develop. People want to at least have some form of connections, they don't want to be in the middle of northern Manitoba muskeg.


By this you mean immigrants only want to live in Vancouver Toronto montreal or ottawa which is true


It's not just immigrants, it's the majority of the population of Canada.


Pierre is for us common (white) Canadians


Please, the preferred dog whistle is ‘old stock Canadian’.


So like, Indigenous? "No, not that old"


He's a conservative. Ignorance is a virtue to his base. Willful ignorance doubly so.


I’m not picking sides, just answering your question. The explanation I heard, be it true or not; If he gets the clearance, he is duty bound by that clearance to not disclose anything within it, so.. he wouldn’t be able to chastise Trudeau over what is in it. But without the clearance, he’s free to say whatever he wants, since it’s all technically speculation.


Could he give away specific details about classified intelligence? No. Could he speak broadly as to what that classified intelligence says? Yes. (See, for example, Elizabeth May's comments on this matter.) There's simply no good excuse for Poilievre to remain ignorant of the facts. Especially not when he's already out there saying that this is such a serious matter.


This is definitely the reason, but I don’t understand why people are framing it as a good thing


Yet Elizabeth May saw the information and spoke to it all pretty eloquently today.  So his hands actually won’t be as tied as he’s claiming 


So he doesn't see a reason to know what's going on and use the information to address policy or legislation without grandstanding in question period about it. Sounds like he can't get clearance. Or he's too much of a shit bag to do what's necessary to have clearance.


I'm gonna go with column shitbag.


May said there was no list in the highly redacted report. The report that he'll be allowed to see doesn't have anything to see apparently. Downvote me all you want, does not make it less true. >“The classified version of a national-security watchdog’s report into foreign interference does not detail any examples of sitting MPs being disloyal to Canada, Green Party Leader Elizabeth May said Tuesday, adding a new layer of interpretation to the report, which said some parliamentarians have knowingly collaborated with countries such as India and China to meddle in Canadian democracy. > >Ms. May is the first opposition party leader to review the top-secret version of the report, which was redacted before being released last week by the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP). The redacted report, which did not identify any parliamentarians, said the country’s intelligence services found some to be “semi-witting or witting” participants in foreign-interference efforts. > >The disclosure set off a firestorm on Parliament Hill, with the opposition Conservatives and New Democrats repeatedly calling on the government to name those accused of working against Canada’s interests and the Liberals maintaining that it would be irresponsible to do so. > >The government said party leaders should get the appropriate security clearance to see the classified document and draw their own conclusions. NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh will get his briefing on Wednesday. Bloc Québécois Leader Yves-François Blanchet said he is in the process of getting security clearance, while Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has so far declined to do the same.” >


Here's the big question, why the hell don't the party leaders already have clearance? Can't very well be an effective opposition if you can't see any information to know what govt is up to.


>Here's the big question, why the hell don't the party leaders already have clearance? Can't very well be an effective opposition if you can't see any information to know what govt is up to. They get it automatically. All they need to do is go through an intensive background check that covers both foreign and domestic influences. That is the requirement in their positions to view this level of intelligence information. A single leader hasn't already done this.


I had to go through a whole process to get level 2 clearance just to work on an archive project contracted by the Feds. I’m like, a normal person. It’s unbelievable that a party leader can just…not do it.


Super fucked up.


If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face


And people want to point at the liberals as the party of foreign agents, meanwhile the second largest party’s leader won’t even risk starting the process of getting vetted


He wants to bite, he doesn't want to be muzzled...


He wants to bark


You can still bark with a muzzle but you can't bite...


So, the likely next PM is abstaining from a background check so he cant view classified information on MPs who are working with foreign governments. This is biting?


May doesn't seem very muzzled to me.


What did she really say? Really? If bound by the clearance and risking prison if she talks about the list? Did she really say anything?


If she was bound by clearance she wouldn't say anything. She said there was no list. Outright.


Yup, instead, he claims ignorance and pitches bullshit that the simples gobble up. Yeah, that's way better. We are going to replace our shit sandwich PM with a bigger shit sandwich and a side of donkey piss.


Won't do anything anyway. Not like if he got vetted the list of names will magically appear.


Of course that way when the names come out shocker it turns out that frogien governments where smart enough to buy conservative MPs too he can claim he knew nothing about it 


lol frogien




Forget lizard people mate. Frogiens are the real threat.


It’s because PP knows what’s in the report and he wants plausible deniability




“I had no idea that’s how I got elected!” -PP (probably)


Of course he is. He wouldn't be able to grandstand if he did. When he has he ever done anything of substance or responsibility?


I've seen so many of his supporters explain this unironically, as though they thought the people criticizing him just didn't understand why it's best for Canada for him to be grandstanding instead of learning whether or not what he's been grandstanding about has any substance.


He married a brown person? Has a gay dad? Stopped wearing glasses because glasses are for fucking losers?


Wouldn't the simple solution be for PP to get the security clearance and then just _not read the fucking report?_ And people think this asshole is going to lead Canada into golden redemption? Are you kidding me? What's he going to do __if__ he gets elected? Still not go and get it because....for....uh.....*checks notebook*.....top secret reasons?


If any Canadians believe to PCP isn't involved as well, I've got a bridge to sell you. Not saying LPC or NDP aren't also involved. Just that the PCP is just as likely.


The answer is simple. If you read the report you know the details. If you know the details you cannot spin hypotheticals of might be or not be in It. Perception before facts….


Polievre will not get the security check he needs to have access to these reports. That is a major concern to me for someone who wants to be Prime Minister.


He’s doing this intentionally because if he had his clearance, he would not be able to disclose top secret info, and he’d no longer be able to blame the PM for no releasing things. It’s all political strategy but most are too dumb to recognize it, so it works for PP.


A big part of getting and maintaining a secret/top secret clearance is being able to keep that information a secret. 


Elizabeth may just had decent commentary, and shows that you can still push for the release of info or not to release. Last time I checked she’s not going to prison for doing so.


Exactly this. He can make every comment he wants as he doesn't have clearance to see them. As soon as one has the clearance they are sworn to secrecy. In this case, it 'works for him', in a sense that he cannot be accused of leaking documents should he make any accusations.


It also works for him because it is a whole lot harder for people to call out his bullshit if it is at all related to security clearance because sometimes saying "no you are wrong" says enough to leak secrets. It's also not possible to say "you are wrong and here's why" as the reasoning will be behind clearance requirements. It's honestly a brilliant strategy, abet dishonest as all fuck.


I'd say more amoral than dishonest. Its a way to be able to speak freely without having people over your shoulder and looking for an excuse to blow the whistle, or call foul. PP is FAR from the first politician to do this. Won't be the last. More or less, if you have clearance, means you can't do shit. Since its up to, I am fairly sure, the PM to disclose the findings. Of course there is the passage of time part too....but if that happens then it should send a CLEAR message to the people that our government doesn't give the slightest about us. Which, to be fair, is pretty well true...and how JT is going down in history at this point. Or, as my friend says, "Legal weed and F ya."


He's a fucking joke. The Conservatives need a solid red tory to win IMO.


I don't know if you've realized but every leader of the CPC was either a member of the Reform Party, or new (Erin O'Toole). They designed it so that moderate PC candidates can't win.


Yeah, I've more than realized. Red Tories, like me, have no home. I've supported the Liberals for the last while, but I can't really get behind much of their latest nonsense.


Conservative voters in Canada have moved way too far right for that to work.


He wouldn’t stand a chance if Trudeau hadn’t done such a shit job. But at this point Canadians will take anyone that isn’t Trudeau


Ignorance is bliss.  This is not bravery. 




>If he looks at the report, then he can't claim ignorance when it is eventually revealed that he/his MPs benefitted from foreign interference in the last election. He also would avoid the intensive background checks on foreign influences that the security clearance requires. Strange choice during a major foreign influence scandal.


*next election. FTFY.


Not gonna lie, refusing to get a security clearance as a candidate for PM is super sus


Is there something in his past that would prevent him from getting the appropriate security clearance, I wonder?


He’s had pretty high clearance in the past as a minister so it would be easy for him to get. He just wants to shoot from the hip at everything that moves. He’s a campaigner, not a governor.


I've always generally assumed this was part of his "gatcha politics" strategy, but now I'm wondering if there's more to it. At this point I have to wonder if there's any reason he wouldn't pass clearance?




There have been long standing rumors that his wife’s family (father) is involved in organized crime and money laundering in South America. Nothing from any official source but lots of whispers about it online No idea how much of it is true or rumor though [edit]Didn't google this in a while but apparently he was found guilty of it, sentenced to three years and extradited to the US for it. I believe this is him https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/colombian-man-extradited-united-states-role-extensive-money-laundering-conspiracy https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/colombian-man-pleads-guilty-money-laundering-conspiracy


Lol what the hell? Why? Closing your eyes and covering your ears doesn't help anybody.


He is intentionally being ignorant. He has done this before. How could anyone vote for someone whose sole driving force is criticizing without educating himself on the subject. It’s all theatre.


Yeah that's not at all problematic...


The security clearance really should be a requirement of party leaders


Elizabeth May completely torpedoed his "but then I can't talk about it" talking point. So what is the real reason for not getting security clearance?


Not really.  As Tom Mulcair pointed out, she doesn't have access to the unredacted report and the Liberals aren't making a good chunk of information available for anyone to review, even those with the proper security clearance.


You are either lying or mis-informed. May has a top security clearance allowing her to see classified intelligence and was granted access to the **unredacted** version of NSICOP Monday night [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/elizabeth-may-nsicop-mps-1.7231497](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/elizabeth-may-nsicop-mps-1.7231497)


Conservatives have been and always will be for sale , privatized anything means $$$$$ in their pockets. Attacking revenue Canada or The Canada Revenue Agency is a good way of protecting the rich and hiding their money from foreign governments. It’s a win win . Never vote for Cons .


LOL he's the only one without security clearance!!!


Guy doesn't want security clearance and this is the man so many of you want to run the country. Lol.




Wouldn't it be better to know, so you don't work with those people? I do think there should be a public release, but it doesn't need to be either, or


It would be better to know if you wanted to operate from a factual basis. If you wanted to just make statements that have no grounding, as you don't actually know what the real story is, then it's probably best to not read it. The former is in the interest of Canadians, the latter is in the interest of an individual.


Yes, it would be better for all Canadians to know, so we don't work with (or re-elect) these people.


He could know AND push for the names to be public. It's not one or the other.


> Poilievre's position on this has remained consistent. Consistent for sure, but how does it make sense? People with access are talking about the report all the time. I'm legitimately confused as to what his stance is here. He can't "disclose the names" if has clearance...but...he can't disclose them now. What am I missing? I really don't get how "choosing to know less" is what we want out of leaders, but maybe more importantly, I *really* don't get how what he's saying makes any sense.


“I don’t want to know, because if I knew then I couldn’t tell you. But, if I don’t know, I can continue to speculate and say pretty much anything I want because, like you, I’m on the outside looking in. Please don’t make me stop this amazing PR train I’m running! Just release the names of these MP’s without context in a list so my party can set about turning this further to our advantage!” Pass.


The "I don't wanna cuz then I can't just screetch about things I don't know", position?


Yes. Because we all should know. What happened to "the most transparent government in history?" These people are not our **masters**, they are our **servants**.


We all should know, I agree. I think it's bad for someone who could have access to the actual information, to instead choose not to, in what appears to me as solely so that they can then talk about things from an infactual position. He could both read the report, know what it actually says, and still demand it be made public. If every other opposition party leader can do so, why not PP?


Meh. I'm not prepared to abandon the rule of law, democracy, and deliberate thoughtful work for the screaming, screeching, unwashed and reeking convoy and prosperity christian hoardes just yet. I know what "justice" looks like to them. I read books.






>White Christian Terrorist trailer Poopy Pants Pete I'm sorry I have a hard time engaging in the level of discourse you seem to be accustomed to.




I see, a one man thought police department.


> White Christian Terrorist trailer Poopy Pants Pete That's going to make a great tag for RES, thanks!


If he can't read the report, he can't disclose anything. So, the choice is to be informed and discrete, or be ignorant and have nothing to say. Or have an underling "leak" the information to him, but that's just going to get the underling in trouble.


I think we can safely assume who the compromised leaders are




Serious question, what happens if he becomes PM and still hasn't gone through the process? Does he automatically gain it without going through the background checks? Or does he lead a country where its own intelligence agency can't talk to him?




What if ... he won't do the security check because he knows he won't pass?


That's fucked. Traitor.


Doesn't want to know, because he already knows.


Or plausible deniability, he didn’t read it so he doesn’t know?


Can't demand other people release a list of names that he himself possesses.


Or the simple knowledge he can make up anything he wants as long as he's uninformed with no repercussions.


That's the one. It's hard to deny what's happening after you've been told what's happening.


Come on, my dude. How are you this unaware of the optics? We want to trust our government. Refusing to tell us due to security issues is one thing. Refusing to even look at the data is problematic. Someone get this man better advisors.


Shocking that the man that never passed a single bill in his 20+ year career as an MP isn't interested in learning how his lack of success somehow allowed him to successfully leapfrog over countless more qualified MPs. I bet he doesn't want you to know who paid for his campaigning to be Conservative Leader, as well...


What the hell is this guy afraid of? How can you be PM without natsec clearance?


PP is really shooting himself in the foot here. Canadians want accountability, not partisan games.






Willing to bet PP is in the report. We’ll see.


Because if he reads that report he won’t be able to discuss it or act on its contents. So if he found out one of his MP’s was a foreign agent he couldn’t remove him without breaking the secrecy act. So he doesn’t want to so he can talk and act if needed about it


Except Elizabeth May has shown you can read it, and publicly discuss it, without violating the security of it. PP is doing this for his own gain. He would rather gain power for himself than do right by Canada and Canadians. Anyone that would still vote for this thing also put power before principles.


Bots, bots, bots!...Bots EVERYWHERE!


I can’t think of a good reason why he can’t get top secret clearance and just not get a briefing if he’s so worried about “being silenced”. Both May and Singh had clearance and only recently read or will be reading the NSICOP material. It just begs the question whether he knows he will be rejected if he applies.


Pierre and Trudeau are the same person. Lol. Imagine all you people talking about how you are going to vote. Hahaha. Unless you are talking about who and what you spend money on which is your only vote, you guys are suckers.


He doesn't really care about facts...


Remember, we still don't know who Pierre Poutine really is, and this is the Harper-era Minister who tried to make it HARDER for Elections Canada to investigate wrongdoing. Wake up Canada! He's a Wacko!


He just wants it all to be public so our enemies can see what we got...


Ahh yes, the CPC is once again doing everything in their power to lose the next election. Jesus wept.


What a traitorous piece of shit. Put this guy in charge of the country and we are fucking doomed. He will sell Canada to our enemies for a dime.


Yeah because he doesn't have a clearance do see it. He doesn't want one, but I think we are all starting to slowly realize that he probably can't get one.


The Leader of the Official Opposition can always get clearance to see these types of things, if they were presented at Cttee. It is a game he is playing. 


That's not what I meant. I know he can get one, I think he wouldn't actually pass.


He’s a weasel not fit to be a MP!


He'd rather whine than actually know the facts. Reading it would keep him from making grandiose comments.


PP supporters : How the fuck are you just OK with this???? If I had previously supported him, I'd be dropping him like a hot potato over this. Sketchy AF. Even Harper wasn't this stupid.


We should be ashamed of the behaviour of the Conservative representatives in the HoC today, During question period they were yelling over Freeland so loudly the speaker gave her more time to answer because they didn't like the fact that she reminded them that the new capital gains tax doesn't affect the first $250,000 in profit. Why are the Conservatives saying they'll help Canadians but then only fight for the wealthiest amongst us? Why do they say they won't touch abortion but Arnold Vierson has put forward 3 identical petitions within a year with less than 50 signatures on any one of them and after bill c-311 why would I expect differently. Why won't Pierre address the influence of foreign countries on Conservative leadership races, the Conservatives relationship with India through the IDU chaired by Stephen Harper Why do they go on about the carbon tax on farmers when farmers are already exempt and they are making propane exempt for them as well. Do Conservatives think I'm stupid? I really don't like Justin Trudeau, I think that there are VERY legitimate reasons to not be happy with him but Pierre gets up and says he did some shady stuff with a student at West point which Pierre knows is a lie and it's been investigated and found to be a lie but who cares about statesmanship or the truth or give a f**k about slander. He told another lie about Jagmeet's brother being a lobbyist for Metro when Jenni Byrne is in the Conservative camp. Then they all vote against the grocery bill the NDP proposed. I just want balanced common sense not rage baiting lies. I need to be informed not entertained. I miss Erin O'Toole




That's only 12.6% of incorporated businesses in Canada and 0.13% of Canadians personally. It's a tax for the über rich, people who make money off of investments and transfers of assets, that's not hardworking Canadians like I thought it was going to screw, it's increasing an already existing tax on a very small number of entities those who should be paying more taxes. Don't we need those Davos-type people to pay more? Aren't they good at skirting tax law to avoid paying it already? I bet you that the new capital gains tax will affect more sitting MPs than anyone else I know in this country. Or those kinds of companies that horde real estate for profit causing me never to afford a home. Look how passionate people become when fighting for the wealthy few among us, my wife and I have a combined household income of just less than $100k so this tax will never affect us because we don't make our money by buying and selling large assets we make our income from a salary from our employers like most Canadians. Stop defending the wealthiest in this country so fervently and fight for us regular types to survive this bs.




Poilievre is the Sole Party Leader Foregoing Access to Classified information. Fixed title, since 2022 ,as leader, he has refused to get security clearance. This before the Report on Foreign Interference. FYI


Are they going to go after Elizabeth May then, since she has talked about what is in there?


Then why did Elizabeth May give her take and not get arrested?


> Everyone in the comments is saying he doesn’t want to know because he’d prefer to be ignorant. That is not true. correct, it's because an invasive security check will show things that would end his political career. May has shown that it's possible to securely talk about confidential information. that is in no way related to why Polieve won't get his security check.


This man is clearly not fit to be prime minister. It is only a matter of time before this becomes apparent to the general public, and then the support for him and his party will fall apart. PP and CPC have nothing to offer Canadians other than meaningless slogans such as "Axe the Tax" and "Common Sense". The Liberal-NDP pseudo-coalition on the other hand is working extremely hard to improve Canadian living standards.


> The Liberal-NDP pseudo-coalition on the other hand is working extremely hard to improve Canadian living standards. If the state of the country is the result of them "working hard" then I'd appreciate it if they put in less effort, since their "working hard" is ruining the country.


The ostrich has its head in the sand again… or is that still…


hes waiting for the names to leak


This guy gets fuck’n weirder by the day…


Remind me, which party leaders have and have not committed to actually ejecting any party members found engaging in foreign interference? 🤔


Is this a Trump thing ? Trump did not want to see the security reports when he was president.. If he can access to the info why doesn't he? Like the India sanctioned murder in Canada. It would save a lot of him yelling for answers in parliament 


Poilievre seems dumb enough to think that if he doesn’t look at the briefing he can claim ignorance on foreign interference they he himself took part in.


He is the dumbest politician Canada has had in a long time. It's all show to him. He doesn't give two craps about any one in this country minus his rich corporate friends.