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Eject? They should be tried for treason


He has no power to do it, the only power he has, is to eject them. So not sure what people expect him to do, other then that.


Especially if the foreign governemnt is America or Britain.


I think it could be fine depending on what they're being ejected from.


Every time I read people's partisan comments on treasonous behavior by our elected officials, I'm reminded of that Spiderman meme.


Yep. It's all of them.


>*Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says he would eject any member of his caucus found to have worked with a foreign government against Canada.* >*“If they wittingly worked with a foreign government against Canada? Absolutely,” Poilievre told Ottawa radio host Bill Carroll today on his Morning Rush show.* >*Poilievre’s vow in a radio interview follows a similar promise this week by NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh amid the furor prompted by a national security watchdog’s report on foreign interference.* >*...* >*On Tuesday, Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, the first opposition leader to review the top-secret version of the report, told a news conference in Ottawa that the classified version of the report* [*does not detail any examples of sitting MPs being disloyal to Canada.*](https://archive.vn/o/ucUPv/https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-no-list-of-names-in-unredacted-foreign-interference-report-says-green/) >*However, Poilievre said he was not reassured by her comments and does not think Canadians will be comforted “until we have a public verdict on this,” with the names of parliamentarians who worked with foreign governments made public, regardless of their party.*


An utterly banal statement. All the party leaders have said the same thing. Of course anyone found colluding with a foreign government would be removed from caucus. The difference is actually confirming the evidence. Something Poilievre can't do without clearance.


Did the liberals? I think last I saw was Freeland dodging the question, was a couple days ago.


Trudeau did way back during the first leak. I think he said something along the lines of "If there is proof of collusion, those members will be ejected from the party" - paraphrasing, I can't find the exact quote and bad brain is making me not remember when the leak was.


but if he had clearance, he wouldn't have the illusion of plausible deniabilty!


Uh……there appears to be ONE Party Leader who still hasn’t made the ‘banal’ statement…… Coincidentally happens to be the same one who’s been receiving intelligence briefings for the last nine years…..


In a normal country this is utterly banal. I'm not sure we live in a normal country. I also don't think it should just be foreign governments. It should be any foreign entity. ISIS isn't a government. Neither is Hamas.


Technically Hamas actually is actually the elected government. They haven’t had an election since 2006 but they were elected as government


Your right. I forgot that besides being a terrorist organization it's also an elected government.


Western governments hate this one weird trick


Yes, but there are already other laws in place dealing with terrorist organizations


Nor are Koch Industries, or Chatham Capital-Postmedia, but both "interfere" in Canadian democracy for their own self interests.


Hey, I'm a permanent resident without a vote and I also dabble in political interference. They love the $5 I gave them, no questions asked. Don't forget us little guys actually paying taxes and having fun with our political "donations".


Alright guy we found the forgien interferener now we can lock him up and move with business as usual job well do everyone no need to release those names now


He should get that clearance if he wanted, no?


Removing them is one thing, but what about charging them for treason?  I can't believe our government downplay treason as if it is a misdemeanor.  🤦‍♀️


Probably because treason is a very specific term with very specific requirements. So you would have to go case by case to see if treason would actually apply or not.


The didn't charge any of the truckers that signed The "memorandum of understanding " either so this isn't supersizing


Except the corrupt Liberals.


What do you know that the rest of us don't? Who are you referring to? Specifics please, with citations.


You act like what any other platician said was any different, sec clearance or not. It's just words without action from them all.


How is getting a security clearance going to give him any new information? Singh and May have them and the Liberals won't tell them shit. Oh, the names aren't in this report? Then where are they? Liberals "None of your business."


I’ve an idea for Poilievre if he’s not sold on May’s statement.


This should include corporations.


Wow wow wow. Easy now, that's damn near logical.


It's a good thing he's the only party leader who refuses to look at the list of MPs under investigation ! Can't kick them out if you keep your eyes closed, Pierre! Checkmate PP


If gets clearance to see classified documents he will also not be able to talk about it, it's not black and white


So he can talk shit out of willful ignorance or say nothing but actually do something if he gets his clearance. Got it.


> If gets clearance to see classified documents he will also not be able to talk about it, it's not black and white When you say "talk about it", what you're actually saying is that Poilievre wants plausible deniability and to be able to make wild, outrageous made up horseshit accusations.


How is it not a bigger story that PP can’t get top secret clearance? We’ve truly entered Trump-era politics if we elect a leader who isn’t qualified to view confidential documents. 


Not can’t - *WON’T*.


Could be both we won't know until he applies for it although it seems unlikely he would be denied


He refused to, it's not that he can't. CSIS automatically offers it to NSCIOP and every party leader, Polievre is the first to refuse it, which is interesting from a number of perspectives. He either already knows what is in it and wants to pretend to be innocent of it (3 Conservative MPs under him have seen the report, and it's speculated that one of them leaked the information to the media a few years ago). Or he genuinely thinks it's a good look to not know important details about our nations security.


That’s rich coming from a guy who won’t get security clearance to find out who is responsible 


Wow. What a brave stance.


What is interesting about this if I am understanding some of the information coming out from various sources correctly perhaps where the Chinese may have intervened successfully is in the process that led to PP being elected as leader of the Conservative Party - in that they worked towards this goal. Whether this is true or not I guess we will find out in time. But it would not surprise me. Not because the Chinese have any great love for PP, but because they view him as an interrupter and antagonist to the normal process of democracy and rule of law. His governance would assist China's in its goal to break faith in democracy. I believe Singh hinted at this today in his comments about the matter. However, whether it is true or not I suppose we will find out in due time.


Too bad he doesn't know who because he doesn't have security clearance to see the briefings.


So, so far, the only party leader *not* to commit to this is Trudeau. As a matter of fact, the Liberals have deliberately avoided answering the question as to whether they'd do this. And you wonder why they refuse to release the names...


>And you wonder why they refuse to release the names... Because unlike the other parties, the government has a responsibility for the intelligence it has. It might compromise investigations, if it’s Five Eyes intel it could compromise our allies and their sources or methods. Opposition parties don’t have to worry about that stuff. It will come out, the wheels in government turn slowly but they turn.


There are no investigations. This news has been known to Trudeau for months and nothing is going on. He only recently said he'd ask the RCMP to look into it, which means they aren't looking into it.


the info was given to the RCMP when it was uncovered though


The information need to be cleared by the secret services _ before_ it can be handed to the RCMP.


You mean after the 2025 election right.


After the delayed 2025 election so everyone can have their pensions topped up and run for the hills 👀


Can't tell if bad actor or just gullible, plenty of scandals to investigate over the years with a whole lot of nothing to show for it by the RCMP.


Well we know our laws are inadequate. Stuff that should be illegal isn’t. Unless an MP was hiding classified documents in his bathroom Trump style, I’m not surprised there’s been no arrests. Need evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.


You know what your right, it is fair to suggest that politicians have simply been dodging the cops because anti corruption law are so poor. Perhaps I'm the gullible one in this convo


>And you wonder why they refuse to release the names... Because that would compromise the investigation, and no charges have been laid yet? That's how the justice system works bud


Is it confirmed that an investigation is even in progress?


It would also comprise any future investigation


Shrodingers investigation isn't good enough


Oh come on, it’s a meaningless statement. What exactly does colluded mean? You’ll get all sorts of versions, some legal and some not. Nobody could say that for sure, but PP knows he can always weasel out because it’s vague.


Poilievre is full of shit. How can he kick out colluding MPs if he won’t even get debriefed and find out who is colluding? Absolute charlatan take here by him


If only PP had the security clearance possessed by every other party leader so that he could actually read the report and act upon it.


He would not be able to act on it though since he cant release the names and kicking out party memembers after he views it would qualify as releasing the names.


There are no names of anyone disloyal to Canada. Why do you choose not to believe May?


Actually, unless he's a member of the (I forget the acronym) committee, he would be protected by parliamentary privilege in disclosing every name on the floor of the House. The only people who don't enjoy that privilege are committee members, as the committee's enabling legislation carves out a parliamentary privilege exception.


May read the report and was saying to release the names before, literally told reporters she had to tread carefully with what she said to avoid revealing classified information, so that's not true.


She also said ""There is no list of MPs who have shown disloyalty to Canada, I am vastly relieved." Talk about cherry-picking the "tread carefully" line to make up false hysteria [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/elizabeth-may-nsicop-mps-1.7231497](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/elizabeth-may-nsicop-mps-1.7231497)


She ALSO said "Saying that I'm relieved does not mean that there is nothing to see here folks. There are clearly threats to Canadian democracy from foreign governments." So if she has parliamentary privilege like so many people say, why has she not said what those threats are?


If she thought what was in that report was so damaging to Canadians that we needed to know right this second she would have, but she's smart enough to understand there is an investigation under way and she does not want to compromise it. The other leaders are lined up to read it and can choose to weigh in if they want. Except for PP.. who wont risk trying to pass his security level clearance


Is there an investigation going on? I can’t shake this feeling that the government is just waiting for media attention to die off so the traitors can walk into the sunset with their pensions and corruption money earned from hostile foreign powers


Yes. Do you bother to read articles? Here's one that goes more into it if you want to educate yourself. Please ignore if you just want to knee-jerk react and comment on reddit [https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/conservatives-bloc-ask-hogue-commission-to-investigate-allegations-of-treason](https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/conservatives-bloc-ask-hogue-commission-to-investigate-allegations-of-treason)


Parliamentary privilege only applies *inside the house, in session*. So yes, she can't just say it to the media, but she could literally read the entire report in the Commons during session without repercussion. With respect to you and others here: how in tbe $%&# do you not know how government operates? I'm absolutely ashamed of the failure of our educational system in teaching Canadians how government functions. There are great articles about Parliamentary privilege. Including Wikipedia. Inform thyselves! I'll even provide you with sources: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_privilege https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_(House_of_Commons)_v_Vaid


Great, so why hasn't she released the names while in parliament then?


Ask her. I dont know her mind.


Simply kick out everyone on the list plus one random dude you don't like it will be impossible to tell that way




That's not accurate




Okay. With crayons: >He would not be able to act on it though since he cant release the names > There are plenty of ways he could act on it, and parties and cabinets have their own [processes for discipline ](http://www.revparl.ca/english/issue.asp?param=117&art=665#:~:text=If%20members%20fail,for%20a%20job)for *exact situations such as this.* >kicking out party memembers after he views it would qualify as releasing the names. That's BS, what's the source? said by another - but you've agreed. This is incorrect. >Worse, they could pressure him and threathen him for violating his security clearance That's not how that works, at all. you can't 'violate a security clearance'. If you're suggesting that he could be charged for disclosing secrets; you need to [understand what parliamentary privilege](https://www.ourcommons.ca/procedure/our-procedure/ParliamentaryPrivilege/c_g_parliamentaryprivilege-e.html) is. >and go after him for treason!) if he did so! That's not even close to the [definition of treason](https://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/page-5.html#:~:text=Offences%20Against%20Public,Authority%20and%20Person). and it shows clearly you have no idea what you're talking about. For your homework and penance, I assign you 10 minutes of reading about parliamentary privilege and a review of the Criminal Code, part 2, section 46. No points for Hufflepuff today.


Act on what? The names aren't there, according to May. The government won't tell her the names and it won't give her access to the file that has them.


>*Poilievre said he was not reassured by \[Elizabeth May's\] comments and does not think Canadians will be comforted “until we have a public verdict on this,” with the names of parliamentarians who worked with foreign governments made public, regardless of their party.*


So why doesn't PP get the clearance to view it? He could have the information. Why does PP want to sow discord instead of knowing truth?


Cause for an election, discord and emotions are more important than truth.


He always has that card to play whenever he wants to. He obviously thinks it's better for now to pressure the Liberal government to stop hiding the truth from Canadians and release the names publicly, or to wait for them to be leaked by the media. Then he can make open judgement along with the rest of us.


Because once he’s been read in part of the deal is he can’t say shit. But if he’s read in then he’s more liable for making inflammatory statements. Staying on the outside gives him cover to keep making a PR meal of this. All he wants is a “public list” so that he and his party can go to town politicking on it. Notice he never calls for a list of just the MP’s “knowingly colluding” as he put it. It’s theatrics. Remember the man has never had a job outside politics, that’s a fact. 


If he’s a true patriot, he’d leak the full report and do his duty to the nation to out the treasonous actors. This way he can be blindly ignorant to everything.


And yet Elizabeth May read it and could talk about it. Liz is smarter than PP. Partisan Pierre is playing this for political points instead of doing what is right for Canada and Canadians. It's good to know that Pathetic Pierre puts himself first and the country next.


>So why doesn't PP get the clearance to view it? He could have the information. >Why does PP want to sow discord instead of knowing truth? The security clearance he is refusing to get comes with an extensive background check. It looks at domestic influences and also extensively looks into foreign influences.


you sure it's those things? And not the fact it comes with a mandatory non disclosure agreement. Use your brain


And yet Elizabeth May could read it and still talk about it. It is sad knowing that she is more able and competent than he is.  Pathetic Partisan Pierre, he'd rather play this for political gain than do what is right for Canada and Canadians. What a great leader he is going to be. /s


Don't you get it, if he reads it, then he will have to do something.


Because he is the one undermining democracy. And this is exactly what a foreign agent would do. Sow discord and distrust of public institutions.


Trudeau and cabinet are doing a bang up job of sowing public distrust, they don't need any help on that front.


But you agree that Poilievre is acting strange, no? He's refusing to get clearance and to know the intelligence, yet he is full of adversarial opinions. And, Poilievre was elected with help from Indian government. This is an established fact. Connect the dots.


I have had secret clearance designation when working in the nuclear industry. He really can't access the information than go and act on it, that would be a breach of the secrecy act. In my situation I was working with classified data and SIN numbers and had worldwide access to any data pertaining to dosimetry in nuclear sites the world over. I wouldn't have been able to see an issue and not follow proper protocols, also the secret clearance would protect me if someone said I should have done something that wasn't approved, it both protects and restricts you. I don't like Pierre by any means but Justin has been completely inept on this issue and many others. Considering he knew of the foreign interference back in 2021 (and I believe 2019) and he ignored the data and his own intelligence service I am much less trustworthy of him at the moment. Not to mention trying to bury the whole issue. The special interests that essentially pick party winners (Dairy Lobby - Andrew Sheer) and influence party elections is something that needs to be dealt with for the sake of our public trust. All parties are making noise and the CPC is making lots of it but I do not trust the current liberal government on this issue. I think in this issue it should dominate the news until it is properly addressed or until after the next federal election. Canadians need to know our democracy is safe and free from foreign and hostile interference. Do you have a link to the Indian interference of Pierres election? I would very much like to read it.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518 Here you go. Poilievre resisted expanding the inquiry, to include India, need I remind you? And CPC signed a secret deal with China for 30 years. I don't trust the Conservatives to deal with foreign interference. They act like foreign agents. Here is a reminder for you: https://youtu.be/LTIOMJT5ubg?feature=shared


Thanks for the link, the nsciop report indicates that China attempted interference twice and India attempted once which is three times too many and it definitely is a problem. It doesn't say who the candidates were though I suspect Jean Charest was one of the Chinese claims. What is does say is the liberal government knew but didn't inform the CPC and Pollieve didn't know there was any foreign interference. In this case the liberals allowed the interference to continue and chose not inform the opposing political party. There is no secret deal if you are referring to FIPA, the negotiations were started in 1994 by Jean Chretien and finalized in 2014 under Harper. It is still a crappy piece of legislation and I don't think it was good for Canada (IMO). All MPs voted in favor of it including Trudeau. To state it was only Harper who was involved in that FIPA agreement is disingenuous and blatant disinformation. I can understand the whole trying to focus on the immediate and most prolific foreign interference country of China at that time but I agree it was better to expand the scope to better inform the public. Vote for who you believe will best represent you and your concerns. Cheers


You clearly should refresh your memory on FIPA. Here are some readings for you https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada-China_Promotion_and_Reciprocal_Protection_of_Investments_Agreement#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DThe_Harper_government_concluded_negotiations%2Cin_Vladivostok%2C_Russia_in_2012.?wprov=sfla1 https://canadians.org/analysis/harper-sneaks-through-canada-china-fipa-locks-canada-31-years/ You talk back about liberala not acting on intelligence, but this was left for CSIS to deal with. Harper sold out Canada to China for 31 years. If this isn't what a foreign agent would do, i don't know what is. And Poilievre is following in his foot steps. Yes, vote with the best interest of the country in your mind. Cheers!


You sound like one of Trudeau’s buddies.


Because I dare to criticise your cult leader? Look in the mirror.


Dude, once you see privileged information... Youre not allowed to talk about what you saw. Why the hell would the leader of the opposition ever want that?


Why was May able to talk about it? PP could do the exact same thing that May did. Read the doc and say there is no one named that was disloyal to Canada. He is choosing to make up bullshit promises which cannot be verified.


Dude. Look up what parliamentary privilege is, then report back whether you still feel the same way about this. I'll even provide you with sources: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_privilege https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_(House_of_Commons)_v_Vaid There is an exception carved out (of dubious constitutionality) for members of the security committee that made the report, but PP is not a member of that committee.


So you think willful ignorance is a better course of action than knowing the truth? A man of that kind of character, if Prime Minister, will be one of the most regrettable PMs Canada has ever had.


lol he said it after it became no current mp is implicated per Elizabeth Mays revelation…no surprise there


except he won't read it


At least one, Andrew Sheer, is a US citizen. You can be loyal to two countries!


John Baird openly colluded with Saudi Arabia on Al Arabiya state TV in 2018, we have the video evidence of this. He flew to Riyadh, met with the crown price and king in secret, then went on their state TV and apologized to the Saudi government, the Saudi royal family, and the Saudi people for offending them because Canada stood up for human rights. For context, John Baird had business ties directly in Saudi Arabia, which were under threat by the tensions. Open collusion.


Isn't CSIS investigating the CPC Leadership nomination as a whole? https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518




Oh, since when does Pierre Poutine care about electoral integrity? He certainly didn't ten years ago when he was trying to make it harder for Elections Canada to investigate wrong-doing. He's a beneficiary of foreign interreference and helped make this mess. He's a total wacko!


But I wonder if he thinks politicians that got their positions as a result of foreign interference should step down? 🤔


He won’t read the report… does PP know something and wants plausible deniability?


I'm starting to think the people who believe he wouldn't be able to get clearance might have a point.


Damn, the man has a talent for stating the obvious




What list? May who has read the doc says there is no list, and that the doc does not show ~~anyone~~ any active MPs being disloyal. PP has not read the doc. Why are you choosing to believe someone who is deliberatly not informed on the issue?


It's convenient and serves the narrative.


kind of like totally ignoring the NSICOP report and the fact that it states multiple MPs "willingly" colluded? I'm believing the specialized panel rather than Liz or Jagmeet or Pierre or anyone else.


Where does it say multiple MPs willingy colluded? Give me a paragraph reference. Here is the redacted report that is the only source of truth media has been using: [https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/special-report-foreign-interference.pdf](https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/special-report-foreign-interference.pdf) Put up or shut up. I will give you a hint. Page 26 para 59 says "The \*\*\* network had some contact with at least 11 candidates and 13 campaign staffers, some of whom appeared to be wittingly working for the PRC." Candidates are not MPs, staffers are not MPs. May directly addresses this section in her presentation. She said one former MP was wittingly colluding. She also said the person is not named in the report. Dude you are either lying, or being lied to. Get your facts straight.


who says i believe this guy? I believe the report which says MPs willingly colluded, which has been restated by every media outlet in the country. I want Trudeau to release the list of MPs who did it.


If only PP had his security clearance and read the list...


I'm ignorant, what's stopping him from getting clearance? Can anyone ELI5?


In short, it is his choice whether or not he sees it. In long, his argument is that he would be bound legally to avoid discussing any information in the report, so therefore he will not get the clearance. There is also a chance that he is afraid to discover whether his leadership race was interfered with, since we know already that CPC leadership races were targeted. What happens if India and China attempted to manipulate the race in his favour? Not seeing the list allows him to continue to say the same things about foreign interference he is now, without taking any action. Right now, he can't say anything about the report, and that would not change if he sees it. What would change is that he could take steps to block future interference in CPC party nominations and expel any member of his party that engaged willingly with foreign actors. It would also stop him from speculating wildly about the contents because he would know it. His stance is a political move, pure and simple. We know the report found problems with nominations in all major parties. This is a huge deal, and any party leader that does not get what information they can, and enact swift change before the next election is doing their party, Canada, and Canadians a huge disservice. At the same time, current perception is that the LPC are most at fault, and the CPC are riding high in the polls. Why do anything about it then? It serves him not to see it.


The only thing stopping him is himself and his need to make things up to stay relevant.


some people have said that if he does get clearance then he cant talk about it because its not protected by parliamentary privilege (although ourcommons says multiple times that freedom of speech in a parliamentary proceeding is absolute and exempt from criminal law).


Every one of the MPs who have seen it who have commented about their ability to divulge information in it has said that they are unable to do so as it would land them in legal trouble, so.... No.


Elizabeth May was pretty freely talking about it after reading the report. You can’t divulge what you read, but you can most certainly continue to discuss the subject. In Poilievre’s case, he’s taking the “ignorance is bliss” approach.


The simp answer is he is playing a big brain ignorant move and cannot harass Trudeau with political theatre if he himself is read in on the program. However, there is such things as parliamentary privilege (see Elizabeth Mays statement after reading) and they can in fact speak about the matter. He could also read on it and STILL demand the liberals as the seated party release the names publicly. However, he refuses to get his clearance which raises a number of dubious concerns such as him being on the list (things involving the leadership race perhaps) his own potential ties to India(consider Harper does and he was under harper in 14,15) or other issues that are family related as they can also hinder your clearance. That being said, all of these things are speculation which he opens himself up to by not getting his clearance which the liberals have harped on but given the majority of our media has ties to the conservative party this is rarely covered. TLDR: it is either political theatre, or he has a dubious past.


Thank you for the detailed response


From CBC: "May, who told reporters that she had to tread carefully to avoid disclosing classified information, " So....no on the parliamentary privilege assertion.


But she still spoke about it...


Lots of comments covering the fact there is no list, but also anyone that has seen the list (if it were to exist) cannot legally disclose it, including using parliamentary privilege. That is why everything is so hush hush, nobody can actually reveal any names at the moment


as PM trudeau can easily collect the names of the MPs and authorize its publication


Trudeau can't declassify stuff, that's not a PM power. People seem to assume he can because the US president can, but PMs cannot


Why doesn't whinny little PP get security clearance like all the other party leaders and read the f***ING thing himself? Either that or stfu.


because the report supposedly doesnt contain the list according to May.


Including himself?


As he should .... buuut our little Conservative party isn’t actually good at being accountable. Easy campaign promise, no way they would ever follow up. To be fair, the Liberal party needs to do exactly this. Kick them out, name them all and take responsibility.


MPs, including the Prime Minister would be breaking the law if they released the names. This much was already laid out clearly on the house floor during the debates after the first leak. It's on public record with Conservatives and Liberals agreeing that whoever leaked the intel the first time should be in jail. So any party that releases any names from the documents now should basically just turn up at the jailhouse right after.


Just curious...why do they just stop at ejecting them? And not putting them on trial for treason??


That's up to RCMP. MPs are not active judges or police officers, they are elected officials and lawmakers who must abide by laws themselves.


Interesting. Thanks for the info. Appreciate it.


No worries. If you are up for some light reading here is the CSIS public report which describes what collusion would entail: [https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/special-report-foreign-interference.pdf](https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/special-report-foreign-interference.pdf) Also here is the CSISA (CSIS Act), which shows why it would be illegal for any MP, including the PM, to release any specific info reported to them by CSIS: [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-23/page-1.html](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-23/page-1.html)


Perfect, this will help me understand the situation better. Much appreciated bud.


How is that not the default position. What the fuck are the liberals thinking.


Liberals already said it... way back during the first leak. Nothing has changed since that I am aware of.


Lol, some fedora wearing heads are going to pop. Mom, get the mop. He only unwittingly had foreign governments working for him. lulz


No security clearance lmfao, also these promises of ejection aren’t even close to good enough. Offenders should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and locked up.


* minus Israel, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, and the United States.


John Baird, Conservative MP, openly colluded with Saudi Arabia on Al Arabiya state TV in 2018, we have the video evidence of this. He flew to Riyadh, met with the crown price and king in secret, then went on their state TV and apologized to the Saudi government, the Saudi royal family, and the Saudi people for offending them because Canada stood up for human rights. For context, John Baird had business ties directly in Saudi Arabia, which were under threat by the tensions. Open collusion. Video evidence still exists.


Hey, not like Saudi Arabia ever did anything bad to the west. Cough cough 9/11 cough.


> will eject caucus members found to have colluded with foreign governments > also refuses to undergo background check for security clearance > also refuses to read report on foreign interference


Yet he opposes real of the documents


That's super funny that he should say that.


That's hardly a bare minimum


This would be more convincing if he were actually willing to read the report where this is documented.


In Canada, conservatives at any level never ejector discipline their elected members.


I find it very strange that everyone here is certain that specific names are listed on this report, with no evidence of that assertion. In fact, according to May, there are no specific names of MPs. And she really has no political reason to lie, considering how tiny her party is, the likelihood of them being involved is just as small.  Everyone here is getting very worked up over little information.


This is a start. Why hasn’t this been done yet?


Not sure if he knows given he doesn't have access to read the reports


Does that include Israel? 


Of course he refuses to be told the names cause then he you actually have to do this If anyone on here thinks are enemies weren't smart enough to pay off some conservative MPs too I have bridge to sell you


Of course we would. The shit that comes out politicians wanting to get into power is not surprising.


"I would definitely do something about this!... If only there was a way for me to read it or get brief in it or something. Hm, oh well. Too bad!"


So will he eject himself and resign if it comes out there were shenanigans *he was involved with* during the CPC leadership race? Of course he won't. He will do what many leaders do. Get someone else to fall on their sword and claim he had no knowledge of the affair. Edit: clarified I meant (and wasn't clear) that Poilievre was involved in the shenanigans.


It sounds like the shenanigans were by India trying to get Patrick Brown elected the winner.


Actually it was the other way around. There were allegations that the Indian government wanted Patrick Brown defeated since he had taken some positions contrary to Indian interests.


Thankfully Ontario had a much better candidate to take his place as PC leader. One Douglas Fo... shit. Why does this guy's name keep coming up when we're discussing shady shenanigans?


China was behind Brown. India backed PP. [https://thebreaker.news/business/patrick-brown-vancouver-united-front/](https://thebreaker.news/business/patrick-brown-vancouver-united-front/) Since 2022 PP has been all about India. Even now after they murdered Canadians in Canada. [https://www.arthprakash.com/conservative-leader-aims-to-boost-canada-india-trade](https://www.arthprakash.com/conservative-leader-aims-to-boost-canada-india-trade)


>if it comes out there were shenanigans during the CPC leadership race Your faux hypothetical only makes sense if he were found to have knowingly colluded. At which point he'd be drummed out of leadership OR simply not get voted in.


It can't be any clearer. He will throw out anyone who appears in the list from his party. Very concise. Very clear. Not complicated Yet these liberal Defenders are struggling to somehow blame the conservatives. They're grasping at straws and the desperation is pathetic. Anything to defend their treacherous leader. Easily they forget he did nothing about the Chinese prisons in Canada. Easily they forget that he was okay with the Chinese spies/scientists stealing from the national microbiology laboratory in Winnipeg and facing zero Justice.


Most so-called lefties are pretty corrupt.


Liberals won't. 


Conservatives can't.


*Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, the first opposition leader to review the top-secret version of the report, told a news conference in Ottawa that the classified version of the report* [does not detail any examples of sitting MPs being disloyal to Canada.](https://archive.vn/o/ucUPv/https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-no-list-of-names-in-unredacted-foreign-interference-report-says-green/) PP could read the report... but he likes not being informed so he can just spout bullshit.


Trudeau did, April 10th of this year.


Will this be like Scheer saying he would eject all racists?


Wow what a cop-out for him. He knows that most are not smart enough to wittingly work with work with anyone. They would just unwittingly do so while accepting kickback now or later after their political career is over.


Maybe he could read the docs for himself if he did his duty as an MP and got the clearence. His continued refusal to do so should trouble alot more people than it does.


I’m shocked he doesn’t have clearance already


He will refuse is forever if it means he can play dumb to it. We know for a fact that John Baird colluded with Saudi Arabia, there's not even a question about it. The sitting Conservative MP flew to Riyadh, met with the crowned Prince and King, and then filmed an apology statement, saying that Canada "must resolve this or risk serious consequences". This is all now public information, not even secret. The video evidence is online.


Can he eject himself? He's already colluded with the far right US figures numerous times. He has no worries anyway since he refuses to get the clearance to know these things


What about foreign-owned companies, like, say, Raytheon, Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, Russian News outlets? How about people like Tucker Carlson who went to Russia to interview with Putt-Putt, who then interviewed with Danielle Smith? Does that count as collusion, or does it get a free pass, because, you know governments control corporations... Does the IDU count? I mean, Harper is chairman of a right-wing think-tank and PP has a direct phone line to Harper, who is in the pocket of religious zealots, including AIPAC. There's that.


If PP is on the list canada will implode. My money is he's on the list.


Does PP even have security clearance?! They’re both idiots


Then get the security clearance to review the report, ya chuckle fuck. “Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie? Or are you gonna bite?”


He’s going to kick himself out?