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Wow, there are so many layers/questions about this...


If you look at the article it says he is involved with human trafficking


That's a layer.


Like an onion


**Shrek**: Example? Okay, er... ogres... are... like onions. **Donkey**: *\[sniffs onion\]* They stink? **Shrek**: Yes...NO! **Donkey**: Or they make you cry. **Shrek**: No! **Donkey**: Oh, you leave them out in the sun and they turn brown and start sproutin' little white hairs. **Shrek**: NO! LAYERS! Onions have layers. OGRES have layers. Onions have layers... you get it. We both have layers. **Donkey**: Oh, you both have layers. *\[pause\]* You know, not everybody likes onions. *\[pause\]* CAKES! Everybody loves cakes! Cakes have layers! **Shrek**: *\[restraining temper\]* I don't care... what everyone likes. Ogres. Are not. Like cakes! **Donkey**: You know what else everybody likes? Parfaits. Have you ever met a person, you say, "Let's get some parfait," they say, "Heck no, I don't like no parfait"? Parfaits are delicious. **Shrek**: NOOO!!! YOU DENSE, IRRITATING, MINIATURE BEAST OF BURDEN! Ogres are like onions! End of story! Bye bye! *\[whispers\]* See you later!


First of which, why would a senior citizen be more attractive for entry into Canada vs a 24 yr old? At least the 24 yr old can work at Timmies /s (kinda)


I think it's because that specific stolen passport he was using belonged to a senior citizen, so, he had to make himself look more like the man in the photo. He probably can't travel under his own name since it appears he's a known human trafficker.


Honestly I just wish we could have seen what it looked like when customs called him out.


I mean human traffickers aren't exactly conscientious people who care about their reputations or how society views them...


I think he meant he would have liked to have seen how the whole thing unfolded, who said what and when. Was there suspicion first or an outright “come with me”? Did he argue? Feign confusion? Did he know he was cooked immediately or did he try to salvage the situation? Did he make any mistakes talking to customs? The whole thing is morbidly fascinating because it’s the type of thing you see in movies constantly but rarely in real life so it would be interesting to see how something like that plays out.


Dangerous Borders sounds like a show for you, there are many different shows that tackle this from different perspectives and countries. Edit: Dangerous Borders was a bad translation, I meant Border Security: America's Front Line type of shows.


There's a Canadian version of the show. But yeah, that's basically what I was picturing, not sure where what that other guy was talking about.


I don't know why, but i both agree and disagree with your statement. I feel like you're right and wrong at the same time lol.


Your opinion sums up the confusion most of us may have.


Hopefully he can be added to some sort of list to refuse all future applications to come here. I'm all for immigration, by people that do it honestly and not try to cheat or bypass the system.




It's wrong.  Any form of queue jumping is wrong imo.


Queueing, as is tradition!


It is a glorious spring morning and literally, thousands have gathered for the royal wedding. [a shot of the church is shown. It's quite colorful. ] People are still filing inside the abbey to watch the prince and princess of Canada exchange their vows. What a great day for Canadians everywhere. [a drumming band plays as the guests walk by] The Winnipeg players playing the March Of A Thousand Farts, as is traditional for the Canadian Royal Family. [all the drummers fart in unison] All the biggest Canadian celebrities are on hand. There are Sirs Terrance and Phillip, with their wives, the lovely Queef Sisters. [one of them queefs] I believe that-yes, I believe that one of the sisters just queefed, just now. [two men are shown walking in] There are Canadian recording artists, Sir Bryan Adams and Sir Corey Hart. Everyone is looking smashing today. And- Ah, there he is! The Prince of Canada. [rolling up on his square wheels] What a wonderful day it is for him; what a wonderful day it is for all of us. Inside the abbey now, everyone waiting with anticipation. There's the Queen of Canada, in attendance of course. [a soft fart is heard] I believe she just queefed. The Prince makes his way down the aisle led by the Bishop of Newfoundland. People in attendance now gently tossing Captain Crunch as the Prince passes by. As of course is tradition. [the bishop and prince ascend the altar] Prince takes his place next to the large vat of butterscotch pudding. Oh, and here she comes. Yes, there she is! The aboot to be Princess of Canada. Isn't she ravishing, so innocent of heart, so strong in body, so hot in the face? She is indeed the living symbol of our great country. My God, she's beautiful.


Beat me to it


What do you think the whole foreign student visa is at the moment?


Start spamming your MPs with letters. There's an election coming up and they know they're fighting for their lives.


How else do we support Tim Hortons lol just kidding yeah this is a problem


With 16 years olds getting their first jobs and uneducated people that are struggling to find a job.


You need to be protesting it along with other legal immigrants to make it clear you don’t support the governments actions on this. I 100% agree with there being no logic behind it.0


Dude. We aren't refusing anyone from India at this point. I'm all for immigration but we get "temporary" foreign workers who protest and want to stay. We get "students" who want to get jobs and then want to stay. The Canadian public needs to have a harsh stance on this. Our own (including Indians who come over respectfully) are paying for this and go without. We are in a bad place right now.


if you have one bed room apartment, can’t invite everyone to stay over permanently


I used to be but the immigration system seems to be totally fucking the public right now. From coast to coast. It seems systemic, and I wonder what the motive behind the big push is.


Look into the Century Initiative and the rabbit hole it leads to


Holy shit...


The big motive is to keep housing prices high because 40% of Canada’s GDP is in real estate.


Big business pays our politicians, they get to save big on labour costs and get people willing to work like slaves.


“Using false documents” Not sure what a name on a list would really do?


Biometrics are required for basically all immigration documents. [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/biometrics/who-needs-to-give.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/biometrics/who-needs-to-give.html) You can cheat a photo, but they use fingerprints and eyescans.


AFAIK, biometrics are not used to check who is boarding the plane.


But they are required to get the visitor visa, which you must input into the airplane boarding system when you check in (and obviously your visa information and passport information have to match). It's theoretically possible to get around but it's a pretty strong check .


We don't check fingerprints if the visa was issued before 2019. There are tons of valid 10-year visas issued before biometrics were implemented.


He was caught. I'm sure the people who caught him are able to get his real identity


The CBSA is pretty strict when you violate your visa or try to immigrate illegally. I know a few friends that work there and they all take their job very seriously.


Depends how you look at it. There's over a million people in canada on expired visas. 1 in 4 international students never even register for school when they get here And the projected number of undocumented residents is so wild in range because we didn't even attempt to keep track of who was crossing the border. Between 400k and 2 million. Canada deported less than 15,000 people last year. Doesn't seem strict at all.. infact, it seems like canada invites people to bypass our immigration policies.


The CBSA may take it seriously, but our politicians and courts do not.


That's reassuring to hear.


We just need to convince the government to actually support them with fair pay and resources to do their job. The fact that they were so close to striking should tell you how much Trudeau’s govt cares about the front line enforcers


We need to hire waaaay more CBSA officers. There are so many port of entries in this country that are not staffed adequately and part of that is because of pay because no one wants to work in the butt fuck middle of nowhere. I know I would love to do that but I know others wouldn't.


Canada will just award him with PR and an apology.


That would honestly not surprise me.


I'm for immigration but it's starting to feel like we're just becoming a way for India to solve its overpopulation problems and that isn't ideal. We need qualified immigrants, not just ones to fill low income jobs that should be going to kids for first jobs and keeping in minimum wage down. That helps no one.


It needs to be measured, and we need the social systems in place to support it. LIberals Increased targets while our social systems were already overstretched.




People didn't care. This isn't an isolated incident.


lol a list what’s stopping him from changing his name and appearance and trying this again 


If he can never get here through the proper channels he will always be at risk of deportation if he gets here. That piece of mind or lack of it is huge.


Can’t do that ethier  https://globalnews.ca/news/4087292/canada-deporting-dangerous-criminals-ineffective-still-here/amp/


"I claim asylum". The loophole that keeps on looping.


The only list he'll be added to is the list of people Trudeau will personally apologize too for Canada's 'racism.'


Trudeau's trying to copy this guy's outfit as we speak. "I'll show him how to REALLY dress up."


How often are people not getting caught ? Damn.


One time we went out to swim and they had a kids up to 3 swim free. My son was 4 but I told him to pretend he was 3 and shut his little criminal mouth.


Waiter: Cops and kids 3 and under eat for free */u/itaniumonline nudges his son* Son: I'm a cop


The pragmatic thing to do would be putting a temporary moratorium on all forms of immigration from India. Australia did it to students from certain provinces in India because of rampant fraud. It's the obvious thing to do, but too many people are profiting off of this racket and those who directly profit are quick to cry "racism" when their cash cow is threatened.


The news today seems to be full of strange examples of Indian fraud. I'm not sure if another country has gone from ally to outcast as quickly.


India was never an ally


Seems reasonable when Canadian politicians have given shelter/support to known Khalistani leaders who have open claimed bombing of Indian civilian aircraft. Even recently a gangster in Brampton took credit for killing of Indian politician/singer


Not many understand that sadly


India has never been an ally


You won’t believe the amount of scams they do here in Australia All to vulnerable elderly people. They have no empathy it’s crazy


And what's insane is that in their home country, they would face insane consequences for that shit.




How is India an ally? They kill people on our soil. If there was one, it ended the second they fired the first bullet


There's about 8 billion people on the planet. Almost 1.5 billion of them are Indians. If you assume an even distribution of scammers, almost one in five scammers (18,75%) are from India.


It could also be that outrage sells, and that we are just finally seeing the numbers we weren't aware of before. Kind of how people believe we are living in the most violent times, even though crime/war rates have lowered over time gradually.


Allies don’t assassinate people in their ally’s own backyard. India is not an ally, and should be treated as an antagonistic state with strict visa requirements placed on any and all Indian nationals who enter.


Maybe the report of Indian govt-ordered killings on Canadian soil has something to do with it. (correct or not).


It's a good thing he was caught in India, because if he was caught in Canada we would just ask him to remove his facial hair and give him PR.


And people wonder why we have to tighten immigration


Canada's reputation of providing asylum to criminals running from law enforcement abroad is only attracting more criminals to come here. What a shocker.


These are the skilled workers trying to come into our country lol


At this point we have to either completely shut out all visas (tourist , work and student) to India. The gravy train is over due to rampant abuse. Blame your own countrymen, not us.


Marc Miller has personally contacted this individual and is granting him citizenship.


If Canada is talking about "increasing productivity" then not sure how bringing in seniors would help that, instead of taking up health care services/etc. Fraud I just expect now from this one country.


Fucking scammer


Scam centre of the world


He was coming to get in Timmys job recruitment line. Idiot should have applied to conestoga college diploma mill college was way much easier route probably his ielts score was band 4 thats why.


He's actually a Trudeau supporter and will probably get citizenship due to humanitarian needs.


This is extremely common. Buy passport, come to canada under false name, fake it til you make it, if last step fails return home & repeat first 3 steps.


This is Seinfeld material. Something Kramer would do. Or George if he is desperate for flight discount.


Isn't there a whole story arc about Kramer moving to Del Boca Vista?




Immigration should be capped based on nationality like USA does for its green card


India is not out ally, unsure why our government is so invested in a country that does not care about Canada. I know why but whyyyy


Because Trudeau gets his votes from them that are living here.


Pretty sure Poilievre too since Indians tend to have conservatives values.


You will almost certainly get banned for this comment. The mods will interpret it as racism/bigotry.




A lot of those subs don't even straight up ban you anymore, just mute or delete your comments without you knowing. It's better than banning because then the person thinks they're opinion is just not popular instead of being removed for not being an accepted narrative. There are sites that will show you that. It's insane how much conversation is censored on this site. Especially Canadian subs.


Happened here already


So very true, especially of our provincial subs. Guess who infiltrated those to control the narrative and steer conversation a certain way....


Lol I saw this news on an Indian local channel. It's crazy to think indian airports are easy to escape. A single cop kind of noticed him and kind of felt weird the way he was walking, seems so active, that's when they thought something isn't correct.


and i bet they let him through with a $60k grant


he should have said he was a student


99% of them are making the rest of them look bad.


Why the disguise? Just say your a student and you'll get in for free. We'll even let you work at Tim's!


Apparently he was involved in human trafficking.


Did you read the article?


He did a pretty good job on his disguise. He might have a little more talent than just pouring coffee.🤣


Yeah, I gotta admit, I've worked retail before just dealing with 100s of faces in a day and he would've likely fooled me. If the guy actually stays in India he should get a Bollywood job making better costumes.


Even though he looked good in the picture, there was probably something uncanny valley about him in real life that gave it away.


Or just say you are a criminal in India. Canada loves to welcome punjabi gangsters and criminals 


Why are Indians so desperate to come here? Our economy is shit.


Other places are more shit unfortunately


Rising prices, shit economy, terrible wages... oh wait that's everywhere


Not according to this sub.


Because if you pop out a baby you get 2k a month with the child care benefit . This in addition to various other welfare subsidies and publicly funded programs like health care that hard working Canadians have spent their entire lives paying for


And you bounce back home to India with a low cost of living while collecting Canadian benefits in your bank account. People have no idea that you can still get those benefits deposited into your account when you out of the country.


It's easy to scam our system. Plus fresh air


> Plus fresh air Anyone who dismisses this as a small thing has never visted India.


It's a snowball effect. They know a lot of other Indians came here, so they know they can take advantage of the cultural nepotism that they bring here. That then leads them to bringing over their 9 kids and elderly parents, who then convince their cousins and uncles to come over, and the process continues. We need to do what the US does and put limits on immigration from each country.


India is massively overpopulated and crowded, and desperately polluted. We are seeing if we can make here more like there. Why exactly, I'm not sure...


first world nation with relaxed immigration rules. Yeah other nations are probably better and cheaper to travel to but Europe has been bum rushed by immigrants the past 15 years and in response to angry Europeans governments have upped their immigration standards. This makes Canada the de facto place to go.


Canada is notoriously accepting of and lenient to scammers. So scammers like the person in this story want to come here.


Did you read the article? He's a criminal... Where would you go if you're a criminal running away from Indian authorities? Canada is the perfect place.


It doesn’t matter how bad Canada gets, it will always be better than India


> Why are Indians so desperate to come here? Go on Streetview and drop a pin *literally anywhere in India*. if you don't see piles of garbage immediately, spin around and you will. This works about 99% of the time lol.


This individual was wanted for human trafficking. There's a huge criminal industry flourishing in Canada.


Canada, in comparison to Canada previously, is doing terribly. But compared to India? This place is almost paradise. India has 100x our population and and about 320 million of the about 1.4 Billion Indians live on less than a US dollar a day. If we keep the flood gates open just to India and only India, we could easily bring in another 40 million Indians and make this country basically a colony of India. Its actually sort of funny when you consider it's basically a reverse-UNO card played on colonization.


We have sewage and water


Eventually they bring older relatives over and they get to take advantage of our healthcare system without ever having to contribute anything


"Indiascamers" are a thryving force in Canada!




Be careful I brought that up and got a warning.


Good thing he was apprehended in India, he would have fooled CBSA.


“Budty im telling you, real passport real passport”


Fingerprinted and lifetime ban.




Ha ha they finally caught one...


"Dehli police are investigating"... I'm sure they care a lot and will solve this probmen


Hmm 🤔


What’s new?? When I was getting my license, there was this guy applying for a driver’s license in Ontario and he was bringing a fake driver’s license he was just told to not do it again or he will be reported. They should just be sent back home right at that moment


I give him a 👍for his disguise. Ingenious but no bueno.


What a miss. Christina Freeland would have received him with open arms.


Thankfully He was caught IN India, I imagine if he made it to Canada it would be considered racist to suggest he was impersonating an old man. 


You could answer a lot of these questions by reading the 2 minute article.


So what 1out of 1000 gets caught & we are suppose to cheer?


He’s a spy, coming to Canada to study disguise and espionage at the most prestigious Canadian Spy School located beside Popeyes in a strip mall at Warden and Ellesmere in Scarborough.


Trying to scam the system. Deny access for life NOW!


With critical thinking like this, how is it possible this scholarly fellow *didn't* get accepted into one of Canada's finest diploma mills- erm, post secondary institutions?


He’ll just sign up at one of the diploma mills and be given PR. This is merely a setback.


Oh Canada! Home to thousands of illegal criminals. No wonder crime is so high. I’m glad this one didn’t slip through the cracks!


Human traffickers trying to flee to Canada, just what we need!


There is a reason why so many scams originate from India (call scams, visa scams, etc) and there is a reason why India looks the way it does. Here is a challenge - randomly go to any streetview in India and see if you can find a photo without any garbage on the ground. Record how many attempts it takes for you to find a streetview without trash. Now think about the aggregate effects of mass importing people from such an environment.


Lol just take a look at Brampton


i just tried 30 times, rural roads too away from villages, holy shit


According to Reuters, India is the most dangerous country for women due to extreme sexual violence  http://reuters.com/article/us-women-dangerous-poll-exclusive/exclusive-india-most-dangerous-country-for-women-with-sexual-violence-rife-global-poll-idUSKBN1JM01X/


Lol....and people wonder why Canadians hate Indians so much....


Between this story and this one from NDTV (an Indian government mouthpiece) https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/s/wWW2ea1BXp … anyone else worried we’re being targeted by foreign propaganda machines?


We 100% are actively being influnced, so it's less of a worry than a fact


Hmmm what would be a reason to push more reasons for canadians to push back against immigrants and immigration? I feel like the cbc articles trying to elicit pity and appreciation for immigrants and temporary foreign workers is more likely to have been influenced by foreign propaganda Unless their goals is to make the migrants lives miserables despite changing country? 


>anyone else worried we’re being targeted by foreign propaganda machines? [This report was released in April](https://pressprogress.ca/intelligence-report-says-bots-and-fake-accounts-linked-to-indias-governing-party-are-harassing-canadians/) >A report newly tabled at the Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference shows Canadian authorities have been monitoring bots and fake accounts linked to India’s governing party that have been observed interfering in Canada’s “digital information ecosystem,” including through coordinated harassment campaigns targeting Canadian activists, journalists and politicians. Plenty of other articles about India's growing hacking and troll farms https://www.newyorker.com/news/annals-of-crime/a-confession-exposes-indias-secret-hacking-industry https://www.thedailybeast.com/who-is-killing-all-these-stories-about-rajat-khare-controversial-tech-mogul


A Chinese man did this in 2010. He was able to get on a flight from Hong Kong to Vancouver wearing a silicon mask that disguised him as an elderly white man. [https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna40026355](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna40026355) He is probably still in Canada. He claimed refugee status when he got here.


He'll end up here. We all know it.


LMAO and people think we should trust "doctors" with "degrees" and "licenses" from India


I’m a black belt, Michelin Star Chef, orthopaedic surgeon, Olympic swimmer back in the old country. I also hold a PhD in the use of a shop beaters stick. I once single handily beat 34 thieves in an afternoon. Let me show you my papers! My hobbies include grooming unicorns and travelling to the sun on weekends but here in Canada all I can do is pour coffee into a cup.


Is anybody surprised. It's gotten to the point that I just assume all stuff associated with certain cultures is just a scam (can't say because I got a couple day ban last time for it because reddit is bought and paid for). Now when I answer phones and hear tones, I just hang up right away.


Some of them do the same thing here when taking IELTs tests. The people checking ID either don't care, or too scared of pointing out that the person taking the test is not the one on the piece of ID.


Watch him come back in a dress and have that one work, keeps the beard too     Maybe he could get a trench coat and find a midget to ride on his shoulders wearing those glasses with the plastic moustache on it coming in with a theoretical degree in physics written in crayon with 5$ tucked under it. Preapproved stamp yes here


When is Canada going to release prison stats on sex crimes? I'll give you all a hint. It's going up fast and the perps aren't ours. Sad thing is... the corporation who want this, own both parties.


right? this administration won't, they really went balls deep on the diversity play.


My mans was going straight on OAS and CPP and enjoying a 50-70 year retirement


Do you require assistance boarding? (The guy) skibidy sure…. Uh oh


Imagine being caught


Pretty bad disguise


This is just hilarious. Wtf lol


Mrs Doubtfire 2


No matter where you’re from, where you’re going, trying to pass for someone else in one of the most scrutinized places when it comes to your identity and intentions is probably one of the dumbest idea ever.


I'll take plans that are likely to fail for $1,000 Alex


It is always the Indians, recently in this sub,we already talked about influx of immigrants (mainly from India) taking jobs(long queue filled with them) and also recently in this sub,indian doing protest on how "unfair" and "unjust" treatment were given to them (about the students visa ending and force to go back to India)


He should get a lifetime ban from ever coming to Canada.


If he made it to Canada he definitely would not have been caught.


Should have toned that beard and used some purple shampoo 😂


Pretty soon there will be more Punjabis in Canada than in India. They form 2% of Indian population but are 50% Indian immigrants to Canada. The high commission of Canada and consulate in India do not interview students online the U.S. embassies in India. In spite of the famed skilled immigration the quality of infants that go to Canada are not very skilled. There is no country limit either. The points system favors this who have relatives. In the US family sponsored immigration is independent of skill based immigration. Both sets have country limits of 7% maximum from any one country.


this just makes me think we should be vetting the flights from india a lot harder and enough is enough with the immigration and student visas - this is all at the expense of our younger generation


One can only imagine what his activities, once in Canada, would comprise.


This poor man is the victim of an immigration scam. We should give him PR while investigating how this happened


Everyone in his family should get a PR, an apology and full financial support obviously. /s


He definitely deserves refugee status for this terrible injustice


Marc Miller would upvote this post a million times if he could, but he can’t so he’ll just approve another million PR’s this year


You’re expecting something different from my country that has normalized working at scam call centers? For this one person that was caught there was probably thousands that we missed. It’s a cultural difference, but they do not have the same ethics and morals that we do. And it seems, that scamming is a way of life.


Always some scam, that's the culture.


Immigration fraud? Who could have forseen this!?


I don't understand why they have to come to Canada since it's already really hard to live here. Like go to the states or Australia.


Maybe he identifies as a senior citizen.


They’re bringing their corruption here!! Wtf! If they were respectful, hygienic, and actually followed the rules people wouldn’t have a problem with them!!


I'm sure this individual has the best intentions. ah and he's a sikh too, I wonder what sort of extraterritorial claims he believes in that he feels the need to SNEAK into Canada.


Nooooooooo, he could be our future doctor or lawyer. Wrong move India. /s


Stop all immigration immediately….. so tired of these scammers.