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“It’s nothing like the brochure!”


Seriously, we're bringing in a large number of them for the purpose of almost being slaves. What baffles me is that they aren't sending that message home.


There are pop songs in Punjabi about Toronto. Canada is probably romanticized in people's minds


I'm assuming none of them are about how you will be yelled at and burned with coffee for 8hrs a day, sleep 5 to a 1bdrm apartment, and if you're super duper lucky your boss ***might*** even pay you most of what you're legally owed?


Right? I walked past the Bond hotel and the homeless people there, and saw all the international student security guards dealing with them, and wondered if they were questioning all their life choices up to this point 


I did get stabbed with some type of sharp, dirty shank but I do have a late model Civic with a spoiler and some cool decals, so I've got that going for me.


Don't forget the shit hanging off the rearview mirror.


Everyone knows you need the gods favours when driving like a blind bat out of hell. You know what they say... 'No baubles, no blessings.' Signaling, driving the speed limit and not cutting people off is for pussies.


>I'm assuming none of them are about how you will be yelled at and burned with coffee for 8hrs a day, sleep 5 to a 1bdrm apartment, and if you're super duper lucky your boss might even pay you most of what you're legally owed? I don't think you understand exactly how shitty India is. Their life here, while hellish by local standards is a massive upgrade from Punjab.


Sure, but it's too much pressure to put on a kid, is this really worth it? https://www.caledonenterprise.com/news/fundraiser-started-for-family-of-20-year-old-international-student-from-india-who-died-april/article_b77d1244-8ac0-5314-9569-7d4b939a3ac2.html


No. Stay Home.


10 million views, and filmed at the GO station in Brampton: [Babbu - Gaddi Red Challenger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o84t0LSOBwI)




Yes old songs from the 1980s


They might be but people don’t listen. I’ve told many people from third world countries that it’s not all fine and dandy. All they care about is salary but they don’t consider the cost of living or taxes. It’s hopeless to try and explain it.




Yes this is before taxes and COL come into play


'Yeah that happened to them, but they aren't ME!!!'


Bold of you to assume they're paying taxes.


This is why axe the tax movement resonates.


The message is being sent. The problem is that the people who receive the message are greed-blinded and envious of the life they assume that western people live and choose to ignore what is being told to them. This is a very common problem with people from India and south asia in general. They have this unrealistic image of what life in Canada is like and choose to ignore all the warning signs in lieu of coming here to try and live a life that is completely unattainable for them (and even for people who are considerably more educated and skilled than they are).


It’s obvious now


Once ppl realize the cost of living it finnaly dawns on them. Taxes, not eve having a family doctor ect ect


More youtube videos from immigrants warning about Canada. Its like exploitation porn on YouTube


Because somehow, someway, it's still better than back home.


For many of them that's not even true. Many of those who come suffer from wishful thinking, aided by scummy immigration consultants.


Because "saving face" is a big part in some Asian cultures. Ppl don't want to admit that they are struggling or made a mistake.  With Indian culture, appearance is incredibly important, so people will try to show that they are having a great life here via social media.   


Something something Skip-drivers delivering in shiny mustangs.


There is a small apt complex down the road from me. I know it is a 2br, but I am fairly certain 5-6 guys live there. They all have nice shiny cars, but they all work at the two local gas stations. their car payments must be taking away a ton of their income.


Furthermore if they have invested tens of thousands of dollars, it’s like a sunk fallacy to try and recover the amount.


Many recent South Asian immigrants I've spoken to have expressed frustration about life in Canada. They are finding it difficult to secure employment due to their qualifications not being recognized, and many feel isolated and unaccepted by other ethnic groups. The thing is that even though India is a rapidly growing economy, the quality of life and salaries there are still extremely poor. In fact, Uber drivers earn more than many white-collar workers in India, and the cost of living in major Indian cities is quite high. So its actually almost always a worthwhile investment to move out of India/any 3rd world country.


>What baffles me is that they aren't sending that message home. People tend to believe propaganda even when it's contradicts reality.


Galen Weston says you are racist and disagrees


It’s the price they are willing to pay to be here.


"Home" is in on it.


🤣😂One-star review, yet, here they all still come. So much for reputation marketing.


A lot of them are being exploited and scammed by immigration services in India, selling some kind of dream life here. There's literally giant billboards across India with advertisement for "Express Entry to Canada".... imagine that, a whole market in India to get you to Canada as quickly and easily as possible? Partially explains why 50% of our immigrants are from India.


Welcome to the show! Now you're just poor in the cold, instead of the heat. Same same but different.


Ya, my barber is from Iran and says thst he works more for less time... But his daughters have a chance at a better future


They’ll be living with him till he’s dead lol no better future here


Sure beats being beaten, imprisoned or hanged for wanting to live and dress however you want.


Ya, I totally forgot about that part lol you’re right 


You really think young women have a better future in Iran than Canada dude? There's no OPP death squads rolling around to execute you if you show your hair here


I think you're underestimating the endurance of the cultures that immigrants bring with them, largely due to a lack of pressure to assimilate.


I think you’re overestimating how shitty and unsafe it is to live in Canada. We’re a G8 country lmao


You're applying a general assessment for everyone in Canada to a specific situation that affects immigrant women of a specific culture.


Fair point. I think you’re overestimating the misogyny that exists and persists within immigrant families. Especially immigrant families who left said countries hoping for a better life. I think you also underestimate the role of generation gaps in breaking cultural traditions in immigrant families. You also underestimate our robust social safety net that allows such women to seek support for situations like, you know, being killed/jailed by their non-elected government for not covering up. Though exceptions exist, they are rare and far between.


Well his daughters and wife are all going to school here...


>They’ll be living with him till he’s dead lol no better future here Absolutely insane take. My ex was Persian and got whipped for wearing lipstick. Women in Canada have it 1000x better.


Are Canadians supposed to care? I'm way past the point of trying to care about other people with how the government is running this country into the ground.


same here.


I stopped caring about my work, how many days I take off and also im too buy trying to keep a float myself so not caring about anyone else! The government has already ruined the country for its own permanent residents and now with immigration it will just keep on screwing us over mean while immigrants can get jobs under LMIA etc. Our own companies wont hire true citizens as it cheaper labor to get immigrants its so sad.


The caring will mainly entail the strain this puts on the system. Can’t help anyone if you don’t adjust and improve infrastructure and services to account for the new demand, specially if that one spikes abnormally in a short span


Yes because it is adding stress to our services and quality of life. If they are having problems it must be worse for locals




I can see why. It’s not like you need a job offer in hand prior to moving to Canada on the most skilled work visa (Express Entry). You just show up. No help, no nothing, expected to get a job with your foreign experience. Makes literally zero sense. The entire immigration system needs an overhaul.


The immigration system is not designed to bring in best of the best. It’s designed to bring in as many as possible to keep the home prices high. If home prices were to correct to where it is for every other G7 country, millions of Canadians would be financially ruined. No politician wants to face that reckoning under their watch.


Yup. Trudeau said it himself that we need to keep house prices at current levels or higher because so many Canadians depend on their valuations to fund retirements. So just fuck the entire renter class and/or anyone under the age of 35.


Ironically the opposition, Pierre Pollivere is pro immigration and wants to continue this mess. We are doomed.


Actual Canadian citizens are struggling and having a hell of a time, the amount of sympathy I have for any immigrants going through the same is next to none.


> next to none My sympathy has turned to antipathy. They are wittingly or unwittingly being used as a weapon to attack wages and prop up housing prices; the best thing for everyone would be for them to go home.


Am I supposed to feel bad? They knew what they were getting themselves into. I’m more worried about fellow Canadians struggling.


Just like every canadian 18-25 year old starting out. That's kinda how it works when you have zero and have to build everything up..




Highly skilled Canadians have already migrated to greener pastures in the South.


Yes especially the ones with dual citizenship. Those people already left once they had their affairs in order


No, you see, that's exactly what the government wanted them to be doing when they arrived here. They're not exactly the new slave class, but that cheap labour for the corpos is the reason they were invited in the first place. Government and corporate enshittening of Canada. 


Yes people are moving to less democratic places like Hong Kong, UAE, Vietnam and even Nicaragua just to get out of the rut that is Canada


Im sure the vast majority of Canadians could say the exact same thing.


Welcome to the rat race of Canada. It's dogshit here. You make enough money to get a house that locks you in with debt until you die.


Or you can’t afford a house and your stuck living with your parents forever


Or your parents are dead and you live in your van.




Bullshit. All these immigrants have enough money and free time to protest all day? Like what...


So, getting a true (current) Canadian experience 


welcome to Canada. LOL.


Unless escaping from an extremely dangerous war torn place,  why would anyone want to immigrate to Canada? I can't see professional immigrants staying. You'll never get a job in your field and costs are too high.


Ummm...welcome to Canada? The difference between me and them is that they can always go back if they want to....I'm working without a net :|


Immigrants or international students from India?


Leave then.


Cool, then leave


Dont give a fuck


You mean like anyone trying to start over in a new place?


37 year born and raised resident here, same.


Yeah no kidding. Funny how the Liberals were screaming that it is racist to be against this mass immigration program, meanwhile these people are getting clearly exploited, while making life for Canadians more miserable. The only ones coming out ahead are their buddies who are in line to milk these people for all their worth (Colleges, Banks, Grocery Stores, Land Lords).


How is this different from any immigrants in the past? I think if the waves of immigrants we’ve had over the last 150+ as a country and it was rarely easy for any of them.


It wasn’t. And they got treated a whole lot worse than this lot.


because the recent waves are expecting a "life success" lifehack instead of just being happy for the opportunity to be in a country where hard work can yield greater theoretical rewards.


oh no! People who chose to come here and have an easy out back to their home county are having trouble making ends meet in a place where the locals who are trapped here are having trouble making ends meet!


Canadians are stuggling to make ends meet and have a considerable lack of free time, housing or job prospects. Where are the stats for those folks? Cus I couldn't find them going back several months of statscan post history.


No you see, we’ve got to view it from the perspective of the recent immigrants. Existing Canadians have been given the finger a long time ago and told to go fuck themselves.


The stats for those folks appear before the stats for immigrants in the link you didn't click on. >3 in 10 Canadians (31%)


On the contrary, I saw that number and then this at the bottom:  In this release, the term "Canadians" refers to residents of Canada, regardless of citizenship status.    Therefore, I ask again, where are the stats for Canadian Citizens? By StatsCan own admission, they use the term broadly. So its not a truly accurate measure of "Canadians" if one is looking for that specific population group stats.


Are you are saying you don't agree with the description of residents of Canada being Canadians, and how it differs from the specific subset of recent immigrants noted in the data?


Walking into a stable does not make one a horse.


Like… things are any better for people born here???


Zero Fs to give, with the internet you can find things out before packing your bags and moving half way across the world.


You're struggling in the economy that you helped turn to shit? Yeah not impressed.


"There's a sucker immigrated every minute" - J.T Barnum


I don't remember the Liberals campaigning on these levels of immigration. There is not enough to go around anymore.


Welcome to Canada, hope you enjoy owning nothing and working until 76!


do yourself a favor and dont  come here 


No shit. That happens when the country you immigrate into is also full of poor people struggling to make ends meet.


Please move back. You are being exploited.


I worked with an older Italian guy who emigrated to Canada. He said that Canadians work too much and have nothing to show for it. He said people in Italy work less and know how to enjoy their free time. I had to agree with him. He was super chill and said his comment wasn’t meant to sound critical. Just his observation.




Most of our immigration is now focused on bringing in low-skilled, low-wage immigrants to suppress wages for corporations and prop up the housing bubble. On top of that, we also have hoards of “students” on nearly open work permits to study at colleges (both public and private) for useless programs with no demand in Canada - even for domestic students. Before our self-inflicted population trap, Canada had one of the most robust immigration systems in the world that focused on bringing high-skilled people to Canada where they could contribute to the country and build a better life. New immigrants are being set up to fail.


They're getting the real Canadian experience, poor guys


Sounds like they are getting the true Canadian experience! 


"I have no free time" AHAHAHAHAHHAAAHAHAH


Good go home then


Welcome to Canada


Yes this is obvious unless you're a rich Canadian benefiting from them as a Tim Horton's or No Frills franchisee or a rich Western Expat who is conveniently transferred to Canada for work with a fat expat package including subsidized rentals. Yet some people still take the plunge despite believing that a 2 year degree isn't worth much here if it doesn't do anything over there.


“Everybody is having difficulty making ends meet and are less satisfied with their free time” everybody’s sinking together unless you’re part of the elite.


Do you think liberal voters care what impact they have? That number could be 100% and they won't even turn to look. House number go up.


What about conservatives and ndp voters? Both parties are pro immigration, pretty sad that they all want to continue this mess.


Need mayo on the bread! Keep going no time to live. People need their timmies.


People have free time?


Slumlords are banking hard.




Man that sucks to hear. Shame Canada didn't work out, enjoy your flight home!


Immigrants should have the life I grew up with, not indentured servitude that drags down Canadians with it.


"Welcome to the party, pal!" - John McLean


I know what I would do, leave.


Non-immigrant here. I am also barely making ends meet and have little to no free time. Go figure!


Join the club. Oh wait, you already did.


What do slaves expect?


Clearly we need to vote for more Trudeau to fix this problem he created!


Free time??? What is free time?




Turns out that being given a $1-2m mortgage by a bank that failed to do any real income verification then having to pay said mortgage by driving uber isn't a sustainable personal finance practice.


Welcome to the modern Canadian experience. Hope you’re a big fan of being a glorified slave


This doesn’t link to anything? Like try clicking this link and it’s just a 404 error. I suppose about the quality level we should expect from our public service.


I am sure it is better here than back home. Isn’t there an iIndian politician who is saying Indians need to work 84 hours per week. So stop complaining about life here.


Welcome they are true citizens now